PAGE THREE THE SPRrNOETEr.D NTÜWS THURSDAY DECEMBER 1, 1927 - Classified Ads (BUYING 02 SELLING1 g T RESULTS) F o il HAI.K — Embroidered rut work Lunch Clolh «Ail Pillow Case« Mm W A N T E D RO O M ER» — Can arrange FOR SALE W O O D for board If dealrud. Furnace heat Old Growth Fir, Second Growth Fir. Bth< i B Vaughn, 621 n si ii I I Inquire 322 11 at. Phone 170. D l J F o il BALE llr.iiiiIfn i ('«ml, fur trim Oak, Ash. All lengths. Phone Spring tf. mwl, line condition. Ainu two love­ AeM 104. ly dresaea, all medium el*». Very N O TIC E TO CRRDITORS n a»»n nb l. i nil llugi n. Jlnl Ii I The beet unbreakable walch crys- tala. Any ahape or alle. Hoyt's Store IN T H B CO U N TY COURT O F T H E PIANO FOR BALE near Springfield S T A T E O F OREGON FOR L A N E 311 Main Street. tf. Beautiful high grade Inatrutni-nt COUNTY. Bargain for quick aale. Terms JKl FOR SALB- -Large Automatic Elec In the M atter of the Estate of Charles E. Clark. Deceased trie Pump and large steel storage monthly arranged tor good bom». If The undersigned having been ap- task. Priced low. Call« Eugene I pointed lalerrated address II A. Llveruaab. by the County Court of the phone 1033. D. 8 State of Oregon for I -ane County td Factory Plano Adjuater. 413 North mlnlstretrlx of the estate of Charles Boren Avenue, 8eattle, Waahlngton W ill ascrlAcg Ane high grade piano E Clark, deceased and having quail Dec. 1. for quick aale. Address Bog M rare Aed. notice la dereby given to the creditors of. and all parsing having of Newa. D. I t . claims against said deceased, to pre­ All kinds of nouae painting; Kalao mining I i per room and up. Koy sent them, aa required by law, within Koch. Call 136J tf. T Y P E W R IT E R RIBBONS— Assorted six months after the Aral publication makes In blark and blue In ■toe*’ at ! of thia notice to tne said Neill-, J Clark at 434 Miner Building, Eugene. We specialise tu awlaa braclet watch tie News office. For the convonl- j Oregon Date of Arat publication here­ repairing Hoyt's 331 Main Btreet. tf ence of ruatnmers who have hither j of. the 3rd day of November, 1327. N E L L IE J CLARK. Administratrix tn not been able to get ribbons in Springfield we have started this of the Estate of Charles B. Clark, deceased. SEPTIC TANK S new line of ribbons for Underwood* j S M ITH * EVANS. Attorneys for Ready for yon to Install Remingtons. Royals, L. C. Smith. Administratrix. 434 6« Miner Bldg., For family of five , »11 and other makes. tf Eugene, Oregon N. 3. 10. 17. 34; For family of e ig h t ...... .............. .... 333 SUMMONS nt our plant IN T H E C IR C U IT CO URT OF T H » Sewer Idpe— Drain Tile C IT A T IO N STA TE OF OREGON, IN AND FOR Chimney Blocks LANE COUNTY. IN T H E CO UN TY COURT O F T H E E U O E N E C O N C R E T E P IP E CO. STATE O F ORBGON FOR T H B Cofra Campbell, Plaintiff, v . Horace W Campbell, Defendant. CO UNTY O F LANE. tf. To Horace W Campbell, Defendant; In the M atter of tbe Estate of Henry In the name of the State y»5 Oregon. H. CuINn. deceased. To Lu.a E Cullen and W illiam Illan» Promreeory noloa and re you are hereby required tn appear and answer the Complaint Aled herein Roderick Cullen: celpta printed and In stock at the against you In the above entitled sntt IN T H E NAM E OF T H B STATE News office. sod Court within four weeks of the OF OREGON, You are hereby cited data of the flrat publication of this and required to appear in t h , County and If you fa ll to appedr Court of the State ot Oregon, for the CALL AND SEE Dr. N. W. Emery summons, for want thereof the plaintiff will lake County of latne, at the Court Room oa plates and other work. tf. Judgment against you as prayed for thereof at Eugrene, In the Connty of In plaintiff's Complaint, to-wit; for a l-anr. on the l«th day of December. decree of the Court dissolving tbe 1387 at 10 o'clock In the forenoon of N O T IC E OP