The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, December 15, 1927, Page 11, Image 11

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Boys’ Club Leader of McMinnville
Declared All-American Champion
Is Such a Welcome Gift
Give unto others what you would have them give unto you!
ing practical gifts of furniture.
Give pleas­
Som ething th a t will continue giving
pleasure for years to come.
Note» From
the Art
Gift» are here from all corner*
of the globe, gay color* and in­
teresting subject* to please the
mo»t exacting.
Bud Vaaea
M ediu m i l H «tender re see la e ry -
eted or em erald green—
Writing Desks
4 Alex Cruickshank, Yamhill county’s leading club member and
leader for 10 years, who has just received double national recognition I
by winning both the Moses club leadership trophy and first place in
the Farm Journal leadership contest in competition with thousand*
of the best club member-leaders from practically every state in the
union. Though Cruicl: l ank 1* now a sophomore in agriculture at
Oregon State college lie has continued his club activities with in­
creasing success. In recognition of his achievements, organization«
of his home city and county arranged a monster celebration for Sat­
' r IP. tc e rv ; as the occasion for formal presentation
of tue beautiful Moses trophy.
V hat more intimate family giti
.id ».-.c
give the home? The Writing Desk provides
a real and treasured gift for generation*.
Spinet Deaka
R em in d er« o f th e e a rly C olo nial Days
oraftem an a h lp . Solid hard w oo d con
strucU on w ith m aho gan y fin is h .........
Spanish Cheat Deaka
Chest on leg * style (a s Illu s tra te d )
a re very po pu lar. C hoice o f W a ln u t
o r M a h o g an y veneer panels on h e rd -
Community News
Secretary Deaka
C o m b in in g a bookcaee w ith the w r it­
ing desk, has epace fo r n e arly fifty fl‘ C '7
hooka, and ro o m y w r itin g « p ace......... «J>«J e
Bud Vaaea
T a ll elee In elender tw isted effeote.
•h o le « o f o ra n *« o r erjratal edged
w ith gold—
Framed Picture*
w o n d e rfu l
eeeortm ente
f r a i,.ed picture« In large va rie ty of
$1.00, $1.98
T ilt T o p Tablet
U n fin is h ed
tablea when decorated
m ake fine gifte.
Floor Lamps
O n * gro u p o f F lo o r l-am pa. w h h Tarn«
■ • l e c t i o n of nhudri* on a ll m etal baaea,
double aockota and w irin g com plete, o n ly
O ther S ty le s up to $35.00
Bridge Lamp*
P leated C h in tz In flo ra l dcelgn or m e ta l
ad juatab le
lig h t
socket end w irin g to r one lig h t, eoro-
P iflo w s
new sh ip m en t o f Sofa l ’llio w « In g o r­
geous com b ination s o f
and o ther
fabric«, e ll colcra. re g u la r $ « 5 0 values,
fo r—
Sofa Pillowa
L arg e elze Sofa P illow », a il o f th e very
newest «tyles, shapes and colors very
effe c tiv e fo r an y room , re g u la r 17.00
value, fo r—
Table Lampa
Smoker Stand*
One group of T a b le Lam pa w ith Im p o rte d
vaae atyla In a ra and georgette ah a dag In
v a rie ty o f colors, co m p lete—
S om eth ing new In S m o ker Stands, m ade
e n tire ly o f w ro u g h t Iro n In an tiq ue fin ­
ish, very a rtis tic and useful—
Choose Gifts Now
Pay Next
, Morton Bristow and two children,
1 Mres. Andy Olson and son. Robert,
1 Mrs. Elsie MqKenzie, Mrs. E. E. KIF
j Patrick and daughter, Mrs. Asa Hig-
The young folks of the Pleasant gin8 an(i Mrs. Mortenson.
Hill Christian church gave a program j \v. A. Baker and family have sold
Saturday night at the Woodman Ha' tbeir farm at Pleasant Hill and left
In spite of the disagreeable weathei last week for California.
The Pleasant Hill girls' basketball
the hall was well filled. The different
numbers including a short play of the team won from the Walker team last
Christian Endeavor society was great­ Friday in a very hard fought game.
ly appreciated. The entertainment The boys’ team of Pleasant Hill also
was greatly appreciated. The enter­ brought victory to thetr school. The
tainment was given for the in tu it next game will be played at Creswell.
of the W. C. T. V. childrens home at
Corvallis. Considerable produce and
gifts were brought for the hime and
a collodion taken up.
