THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS PACK TWELVE THURSDAY DECBMRRR 18. 1927 r" 1 ................■ OREGON STATE NEWS OF GENERAL INTEREST November » a s the ctoudleat month of the Oregon State Soldiers’ home, The Sterling mine near Jacksonville, of the name sines official raoonl* war» at Roseburg, took hla Ilfs last weak closed (or several years, la again In begun '» Portland In 1 » « . Ths sun More than 200 people are employed operation Gold waa first discovered waa hlddaa by rhaada M par rant of at the Ashland cannery In completing on Sterling creek in 1883 and records tha tlma. thara having bran only If one of the biggest apple-canning sea show that »10.000.000 was taken front T * ' hour» and 1« minutes of aunahlna. oat sons in tha hlatory of tha institution the diggings in the ensuing gold lush Brief Resume of Happenings of of a possible 284 hoar» and < mlnutea Twenty-five carloads have been sold The Marcy hospital In Rugano la to Ona day waa partly cloudy and the and shipped. be consolidated with the Pacific Chris­ the Week Collected for remaining 1* were aloudy; on *f ad The annual Curry County Teachers' tian hospital, creating the largest In­ these day» rain fall la measurable stitution of the kind lu the state. out­ Our Readers. Institute, scheduled In Gold lleach N» amounts. side of l*»rtland. President Haadersoa vain her 32 and 32. waa postponed until Thera wara three fatalities In Ore­ ■ he Infantile paralysis situation In of the International Bible mission, During the past year Benton county gon due to Industrial accidents during Coca county, ns well as Curry county. which owns both prepvrllae. has **■ has retired »87.000 worth o f Indebted- Bounced. tha wash ending December L accord- I la changed. Mas. leaving Its obligations at the . Ing to a report prepared by the state present tlma »341.000 1 Every stale Institution In Oregon Industrial accident commission. Tha Official records of the city health victims Included: Robert K Toung. was ahead of Its financial expectancy bureau now show 10 cases of Infantile Portland, loader; Edward Hansaa. tor the biennium October 1 of this iContlnued from Page 11) paralysis In Portland Two new cases Oregon City, buchar, and Prank A. year, according lo a report prepared Walker and Myrtle llarvey of Spring by Carle Abrams, secretary of the were reported last week. Held and l*nul II Pengrn of Corvallis Bun da. Portland, saw operator. Thara Three places were robbed In Wood- was a total of 70» accidents reported state board of control. Dr. Hill Is a brother-ln law of the Debaters of tha University of lha late W J Pengrn and while hero horn Saturday night and an attempt to the commission daring tbs month. When you cull phone 9, you will And Santa Claus walling Philippines dafeatad opponents from preached lu the Eugene Baptist to enter a fourth was unsuccessful, the A request that the new day sshsol to fill your order for Chriatmaa Groceries;. And what a tha University of Oregon last weak by robbers evidently being frightened tor Indian children M Bares he ea- church. liberal assortment of good isllbles he bus provided for your a popular verdict on tha subject of •w ay. panded Into a hoarding school, pre­ •election. II Independence for the Philippines, Announcement Is made that a n e w sented ____ to Charlee H Burke. FRITTS CRANBERRIES U06.000 theatre will be built In Med , lontr of Indian affaire, by Senators which tha Oregon team opposed I THURSTON NUTS CELERY Unless there la a revival In the lum tord n eit spring by L Neldetneyer and jgc>qary and Stelwer and Repreeeata- ORANGES LHTTUCB Carl F eh l., The house will have a ca U t , jj j g inBott o{ Oagwa. area given her business In tha near future tha l*rofesaor Park gave a party at his APPLES CHRISTMAS CANDIES parity of 1570 earearagem eet bp that official Charles K. Spaulding Logging com homo last Thursday evening for in - BANANAS FRUIT'!’.'KE8 IN THE CAN pany’a mills la Salam will ba forced to C K. Seooy. who farms near Ontario. Commissioner Burks explained that senior class In high school. bad 11 acres in clover thia year from additional expenditures lor Indian close ladlfinllety. Closing of the plant Crowe basketball team s player I which he realised from seed and hay schools It frowned upon at present by would affect approximately 300 men Thurston teams last Friday evening Send us your holiday orders. We deliver free and your Guernsey cattle breeders of Linn both Thurston teams won. »1433. besides retaining SO tons of hay the budget bureau order wUl he tilled from our fresh stock of mil tonally known county were organised recently after tor his own use. That L. Madevlch. a logger, want Mrs Cumin and son John, returned quality products. A slide 40 feet long and 10 feet deep through 41 years of life with his dl having existed heretofore as a two- to their home near Salem last Thurs­ county organisation. Tha change waa tam e Jown on the tracks of tha S. P gestlve organs In his cheat sad his day after spending a week with Mr. A S. railway at Bugby. near Astoria heart on the right side of hla body, effected at a meeting of Guernsey and Mm. Ira Gray. taking out the telegraph lines and was disclosed at a poet m on am par- breeders held In the city hall at A1 Mrs. William Rennie who under­ blocking the tracks formed at Aatorln following his death bany. went an operation some time ago ' last week. Madorich. apparently, was An eiplodlng oil stove set fire to > has returned to here home here She The number of building permits Is­ normal. His stomach was where his the Thom estate hotel In Imkealde. hasn’t l»»-u very well fogi several sued in Portland for October. 