I ONLY ft MORE Shipping Days TIL L CHRSSMA3 THE SPRINGFIELD NEW TWENTY-FOURTH YEAR “The People's Paper* V u t O. L ib rar y NUMBER 4» HFRINOFIBLD. LANK COUNTY. ORJKION. THURSDAY DECEMBER 15, 1927 risi'm a s Hòifcion - and Worshipped Him - More Useful Gifts Altiact Shoppers This- • I Christinas for children, tricycle«. kiddle care, and little table and chair «eta 8ev- m l of then« aeta have had to he made to order to till the demand, Mr. Wright sakl "Of courae, we do not handle email toys,” Mr Wright .-»plained, “but It doea aeem that people are spending their money on more useful things.'' After the first of December, to tffe tenth or fifteenth of the month, there la always a slump In Springfield buy­ ing. Mr Wright said. Thia, he ex- plained, la because mill workers heat, tale to spend money until they kno* If the mills will resume work after Christmas Once uasured that they •will, they do their usual Christmas buying Thia happens every year, Mr Wrtght said, and thia year docs not differ from the rest. Mr. and Mrs. O. H Turner of the Turner Novelty store, have also noticed the difference In buying thia year. "I.aft year we sold so many little things." Mrs Turner explained. •‘But It seem s they're buying better things this year. We have a much bigger atock than laat year, anil many of our most expensive things, such aa doll carriage», toilet seta, dishes and ruga are sold out." The difference Ilea In the class of goods purchased. Mr Turner explain­ ed Although the amount of money spent la about equal to that spent laat year, more people are buying use­ ful things, afid not so much brtc-a-brac. "Home people aeem to b e downhearted about business," Mr. Turner condud ed. "but we're expecting a bigger year than before Already w e hare had to send In nun» orders to restock our atore." Itiulloa are now popular Chrtatmna gift» and much Interest along thia line 1« report« d by W H. Adrian. local Atwater Kent, Croaley and Zenith agent. Many people will take Ford car en­ rollment« for Christmas. Following the showing of the new car the first time In Springfield Monday. K. R. Danner. local dealer, reports a acore of ordera on the books. Grocery »tores and meat markets expect to do an exceptional good hualneaa at thia Chrlatmaa time A. R. Ladle« Mr«. Bert fhutne was elected preat- nt of the taidlea of the O. A. R. at meeting at the home of the retiring raldent, Mr» C F. Egglmann. Frl y arternoon. Other officers elected were: Mrs. alter lAXton, senior vice-president J ra. Mary Flatt, Junior vlce-prealdent; ra. C. F. Egglmann, seeretary-treaa- er; Mrs. Pearl Metcalf, musician; ra. Nettle Metralf. patriotic Inatnic f; and Mfa. Mary C. Magill, chap- M r«. Doan H e a d 0 . Kerry Chrtatmaa —and a Happy w Year to each customer, without ra charge. If your radio doesn't work well, let ua fix It. Fix-It Shop, South Fifth Phone 172. J-12. Do Your Share; Catch the True hristmas Spirit] EMMA FLO WILSON Christmas Play, anti mak* good cheer, r Christ mas com««, but once a year. Contrary to alorlea of hard llm«« and ararcg money. Springfield iner chants. a« a whole, think there la Juat aa much money being spent on Chrlatmaa presents thia year a" laat. The difference ll«a In th e practicality of the preaenta bought. they way. "It'a the first year I .ever naw an many people buying aenalble pres­ ent*.“ declared 8 C. Wright of III" Wright and 8ona Hardware company. Many of Iheaa preaenta are for tbo home, or are the kind that — and the Christmas star IX still one of Joy and love! ( ( A HD w hen they had com e in to the houte, they ta w the young c h ild w ith M a r y , h it m other, a n d they fe ll, an d w o rth ip p e d H im ; a n d when they h a d opened th e ir tre a tu re t, they p re te n te d H im g iftt; g o ld and fra n h in c en te a n d m y rrh . M a t h e w 2:11 T^eligion ROBERTA. MILLIKAN, world- We have rejected the old tribal gods, famous acientist, In an address on the god of wrath and vengeance, and the subject of Evolution, declared have substituted the god of Love. £ T \K j L X By Dr. ¡frank. Crane that religion was one of the most strik- As the progress of men's minds has exainples of evolution. This was not in broadened, as their understanding and the way of controversy or heresy, but sympathy have deepened their concep­ was merely emphasizing what