THB SPRINOFIBIJ) NEWS Take a Cruise Through Christmas Gift Aisle Happy, bustling crowds throng the m ind. streets and stores. W hat Is the 1 For tho»» who like book». you will strange phenomena that has changed hud a wide range of tttlea and author*, tire,!, cross faces into bright eager Including the neweet Action, old » “ «• f»»»rltea. Nothing ones? W hat makes the children e te n make» a more pleaalng gift. more starry-eyed than usual? A g ift that any man w ill appreciate W h at Indeed? Don’t you k n o w ' ; — Aist. because it is useful as well as Can t you guess* By Arti Brisbane because It's Christm as tim e again—and ornam ental— and secondly he has alw ays wauled to own t i n e is Santa Claus— that same folly old VALUE Or BKEVITT. Sprittglleld stores saint o f our childrhood days is w ait a dressing gown THE G. 0 . P CONVENTION. tag at the threshold of "Wonderland" have a large selection - In u variety of COLDEST SPOT ON EARTH. to welcome all bis old friends. No m aterials and style»— in gay or sub MARRIAGE STILL BEST. dued colorings, and hubby w ill no wonder the children are happy! * = ------ :---- • " " i n IIW — — And the spirit Is contagious It neel to pretend to receive It w ill President Coolidga, a man ol lew would be Impossible for any one to great rejoicing- his appreciation wil words, regrets that his messsgr to Congress could not be shorter. rem ain cross and irrita b le in this be real and his Christm as liapptue* adame de Sevigne wrote to her veritable fairy land o f lovely Christ j « til be completed. ughter. " if I Kid had more time For the smoker, there arc lununivr mas things, liv e ry store I t stocked should have written von a shorter able novel conceptions to w arm hi to capacity w ith suitable gifts fo r all ter.” Considering the field cov- ared the President's message will be Some are novel and unusual— some a e a rt And you w ill And his favorit- trand— a ll ready for wrapping— in t ■Iw a d shorter than most men could are practical and useful—s till others la v e made i t H it " I do not choose” gay Christm as box. are frivolously gay and extravagant arorws ability to say much in lew To W on un 'i Heart — but altogether charm ing A ll the old reliables are on display too, and this | Then, for the more intim ate femi rs, unemployed, j la one year when you w ill And. w ith a nine g ift, you w ill And a host o f Io». way lato the minim um effort, a g ift for everybody ly lingerie to delight the heart o The rioting was on you r shopping lis t- t exactly the fa00'1* lhe '* ° “ o r “ nd lhe rw ip te n t. Fo price you had planned to pay. w hether ’ J0thln« “ or* universally accept la severe in Its bnmigra­ sos, aad noting there tble to women! I It be one dollar Vr <’ oe hundred dollar« Many of the stores have arrange. Cefs Tour the Stores 1 Yo ur difficulty w ill be in e llm tn a t iliV'r wares— on tables according ft ' Ion ra th e r than in selection, fo r you I price, so If you have decided to spend mooumcat to Theodore Roose- j w ill And one g ift lovelier than the ! I say two uollars for a g ift— a ll ypi vrill be erected above die need to do Is locate the table carryln ra C at overlooking the Pan- next. i that priced merchandise. T h ere yoi CxnaL Roosevelt deserves the For the little youngsters— to whom ____; the monument should be a Christm as Day rig h tfu lly belongs— , «'ill And displayed the best that cm ji * be bad for (he money. there are hundreds of ingenious toys. ! A li his interesting talk, advising It is a g r.a t aid —and a great tint, gforaer to nave nineteen children, One th a t seems to p articularly appeal I gtc, w ill be forgotten. But the :sct saver for busy shoppers. to the youthful visitors is a highly that he put through the Panama t s colored mechanical clown that per­ sal will N O T he fore -ticn. In thal If your radio doesn't work well. Is he rendered his country great ser- forms acrobatic stunts. Incidentally, F ix It Shop. South Ftfti If one is to Judge from the num ber of is Ax it. w _____ hone 171 J -j; grown-ups crowding around It, this E age is th e n ig h t o l life . •W o rk, f o r the n ig h t is com m a g-h - n-j.t’s -. t c.” s-.ys :h . old h; n For :h -e : h r la v e not THURSDAY DECEMBER 16. 