1937. heart should have been and the heart near North Bend, l u t week, and days. and their valuation was somewhat less j was high up on the rtght side Hie caused a loss of (20.000 when It burned Ihtvld Barnett, small son of Mr than for October, 1924. but greater in j lungs were egcepilonally small, the ; to the ground and the tire communl and Mrs. Wm Barnett, fell last Sun Value than for September. 1937. the left one being only slightly larger than cated to and damaged a garage next day morning striking on the oven permit di vision o f the city building in­ an ordinary teacup. door. door cutting a gash between hla eyes spector's office announced. Otto Erickson, well known Washing to the bone which required a stitch Tommy Plaids of near Redmond last Portland’s total deepaea commerce week rode a horse which rawed to Its ton county automobile dealer, «rat to close IL the first 1» months of this year ex­ death, breaking Its neck when It jump­ nominated for re-election as mayor of ceeds that for the entire year 1915 ed a ditch and tumbled through a wire Beaverton by the largest rote ever Buyer: "Does thia flannel shrink?" and it greater than for the first 1# '" ” LI ” 7 boy "ZZZ fence. The was 'ZLZZZZ'IL.L. pinned under .¿Z the polled at a town caucus last week. Clerk: "Not so much as I would months of 192». the record year In pert Mr. Erlckaou has served six terms as from telling you It didn't. If It did." horse, hut escaped without Injury. history. It now appears that the 1937 Total number of school chlldran In mayor. total deepeea trade will set a new Many fruit growers of Clackamas Lana county as eanmerated daring tha Merry Christmas —and a Happy high record. lata census la 15.0(8. according to re­ county. at a meeting of the Clackamas New Tear to each customer, without' Revenues of the state corporation vised figures annouaoed by & Moors, Producers' association la Oregon City extra charge. To Churchea, Lodgea, Sunday School* department daring the fiscal year. county school superintendent This recently, signed up for membership ------------------------------- I We are prepared to take care of Christmas wants in July 1. 192«. to June 30. 1927. aggre­ la an laureate of 127 over the number Into the organisation, and permanent Special Christmas flowers, either a wholesale way. gated »SM.774.14. or an increase of counted last year, tha cenaua of 192» officers will be elected at the next plants or cut flowers at Oldham ft (3307 3». when compared with the re­ showing 14,941. meeting. Schantols. Phone CALL Phone ceipts for the previous 12 months, ac­ A meeting of the road district waa An unpleasant situation exists for cording io the annual report completed the Gold HUI school budget for the held last Tuesday night In the Mill Get you Holly Wreathe end Sprays la Salem recently. It waa voted to »■r your Christmas decorations at ensuing year. At a recent election the City schoolhouse. Public utilities operating In Oregon taxpayers were asked to pees on the raise »5000 by taxation, this money to Oldham ft Itohsntols. this year will contribute property budget and vote on a ( per cent In­ be need for additional gravel and oil taxes ia the amount of approximately crease on the levy. They adopted the on the road between Mill City and on prices on platea and other work, tf »(.500.000. or 15 per cent of all such budget, but rejected the Increased tax Mehama. CALL AND BEE Dr N W Emery taxes paid ia the state. This Is an — T levy necessary to provide for the bud­ increase of »2.000,000 In the 4ast four get. A new election will be called to j years Iue to a revision of valuations reconsider the tax levy. and the increased public demands. Locked In the Bulletin office In Bend i Over 1700 pounds of rabbits ware for several hours, a dog. Sunday af- 1 sanned in Medford recently at tha ' ternoon. gained its liberty by “calling" Rjopu*- River cannery, thia making an , a telephone operator, the operator's : estimate of 1128 cans which w.ll he of­ , query, “Number, please." being an- j fered for sale at local grocery stores swered by a "woof, woof." The opera-! Another large canning of rabbits will tor listened to further "woof, woofs" he held within the month. then called a number of the Bulletin ! < While his breakfast burned on the staff. A telephone instrument was store in his shack on Catching Inlet, found upset, with dog tracks nearby. six miles from Marshfield, and with ( Reports heve reached Astoria to the his dog locked in 1 hind him. Caleb ! effect that a train of five loaded oll- Greene. 