F IN A L S E T T L E M E N T bonds of matrimony and granting to that day. then and there to nhow plaintiff an ahaokite divorce from the cause, tf any you have, why the fol­ Relate of Dora Lyons, Deceased Notice Is hereby given that Jeaae defendant, for the care and custody lowing described real property should Wallace, executor of the last will of the minor children of plaintiff and not he sold at private aale by Henry E. and testament of Dora Lyons, de­ defendant, and for such other and ceased. has tiled In the County Court farther relief aa to the Coart may Slattery, the administrator of the said estate, to make sufficient tn pav funer­ of the State of Oregon. Io and for teem Just and equitable. Tht« summons In s e r v . d upon von al and othc? expenses ag In the peti­ la n e County, his Anal report as such executor and that ten o'clock In the by publication by elrtue of an order tion on Ale prayed for. to-wtt:-The forenoon of Monday, the tnd day of of the Hon O F Sklpworth. Judge North 4« 6 feet of lot 4 In B’ock 18 in January, 1333. at the Court room of said Court, dated and Air.I Nov. 3. Falrmonnt, a »art of the City of Eu­ Tills thereof In Rugene. Oregon, have been 1337. directing this Summons be gene. Iju ie Connty. Oregon. by the Court Axed and appointed as served upon yon by publication of the citation la Arat published In the the time and place for hearing Tib- same once a week for four consecu­ 8prlngAeld News on Nov. 17. 1327. Witness. The lion C P. BARNARD. lections to said report and for tbe tive weeks In tbe Springfield News. Anal settlement of the estate of said Date of Arat publication. Nov. 3. 1337 Judge of the County Court of the Slate I of Oregon, for the County of Lane W E L L » 4 W K L IJt, Attorneys for deceased I”* in tiff, Residence aud Poet Office i and the Seal of said Conrt hereto af­ JESSE W ALLACK. Executor. fixed, the 17th day of November, 1327. Address. Rugene. Oregon. A. E. W H E E L E R , Attorney. • Attest: W B DILLARD. Clerk N. ». 13. IT. 34; D. 1: D 1-8 16-22 29: By EVA L. DU CKW O RTH. Deputy. N 17-24: D. 1 8-15 B U S IN E S S SPRINGFIELD SECOND HAND STORE Buys, Sella and Exchanges W . L U B K E . Prop. 1 » Sth St. D IR E C T O R Y ARCHAMBEAU'S W OM ENS SHOP Specialty Dressmaking Evening Dresses — Hand Made Flowers — Hats and Coats Cor. Main and Second Streets. Phone 166-W Phone 130-M Life, Automobile and Fire Insurance CARL A. WYMAN Reaident Agent 734 D Street. SprlngAeld, Oregon Rea. Phone 160 Plano Movlng SPRINGFIELD TRANSFER W IL L I» BERTSCH, Prop. O FFIC E AT SER VIC E OARAGE 633 Maln Street Burceasor lo Sutton Transfer Office Phone 43 Rea. Phone 3 W. F. Walker Funeral Director 338 Msln SU <2 J Residence 126 C 8t «2 M Full Auto Equipment Ijid y Assistant DR. S. RALPH DIPPEL DENTIST Phons 43 General Practice, Special Attention to Obstetrics and Diseases of chil­ dren. First National Bank Building SprlngAeld, Oregon F irs t N a t i Bank Bldg., Springfield MAX STOVE WORKS F IR I ANO AR TO INSURANCB NO TA R Y PUBLIC W ill take your Old Style Rango In exchange on a l-ater One. Main near M ill St., BprlngAeld Off lea at FIRST NATIONAL BANK Oregon SpHngfieM, DR. N. W. EMERY OBNTIBT Button Bld». Rhone K U Residence Rhone 1SS-M » Springfield, Oregon SPRINGFIELD GRAVEL CO. All kinds of gravel for oon- oroto or road work. Wo make a apaoialty of crushed rook and rock sand. Bunk« are at foot of Main on Mill «treat HENRY W. CHASE, Prop. Oeaeral Law Practloe I. M. PETERSON Attoraey-at-Law City Hall Building Springfield. Ora. FRANK A. DE PUE A T T O R N E Y A T LAW NO TARY PUBLIC Springfield, In the M atter of the Ouardlanahlp nf Edward W Peterameyer, An In ­ competent Person. O R D E R T O S H O W CA U S E Thia matter coming on for hearing before me thia 8th day of November, j 1927, upon the petition of the First National Hank. Eugene. Oregon, the duly appointed, quallAed