THURSDAY DECEMBER 1. H>27 THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS PAGE SIX Chlokan Pa« Reported JOHN H A M LIN LEAVES I very well-dreaaod. decent loolqu« tel ' (he'll Juat »bout argu« we came thia FOOTBALL MEN FETED TODAY FOR NEW YORK ¡low All hla life he wonM be prow l ’ way. Thera are four case of chicken p«ix BY CLASS IN COOKING (TO BE CONTINUED) John Hamlin, son of Mr nmt Mrs. lu Hprtngileld, according to Dr W II i of his daring in saving Sab' Walker (Conltoeod fr o « Wigt- 6» from marriage with an odious widower 1 Honoring the Springfield high F. U. Ilsm lln, left this morning for Collard, city health olllcer. All caaes Woman Breaks Arm , and mating her with the youth of her i I school football team, the domestic art Now York on the first leg «>f Ills have Imen InveallgaLal. »m* <*>» chil­ la lore with each other aver alnce we j choice. The bride and groom elect ; Slipping on the back step of her class. No. J. taught by Mrs. I. M. Journey back to Madrid, Spain, »h ere dren taken out of avhool. he said. went to school together, really and , were established in the back seat and home. Mrs. Margaret Campbell of , D eletion. |>>ru a dinner at the high he la second secretary to the Ameri­ truly lover». He was at college when he experience«! a sharp Jealous tw in g e,' Springfield, route 2. fell aud broke i school last night Special gueeta were can embassy. 1 was. so I know him very well. But Beautiful «olden Oak Klmhull Mr Hamlin has been visiting his when, turning to ask her a question her arm yesterday. She was brought I Leonard Mayfield, coach. Principal A pop doesn't like him. and when he about the road, he caught them In a to the office of a local physician tor I J Morgan, and Oscar Oladish. member 1 parents here and other relatlvee In piano, one of the very heal Kltnha.l Sound bow matters stood he refused to Oregon while on a Hi) day leave of plano» ever made, for sale cheap, at rapturous kiss. This was what it treatment. of the faculty allow me to see him say more. We've And [ »•> 60 H»uug and free, and youlh abaence from hts duties with the (K oil a monili Phone Bugen« 168ft It he's been very hard about It House Broken Into evenings. " ' " foreign service. Two Accidents Reported and freedom were things he hw! never been watting tor a chance to ruu « » V Bert lairue reported to police yes­ Two accident cases were treste-l until now approi»ed at their tru» and get married I met hi:u last night terday that his house hsd been brokeu st a local physician's office this morn In the lane and everything s arranged worth. "How long do we stop st Brattle­ Into by burglars, who stole several Ing. A piece of steel was removal for us to leave tonight, run Into Brat­ sheets and a table cloth. No trace from one of the ejea of M. I*. Donnell, boro?'' He asked over his shoulder tleboro sod be married there and then tunc haul«: at the banner garage, and “Only long emwgh to get the knot of the thieves has been found. go on to Boston and wait till pop's Carl A Johnson, eu:| loyed by (he tied.'' Abljah answered. “I was In disposed to he reasonable He wants Many Hare Saturday—Among out- Maher Lumber company of Marcola. town this afternoon and everything'» me to marry a preacher at Saxhy of-town visitors here Saturday were was hare for treatment of s dislocated Center who's almost s s old as pop. ML“ •'I hope," said S a lb , "you'll give Mrs. Hubert Stevick. W altervllle. Mr. wrist. and has tnree grown children. 1 the bride away; It would be Just fine and Mrs. George Williams. Rainbow; thought maybe you could pretend to A. r . Me par. W endllng; Mrs Beryl August Larson Oita of you. Mr. Comly." take me out for a little ride In your “I was noping you'd ssk me," he Thayer, Oakridge; Ira Baldwin, l*en August Larson, father of Jack I«ar- ear, and pick up Abljah and give us Hung back. "1 want to be aa prominent g ra son. local theatre operator, die 1 yea , a lift. Mr things are all packed and In the wedding party as possible." terday at hla home at Newark.; N. J . h(d away in the garage; so all I need S p rin g fie ld Loess Sally's nuptials were blest in a little according to word received by the to do it get my hat.** In the last football game of the local man. The elder Mr. Laroon w as, parsonage, with the minister's wife “Of course 1 couldn't come back and daughter and Archie aa the sole year, the Springfield high school team (7 years of age He had been III for here." Archie suggested. -T our father w itnesses. The minister had only late­ was beaten. I t to 0. before a good- some time. John Larson wl'.l not go would be sure to vent his wrath on ly come to town and therefore con plard crowd at the Brattaln (told toast for the fug^totl. fined V ia inquiries to the strict r e-! Thanksgiving day. The winner» were "Oh. Id thought of that!" she ex­ i quiroments of ecc lea last I cal and Ver­ the Junction City footballer«, who pre F ine f O o q l’Rt w c t s Ladles A id M eets claimed. “But you could go on and mont law. vtously hsd been held to « scoreless wait somewhere for the Governor to The Ladles Aid of the Methodist If you would make every meal a festive occasion—let "Well. Sally." Archie remarked, as tie by Coach Mayfield's proteges. Episcopal church will hold »• annnvt the White Front Grocery supply the food. Pur groceries catch up with you." 1 he Joined them, '"for better or worse that are consistently good - as to quality and price t h«» "I'd have to make sure he didn't you are married. I certainly wish you chicken dinner and basaar sale In tha Local Club Items White Front Grocery Is above par! Our groceries are at The Needlevraft club meets thia church parlors on t>ec««rber 14. The catch up with me! H e ll be mighty all good luck." ways fresh, too, and our stock large enough to take care »ore about this." "We ll be back in a week and every­ afternoon at the home of Mrs. W. C. sale will begin at 3 1* M. and dluner will be served from 4 to 8 o'clock. “Well. If you're afraid of h|m—" of your needs at all times. thing will he smooth as butter." Sally W right "Pooh! 1 certainly am not afraid of I declared lightly. Yesterday, the Chrysanthemum club him.'* he declared contemptuously. If you wish to phone your order, we will give It the The wedding Journey from Brattle­ was entertained at the borne of Mrs. “He and I were bound to part some­ boro to Bennington was marred bv ' W. R. Dawson. An enjoyable after- same careful attention you would wish— were you shopping time.'' personally Let us serve you — b b efficiently as wc are serv­ tire trouble and freakishnesa on th e] noon was spent, followed by refresh­ Thonigh the cajolerlea of a girl he part of the engine, and as neither of ments. ing hundreds of other families. bad known only a few hoars be was hla passengers knew the roads Ar­ Mrs. W. C. Wright entertained a ready to break with his comrade by chie's good nature was severely tested group of her friends at bridge Tues­ m ischievously upsetting the domestic by the exigencies of the night drive. day afternoon. >1 affairs of a boat who doubtless had Abljah helped wlh the tires but art forgotten how to kill men who In­ only stared helplessly -while Archie GAS SPOILED SLEEP. curred hla displeasure. Sally had af­ poked at the engine. Sally was far MADE HER DIZZY fected h i« like a strong cordial and aa more resourceful and lent her a ssist­ they walked to the house he grew In­ ance with her usual gtxxl cheer, a For years I suffered from gas and creasingly keen for the proposed ad­ cheer which Archie felt he would miss constipation. Used to get headaches - venture Sally. l(ke Isabel, had dared when he hade them good-bye at Ben- and dlxay spells. The first doae of tu n tn in t/ for Only 12 BOXES— Two Carton» o f him to be brav», and he screwed his ; nln