55. was clubbed to death with tank cars, two boxcars loaded with a sawed-off baseball bat almost on provisions and a flat car had broken the doorstep of bis bumble home last away from the engine hauling the week. srven cars up the B. W. T.mber com- Believed to be the largest v?get;b!e pscy branch of the Kerry line and has been cmrefofly of it» kiad ever grown in the Des­ ' iropfed down a four mile grade at checked and recon­ chutes basin, a turnip nearly three feet , terrific speed before tearing up rails d itio n e d w h e re In circumference and weighing 21S and leaving the track. The cars were pound», is on exhibit in the Bend demolished and it Is estimated that chamber of commerce office. The big about a week will be required to re­ turnip was grown on the Livesay pair the line. Business men and farmers in the form, near Sisters. The Oregon Telephone company, Bandon area are desirous of obtaining with headquarters at Marshfield, has a fifth ferry, which would operate over filed notice with the public service the lower Coquille river at the Dan­ commission that It has eliminated six- ielson place and connect with the party line service at Its Mcjfinav.lle Roosevelt highway, which Is 2000 feet The ferry would permit ex-hange. Common battery s-rvice In­ southward stead of magneto service has been es­ travel over either the North Bank or ■ the Roosevelt highway and would be tablished at Forest Grove. a convenience for the ranchers living Organization of the fruit growers of on the North Bank road between C o-! Oregon. Washington and California ; quille and Bandon, yet cut off from Into one large and effective association communication across the river. was predicted in Salem by Seymtlur Approximately 497 cars of celery Jones, state market agent, who has returned to Salem after attending a were shipped from the Lake Lablsh meeting of the fruit growers and farm- ' district, five miles north of Salem, this | j v - T j r C S ers of California, held at Stockton re­ season, accordlog to anr..,un> ement made by directors of the marketing as­ cently. sociation. Shipments In 1926 sggre- ‘ The apportioned property valuations gated 344 cars. of all public utilities in Oregon for the The valuation on taxable property , year 1927. exclusive of the Western in Coos county for 1927 shows an la- ! 1924 FORD COUPE. 1926 CHEVROLET TOURING, with Glass En- Union Telegraph company, have been __ closure. crease of »934,471, acconflng to figures 1923 CHEVROLET SEDAN. 1926 F 0 RD COUPE, Ruxtell and Other Equlp- fixed at »168,947,14126. according to available at the county assessor's of- ' a statement prepared by the state tax 1927 CHEVROLET TRUCK and Cab. ment. flee. This shows a gala of 11.23 per 1 commissioner. The property valua­ cent and does not Include the valua- : tions of these utilitUs In 1924 aggre­ Uon of public utilities. gated »141.875.994 35. Ths Roosevelt highway between 1 F. G. gchattauer of Honolulu has purchased 50 head of western Oregon Seaside and Tillamook Is closed to 1 1926 CHEVROLET ROADSTER. 1921 DODOE ROADSTER. cattle which will be shipped to the traffic because of high water, accord­ 1927 CHEVROLET TRUCK, with Cab. 1924 STAR TOURING ‘ Sport Model.” Hawaiian islands December 1, by way ing to reports reaching the state high­ 1923 DODOE SCREEN DELIVERY. 1924 DODGE TOURING, A - 1 Mechunlcally. of Portland. The cattle were pur­ way department In Salem. 1923 CHEVROIJ5T TOURING. 1923 OVERLAND TOURING. Governor Patterson has accepted sn chased mostly in Marlon and Polk MOST OF THESE CARS HAVE BEEN RECONDITIONED AND REFINISHED IN DUCO AND counties. The total paid for the ani­ Invgation to be in Medford to open ! CARRY OUR O. K. TAG. mals was »15.000. according to Dr. W. the better homes exposition scheduled X to take place four days In the local If. Lytle, state veterinarian. A person to bs sllglbis to appoint-. beginning December T. meat as Justice of the peace mart Residents along the Willamette river have lived In the dletrlet tor sla ' met at Champoeg park Sunday to con month, prior lo such appointment, so- alder ths construction of a new high serdlng to a legal opinion prepared by way from Salem to Portland by way of lha attorney general recently. The Butteville and the Champoeg reserve Eugene Springfield 930 Olive Street «•»■ton was sought by Governor Pat- Slashing his throat with a razor In lersen la connection with tbs selection » ( p»n e f despondency, William Ben­ et a jtstlce of the peace la Coos ooua- ton, 84. civil war veteran, a resident I Santa Awaits Your Order Community New» —for— Christmas Groceries At the White Front Grocery Candy in One-Pound Buckets FREE 2 Moulds With 3 Pks. Jello 6 Moulds with 6 Pks. Jello SATURDAY Post Bran Flakes 8-WHITE FRONT GROCERM PRICES SMASHED z’ ® \ On our Complete Stock of This Car V Motor v Radiator v R ea r Axle V Transmission v Starting V Lighting v Ignition V Battery •v Upholstery v Top V Fenders v Finish We Have to Many—We Must Unload During this sale we are moving part of our stock to Springfield at the Jolliff and Scaiefe Garage The Following List on Display at Springfield: All Cars Plainly Priced The Following List on Display at Eugene: Buy Now before the Model You Want is Gone Gannett Motor Co. Jolliff and Scaiefe