and acting guardian In the above entitled matter, praying for authority and license to sell the real property of the above named Edward W. Peterameyer; and I It appearing tn the Court and the Court flndA an follows: That the nald Edward W . Petera­ meyer la the owner of the following described real property In Lane and Washington counties in the State of •lrfegon. to-wlt; The West Afty feet of Lots one and two In Block three In Mountain View - Park. In M n e Coun<.y. Oregon. I-ots three and four lu Block two In Mountain View Park, in Lane County, Ixits fifty-seven and titty-eight. Tua- Valley Homes, according to the recorded plat thereof. In Washington 1 County. Oregon. The Northwest Quarter of the North­ west Quarter of Section Fourteen In Township Seventeen South of Range Eight West of the W illamette M eri­ d ia n In Lane County. State of Oregon That said tracts of land are vacant : and unoccupied lands and ennnot be i rented and no Income Is derived there- I from. That It la necessary for the ! aald guardian to pay the taxea thereon i and that aald guardian heMevea that It would be for the best Interest of ’ aald ward that the aald real property ; be sold and the proceeds thereof put ! on Interest or Invested In some pro­ d uctive stock under the supervision | of this Court. That aald ward haa no next of kin •o far aa known to aald guardian. NOW . T H E R E F O R E . IT IS H E R E ­ BY ORDERED that the next ot ktn of aald Edward W. Peterameyer. tf any there be, and all persona Interest­ ed In the estate of aald’ ward appear before this Conrt at the County Court House In Eugene. Lane County, Ore­ gon. on the 17th day of December, 1327, at 10:00 o'clock In the forenoon of said day. to show cauae. If any there be, why license and authority should not be granted for the sale of said premises for the purpose set forth In said petition. IT 19 F U R T H E R ORDERED that a copy of this order shall- be published for three successive weeks In Tho SprlngAeld News, the last publication thereof to be at least ten days prior to the date of said hearing. C. P. BARNARD. Connty Judge. State of Oregon, County of Lane— es. I, L. L. Ray. attorney for the gum- dlan In the above entitled matter, do hereby certlfly that I have prepared the foregoing copy of Order To Show Cauae; that I have compered the same with the original thereof and that I t 's a correct transcript therefrom and of the whole thereof ' Dated this 8th day of November. A. D., 1927. L. L. RAY. i latln Carl H. Phetteplace, M. D. WM. 0 . HUGHES IN T H E O O U NTY COURT FOR LANE CO U N TY IN T H E STATE O F OREGON i Oregon D. W. Roof JEWELER Repairing a Specialty Sprlrtgfleld. Oregon M. O. HOCE Attorney-at-Law Practise U. S. and State Courts Rugene, Oregon N. 10-17-34: D. i: M street from Kelly Boulevard to the City Limits, within the Town of j 8pringfleld, Oregon, Levying sn A» easement for the payment thereof, Directing the entry thereof In the Docket of Town Liens and Declaring an Emergency. T H E TO W N OF SP R IN G F IE L D DOES O RDAIN AH FO LLO W »: WhrrtMts. the Town of Springfield has heretofore caused the grading and graveling of K street from M ill street to Kelly Boulevard, and of KeBy Boulevard, from L street to the City Limits and of M street from, Kelly T E A C H E R 'S E X A M IN A T IO N S Boulevard to the c ity Lim its at the The semi-annual examination for cost of the property abutting thereon, teachers* certificates will be held In and the County Court room, commencing Whereas, the Common Council has on Wednesday, December 21, 1327. at ascertained and does hereby declare 0 A. M , and lasting three days. Sche­ the cost of said Improvements to be as dules for the times when subjects will follows: be given may be obtained by applying K street, »540.18, Kelly Boulevard. at mv office $434 61. M street. $333 76. E J MOORE, County