T H E SPRINGFIELD NEWS THURSDAY DECEMBER 8,1927 Community New» I GARDEN W A Y_ By «penial Correspondent» hare last Sunday. Ines Kyler la absent from high school as she baa the mumps. The basketball game between Mar- tola team and Thurston team which waa played at Marrnla last Friday night resulted In Thuraton'a defeat. ■ aim Mays from I a r i I bx »pent the week-end In Thurston Ml»» Maude ItusRell who IS teach1- >! near Cottage Grove Spent the week end here. Tha J. H. Flah tamlly w ar* «ueate of O. H. Flah of HprlngSeld Wednesday *■ war« Mr and Mr» Harry Kv»n. of Uaaltla who are visiting there. The Evan» ar» looking for a location That will go to Roaaburg thl» week. Mr». 0 It l't»h and Mr». Kvnn« am roualna Tha Garden Way Hawing club with Mr». J H Fl«b »» flub leader will moat at th» »chool hon»» Friday after- iiiain Io weave tabla mat». Tb«ra ara UPPER WILLAMETTE I eleven dub members. I»r K It Derringer. »tala veterlnar- The young folks of the Christian Ian. waa teallng dairy brrda In thl» church will give a program Saturday vicinity la»t weak. J. H. Abahlcr of Centerville, Waeh.. night at the Woodman H all for the son-in-law of M r. W. J. I’engra. »pent benctlt W C. T. U. children’s home at Everyone Is requested to the wank and at tha I'engra boroa. Hi- Corvallis waa on hl» return home after a vl»lt give something for the home. There with hla father U. F. Abahler of O r­ will be a splendid program and a short play given hr the msvnnert of the land. California. Mra. 11. K. Ilallay of Wendllng 1» at Senior Endeavor. The Pleasant H ill public school did the J It Flah hum« ao that »h« can Friday after be near her »on. Haymond, who under not have vacation went on operation for appendleltla st Thanksgiving and will only have Mon­ day Decern her 26 and Monday January the Kugene hospital Sunday night. 2 for Chrlalma» vacation. The high M r and Mr». A. (’ . Bogart of Junc­ i school will let out Friday December tion City. M r and Mra. 0 It Fleh and 22 and not take up again until Tues­ •on. Gilbert, and John Lynrh of day January 3rd. Springfield, Lola and Clare Cheshire The senior» played the sophomores of Cheshire. were Sunday guests at of the Pleasant HUI high school last the J R. Flah home Tuesday and defeated them by a score H r and Mra Oarnet Stone and chil­ of I I to 11. dren of Meadow Orova. Nebraska, a r­ The Pleasant H ill high school rived at the home of Mra. Stone-» basket ball team suffered their first parents, Mr. and Mr». G. I*, t olling- defeat this year last Friday wnen Mo wood, Saturday. Sunday a reunion of hawk scored 21 against Pleasant Hill's the Collingwood famlllea and friend« 27. The game waa a very fast and was held at the O. P. Collingwood Interesting one, the score being In home. Thoae present were: Mr». A. favor of Pleasant H ill at times. Collingwood and Son. W illie. Isaac The senior hoys won the Interclass Jones and Mlaa Lynch all of Santa basketball championship Tuesday by Clara; Mr. and Mrs. L. W. CoUIng- defeating the sophomores by a score wood and family. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton of IS to «. Collingwood a td family. M r and Mr». Fred Smith of Saginaw, Michigan, W arren Collingwood. Mr. and Mrs. who Is visiting with hla nephew. E B Oaater of Springfield; Mr. and Mrs Tinker, has been sick at the Pacific F Houck of Eugene; Ml»a Alice Nel­ Christian hospital the past few days. son of Minnesota, and Mr. and Mra. The ladles of Pleasant H ill will Garnet Stone, of Meadow Orove, Neb­ meet at the home of Mre. A. J. Hig­ raska. gins Thursday afternoon. Miss Alice Nelson of Minnesota. Is About 30 young folks armed with the guest of Mrs Clayton Collingwood tin pana. sticks, rocks and buckets and Mrs. Friend Houck. gave the newly weds, Mr. and Mra II E. W ylie has been III the past lAwrence Whkeler, a charivari Tues­ two week. day. A good time was had generally Finn Male, who has been convalesc­ ing at the home of hla alater-ln-law. making lots of nolae and devouring treats of peanuts and candy. Mrs Clara Male, suffered a relapse and returned to the Eugene hospital Saturday. THURSTON Mra. Margaret Campbell fell last Wednesday breakln her arm and bruis­ ing her aide quite badly. The Ladles Aid aoclety met with Mra. Ira Gray last Thursday for an all d ay m eetin g They are to meet again thia Thursday to finish some sewing for their busaar which will he held at the public market In Eugene next Saturday They have some exception­ ally line embroidery work and many things that will make line gifts for Christmas. Mra. Cumm and son, John, arrived last Thursday, from thler home near Salem to spend a few days with her daughter. Mre Ira Gray. Mrs. Arch Bhoogh from Vida and daughter. Patricia, and Mra. Felix ¡♦park» from Blue River »pent the week end In Thurston. Mlaa Park's, who la