O N L Y 14 M O R E Shopping Day« T IL L C H R ÍS M A S THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS tw enty - fourth year SPRINGFIELD. LANE COUNTY. OREGON. THURSDAY DECEMBER 8. 1927 N E W FO R D T O BE H E R E FOR E X H IB IT IO N N E X T RELIGIDUS SIlfflEf OF Olii PUNNED M O N D A Y , SA Y S D A N N E R Canvass. An exhaustive religious survey Springfield. looking toward sn aggro*- (I k and to a degree cooperative pro­ gram by the local churches. »»» P* ">• nod thia week by committees of the varloua proteatant churches and pro bubly will be launched next week. It w e announced following a Joint aea- Grace W Elliott. I-Oa Angel*«, failed to pay $150 per month ali­ mony to her loiinei iiband. n* ordered by the court He had In i brought to court Now the mint pay From the $2(X),00C which grew from $50.000—when hubby managed thing*. T O H A N D L E C H R IS T M A S M A IL IN G D U R IN G R U SH Several high achool boys are to aa- plat the regular poatofllce force In handling the targe quantities of Christmas mall which will pass through the local poatofllce during the next two week«, according to Post- master F. B Hamlin. An exceptional­ ly liberal allowance for additional help In the poatofllce at Christmas time has been made by the postal department, Mr Hamlin »aid. Ira Nice, who work« part time at the poatofllce regularly, will give full­ time service beginning December 15. Kenneth Dtllurd. who helped with de­ livery last year, Is expected to Join the force for that purpose during the , here. The hour« of exhibition are from holiday teason, and Norrla Nettleton, another of last year'« helpers, 1a to 3:30 to 10 o'clock. About 400 visited the Danner show agslnt In the ofllce. Christmas mailing has gotten well room, last Friday, when pictures and under way here, according to Post- diagram» ef the new automobile were shown and various detail« of conatruo I master Jlatnlln. Eight mall sack» tlon and operation explained Many ; » •"> dispatched from the local office Tuesday, and a general Increase In Springfield people went to Eugene the site <>f mall shipments Is being saw one of the new where they noticed. Several packages have been models. aent from here to foreign countries. e c u o z * , » V T C u n x X ie c i The Influx of mall baa hardly start- Hprlnefleld realdenta curloua aa to the make-up of the new Ford car wHI have their opportunity to eee the In­ novation at first band next Monday afternoon, when E. It Danner Motor I company will have one of the new model« on display. Blue and white decorations are be- i Inx put up In the aho4 room at tha motor company quarters at Fifth and I A streets, and arrangement« are being made for handling hundred« of vial- tor«. Even those In charge of the ex­ hibition were unable to nay today Juat 1 where the new Ford would codi* front or where It will go after being khown Churches Would Know Condi­ tion« in Order to Plan Pro­ Census g re s s iv « P ro g ra m « ; to be Taken In Exhaustive H IG H SC H O O L Y O U T H S X -IV E NEW SPAPER 4 A L IV E TOW N N U M B E R 48 tin LOOKS INTO PARK PROWLS Railroad Property Not Avail* able; Brattain Estate May DO* nate Site; Title to Cemetery Obscure; Restroom Seemt Certain. W ith one possible site eliminated, another suggested, and the title of « third presenting difficulties, the plans for a new Springfield park were not without development the past week, and definite results of the lnvestlg«» tlon» should be known to the city council when It meets Monday night Word was received from L5 L. Graham,’ district freight and passenger agent of the Southern Pacific rail­ road, this morning, the official» of his company had definitely stated that there ta no possibility of using railroad land here as a park site. This, It I I said, ta due to the fact that the local land 1s being held as operaUve pro­ perty, and under the policies of the company cannot be put to any other permanent use. I t is presumed from thta report that eventually, the South­ ern Pacific Intends to use the tract of land here for operative purpose«. W ith thia possibility entirely elimi­ nated, Mrs. Paul Brattain informed Mayor O. O. Bushman this week that »luu Monday night. According to plan« developed at the Bcutxh L-,ui»e Henry—direct de­ meeting, the City will be divided Ini'« scendant of Patrick Henry—inven­ dlalrlct* (or purpurea of conducting a tor -i 48 toy novelties now crowns her efforts with a newly devised religious census. Each church or rubber doll which talks, winks Other group Will be given a certain ar.d is the nearest yet "human" dlalrlct to canvass. and «HI go from