School Super­ And It Is farther found and declared intendent. D. 18 that the property liable for the coot of said Improvements, and the pro­ O R D IN A N C E N U M B E R 624 portionate share due from each lot or An Ordinane« declaring th« coats of part of lot abutting thereon, la as Im proving South D. Street, South hereafter set out. Fourth Straat and Park Straat w ithin It Is further ordered that the pro­ the Tow n of SprlngAeld, Oregon, Levy­ portionate amount of the cost of aald ing an aaaasament fo r the payment Improvements aa hereafter set out. be thereof directing the entry thereof In and the same are hereby assessed and the Docket of Town Llcne and de­ levied upon the property abutting up­ on and benefitted by the Improvement clarin g an emergency. The descrltlon of the property as­ T H E TO W N OF S P R IN G FIELD DOES sessed and the amount of tbe as­ ORDAIN AB FO LLO W »: Whereas, thè Town of 8prtngAelo sessment is as follows; K Street has heretofore caused the grading and C. B Willoughby. Lot 1, Block 2. graveling of South D street from Emerald Heights Addition, $55.29 South 2nd street to South 4th street Simon Klovdahl. Lots 2 and 3. Block and of South 4tb street from fh.uth D street to South E street and of Park 2, Emerald Heights Addition, $7 68. Simon Klovdahl. Ixit 1, Block 3. street from South 4th street to South 6th streeet at the cost of the property Emerald Heights Addition, $42.78. W ilbur B. Mlkesell, Lots 2 and 2, abutting thereon, and Whereas, the Common Connell haa Block 3, Emerald Heights Addition, ascertained and does hereby declare $7 68. W ilbur B Mlkesell. Lot 12. Block 2. the cost ot said improvements to be as Emerald Heights Addition, »42.78. follows: Stfnnn Klovdahl, Lots 10 and 11. South D street, 868.77, South 4th Block 3, Emerald Heights Addition, street, 8174.38, Park street. 1325.70. And It Is further found and declared $768 Simon Klovdahl, Lot 1, Block 4. that the property liable for the cost of said improvements, and the pro­ Emerald Heights Addition. $42.78. W ilbur B. Mlkesell. Lots 2 and 3. portionate share dne from each tot or part of lot abutting thereon, Is as Block 4, Emerald Heights Addition, $7.68 hereafter set out. x W ilbur B. Mlkesell. Lot 12. Block 4. It Is further ordereo thst the pro­ portionate amount of the coat of said Emerald Heights Addition. $42,78. Simon Klovdahl. Ixits 10 and 11. Improvements as hereafter set out, be and the same are hereby assessed and Block 4. Emerald Heights Addition. levied upon the property aAuttmg up- $7 68 P. T. Roush. Lot 5. Block 1, Sunny­ on and benefitted by the inforovement. The descrltton of the property as­ side Addition. $43.38. P T Roush. Lots 3 and 4, Block 1. sessed and the amount of the as­ Sunnyside Addition. $6.61. sessment la as follow«: Maude Beebe. Lot 6. Block 1, Sunny* South O Street Anna Tuhy, Lot 6. Block I. Ex­ side Addition. $43.38. Maude Beebe. Lot 7. Block 1. 8nnny- tended Survey, 8-7 74. A. C. Bennett. Lot •>. Block. 9. Ex- j side Addition, $4 44. Carl Fisher. Lot 8, Block 1, Sunny­ tended Survey. 83.74. Clara J. Casteel. Lota 6 and 7. Block side Addition. $2.17. City of Springfield. Lots 6. and 7, 9. Extended Survey. 87.48. Donald W. McKinnon. Ix>t 1, Block Block 1. Sunnyside, Addition. $41.72. H L. Montgomery. Lot 8, Block 2, tO. Extended Survey. 83 74. Fred I-anfora. Lot 2, Block 10. Kx- Sunnyside Addition. $20.86. M J. McKlin. Lots 9 and 10, Block J. tended Survey. 88.74. Melvin l^ayton. Ix>t 3. Bloc Blm ¿ 10. Ex- Sunnyside Addition, $41 72. City of Springfield, Lots 6. 7, 8, and tended 8urvey. 83.74. Lane County. Lot 4. Block 10. Ex 9. Block 1. Sunnyside Addition, $71.03. Total for K street $540 18. tended Survey, 83.74. Kelly Boulevard C F. Fisher. Lot 5. Block 42. Ex- John S. Lorah. Lot 1. Block «, tended Survey. 