dAds GET RESULTS) All kind* of houao painting, Knlsn 12 |,i r room and up. Roy Koch, Call IJ5J tf. mining Wa specialise In »wise braclet watch repairing Hoyt'a 221 hialn Street, tf S E P T IC T A N K * Ready for you to Inatall For family of Are .............„ For family of eight ............. «21 »2« at our plant Sewer Pipe—Drain Tile Chimney Bincha I U Q I N I C O N C R E T I P I P I CO. U. i Illa n » Promissory notea and re celpta printed and In stock at the New» office. CAJ-L A N D SEB Dr. N W. Emery I on platea and other work. tf. SUM M O NS In the Circuit Ceurt of the State ot Oregon for Lane County. Minnie Heather. Plaintiff, ve. Vernon Ruaael Heather. Defendant. To Vernon Ruaael Heather. Defendant IN THE NAME OF THE STATE O F HUE«It in You are hereby re qulred to appear and answer the com plaint tiled agalnet you In the above entitled suit within twenty weeks from the date of the Aral publication of thia summons and If you fall an to anawer for want thereof the plain tiff will take a decree agamat you for the dtaeolutlon of the marriage rw latlon now existing between aald plain tiff and aald defendant and that aald plaintiff to be decreed to be the owner of the following described premises Beginning on bounary line of and *120 feet NW of the most southerly point of lot 1 In block 21 lln Chain VI.ta Park. Iaine t ounty, Oregon, thence NE 70 feet, thence parallel with the SW line of .aid lot to S line of I»ake Street, thence westerly to E line of Central StraeL thence SE «0 82 feet to beginning. The date of the order ordering the publication of thia summons Is dated November I. 1827. and requires pub Bratton once each w-ek for four weeks, and date of Aral publication Is November 10th. 1827. C. A. WINTKRMEIER. Attorney fot Plaintiff. Re.ldence: Eugene, Oregon M. 10-17-24: D. 14: B U S IN E S S l’hone 130 M CARL A. WYMAN Resident Agent Sprlngflcld. Oregon Re». Phone 160 Plano Moylng SPRINGFIELD TRANSFER WILLIB BBRTSCH, Prop. OFFICE AT SERVICE GARAGE 623 Maln Street Succeasor to Sutton Transfer □ffllce Phone 43 Rea Phone 3 Carl H. Phetteplace, M. D. Oeneral Practice, Special Attention to Obstetric» and Diseases of chil­ dren. First National Bank Building Sprlngfleld. Oregon , AND AUTO INSURANCE NOTARY PUBLIC Office at FIRST NATIONAL BANK Sprlngfleld, Oregon DR. N. W. EMERY D E N T IS T Sutton Bldg. Phono SO-J Realdanca Phons 153 M Sprlngfleld, Oregon General L aw Practico I, M. PETERSON Attorney-at-Law City Hall Building Sprlngfleld, Ore. FRANK A. DE PUE ATTORNEY AT LAW NOTARY PUBLIC Sutton Building -Station Is a daring housebreaker; the luminated by dark eyes that swept chauffeur a second-story man; tbe Archie with a hasty Inquiry from un­ butler Is a thief. Down to the scullery der the brim of a black picture hat. maid, who was a clever shoplifter, all "Julia, this is my friend. Mr Comly.** i the servants are crooks I've picked up Her “very glad. I’m sure,” was I and Installed here until they can do uttered with reservations hut she j what Leary's doing. Invest their 111- smiled, a quick sad little smile. ' gotten gains In some legitimate bust The Governor had Intro»! uced her : ness. Baring baa enough rewards as Julia, carelessly, as though off , banging over him to make any one course Archie knew the rest of IL j rich who can telephone bis where­ The Oovernor asked prefunctorily abouts to police headquarters In any l about her drive into town, and town In America. Aj all branches jf l whether it had been hot in th« - -iun- the profession are represented here ' try. Dinner was announce-) . .. •- by retainers repay my hospitality by I aiely and they sat down at a round keeping me I d touch with their com­ ; table whose centerpiece of sweet 1 peas brought a coolness Into the room. rades everywhere." It seemed to Archie,that he met “I suppose. I suppose.” Archie timld- a puzzled look In Julia's ey«s from ventured, "you've told them about time to time that she was trying to me?" account for him. and her manner he "Not a word! You will act exactly thought slowly changed. Her flrst as though you were a visitor in the defensive hostility yielded to somo- house of an old friend. And now I thlng much more amiable. It was as must go through this mail—I've a chap though she had reached a decision not