Mr. and Mrs. 8 H. Callison moved
Saturday evening special elections
their stock last week from the'r much
at Pleasant Hill to the Otto Morton were held in Norkenzie Willakenxla
and District 160 for the purpose of
ranch at Cloverdale. The have son
voting on consolidation. The votes
their chickens and will turn their at-
stood: Norkenzie 11 yes. and 3 no;
,e CtiOED
U the Booth- W U i^ n rie 12_yes and 25 no; Distrilt
160. 10 yest and 13 no.
Kelly mill in Springfield.
Mrs. Bell Lindley of Camp Creek
J. A. Phelps is working at the Jed
spent a week with her parents Mr.
Wheeler mill at Trent
Lyman Tinker has recently added and Mrs. O. H. Haugann.
Mrs. A. C Travis left Sunday for
two more Jersey cows to his herd
Tillamook for a week's visit with her
having purchased one from Adams of
daughter, Mrs. W. J. Morrow. The
Cloverdale and one from Eber Balin
Travis family plan on holding a fam­
of Edenvaie.
Saturady afternoon the house ot ily reunion Christmas.
Mrs. S. A. Jones and grandson of
Clifford Williams in Edenvaie burned
to the ground. Clifford Williams ani Portland spent the week-end with the
his mother. Mrs. O. M. Williams, were W. H. Anderson family.
“Grandpa" Ferguson arrived at the
away and Leeter Williams had started
a fire in the house and gone to his H K. Chase home jfor j m j n
chores. When he returned from his visit. He had been visiting at the
chores he found the houBe in flames. home of his grandson, Marlon Bigelow
, He tried to save the furniture but the of Corvallis. In eptte of
Arc already had too big a start. There , ostogenerian he Is spry and happy
' was not insurance as the policies had and counts himself young Instead of
I been dropped a short time ago
| The women of Pleasant Hill gather-
* «ork shower sponsored by Mr.
I cd at the home of Mrs. A. J. Higgins Bewey Ray and Mrs. Marvin Chase
! Thursday December 8, for another get 1 ™
»’ « ”• home ”f the former ln
acquainted sewing bee. There were
’ eighteen women present in epite of day. Refreshments were served hy
the rain. Donations for the girls the hostess. The following were pres­
; Junior college of Eugene were discus­ ent : Miss Maude Chase, Mrs. Homer
sed. Canned goods or eatables of any Chase. Mrs. Harry Chase, Mrs Ever­
’ kind and clothes are acceptable. It ett Chase. Mrs. Ed. Cole. Mrs. Eugene
was decided that those who could Chase, Miss Gladys Chase. Miss Ina
donate'leave thetr gifts at Mrs. Har- H"hb«rd. Mrs Wilfred Cook. Mm
den s home on or before Monday Dec-
Mrs Lester Cyr. and Mrs Bessie
ember 19 Those who can help pack Chase
thp guest of honor.
Miss Edna Patterson returned home
and transport them to Eugene are
asked to do so. The next meeting from the Eugene hospital Saturday
will he at the home of Mrs. Andy and Is convalescing after a recent
Olson, Mrs. Allen Wheeler and Mrs. operation.
J. H. Zumtner of Portland visited
Ed Mitchell assisting her as hostesses
with hts sister-inlaw. Mrs. W J.
on the third Thursday ln January.
Those present were as follows: Mrs. Pengra, on his return from a trip to
| C. L. Williams, Mrs. C. E. Jordan and Medford.
In honor of relatives, Mrs. W. J.
son, Marion, Mrs L. Miller, Miss
Esther Miller, Mrs. Ernest Schrenk. Pengra and Mrs. Edith Bockes enter
Mrs. Bruce Wheeler, Mrs. Allen tained with a dinner party Sunday
Wheeler and daughter, Kathryn. Miss The following were those who j ai
Leta Wheeler, Mrs. Ed Mitchell and clpated In the reunion: Dr. C. M Hill
daughter, Peggy, Mrs. T. D. Robtnett of Berkley. California, Mr. and Mrs.
and daughter, Marjorie June, Mrs. J. Olaf Olson of Portland, Mr. and Mm.
G. Roblnett, Mrs. W. L. Bristow, Mrs. A. E. Wheeler of Eugene, Mrs. Ella
(Continued on Page 12)
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By Special