leaching at W allervllle spent the week end with her brother, Professor l*nrk'a and wife. Maude and Loren Bilmlaton, who are attending the University of Oregon InEugene, motored out to their home Janie» A Farrel, oow 60, who it is predict«! will step to (he place vacated through the death of El­ bert Gary, as Chairman of the Board of the U. S. Steel Corpo­ ration. Mr. Parrel for many years hi» been operating head of tbs organisation. F o rd 13-Plate Rubber Case BATTERY Now $10°° And your Old Battery The Ford Battery Fits 90% of All Cars and is a Dandy for your Radio. DANNER MOTOR CO. FORD SERVICE AND SALES Phon« 49 V Springfield, Oregon OREGON STATE NEWS OF GENERAL INTEREST Brief Resume of Happenings el the Week Collected for Our Readers. Thera are H l the I-a Grande to the monthly perlntendent of studente registered la high school, according report of the city in schoole. PAGE FIVE Ml»» Flo»»l* Herrlngtod who la Hers Frem Mareole— Among Mar In From W altervllle— N Rosa at colh visitors hers thl» week were Mra. teaching at Not! «pent the week-end W altervllle waa a BprlngSeld visitor in Thurston. Tuesday. Jamea W right. J. L. Whltaell. V. M Blank Hromiasor» no»«. ». Milla, 0. H. Lander», J. A. Murdock CALL AN D 8KB Dr. M. W Emery -elp-v printed and In stock at th» sud Myron C rai* —•«•« on plates end ether work tf. Nawa office 1 u ----- » Gifts That Will Please A. A. Schramm, stkte superintendent ot banks, last week denied an applica­ tion tor establishment of a new bank at Aloha, Washington county. Tha Clttsena* bank of Drain la being liquidated and depositors are aaked to call at the bank a t soon aa possible and receive payment In full ot theli account. The Libby. McNeil A Libby cannery nt The Danes has closed down for the winter season and will remain closed until the strawberry season opens nasi May or June. J. C. K raft of Canby waa elected president of the Clackamas cow test­ ing association at the annual meeting of the organisation held In Oregon City last week. Road work on Mount Hood has been halted by snow. The government Is moving Its equipment from Govern m in t Camp and will abandon Improve m«nt until spring. Mre Husan Jane Hearing of Haines 79. affectionately known to hundred» of her friends as "Grandma" Hearing died at her home last week after a long period of falling health. C. D. Rorer. president of the Bank of Commerce of Eugene, has been placed on (he orderly farm marketing committee of the elate division of the American Bankers' association. Discovery of a body of ore on the filinola river, about five miles above Agnea. carrying high values la free gold, waa reported by Fred Volt, min ar. who waa I d Gold Beach recently. The annual meeting of the Oregon Woolgrowers- association will be held In Pendleton. January 13 and 14, ac­ cording to a recent announcement by K. 0 . Warner, president of the group According to the monthly report oi 8. W Straus « Co., Salem stands sec­ ond In building activity in Oregon (oi the month of October, being exceeded only by Portland. Klamath Falle It third. Many fine flocks of turkeys, raised In the Dayton locality, will be market ed thia week. The prevailing strain Is tha mammoth bronxe. Many of tht young turka weigh from 20 to 2» pounds. Thirty-five Lane county bank em ployea are enrolled In the course start­ ed by tbe Lane county chapter ot the American Institute of Banking. The class meets at Eugene each Tuesday evening. Christopher W itte. 44. farmer of the Central Point district, was killed in stantly last week when a tractor ha was driving fell upon him. The ma­ chine hit a depression In the field and fell backwards. The 143 school districts In Marlon county will receive »1 56 for each child ot school age. according to the appor- tlonment of the school funds an­ nounced by tbe county school superln (undent recently. Receipt of first half taxes from a number of Oregon counties baa re duced the general fund deficit of the state to approximately »350,000. ac­ cording to a statement prepared by the state treasurer. Edwurd Ring escaped with a minor eut on the head when his amali auto­ mobile plunged through a fence and down a 400-foot precipice of the Co­ lumbia highway at Ruthton bill near Hood River last week. Rev W illiam H. Ray. pastor of the Methodist church, South, of Medford, was arrested by an officer near Jack son Hot Springs, a resort on the Pa­ cific highway near Ashland, last week, charged with Intoxication. Postal receipts are a recognlxed ba­ rometer of trade all over the world. Compiled on activities of the past 12 months as compared.with the preced­ ing 12month period, Portland postal receipts show an Increase of »16,000. May 3, known to Oregon as Chan, poeg day, It to be observed In th ! schools of the state us Oregon day. It will not be n holiday, but