who collects my stuff from some of wholly unflattering and might be a the unofficial post-offices up-state. The little sorry for her earlier attitude. first room to tbe right Is yours.” “Julia, If you brought those doc» “You've got to admit the service in ments with you I'll take them up to this house is excellent. If you don't my room and look them over. It’s mind we’ll dress for dinner," remark»»1 only a matter of my signature, Isn't the Governor lounging In tbe doorway. it? I ll be down at once." "I forgot to say that there’s a lady "Very well; you will And them la dining with ns—" my bag in the hall. I must start home "A lady!" demanded Archie with a very soon, you know." frown., “I had hoped yon would spend the The Governor crossed the room, night here,” said the Governor; "but stared at the floor for a moment, and tf you won't I'm grateful even for this then said from tbe door: little glimpse.” “The lady, my dear boy, Is my The Oovernor left the room and sister." reappeared with a small satchel, took "Julia, Is usually very prompt ( but out several bundles of legal papers she Is motoring from Southampton and glanced at their superscriptions. and we must allow her the usual mar­ In a moment they heard his quick gin," the Oovernor remarked when step on the stairs. they met In the drawing-room. “It is no doubt clear to you." Jalta Tbe clock bad struck the three- remarked, “that my brother prefers c.uarters when they heard the annunc­ not to be alone with me.” iator tinkle followed by the opening “I rather surmised that." Archie re­ of the front door. The Governor left plied with an ease he did not feel. the room with a bound and Archie He turned to drop his cigarette Into heard dlstlncly hia hearty greetings tte brass receiver at his ellxiw to and a woman's subdued replies avoid contact with her gaxe, « hich "I'm sorry to be late, but we had was bent upon him disconcertingly. to change a tire. No, I'll leave my "We have but a moment, and we wraps here." must have a care not to seem to be “Won't you be more comfortable confidential. He didn't close his door, without your hat?” I think.” "No, i’ll keep it; thanks!" (TO BE CONTINUED) The door framed for a moment r young woman who !n her instant’s Group Conviction pause« in the threshold set med like a District Attorney— "What possible portrait flgure suddenly come to life She was taller than the Governor and excuse did you fellows have for ac­ carried herself with a suggestion of quitting that murderer?” Juryman—“Insanity.” his authoritative bearing. Her fac- District Attorney — "What! The was a feminized version of tbe Gov­ ernor's. exquisitely modeled and Il­ whole twelve of you?” UNBREAKABLE WATCH CRYS­ of his hand, but somewhere In the Hs-ventles he did for a moment lose Old Urowtb Fir Second Growth Fir, TALS— Fancy shapes and regulars. track of the streets, and the car, Hoyt'a Cash Store. tf. Oak, Ash. Al! lengths. Phone Spring- swinging eaat, stopped midway of a Acid 104. t f FOR HALE — Embroidered cut work block of handsome residences There Lunch Cloth and Pillow Casea Mrs. Ethel E Vaughn. 621 D St. D 1-8 was still the chance that this was all FOR HALM—I »arge Automatic Elec- by-play, a trick for concealing their ar­ tria Pu nip and large steel storage rival In town; but tbe footman war al­ CITATION tank. Priced low. Calle Hugon« ready ringing tbe bell of a bouse phone 1088. D. 8 IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE Mulshed In sight. The door was opened STATE OF OREGON FOR THE by a manservant, whose face express­ COUNTY OF LANE Will sacrlflce Ane high grade piano I In the Matter of the Estate of Henry ed pleasure as the Governor passer for quick aile. Addrssa Box M cars ' H. Cullen, deceased. him with all the airs ot Incontestable of News. D. 16. To Lula E Cullen and William proprietorship. Cullen: Beautiful Golden Oak Kimball I Roderick IN THE NAME OF THE STATE “I think we may as well go at once piano, one of the very beet Klmba'I OF OREGON, You are hereby cited to our rooms," he said. "You under­ and required to appear In th i County planoe ever made, for sale cheap, at «8.00 a month. Phone Eugene 1636 R Court of the State of Oregon, for the stand, Baring, that we dine at seven- County of Lane, at the Court Room