83.74. Susie Olson, Lot 6. Block 42. Ex Sunnyside Addition, $42.99. tended Survey, 83.74. John S. Lorah. Lots 2 and 3, Block 6. Mary E. Clark, Lot ’ Block 42, Ex- Sunnyside Addition. $6 24. tended Survey. 83.74. Geo W Orr, Lot 4. Block 6, Sunny­ John O. I-averty., Lot 8. Block 42 Ex­ side Addition, 3.12. tended Survey. 83.74. Dale Knight. Lot 6. Block 6. Sunny­ R M and Ella A. Day. Lota 1 and 2. side Addition. $3.12 Block 43. Extended Survey, 87.48. F House. Lot 16. Block 6, Sunny­ Ida M. Withrow, Lota 1 and 2. side Addition. $3.12 Block 43. Extended Survey. 87 48 Glen Hall. Lots 17. IS and 19, Block Total for South D Street. 858.77. 6, Sunnyside Addition. $9 36 South Fourth 3treet. Glen Hall. Lot 20, Block 6, Sunny­ R M and Ella A. Day. Lot 1. side Addition $42 99 Block 43. Extended Survey. 838.76. A. G. Edwards. Lots 3. and 4. Block Alfred J. and Helen Morgan. Lot 8. 7, Sunnyside Addition, $5.13. Block 43, Extended Survey. 838.75. A. G. Edwards, Lot 5. Block 7. Sun­ D. O. and L. M Fisher, Lot 10, Block nyside Addition, $43.29. W Lansberry, LoV 6. Block 7, Sun­ 1. Valley View Addition. »16 16. O. G. and Katherine Bushman, Lots nyside Addition. $43.29. 11 and 12, Block 1. Valley View Addi­ W. Lansberry. Lot 7, Block 7, Sunny­ side Addition. $3 42. tion. 832. 30. John R. and Amanda C. Nelaon, I-ots Chas Starks. Ixtt 8. Block 7. Sunny­ 13 and 14. Block 1, Valley View Addi­ side Addition. $1 71. Alex McIntosh, Lots 3 and 4. Block tion. $32 30. Alfred J Morgan. 50 feet corner of 12 Snnnvside Addition. $6.85. Ixit 6. Block 2. Valley View Addition, i Alex McIntosh. Lot 5, Block 12, Sunnyside Addition. $44.41. $16.15 Total for South 4th street. $174.38. , Cecil Mathes, ixit 6. Block 12, 9un- Park 9 tre e t nvside Addition. $43.29. E D Tibbetts. Lots. 4 and S, Block Jessie V. Sankey. Lots 7 and 8. 1, Valiev View Addition. $8 84. Block 12. Sunnyside Addition. $5.13. E D. Tibbetts. Lot 6. Block 1, Val- [ W D Wardlow. Ix)t 1. Block 13. ley View Addition. $21.78. Sunnyside Addition, $44.02. W. D. Wardlow. Lots 2. 3 and 4, Dnnlel M. Baker. Lot 7. Block 1. Block 13. Sunnyside Addition. $12 45. Valley View Addition. $27.32. Fred Fritx. Lot 5, Block IS, Sunny Anna Bohlmnn. Lot 8. Block 1, side Addition. $4.15. Valley View Addition. $27.32. D. D. Higgins, Lot 16, Block 13. Cora Mav Sherry, I-ot 9. Block 1. Sunnyside Addition. $3.12. Valley View Addition, $27.32. Geo. W Orr. Lot 17. Block 13, John and Amanda C. Nelson, Lot 13. Block 1. Valley View Addition. ($3.88. Sunnyside Addition, $3.12. L. E. Stone. Ix»t 18 and West H alf John and Amanda C. Nelaon. Lot 14. Block 1, Valley View Addition. $65.96. of Lot 19. Block 13, Sunnyside Addi­ Lane Countv, Lot 1. Block 2. Valley tion. $4 68. John S. Lorah. East H a lf of Lot 19 View Addition, $24.52. Annie S. Nickerson, Lot 2. Block 2. and all of Lot 20. Block 13. Sunnyside Addition. $44.70. Valley View Addition, $24.52. Carl Henson. Ix,ts 1 and 2, Block 14, O. F. and Margaret Allison. Lot 3. Sunnyside Addition. $7.30. Block 2. Valley View Audition. $24.62. Carl Henson. Lot 2. Block 15, Sunny­ Alfred J. and Helen Morgan. Lota 4, 6. and 6. Block 2. Valley View Addi­ side Addition. $3.99. Total for Kelly Boulevard. $434.61. tion. »67.2« M Street May Craft. I-ot 4. Block S. Valley John S. Lorah. Lota 1, 3 and 3. Block View Addition. $4 32. A. P. McKenxIe. Lot 6. Block 3, 6, Snnnvside Addition. $49.38. Geo W. Orr. Lot 4. Block 6. Sunny­ Valley View Addition. »4.32. Maude F. Beebe, Lot 6. Block 3. side Addition. »16.4«. Valley View Addition, $4.32. Dale Knight. Lot 5, Block «. Sunny­ Total for Park Street. »325.70. side Addition. »16.4«. City of Springfield. Lot 6, Block 6. Section 2. The Recorder la hereby directed to enter the foregoing aa- Sunnyside Addition $16.46. aessmenta tn the Docket of Town John Gates. Lota 7, 8. and 9. Block Liens and to give due notice thereof 6. Snnnvside Addition, $49.38. Pearl Jones. Lot 10. Block 