THURSDAY DECEMBER 8.1817 THE 8PR1NGF1KLD NEWS FÀOB four HUNDREDS OF YOUNG SINGERS FOUND IN HUN1 FOR TALENT M itchell Here From Drove— James M itchell, who haa been working for some tim e at Cottage Drove for U rn y '* store, visited his parents here Sunday In From D exter^ -W errn n lllsfftua of D e x te r wee a vleltor b a r* Monday. M arcóla Man H e r*— Lee H ill of M arvola waa a vis ito r hero Saturday. Drive to Jaeper— M r and Mrs. Noll Pollard drove to Jaapor Sunday. M arcela Man In—J W W ade of visitor In town Friday. M arcóla «a H are From Oakridge— V . J H U I i f O akridge waa an out-of-town visitor here Friday. • Drives From Drove — Mrs. Adie Fogle of Cottage Drove waa In Spring- field on business Saturday. W a lte rv llle People H e r * — M r. and Mrs. Floyd M eyer of W a lte rv llle were visitors h e r* Saturday. Come From Ooehen— Mrs. W L. Arnold of Ooehen was among out-of- town visitors here late laat week. N O T IC I TO C R B D IT O R B IN THE COUNTY COURT l»F THE STATE O F O K B Q O N FO R L A N S COUNTY. In thè M atta r of the Estate of A. 0. Schoonover, deceased , T he uuderelgned having been ap­ «ero among o u to fio w u visitors hero pointed by the Coutily Court of the Friday. Slate of Oregon fo r l-ana county ait m ln la tra trla of the estate of A. C. Mrs. Plloher Hero— Mra. W II. Schoonover, deceased, and having n ic h e r of I'rs aw e ll visited Springfield qualified, notice Is hereby given to the C A L L FOR SCH O O L W A R R A N T « creditors of. and a ll persona having Monday Spriugfield, Oregon, Dec 1. 1BJ7 claims against said deceased, to pre­ Mra. M ontgom ery Operated On— N O T IC E IS H E It E liY G IV E N that sent them, as required by law, w ithin , Mrs Sam Montgomery underwent au School district No. lb, of l^ine County, e ll months a fte r the first publication of thia notice to the said txiulaa i t i gon, w ill pay at the office of the Schoonover at 414 M iner Building. Ku operation at the Pacific Christian hos­ Q la lrlv l c le rk at his residence on West gene. Oregon pital Saturday morning. Latest re | porta were that she wan Improving I» street, house No. M *. School w ar­ Date of drat publication hereof, the rants up to sod Including No. I M I Ith day of December. 1»»7. aatlsfactorlly. L O U IS A S C H O O N O V E R . Admltila- Interest ceases a fte r December 1 0 th , tra trlx of the Estate o f A. C. Schoon­ Return to Seattle— George II. Culfin I»27. Signed and Mrs. Elisabeth B oiirhaert. who R. W S M IT H . D tatrlct C lerk, over deceased. S M IT H A E V A N S . Attorneys for have been visiting fo r some tim e at Springfield, Oregon. DS A d m in istratrix. 4.14 6 4 M iner Bldg« the home o f M r. and Mrs. A J Mor­ Eugene, Oregon gan. left yesterday morning tor their A ll Sot for the Holiday Cleaning D 11631»; home at Seattle M r Coflln Is an New M odern Cleaning Plant — One uncle and Mrs. Ilouckaert a cousin of Day Service. J. K. Lindsey. 240 Main. C A L L A N D S E E Dr. N. W. E m e ry Mrs. Morgan. D. »16-13. on prices on plates end other work, tf Baby Daughter Barn— A baby daugh te r was bom Sunday morning at tho Pacific C hristian hospital to M r. and Mrs O. J. DaVoa | V la lt Collins Here— M r and Mra. F rank Darri eh of Lorane were visitors Sunday at the home of M r. and Mrs. K W Collins W endllng Resident H era— Mrs. Neet of W endliug came down Springfield Monday. A STORE FULL C to O f Thousands Of Christmas Gifts O akridge Woman Here— Mrs. Veri T h a y e r o f Oakridge was a Springfield visitor Saturday of laat week. I EN young American singers— I *" I " I presumably the best la the country—w ill face the mlcro- ¡SflgSbf phone at Station W EAK In New York City early In Do- •em ber to sing tor tame and fortune. They wtL be the Baalists la the Na­ tional Radio Audition of the Atw ater Kant Foundation of Philadelphia. This nation-wide guest for radio voices has already revealed hundreds •f young singers of promise, who have entered the contests eagerly be­ cause the aadlllons oSar them recog­ nition at home and a chance to com­ pete for prises aggregating 117.60«. Distinctive figures are sponsoring the gadertaklng as a National Audition Oommlttee They are Madam Louisa Homer, the M etropolitan Upera •ta r; Mrs. Edgar Stillm an Kelley. I president of the National Federa­ tion of Music Clubs; Edward W. Bog. former editor of the Ladles' Home Journal, end Mrs Otto H. Kahn, wife of the world-famous New York bank- . at end music patron. Winners of state auditions— one boy ! Cola In Town— M ark Cole transact ed buslneaa here Saturday. H e Uvea at Darden W ay. f — •'Did you take h er home a fte r the ghowr "Ho, my folks were home.’" H ere From Creswell— Mrs. F E. Roberts o f C resw ell paid Springfield a visit Friday. E D W A R .0 W F ifty -F ifty Orandpop Old Gent.