thirty—places for three?” eveulnge. D. IS thereof at Eugrene, In tne County of "Very good, sir: 1 received your (jine. on the lfith day of December, T Y P E W R IT E R R IB B O N S — Assorted 1827 at 10 o’clock In the forenoon of telegram." makes In black and blue In atoe* kt that day. then and there to show On the third floor, Archie surveyed tie News office. For the convent ’ cause. If any you have, why the fob approvingly a lounging room, ba'f ence of oaatomers who have hither- ' lowing described real property should library and half office. to not been able to get ribbons In - not be sold at private sale by Henry E He tottered toward a stand on Slattery, the administrator of the aald which decanters, syphons, and a silver Springfield we have started this estate, to make sufficient to pay tuner new line of ribbons for Underwood:). ’ a' aud other expenses as In the pett- bowl of ice had been placed He help­ Remingtons. Royals. L. C. Smith, J lion on Ale prayed for, to-wlt:-The ed himself generously to 8c0tch; the and othor makes. t f North 66 6 feet of lot 4 In B'ock 18 In Governor contented himself with a Fairmount, a part ot the City of Eu­ glass of mineral water—he never took gene, Lane County. Oregon. This citation Is flrst published In the anything else, he explained. T E A C H E R ’« E X A M IN A T IO N S Sprlngfleld'News on Nov. 17. 1827. "Odd, but I’ve never used the stuff The sem iann u al exam ination for Witness, The Hon C P. BARNARD. teachers' certificate« will be held In : Judge of the County Court of the State at all. Bless you. no fanatical notions the County Court room, commencing of Oregon, for the County of I-ane on the subject. And now, my dear on Wednesday. December 21. 1827, at and th« 8ea, of skid Court hereto af- Archie”—he closed the door and turn­ 8 A M . and lasting three days. Sche­ ’ Axed, the 17th dav of November. 1827. ed on the fan—"you are my guest In dules for the times when subjects will Attest: W B DILLARD. Clerk, every sense my guest. It may have be given may be obtained by applying i By EVA L. DUCKWORTH. Deputy. occurred to you that I may be an at my office. N 17-24: D 1-8 16 E J MOORE. County School Super­ interloper here, but such is not the intendent. D. 1-8 esse. I own this house and the ground It stands on and everything In IL You are, of course, not a prisoner; not In N O T IC E O F F IN A L S E T T L E M E N T any sense, and there's a telephone m (Continued from Page 6) Estate of Dora Lyons. Decensed your room by which you can talk to Notice Is hereby given that Jess« Wallace, executor of the last wilt We'd better part company right here!*' all the world quite freely.—no restric­ “How completely you misjudge me, tions whatsoever. and testament of Dora Lyons, de­ ceased. has flled In the County Court Archie! There'« a charm In you be­ "My name is not Saulsbury, of of U m Slat« Ilf Oregon. In and for gotten of your very Innocence and course, but something quite different !j»nc County, hts Anal report as such executor and that ten o'clock In the helplessness. and I should be very un­ The servants In this house do not forenoon of Monday, the 2nd day of happy If we parted new We've «bared know my true name. They might, of January. 1922. at the Court room 1 Home danger together and In spite of * 1 course, work It out, for 1 pay taxes thereof In Eugene, Oregon, have been by the Court Axed and appointed as your weaknesses I'm found of you. here, and my family history Is spren I the time and place for hearing ob­ | And If I left you to your own device« ‘ In the public records, but the people jections to said report and for the something quite disastrous might hap­ you see about here are trained to curb Anal settlement of the estate ot said pen to you.'