1927 . TOWN AND VICINITY H»ra From Albany— W a lle r 1‘alanuk of Albany was in town Monday in From M arcóla — Mrs. James W rig h t and C. I I Landers, both of M arcóla, were visliora In Springfield Tuesday. Mr. and Mr» A. F T aylo r of W ondllng and Puul M illican of W a lie rv llle were In town Monday. W ill M ake Homs Hero— A rth u r W il liauui arrived Iasi Tburaday lo make hia home w ith Mr and Mrs. John II W ill To Appsar In Court— I I M entoll wa arrested Friday for put'klng too far now a resident of Veneta, spent Sun chauffeur's license. V is its F ro m H a rris b u rg — W . H aro F ro m V tn a ta — M ra. C. A. Land Company Meets— The annual meeting of nieinhers of th«- llra tta ln land ceiiipuiiy «a» held Saturday even tug nt the home of Paul Hadley on east Main street Paul llra tta ln was elected presidenl of lhe company and Paul Hadley secretary treasurer. I W 'ettyjohn, form erly of SprlngAeld, but lot a resident o f Veneta, acpenl Sun lay and Monday In this city. Visit Local Depot—Charles A. Ful­ len and W W Jones, both represent­ ative.! of the I'hlcago Great W estern Hallw ay compiiny, visited Spring;! 'Id from I ‘m l land Wednesday. People M ailing E a rly — Many people are heeding posters In lhe ponin Ah e and are m ailing th e ir ('h ria lm a s pack a*.-« early, according io F H. Ham lin. Springfield poet m aster The amount of business and lhe receipts are about lhe same as for (his lim e last year, he aald. T u rn e r of H arrisburg spent Sunday laltlng his brother an I sister-in-law, dr. and M rs G I I T u rn e r. Attend Funeral at Cheshire— Mr. and Mrs. M D Lingo attended the funeral of Annie Johnson of Cheshire Sunday. T he Johnson and Lingo fam ilies were neighbors there before the Lingo's moved to SprlngAeld ..Attend Collage Grove Meeting— Out of Town Visitors— Among the Oswald Olson and W It P irtle a t­ Tuesday SprlngAeld visitors from tended a special meeting of the Cot­ neighboring communities were Mm tage Grove Masonic lodge Saturday T. S Russel of Jasper, Henry Guild ot evening. Itepreselltatlves from tho Eugene Motor route C. and I» M allatt Eugene and Drain lodges were also o f the D a rla m ill on lhe Mohawk present. ! ~ Burglarty Attem pted— T w o tinblentl list) men attem pted to enter the New land departm ent store Saturday even ing, soon a fte r the closing hour Mr. Newland and several customers who hail not yet completed th eir purchases were In the store, although the f r o n t ! door had been locked W hen M r Newland approached the fro nt of the store, the pair Bed. T he lock on the fro nt door was partlully looeened by the suspected burglars. Passes Embalming Examination — c o n n ec te d w ith th e W M e lf o r d A lle n , F. W alker funeral Thi-odoee C. Kuch, non of Mr. to light several hundred lamp? H Mr». W. W. Kuch, of Kucene, baa lium. 'he -as used in ottr dtrigi' i '■»een named K hod'« scholar trow Ore- become? liquid a f. degre*. an- ■ t o . lowing th* com petitive exam i­ abts'fte rero. In that terri ie c ’ nation In Portland recently. Hnch Irraduatrd from the I'niveraity .1* i Ire. molecules -n matter lose their m I<»« last year, and ha« «..ire I. . 12; P T Homan, 1813, Kerby Mil-i things possets any n-.r t value, fctle girl was born anyhow. r, 1920; and Tom Brockway. 