THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS THURSDAY DECEMBER 1, 1927 “W PAGE PIVE "1 "wouldn't be surprised If pop did- Just thin way,*’ she went on dreamily, enjoy her confidence and bo hag n’t pull out aomet|me and beat It for ’’There’! a young man, Abijah Strong, choaen aid In an hour of need and who owns a farm Just a little way I the \yeat. It muat be awful tame for you might help. man who'» stuck pistols Into the To be called hl« and brave a n d ' down the road. He and I have b e e n (Continued on Page 4) face» of express m -ssengers and itrong by so charming a person, to made haul: teller» hand out their ca»h _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ to »ettle down In a place like thia Xa. M e r e d ith N ich o lso n where there» nothing much to do but go to church and prayer meeting. 1 don't know how many men pop'» killed In h|» time, but there mu»t be quite a bunch. Hut pop aoean't seem to worry much. It aeera» to me If I'd ever pumped a man full of lead I'd have a had ca»e o f innomnla.” ' "Well, I don't know,” remarked Archie, weighing the point Judicially, a jF Y K lo J ^ C M A K U Ö 3CJÜBN8R3 SONS - R ÄT, 2Û T H l U PUBUSHJQC- AUTOCASTER SEKVICB i "I suppose you get u»ed to It In time. ! Your father seem s very gentle. You probably exaggerate the number of quite fitting that thievca should mate hl« i»*n. Neither really did any work hjs—er—homicide»." INTRODUCTION "Well, pop can be pretty rough .Archie .I<1 Uenuett. wealthy bach oacn with thieves. ......_•................... - further gather f o r t(i« m o n e y . Archibald U-nuett. weulthy The Governor, «mokin« a pipe on • «ometlmes. He and I have our little •lor. travel» constantly In the Inlare.t ed that Mr« Leary operated In Chi At the first symptoms of eye strain, bring your child to us. of hl« health He m eet. Label Parry, ca«o. under the gut«e of a confection the veranda and chatting with Mrs. trouble».“ "Nothing «erloua. I'm aure. J can't ' who recomm end, a life of crime, ad ery shop, one of the stations of the Walker, recalled him from hla med|- and excitem ent a« underground railroad, and assisted the , tatlon» to »ugge.t that he »bow a de-1 imagine any one being unkind to yon, v e n t u r e , r o m a n c e ------ ---------------------— - • cure for h l. nerve«. Archie g o e. to brotherhood In disposing of their III , c-nt spirit of appreciation of the Sally.” Bailey Harbor to invealigale a aum gotten w are. A recant reform wave Walker'» hospits'lty by repairing to | “ It'» nice of you to »ay thafT But O P T O M E T D I^ T E Y E S IG H T S P E C I A L I S T aer b..u«e for hla alater A heavy In Chicago hud caused a shake up In the kitchen »nd helping Sally with im not perfect and I don't pretend to •torni force» him to »pend the night the polle» department, mögt disturb- the dl»he». In hl» jfotitb Archie h ad >be! Suite 831 M iner Bldg. Eugene, Oregon, Telephone 382 been carefully Instru.'ted In the pro- r Sympathy and tenderne»» surged there. During the night be I» awak Ing to the preying power« "There clean o ff me, I reckon." said per manner of entering a parlor, but within hi» at this absurd suggestion — •ned by footsteps, and In an encounter with the Intruder, who s e e . Archie’s Leary a little pathetically, the re- It was w|th the greatest embarrass- that any one could harbor a doubt of flrur« reflected In Uie mirror and ference being presumably to the pestl- ment that he sought Sally In her Hally's perfection. Her modesty, th- i tone of her voice called for some more »boota. Archie Ore« In return, wound- feruua police. "That was a good Idea kitchen. "I was Just wondering whether you | concrete expression of his understand- Ing the intruder, who make« hie os- of youra for me to go up Into Canada Not that you ing than he could put Into word». Her cape Archie plane flight to evade and work at a real Job for e while wouldn't shrow up! publicity. He starts crosscountry Must a worked hard enough to change had to. but It'« a good dea! more fun hand, dimly discernible ¡n the dusk afoot In the night. At dawn he la my lin g e r prime«. Hume bloke died having somebody to keep you com- of the June »tars was Invitingly near. He clasped and held It, warm and «tupped on a lonely country road by In Kansaii awhile back and got all the pany In the kitchen "Olven me a towel and I’ll promise I yielding. She drew jt away In a "The Uovsrnor." master mind criminal credit for being