T U R N E R S S T O R E R O BBED Photo taken at Washington pat­ house to house. Inquiring a* to the ent office. IN D A Y L IG H T T U E S D A Y church preference or uiembcrehlp <>( SC H O O L A T T E N D A N C E w)U bp under wgy , hortly he I he residents, the number of the tarn O LD S P R IN G F IE L D SPAN A wallet containing about $50 In U R G ED BY C H A IR M A N naid He reiterated the plea that tly. the number In church school. an.I money and »30 In check» waa «Ulen W O U L D D E C E IV E C A M E R A ; i local people send their packages »inillur matter«. Monday from Turner a Novelty »tore. S H O W S R A IL R O A D P IE R S An appeal to parents to send their , oar|y> ln order that the postal force When completed and the data <»i i No trace of the thief ha« beeu found. children to school. In view of the ap- may b<1 abie y, handle the Incoming eat h canvaaalng group compiled, an In M r Turner had «one to the reur of parent failure of Infantile paralysis Ancient and world-weary *» It >«• mall more readily. alght Into the actual rellgloua slluatlou the »tore building after an armful of to gain a foothold here, was made fol­ the old Springfield highway bridge ahould be obtainable, according to wood and when he returned the wal­ lowing a meeting of the school board I still ta capable of a bit of caprice. F U G IT IV E T A K E N H E R E Rev. Gabriel Sykes of the Methodtat let wa» gone from tils de»k The aged bridge, which shake« ner- she w ill take up with members of the Munday night. Many children. It wa* Episcopal church, one of the member* FROM ROOF BY P O L IC E voua]y under the strain of ever-ln- Brattain estate the possibility of do­ There were several customer« In the J ga(d gr# being handicapped scbolaatl- r t the committee. Conducting the stora and one clerk * t Ute time. The | y because they are not in achool _ ! creasing traffic while plans for the nating the tract of land at Tenth canvass It /r lf . he eatd. will be done Howard Balt I I . wented by Eugene | br,dut Councilman W. P. Ty- (.omm|B»ioned to Inter* fie, I with the church or denomination , -j-be Aral quarterly conference of the | pupils are back, but a few are being - He was taken to Eugene and lodged Thus It appears that a caption de- gon baa Bcrlbing the bridge aa a single span Tlew reiatires and the relative« for which they have preference, will church will be conducted ; kept out persistently. Eventually, of In county Jail that night. would not be born out In the picture ! oj p ^ ^ n g known to have been burled he discovered and their Interest , (>n ,.v,.Illng „f December 9, begin 1 course, toe would have to take steps Itself. there, with regard to the possible de- J. I to force the children bark Into school. nlng at 7;30 o’clock, with llev. 8. •ought. A SS EM B LY S Y S T E M IS IN Taken from down-river, there 1a but TeiopmPnt of the cemetery as a park In , but we do not want to do thta nor Monday night'« meeting was held a: Cheney, district superintendent USE A T L IN C O L N AGAIN one method of getting a picture of the and the removal of the graves. hare wg any Intention of doing It. No the Method!»/ parsonage, and th* charge. bridge. That ta from the railroad one wants hla children to get behind Several persons have told city of- baptist. Christian a n d Methodist bridge. And with this particular «data that they are certain that ■ After being discarded for some time, the others In school, and the way io churches and the Four Square gospel C H R IS T IA N L A D IE S A ID prevent this ta to send the ch ildren1 H** aesembly system was Installed camera, it was Impossible to photo­ more recent transaction deeded the mission were represented. The lay- PLA N S W E E K -E N D E V E N T S back to their classes. In the Lincoln Junior high school graph the entire highway span, reveal­ cemetery property to the Town of representatives of the Baptist church ing Its long, unsupported structure, Springfield, but no official records to again thia week. Is Fred Frese, that of the Methodist A baxaar and food sale will be con­ 'H ereafter, students will have one because of the nearness of the rail­ that effect are on file at the court church. H arry Gillette, of the Christ­ ducted thta weqk-end by the Ladles T W O ARE IN JU R E D IN general room for study, and w ill go road bridge. house. The county court may be ian church. Mr. Remple, and of the Aid of the Christian church In the Odd An angle shot, however, obtained asked to act In the matter. IN D U S T R IA L M IS H A P S I from room to room to recite before Mlaslon. Mr. and Mrs. T .P o p e ^ The ] various teachers. This