THURSDAY DECEMBER t . 192? THE SPRINGFIELD program on thi' entire HprlngSuld puarr distribution ayatam la the obj«ct of n»w aetlvltlee aturtad hara thia week by the Mountain Statua : Warning waa again Issued to Spring r , onumny. t'r » » i <•» >"ra PubllsheJ Erery Thursday at I bouse. I Exactly whut the plan Is seems uncertain. Hut fluid war veteran» thia week that they puny hav» |„., I mo n n working In tint uaat- Sprluatleld. la n e County. Ora«on. by Specialising In Tonniin w............. ........... tain. Including *,ul u, rwv «11 rights to thu Federal V I M vaswa the City thia week, r.uuuv other things are certain I n e h ^ **>*••• “ S ' ' V,H‘l THE WILLAMETTE PRESS they live together, they cannot possibly Know AdJugl,wl com compensation bonus un lug old wires and old ...............................■ on "bonn. poles and Instill* H. E. MAXEY, Editor. whether they are suited to each other or n o t (h >y >cl b„(oW SB IH'7 .www w -------- Jlinu#ry t Dug new equipment. Over Penney'. Store Ixvcal veterans or relatives of de­ .„ r e d a . aecond d a se matter. February 24. XM3 a t the Companionate m arriage 1» as old as th tiuma.«» Ruconittruction of the Springfield ceased soldiers are Informe«! that an noetofllce. gprlngfleld. Oregon race ami as old as the monkey race. A llth e m o keys live In com panionate m arriage, free to quit I Information bureau has been est- eyetem waa started »otn«1 time »go. Eugene M A IL S U B S C R IP T IO N R A T E Phone 366 nbllnhed at JO» Kraetuer hutbl but w»» not llnlahed «1 that time at any time, ami they like It O » . year In Advance....... $1 • » Three M o n th .-------- £ Portland and that there all poMlble Sonle work waa done thia we. k along Il took hum an beings thousands of evnt“ '^e9 assistance -»’>1 be «‘»on lu tiling ap ,i„, „Hey between Main and A alreet«. Months . » » -« C° » y --------- to establish m arriage a device by which Pr« l- nitrations for the bonus. dence and women, co-operating, are gradually THURSDAY DECEMBER Any honorably discharged veteran teaching men to be decent. I ts a slow process who served In the army, navy or COUNTY-WIDE COOPERATION but that is no reason for getting discouraged ami DEPENDABLE SEEDlCE U C r C n u n u L t EIJEGLASS u m ^ m *-*^** — — ----- marine corps tor more than «0 days going hack to monkey days^and ways. The <»r CUhtr-wW « between April 8. l i l t . »"J J u lX .l. ge,,,.«! X » - 191». provided he l»l6»n hla service NEW MIRACLES USEFUL before the armistice. Is entitled to the p-n e'ch aiu b .-r »< Conuuerc« ' - . - f o r e m e S f The Rev. Dr. Straton of New York say» we compensation benefit«. —--------- _ . . . « J t h e v a r t eultrely suited to each o th e r" THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS & . b,, Until ’ vets again warned as TO DEAD LINE ON BONUS Dr. Geo. A. Simon Ï . Dr. Rox¡dl Q ick S e .u«» b stnnnafield r a s ; 2 i Chamber V a n , c o u last n t, Friday has merit. might now have miracles as wonderful as thone nf the olden times. He has seen a woman virtu­ distribution system merce. grangM. (ana unwus and other organlaa ally dead already” brought back to life by prayer. being reconstructed tions to work toward one end. desire for Modern miracles of the scientific kind are more All our problems are alike and the desire It th an old miracles. com pletion of the reconstruction « X sm is m utual It stands to reason that Lane wonderful Men go in subm arines under th e w ater and n K u n tv can be better developed with e’ *ry°me working together instead of separately and some ty in g machines above it, instead of walking on It. They prevent disease by common sense and lim es a t cross purposes Delegates should be ap- pointed from all civic and farm organizations to cure it with Inoculation, saving tnlUtons instead of resurrecting a few They talk and fo r B U S IN E S S send music through the air without wires. The new miracles are at lease as sepctacular for m utual benefit before but they have been, a talk and no action and even some of the talk as the old and much more useful. Vaccination w as not sincere. The Eugene Chamber qf Coni is worth more than all the m iraculous cures o MORE TH AN 1000 merce is now in different hands The new presi- all the religions. paying po sitio ns . . . dAnt has a vision and is a m an who is sincere. He were tilled I«« yssr by Behnke- W alker etudeni» and ’ w hat you want, make a small deposit and have? I -.K ....... It aet aside until Christmas. / ♦ if all cigarettes were as good - . you wouldn't ---- hear as Camel anything about special treat­ ments to make cigarettes good for the throat. Nothing takes the place of choice tobaccos. E. R. Danner Motor Co. ■ Ketels’ Drug Store f if t h and a streets SPRINGFIELD I I