the old original Red not to break anything " ■ moment but not rebuklngly. who m istakes him for a fellow crlml Leary.” "You don't look « though you’d been 1 I wonder." she »aid presently; nal Archie, fleeing, la afraid to tell This error of the press In recording the truth fall« In with "The Oover- Leary'» death tickled the Governor used to work much." ahe »aid, "but wonder whether you would—whether nor," la whisked across country In a mightily, and M ary laughed until he take off your coat and I'll hang ac I you really would do somethin« for me?" stolen car. See» story In Newspaper waa obliged to wipe the tears from apron on you." HI» inveitltude in Mr». Walker'« "Anythin« In my power,' he d e of killing at Bailey Harbor and. hla eyes. frightened, he decide» to say nothing "I'm going to pull my freight after ample apron made 1» necessary for ; dared hoarsely, What time la It?" she asked with but «tick with hla strange friend and »upper," he »aid. ''Walker'» goln’ to Sally to stand quite close to him. and await developments. At Concord. N. taka roe Into town and I'll slip out to her manner of compressing her lipa a» a Jarr|ng return to practical things. H , Archie cornea upon Isabel Perry at Detroit where the old gtrl'a waitin' »he pinned the hlb to the collar o f his Ehe bent her head close as he held ¡nralstcoat be found wholly charming a match to hla watch. It was halt the hotel desk but »he refuse» to for m e ” recognise him. The Governor, by a Walker called them to supper and H is heart went pit a pat as her flng past e ig h t clever plan, «witches stolen money for th«y went down to a meal that met , er». moist from the »ud». bru»hed hl» i "We'll have to hurry,” she »aid. ■ « * - __ « _ —- A A - - -■ _ • ■ * . . A _ _ -« L. a A _ ck-t 8 M l i . . MV 4« as I 8 A 8 A I I • A 1 8 8» (1 V, good _ money. Archie used as decoy— all aroused by chin uj 8he was quite tall; 8 tal'er than -w h e n I told you pop and I didn't r an the me expectations exp etm u on . «rou»«.. ... the ....... boast of the Walker I Isabel, who had fixed his standard of a always , , . everything ... making love to niece of agent sent to Governor's Plenty of vegetables—yes, but for real appetizing, nour­ u iiT r r im t. u. . . . . agTee about I , was proper height for girls Saily did not I meet eccentric Congdon here n e«t e lt culslna. ishing and satisfying food you must have meat—good meat thinking—' day. Archie and the Oovernor drive At the end of the meal Walker left | giggle, but acted as normal s-nsihte — fresh meat. Cool days demand energy building foods and "Tt tt about a man?" he asked, aur away without crwttlng suspicion and for town to put M ary on a train fot , glr'e should act when pinning apron» there is no substitute for meat. Let us cut you a nice juicy , mlsing the worst and steeling him-I speed serosa the state to deliver the Boston. The veteran (rain r u b b e r • on young men. beef or pork roast for this Sunday’s Dinner. Every house­ "You'v'e never stopped here before? for ,h e blow lf ‘‘ mu,,, f,1L 880.004 to train robber Leary at Walk- »hook hands all round and waved a wife knows that Meat is 70% of every good meal. "It would be a long story," she said Archie I thought I didn't remember you. er'» (arm. where Archie get» new In­ last farewell from the gate sadly, "and there isn’t time to tell it, sight Into workings »8 the crime was sorry to lose him. for M ary was Well, we're always glad to see the but the moment I saw you were so an appealing old fellow, and he had Governor, he'g so funny; but say. world. Now read on. big and brave and strong. I thought hoped for a chance to coax from him i some of the people who come Phone 63 4th and Main Sts. perplexity profoundly touched him. “On the whole It doesn't sound ex ­ some remlnlscensea of hla exp erl-, along— !" PRATT HOLVERSON E. C. STUART “I wouldn't trust the Oovernor, he's "I hope." said Archfe. turning a dlah citing." the Governor commented. In­ ences. too friendly with pop for that. It's M ary vanished Into the starljt dusk to the light to be sure It was thorough- specting a clean shirt. "Did yuur ad mlrable wife get rid of those pearls a« placidly an though he hadn't tacked ly polished. "I hope my presence lin t »he pinched last winter? They were away In hl» clothing sixty thousand offensive?" "Cut It out!" she returned crisply. a handsome string, aa I remember, too dollars to which he had no lawful handsome to market readily. Mrs. right or title. There was something "Of course you're all right. I knew Leary has a passion for preclou« ludicrous In the whole proceedings. 