* their curiosity; 1 trust them as 1 deceased I The Governor was unconcernedly ; trust you. They are all from und«r JESSE WALLACE. Executor. I sketching one of the diagrams with (he crust—the man who met ua at the A. E. WHEELER, Attorney. D 1-8-16 22 29: I which he seemed to visualise his : plans. Archie was startled now to i hear his companion muttering to him self. O N L Y 20 M O R E S H O P P IN G D A Y S T IL L C H R IS T M AS "Arles, the Lamb, the Fishes! For a time I stumbled and walked in dark­ A R C H A M B E A U 'S ness but the leading light Is clearer W O M EN S SHOP now. The moving Anger writes— Specialty Dressmaking writes!" Evening Dresses — Hand Made Archie had caught one day a Flowers — Hats and Coats glimpse of several of the zodiacal Cor. Main and Second Streets. signs drawn oil the margin of a news- Phone 16« W paper where the Governor had neg­ lected to erase them; but he was as­ tounded to And that he was In cent pany of a man who took counsel nt the stars. "Nek sous une mauvalse etolle Yon eatch the sense admirably. When you I see me scribbling I am calculating the ! potency of the dark fate that over-1 hangs me and trying to estimate when | 228 Main St. Residence 126 C 81 If ever the cloud will pass. Don't <3 J l!M trouble your head those fancies; i ' Full Afflo Equipment leave them to me. Hope Is buoyed In Lady Assistant me by the fact that never yet have my figures erred." "To re.urn to practical affairs, we shall abandon Collins' machine and I'll wire him where to pick it up. Then DR. S. RALPH DIPPEL we'll entrain at our leisure." DENTIST "If you don't nilnd niv asking, I'd like to know where we're bound for?" Phon* 43 "New York, my dear boy; but you F I rot Nat'l Bank Bldg. Springfield needn't be alarmed. It will be hot there and we ll only pause for a day I or so. We both need to freshen up j AN EXCLUSIVE SELECTION OF CARDS AND ENVELOPES HAVE our wardrobe a bit." BEEN SET ASIDE BY US FOR THESE PREMIUMS. Archie shook his head stubbornly I MAX STOVE WORKS "I haven't told you this, bul I’m supposed to be In the Canadian ' Will take your Old Style Range Rockies. It would be a risky business In exchange on a Later One. for me to show up In town!” Main near Mill St., Sprlngfleld "You're n frightful egotist. Archie! i This Is a large world and m an's, memory Is short. If you see any old friends I beg of you do not attempt to dodge thefh; .shake one and all! heartily by the hand. We'll pretend ' All kind« of gravel for con­ COME IN TODAY AND CLAIM THESE FREE CARDS WHILE that our black wool is as white as crete or road work. We the drifted snow, and no one will run make a specialty of crushed THERE IS A VARIETY TO SELECT FROM after us shouting, ‘Blacksheep, bfeick rock and rock sand. Bunk­ sheep!" , ers at foot of Main on Mill • • • « THEY WILL TAKE THE PLACE APPROPRIATELY OF 12 street. At the station gates a man in gray j HENRY W. CHASE, Prop. CHRISTMAS PRESENTS livery stepped up and touched his cup to the Governor. "Ah, Tom; glad to see you qgalti!" “Thank you, sir; Is this all the luggage?" \ JEWELER "That's all, Tom. Drive directly Repairing a Specialty homp. please." Springfield, Oregon "We may wander to our hearts' •‘The Home Print Shop.” contont, Archie, but there's no place Opposite Postofflce - Springfield like home, particularly when It’s little old New York." remarked the Gover­ M. a HOGE nor, sinking back contentedly. Attom ey-at-Law The car crossed to the Avenue and bore north. Practise U. S. and State NOTE: If you furnish your own cards we will print your name on 26 Free Courts The Oovernor had not warned him with each yearly subscription taken. to avoid marking the route, which ■ugene, Oregon was as familiar to Archie as the palm FOff SALE WOOD “BLACKSHEEP” Cljrtflimas (ttarhfi W. F. Walker Funeral Director One Dozen Beautiful Cards Printed With Name and Yuletide Sentiment Will be Given Away FREE as premium with every yearly subscription to WM. G. HUGHES FIRE TRAIN SCHEDULI «prlngflsld Stops Northbound No. 32..................................... 2:32 No. 16 __ _________ 4:27 A. M. Southbound No. 16 . 9:22 P M No. 21 .._____ ___________ 6:46 Conch Hpodal for Klamath Falla and beyond, on flats at 2:01 P. M on Sunday, Tuesday and Friday, D IR E C T O R Y Life, Automobils and Flro Insurance 724 D Street, PAGE5 3EV BN THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS THURHDAY DBCRMBBR 8. 1927 Sprlngfleld, Oregon Such Love Nellie la blond and quite pretty: She's deeply in love with Jim Bell Though Jim favors raven-haired maidens, "I'd dye for that fellow!" swears NeU. THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS SPRINGFIELD GRAVEL CO, This Offer is Made to New or Old Subscribers as Long as tbe __ _ Supply Of Cards Holds Ou D. W . Roof The Willamette Press