1821. ' but to compel the stoma, u to toler­ Selection for Rhodes scholarship id T hat is interesting, not unusual. ate an over-feed. The normal, | egarded as the highest honor that Leonardo da Vinci, second in great- an be won by eollege and university healthy human being does not need Mss among all artists, was born oul- tudenta. Thia i year there were eight an appetizer; his desire for food is Bde o f marriage, his father and indidatea fo r the award a w a rd which w»i ther never married. He supported -loted to Rneh. exactly adjusted to hit need o f nour­ "legitimate,” respectable high ishment, and any interference with it by its erratic host wilt, in time, n half brothers and sisters. bring punishment in the way of indi­ W illiam the Conqueror was born before bis father married the inter- gestion. Fully as many people abuse sgting girl whom he first saw waxh- condiments in excesses as poison mg clothes in « brook as he rode themselves by tobacco or alcoholic past with his warriors. stimulants! Just a matter of time in action is all the difference; it takes But all that doesn’t change the fact the spice brigade a bit longer to kill that marriage is better than lack of or disable its victims. marriage Marriage will not go out Visit a popular cafe, and watch the a f fashion. I t will persist until men "tubby” men blackening big juicy become worthy of an institution at steaks with pepper, or soaking them present too good for many of them. with highly concentrated solutions, to force their great, sagging stomachs to combat the extra burden I They B irth control and publishing !n- arc only fanning a slowly-waning sormation about it are approved bv vital flame— the fire that has been Britain's "N ational Council o( tirelessly overfed. P u blic M orals.” Most condiments act by immediate T h e o re tic a lly ® womvn should Irritation, the contact with the sur­ have the rig h t to decide how many face exposed. Put some salt in your children they w ill have. eye; some mustard; some pepper, or But it is weli that understanding any compound containing it; besides b irth control has been post­ causing pain, it stimulates copious poned. _ I t m ight have prevented secretion—-does it with violence suf­ lh e arriv al o f Napoleon and C ar­ ficient to disable the optic tempor­ ly le , and surely would have pre- arily. Only a fool would put red wanted the a rriv al of Caruso, a pepper in the eye, but they do not Only eight days more until Christinas. Place your order nineteenth child. hesitate to drop the coals into the NOW, it will please us to serve you. stomadi; the effect is the same. Yes, sir, — tender, deliciously flavored roasts and the choic­ M rs. Peabody, head of the The physician employs condiment» 'omen's C om m ittee fo r F.n- est of choice poultry fresh dressed and ready for your as medicine, and wisely. H e wishes rcem ent, says "ten m illion wo- ed organs by to reatore the debilitated oven, and your own C hristm as dinner. are not only talkin g and pray- gentle itimulation ; a besotted but w orking to retain prohibi- »toraach may be improved by mod « , and see that it is enforced.” erate itimulation, but l> made weak Phone 63 — We Deliver T h e y need not w ork o r pray to er by the repetition of bigger and «tronger dote» of the stimulant Our p prohibition in the Constitu- actual use of condiment« 1«, perhap- n ; nothing can get it out. ten time« In eace»«; a wsie pla A s fo r enforcem ent, there is would be to reduce both food end om fo r much w orking and pray- condiment ayitematically. ( g in that direction. * 4th and Main Sts. Phone 63 D. W. Roof S p r in g f ie ld , O r e g o n P re se rv i >p About yo u f d d ip t lhe kedrl QUALITY- PLUS-SERVICE ÛldllM&Scini/j E Meats and Poultry for Your Christmas Feast £. INDEPENDENT MEAT CO. N e x t W eek! L ife Expectancy BL C. STUART PRATT HOLVHJRSON Don’t Forget----- — says wlBe old Santa, that glftH are fine, but after all, the way to a m an's heart Is the stom ach,—and the feast Is a very important, part of the holiday celebration. Gray's Is stocked with the finest groceries In town, and can take car«» of your every need—a t prices that cannot be equalled. We have a store full of goodies awaiting your order. Come In and see for yourself. Cranberries, Celery, Lettuce, Oranges, Apples, Bananas, Nuts, Raisins, Figs Dates. Special Price on Candies and Nuts for Christmas E R A X 5 CASHSCARRy