1 you were a real gent the first sq u in t1 bau »lea, Archie," the Oovernor ex­ While Archie had an Income of fifty I got of you. You can’t fool me much plained. "A brilliant career In pick­ thousand dol’ars a year from Invest­ on human nature." "You've always lived up here' ing up such trifles; a star performer. ments. he had always experienced a Red. If you don't mind my bragging of pleasurable thrill at receiving the asked Archie, meek under her frank ; statem ent of his dividends from his approval. your wife.” "Certainly not. I was born |n M ary seemed not at all disturbed personal clerk In the broker's office, by hla ravealatlon of hla wife's larcen­ where he drew ao additional ten Missouri, a grand old state o f I dot ous affection for pearls. That a train thousand as a silent partner. M ary's say It myself, and w e came here when robber's wlfa should be a thief seemed method of dipping Into the world's I was twelve. I went through high perfectly natural; Indeed It seemed capital seemed qujte aa huuorable as school and took dairying and the domestic arts In college and I’m tw enty-three If you care to know.” When the kitchen waa In perfect order they reported the fact to Mra. Walker and Sally suggested that they stroll to a trout brook which was her o w n particular property. He had decided to avoid any ref­ erence to the secrets of the under­ ground trail, but his delicacy received a violent shock a moment later, when they were seated on a bench beside the brook. "Iio you know," she said, “you are I not like the others?” "I don't understand." he faltered "Oh. cut It out! You needn't try to fool me! When I told you awh,le ago I thought you were nice. I meant more than that; I meant that you didn't at all seem like the crooks that sneak through here and hide at our AN EXCLUSIVE SELECTION OF CARDS AND ENVELOPES HAVE house. You're more like the Oover­ BEEN SETT ASIDE BY US FOR THESE PREMIUMS. nor. and I never understand about the Oovernor. It doesn't seem possible that any one who Isn't forced by nee- easily Into crime would ever follow the life. Now you're a gentleman, any one could tell that, but I suppose you've really done som ething pretty bad or you wouldn't be here! Now I'm gojng to hand It to you straight; that's the only way." “ Certainly, Miss Walker; I want- COME IN TODAY AND CLAIM THESE FREE CARDS WHILE you to be perfectly frank with me." We have Just received a big shipment of American and "Well, my advice would be to give , THERE IS A VARIETY TO SELECT FROM yourself up, do your time like a man j Imported Dinnerware. and then live straight. The Governor THEY WILL TAKE THE PLACE APPROPRIATELY OF 12 has monatlc Ideas about the great fame but that's no reason why you 42 Piece Send Porcelain Dinner Sets a t ....... $8-90 to $12.75 CHRISTMAS PRESENTS Rhould wnlk the thorny road. Now $15.00 42 Piece China Dinner Sets .—............................. - pop would k|ll me if he knew I waa talking this way. It's a funny thing 50 Piece China Dinner Sets ..._..........— ..............- ...... $28.00 about pop. All I know about him I Just picked up a little at a time, and 50 Piece Norditake China Dinner S e t s ...................— $39.75 he and ma never wanted me to know Ma's awful nervous about so many of the boys stopping here, for she “The Home Print Shop.” hung on to pop all the time he was Opposite Poatofflee - Springfield shooting up trains out W est and hav­ ing a husband In the penitentiary Is­ n’t a pleasant thing to think about. HARDWARE — FURNITNRE — PAINT M b ' s father ran a saloon down In Missouri; that's how she got acquaint­ Vitus Block Phone 18 NOTE: If you furnish your own cards we will print your name on 25 Free ed with pop. but ma was always on with each yearly subscription taken. the square, and they both wanted me brought up right. RLACKSHEEP! Qt. Stanton W Woody For Sunday Dinner iu c INDEPENDENT MEAT CO. (Cbrwtmatì (Caria One Dozen Beautiful Cards Printed With Name and Yuletide Sentiment Will be Given Away FREE PRETTY NEW PATTERNS as premium with every yearly subscription to OF DISHES THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS for the Christmas Dinner This Offer is Made to New or Old Subscribers as Long as the Supply Of Cards Holds Out The Willamette Press W right & Son