the schools will be expected to have programs per­ taining to Oregon history, according to C. A. Howard, state school superin­ tendent. W ith a big crew of workers in thè field attd a »team shovel in operation; extension of the Ochoco highway eust from Mitchell Is taking material form. In order to rush the work, it is plan­ ned to use a night crew on the steam shovel. » McMinnville's budget for 1928 lx ten tatlvely set at »561,133.45. representing a cut of about »7600. It Is proposed to eliminate the county agent and the county superintendent's deputy and rut the bridge tuuds from »33,000 to »30,000. Her ( Hint Fountain Pen ueaa b eta,___ $5.00 to $8.00 Toilet Sets............. .......... .... $2.00 to $25.00 Perfumes ................... ............... 25c to V-> 00 Wallet and Cigarette Sets, .—.... ........ $3.75 Pen and Pencil S e ta _______ $3.50 to $8.50 Candle«, .... ..... ........................ 35c to $1.00 Military Brushes, ------------------- $5.00 Bath Salta and Bath Powder Seta, .....$3.50 C am eras____ __________ $1.00 to $10.50 Comb and Brush Seta........ ..... ....... . $7.00 After-Shave Seta ......... ........ $1.00 to $1.50 Compacts, _______ _____ _ $1.00 to $5.00 Bobbie Seta........ ................ ....$1.75 to $3.00 Bill-Folds and Key Container Stationery ______ _________ 50c to $3 00 $2.00 to $3.50 Sets__ Manicure Roll-Up Sets.......... $5.00 to $9.75 ___ _ 75c Box C andy______i--------- -----75c to $3.00 Books Parker Four tain Pens _... $2.75 to $7-00 Electric Waffle Iron ______________ $8.98 Pencils------------- $1.00 to $4.00 Electric Chafing Dish ......... ............... $6.46 . Automatic . WE ARE SHOWING AN EXCELLENT ASSORTMENT OF CHRISTMAS CARDS. Main Street Near 4th tao Springfield,. Oregon Stessi jtor» Flanery’s Drug Store T U R K IS H TO W ELS FANCY UMBRELLAS In Cross-Bar and Bordar Effect. Always Suitable Gifts 2 9 c ' 39c 5 2 .1 5 10 5 5 .4 5 609 Willamette IT PAYS TO SHOP AT BREIERS Special in Ladies’ and Childrens’ Wool Dresses $1.98 - 3.98 - 4.98 Vests, rayon knit with piqued rayon straps. In all the new and ZJQ 70 wanted colors OtzC ant* e a/C Bloomers, rayon knit, with large reinforced inset. Assori/XQ d» -| nA "I QQ ed shades jOCtD 1 .«3*z A .0*7 Bloomers, Jersey knit, in conserva- CQ tive shades. Double elastic knee O*/C Bloomers, cotton crqpe in peach and flesh Double elastic knee. So Practical HOSIERY Make your gifts with Breier's Quality Hos­ iery. nTirSöl No. 875—Service weight, silk to top hosiery women. Slipper heel. Six popular QQ colors. Mock fashion ............... UOv No. 165—All silk thread, 42 gage, full fash Ion. Slipper sole. Fine lisle rf* -| 4 Q garter top. Service weight «p A • tTnZ No. 658—Guaranteed all silk thread. Service weight. Slipper sole. Top d* 1 QO grade. A-l quality q)l»vO Nos. 4503-4502 — Women’s and Misses’ Rayon and cotton hose. Very dur- _ able. 3 popular shades .............. O a z C For growing girls .—............................49c No 371—Misses’ shaped sports hose of fine quality lisle. Fine forschool wear a q Smart pattern s.................... T’izC No 27—Children’s lisle hose—sport rib. Elastic and strong. Light colors A Q and black ........................................ T’aZV No 600—Cotton hose for girls. Regular rib. Light colors and black. All sizes 6 to 10 ......- ............ No 10—Girls’ 7-8 hose in clever sport pat- torus. No 46—Infants’ very soft cashmere, 100% wool» American Baby—an old a standby. 4 to 6t/2 .................... ~ T’azC No 17 — American Baby Hose in pure white Rayon with lisle sole and q £ heel ......- ..... - ..... - .................... OuC 25c Appreciated Lingerie The intimate gift of Lingerie every woman loves. French pants, rayon knit. Attractively two- tone trimmed. Well made. In three colors, e a c h .................... 98c Bloomers, cotton charmeuse, double elastic knee. Pink and peach. QQ Outing night gown for women. Double yoke. Extra quality. Hemstitched in- ( sertion. Sizes 16 to 20 .— $1.69 For Gifts SLIPPERS ■TOuU'J Puzzled about what to give your femi­ nine friends? Try Slippers for them. Silk ribbon and pom Ladies’ felt slippers, pom trimmed. Soft soles. Bright colors Something' new — Velvet house -slippers, gilt binding. Embroidered tfJI-'QQ vamp. Soft soles ............ 1 »«5*7 Soft kid house slippers, fully lined; Silk pom pom. d* -J ZJ Q Red and Copen................. »J) 1 .0*7 Women’s leather house slippers, fully felt lined. Cut-out decorations, d* e a f * Soft so les............ ..... ........... *D A • a O Women’s fancy satin slippers, gold metal and silk enib. Giltedge. Quilted rayon in­ sole. Copen, black, etc. d» •« z * q 69c 98c Children’s felt slippers with soft sole3. Quilted Insole. Pom pom and £JQ fur trimmed. Small sizes............ O*/C Large sizes_______________________79c I