— "W hen I was a lad I didn’t thin k a thing of chopping up a woodshed fu ll of logs.” Youngster— "W e ll. I don't thin k ao much about it. either." I Here From J a s p e r - <’ F F ran klin of Jasper paid Springfield a visit Sat- urday. SELECT YOUR CHRISTMAS GIFTS HERE. WE GIVE OUR WORD OF HONOR THEY WILL BE RIGHT IN QUALITY AND PRICE. COME IN AND SEE US — WE h^AVE THE BIGGEST LITTLE STORE IN LANE COUNTY. Return« to Portland— Charles Jor- ‘ dan returned to Portland Tuesday ' evening a fte r a few days' visit with relatives and friends here. TURNER’S NOVELTY STORE - - - - . . . Springfield, Oregon Main Street £L>E>6TRI<3AP GIFTS ARE .BEAUTIFUL, ECONOMICAL, PRACTICAL! A SPECIAL CHRISTMAS OFFER OF B r ea k fa st “A woman w ill go through a lot for portable ' a man when she m arries him ." | “Yes, the one I m arried went " I tied the dog to it the other d a y . through my trousers, m y count, and a divorce suit." a cat came by.” bank aad i Jack Queen In T ow n—Jack Queen of M arcóla was here on business last week. A Clean Record 'Sway the Money Does th a t Mrs. Burdick In — M ra F A. B ur­ dick of Vtda was a Springfield visitor Sunday. Resort Owners Here— M r. and M rs I Frosh— “Do you notice any Improve­ A. J Kuhn, who operate the Cascade ment, Professor, since last week?” Professor— "Yes. now that you call Resort on the M cKenxIe highway. my attention to It, I th in k your h air Is parted.” Obliging of Orange Jelly Slices, lb. ............ .............. 15c IXillg from 6c to 110. W* make a specialty Christmas Mix. l b . ........ ............................. 15c of dolls and can please the moat fastidious. Cocoa Nut Bon Bon. lb........._..............25c Baby Dolls In baskets, nicely dressed. $1.25 Peanut Brittle, lb. ------------------ ---------- 14c Hundreds of nice fancy woven baskets In 5-lbs. Bon BonB, ____ _______- ___ ___$1.50 various designs and sizes priced from 20c Chocolate Drops .......................... ...... .— 18c And scores of other kinds of fresh candles to 70c. Boxed Stationery from 15c to $2.00 at similar prices. Christmas favors in many varieties— Nut HOSIERY, a S p ecialty 3 Pairs of IPSWICH HOSIERY for $1.20. A cups, Christmas trees and Kuple doll designs nationally known guaranteed hose. Indies that ore specially appropriate. Fine Full Fashioned Silk Hose $1.66 pair. Mayoninlse sets, smoking sets, incense burn­ ers, beautiful toilet sets, purses of every Hose that sell for $2.60. 2000 Handkerchiefs ranging from 6 for I kind and shape, sandwich trays, serving trays, dishes, art goods, hand painted vanes, 25c up. Crepe tie chine hundpainted handkerchiefs, fancy glass ware, and hundreds of similar > articles that will make the most appropriate beautiful designs, 3 In box for 75c. , Christmas presents obtainable. 6 Embroidered Handkerchiefs for 60c. Returns From Portland— N e ll Poll­ ard returned late last week following a trip to Portland. 8 OK. ¿3.VZ G reen D iscount ‘S tamps ; Our XmaS Gifts Are ac- Tbs« splendid G r ill Staaa, whirls peaches, too ¿It, brails, boils or w ill be a mu»t welcome gift- Idevl for b a rh d o r girl« and others who do not have kitchen facilities. Price includes all ntensila. $ 8 .8 5 UP — Remember: We give S. & H. Green Trading Stamps on all your Xmas purchases Ketels’ Drug Store euREine m o n / $i.6o Ö W arm th to «oothe an aching back or to take away tbe Iry chill of tha bad before retiring in sub-aera weather is quickly and cheaply provided hy this superb Heating Pad. $ 5 .0 0 , UP HEATEP W AFTPBcS •N COFFEE - UP H ere is a C arlin g Iron that really carl«! An exclusive («attire is the shield opening parallel to the waver rod so the h a ir la held evenly. An ideal gift. Waffles - baked te a T —and coffee brewed by the famous H ot-D rip method Is a combination to suit the Queen’s taste. At breakfast-— and fo r light late evening supper«, follow ing a bridge— this duo w ill ba royally received. Holirai where ii m m . ■SlJLLIb IRON $ 3 .9 5 TIP ibr damp rlo lh . th r H olpoinl Super-Iron b rbap. the fine,! iron yet per- C -led hy Inventive genhu. It* p.lente.1 Thum b Ra*l, w h k h real, wriat. arm anil «boulder*, and the Swivel Plug that birreaae, th r life of the eord are other real rraaona why S H E w ill appreciate your gift and adm ire yonr kaen judgment and aanaa of raluc. M O U NTA IN STATES POWER COMPANY i t e ■-=>,