was al­ tion of God has Improved, and no one ready taught In every important theolo­ can look at the activities of churches gical school If Importance in the United States. today and compare them with those of yesterday and not see that there has Scholars have been pointing out that there was a progres­ sion of doctrine in the Bible, the God of the Old Testament not having the Ideals presented in the new. There is no doubt but that religion lias atlvmieed greatly form the days of Moses until the days of Christ, Christ Jesus Is said to have come “In the fullness of time"; that Is, he came when the de­ velopment of mankind and Its stage of progress warranted hjm. Since his day there has been a great progress made. Form­ erly. religious denominations were cruel. It was common to . have fierce fighting among sects and both Protestants and Catholics were guilty of things of which they would not nowadays be guilty. The idea of God has undergone considerable vari­ ations. God may be the same "yester­ day, today and forever." but our under­ standing and apprehension of Him pro­ gress. ,3 been a great advance. The missionaries in foreign countries are not so much in­ terested in making converts to their beliefs as they are in do­ ing good to the people. The recent activities of the churches have all been in the line of helping humanity rath­ er than of fighting certain be­ liefs. In other words, there has been s definite evolution of re­ ligion from merely belief in té certain tenets to practical helpfulness of mankind. Re­ ligion means nothing more Qian a devotion to the general good Whatever there is of God nowadays is a God who Inhabits all of the people and whatever makes for the welfare of all mankind Is pleasing to Him. Religion, like everything else, must be tested by Its results. Its triumph Is not due to Its wanting all people to be­ lieve In certain things so much as M is in improving our well being. Christ—whose birthday we now ob< serve—knew all of this— and to prac­ tice “PEACE ON EARTH.” n c w srapcr , OWN once a year comes the opportunity ‘to each person to be born anew. No. matter how weary, how self-centered, how narrow, how shriveled or how engrossed we have become in the twelve months pursuit of money, glory or success, the chance comes at Christ­ mas for all of us to become new men and women. • Selfish gain may dominate our lives for eleven months and two weeks, but tor the fortnight before Christmas at least unselfish love should be the triumphant note. The king of the Christmas season Is the child. How much happier we all would be If we could grasp his carefree spirit and give our love as unstintlngly! The child puts his heart into the Christmas and therefore be takes a heart full of love with him when the day Is done. Christmas is the time to remember all the big and little kindness which have been bestowed upon us through­ out the entire year, and however you remember it—-whether with an expen­ sive Christmas present or erlth a greeting card—remember tt with love, with this in mind your gifts will not be coarsened by any desire for dis­ play or to receive som ething in re­ turn. and It will be far better to Rend the simple Christmas greeting than a showy gift that lacks the Christmas spirit. For no matter how much money yon spend, you can give no more than your friendship or love with each gift. The rich, happy beyond their deserts, should not let this day pass without making happier some of those for whom life has been less easy. You need not go far today to find a child with sorrowful, longing eyes, or perMTt>s an outstretched hand. Don't leave that hand empty. You will find easily some man or woman, old. cold and poor. Don't pass without putting at least a mom­ ents brightness Info the tired face« end faded eyes. The k«ndnesa of the InWlDduat makes ltfe possible In a ■world that is hard f6r so many. Do your share— big or little— give happl- jiesg to many If you can— to one or two at le a st And do not forget—all you who will «at. <\fftnk. and make merry, that .Christmas la, after all, Chrtat's mas«, and It doea not mean squandering, folly, gluttony— but a holy and beauti­ ful thing? Then your« will .Merry Chrlatmaa." be Indeed “A For general plumbing and repair work call the Fix-It Shop, phone 172. South Fifth Street. J-12.