plan was long from the field across from McKin­ ministers w ill have Mayor Bushman said today that Industrial accidents were respon­ In use here, but at the beginning of non's store, managed to avoid photo­ streeta. church affiliation». It 1» possible tho there Is no doubt that the city-owned The baxaar will be held on Friday, sible for injuries to two men treated this year, on the advice of educational graphing much of the railroad bridge, Free Methodist church of West lots at Fourth and A streeta are '.he with fancy work and many other at local physicians' offices Monday. experts, another system was advised. and revealed the highway bridge ln Springfield may cooperate In conduct beet site for a restroom and small c ltf Stillman l-ratt of Marcóla was hurt things (or sale. The cooked food sale its unusual unsupported length. Under this plan, the teachers went park, and that project probably w i.l be Ing the survey there. In the chest when he fell after step­ from room to room to teach the pupils will continue throughout Saturday. carried through, regardless of tho de­ ping Info a hole while working for the , w hile this plan has Its advantages, A M E R IC A N LEG IO N T O velopment of an outside park. M ANY FLUNKS R EPO RTED Fisher Lumber company. It was fl • • It did not work out satisfactorily M RS. C. A. S W A R T S IS IN S T A L L D EC E M B E R 16 thought that one of his ribs had b?nn under conditions existing here. It was A T LOCAL H IG H SC H O O L EASTERN STAR M ATRON PLA N S F U R T H E R E D FOR broken, but examination revealed less said by school authorities. Installation of the newly-chosen of­ Mrs. C. A. Swarts was elected ' serious Injuries. Springfield high school students G R IF F IS ' A R M Y D U T IE S ficers of the Springfield American who flunked or received grades of V. worthy matron of Cascad e chapter, j M. L. Barnum, employed by the C O U N T Y SC O U T M E E T IN G Legion will take place on December the lowest possible passing grade, Order of the Eastern Star, at the H ill Creek Lumber company of Jasper Plans have been furthered thld IS S E T FOR D E C E M B E R 19 16, It was announced today. At that numbered 76 during the last quarter. annual eleettou Tuesday night. She ! was treated fbr an injured hand, time John Larson w ill succeed John week for the trip to Fort Henning, It waa announced at the high srhool will naive appointive officers shortly i The annual meeting of the Lane H. W ill as commander of the local Georgia, of Ethmer Griffis, youthful yesterday. This waa the same number Springfield national guardsman who Id Other elective officers named at the M U S IC A L G R O U PS A T county Boy Scout council, embracing post. that flunked last term. meeting: Mrs. R. B. Oldham, worthy Other officers to be Installed are: to see four months instruction servi«« scouting acUvItles In the county, will SC H O O L G IV E PROG RAM Chester Hayden and W lnnlfrld T y­ patron; Mrs. Opal Roberts, associate Ith the regular army through ar­ be held In Eugene on Monday. Dec­ M. B. Huntly, flrst vice-commander; son were the only members of the matron; Mrs. Jeannette Wright, con-1 rangements made by Commander W ell - received musical numbers ember 19. at 6:00 p. m. at the Osburn Tony Gravos, second vice-commander; honor roll of those with grades above ductress; Mrs. C. O. \Mlson. assoctut.'; mado up # program presented at tho hotel. Springfield members of the W illiam Vasby, adjutant; Oswald Swarts of the Springfield guard u n it 90. Many students missed tho honor conductress; Mrs. Jane Ketels, « ‘c™-1 Springfield high school assembly last Official orders for Griffis to report al council, together with local troop com­ Olson, finance officer: Mr. W ill. F. B. roll by small margins. tary; Mrs. Elsie Pollard, treasurer. | Tuegday af,e rnoon at 1 o'clock under mitteemen. scoutmasters, senior pat­ Hamlin. Clarence Fandrem. Mr. Lev- Fort Benning on February 1, haM Joint Installation with ^the M a s o n s ; ^ dlrectton of M(gl Orace Potteri rol leaders, troop scribes, and their son. and Mr. Huntly. executive com­ been received. He will leave here oh G. A. R. L A D IE S A R E T O w ill be held on Decemner 17. mittee; Al Pohl. W. P. Tyson, finance January 17 In order to reach the fort wires, have been Invited to attend. director of music In the school». In dm«. During hie four months stay committee. Scribes of the local troops w ill be E L E C T A T M E E E T F R ID A Y The high school and glee dub ap­ he w ill receive a thorough training lh Mumps Cases Reported called upon for short histories of their peared In sereral numbers, with Miss all matters of technical communica­ Mumps caaea were engaging the at dl’e"’ t',p " Springfield circle, I-adles of the G. troops from the organisation to the SCOUT A C T IV IT IE S TO tion and similar army work, and wHI tentlon of Health Officer W. H. Poll­ A. R., will elect officers at a meeting present date. Officers of the county BE RESUMED SH O R TLY receive regular army pay. to be held tomorrow afternoon at tho ard. Mumps ta the second minor con­ council w ill be elected, and a member Return te Waehlngton home of the president, Mra. C. F. tagious dlseaae to break out here thta of tbe local troop committee w ill be W ith no new cases of paralysis re­ Mr. and Mra. E. H. Turner and Conduct Church Services Eggtmann, It was announced today. season, chicken pox haying necessi­ entitled to a vote at the election. On ported, It ta probable that Boy Scout daughter, Mra. Mildred Strand and her tated quarantines tasl week. The meeting has been called ler <:M the committee here are F. B. Hamlin a c tlv ltle / ta Springfield w ill be re­ son. Robert James 8trand. left today H arry Gillette had charge of so#» o'clock. W.O. Hughes and Dr. W. C. Rebhan. sumed In the near future, according by automobile for Hoodaport, Wash­ vices at the Methodtat Episcopal Te ln t» rta ln Club Mrs. Eggtmann has headed the local to Scoutmaster Clsyton Barber of the ington, after a rtalt of three days In church Sunday evening, and gave • The K ill Kara club w ill be enter patriotic organisation for saeeral Madallna D. Holm Lions elub troop. Springfield with Mr. and Mra. H. B. years. Bhe urged all members to ba tained today at the home of Mra. C. Madeline D. Holm, daughter of Mr. I t 1» possible th» local troop» w ill short talk. A feature of the servl«« Maxey. Mra. Maxey 1a the daughter B. Wheaton with Mrs. W. H. Adrian and Mrs. Carl Holm, died Tusday at hold thelf- regular meeting» next week. waa the presentation of musical num­ present. of Mr. and Mrs. Turner. The party aa hoatesa. Those to he present from the fam ily home In W est Springfield All meeting» were called off through bers by a trio composed of Paul Pot­ motored to Springfield from Spokane ter. Paul Frese. and W llltam Pollard. Eugene are: Mra. W ilfred 'Naadlaerafl Meats at the age of 11 daya. The funeral fear of the spread of paralysis. Knight. Mra. Oeorge Blair. Mrs. F. bringing with them Mra. Maxey who waa held at the home, with W. F. had been In that city for two weeks The Needlecraft club met test Poindexter. Mra. Bert Vincent, Mrs. W alker In charge, yesterday. R*v. attending the funeral of Mra. 8trand*a J. H. Dumphrey; Springfield, Mr». M. Thursday at the home of Mra. W. C. Fred Hornshuh officiated. Interment husband who died following an opera­ W right. Mias Agnes Brtgtotman of O. M. Peery, M ra B. Kaater, Mr». Whea­ was at Laurel H ill Cemetery. tion. A. C. gave a demonstration of tie and ton. M rt. Adrian. Questa w ill be Mr». Printed with sentiment and W. R. Dawson and Mra. Ralph Dlppel. dye work. Springfield Couple Oat Lienees Sender« name. Ladla» to Qlva Chleken Dinner Those present Included Mrs. Dan Louie Joseph Sinner and Pearl Vera Chrletmae Farty Planned Crltee, Mr». I . R. Dtp pel, Mr». Robert Snook, both of 8prlngfleld were grant­ The Ladle» Aid of the Methodtat go you will hare time to «end The annual Chrtatmas party of the Drury, Mr». W alter Oosaler, Mra. ed marriage license during the last church w ill bold the aid's annual them before Chrlatmaa. George Hobson, Mra. 0 . H. Jarrett, Progressive Twenty-two club of tha week by County Clerk W. B. Dillard. chicken dinner and baxaar sale on large assortment to «elect Mra. W illiam Ixmg. Mra. Carl Otaon, Rebekah lodge w ill be held at the Others given licenses Include W hiter next Wednesday at the church parlors. from but come before Mra. Carl rhetteplace. Mra. Floyd lodge hell Friday evening, starting at Sutton and Mra. Ellen Decker, both Tbe dinner w ill be from < until 8 and they are all gone. Westerfleld. Mra. Clifford Wilson. Mra I;« « o'clock. Tha woman w ill hrtng of Oakridge; Svend Lobek and Doris *»le »< $ o clock In tha Evelyn Jofiea, both of Oakrldg»; and W alter Scott, Mrs. Sidney W ard and thalr fancy work, and wlU enjoy an| ” evening of conversation and «antee. 'afternoon. Fancy work, doll» — i x n l i Latlmsr, Am ity, and Dora Mra. T«araon Wright. »W h» emon« th» Spangenberg, of Gneste ware Mra. M ary Oattler, Mra A Christmas tree will be erected, and i c Wr*B » tha clah members will exchange gift».. ha»a»r offering». unia Lombatrd. Beautiful X m ai Card» PUc* Yo^ ORDER NOW! Springfield News Office