8, Sunny­ to the owner« of aald property by United States Mall. side Addition. $16.4«. Section 3. In as much as It Is es­ Louise Tibbetts. Lots 11 and 13. sential to the peace, welfare and hap­ Block 13. Sunnyside Addition. $34.78. Robert and Datus Odell. Lots 18 piness of the Inhabitants of the Town of Springfield that said assessments and 14. Block 13, Sunnyaide Addition, become at once, an emer­ »32.92. D D. Higgins. I» t s 16 and 1«. Block gency Is therefore declared to exist and this ordinance shall become ef­ 13, Sunnvslde Addition. »32.92. Geo. W Orr, Ix it 17, Block 13, fective from and after Its passage by the council and approval by the Sunnyside Addition, »16.46. I , E. Stone. Lot 18, and West H alf mavor. Passed the Common Council this of Lot 19. Block 13. Sunnyside Addi­ 14fh day of November. 1927. tion. »24.69. John S. Ix>rah, East H a lf of Lot 19 Approved by tbe Mayor this 14th and of Lot »0, Block 13. Sunnyside dav of November, 1927. Attest: O. O. BUSHM AN. Addition, »24. 69 Mayor. Total for M street, »333.76. I. M PETERSON, Section 2. The Recorder is hereby Recorder. directed to enter the foregoing as­ D. 1. sessments In the Docket of Town Liens and to give due notice thereof ORDINANCE NUMBER 626 An Ordinance declaring the eeets of by United States Mall. Section 3. In as much as It Is es­ Improving K. etreot from M ill street to Kelly Boulevard, Kelly Boulevard sential to the peace, welfare and hap­ from L street to tho City Lim its and piness of the Inhabitants of the Town TR A IN SCHEOULC Springfield Stops Northbound No. 32 .2 :3 3 P M I No. 1$ . ___________ 4:27 A. M. F la il Southbound No. 16 _____________ 9:33 P. M. Flag .......................... . 6:46 A. M .| No. 31 .. Coach Special for Klamath Falla and beyond, on flag at 2:01 P. M. on Sunday, Tueaday and Friday. V WAR WORK NOT AT END FOR RED CROSS Demands for Service to Disabled Veterans Last Year Cost Nearly $3,000,000. Expenditure of ,2.930,223.86 for services A, disabled veterans, and t t $507,832.30 for service to men of th« Regular Army and N avy/ were out­ standing details of the Red Cross s » proprlattoni tor the past year's activ­ ities, and are cited by Chairman JokR Barton Payne as the continuing 1 » portance of this phase of the orgeat tattoo's responsibilities nine yean after the end of the war. Of the total expended for disabled veterans, the National Organlxatfea contributed $1,141.22841«. and the local Red Croee Chapters $1.769,000. Tha service to men et the regular forces was shared by the National Orgeat» satlon with an appropriation of 1307,» $32.30, and by the local Chapters with »200,000. During the year the I X Cross aa a whole contributed materially to tha success of the Government efforts ta have every veteran re-tnstate or coa» vert his war-time Insurance befora the final time limit expired. Chap­ ters worked in cooperation with local vetefans* bodies to assist former serv­ ice men with their insurance papers, and the application routine, many Chapters keeping open headquarter« up to the expiration of the final moment at midnight. Under local Chapters of the Red Cross, assistance to ex-service men tn lying claims for disability and a ^ Justed compensation, securing hospital care for disabled veterans, prepara­ tion ot social histories tor use la treatment of men in government hos­ pitals, a*« is la nee In securing proper guardians for veterans adjudged In­ competent to stfmlnister their affairs, rendering reports on nome conditions of service men applying for discharge because of dependency, and many other forms ot aid are a part of (ha Red Cross duty to these men. An Interesting detail reveals tha fact that prosecution of ex-servMa men’s claims Is becoming increasingly difficult as they grow more involved with each year that passes since tha war. The number ot death claims tS growing constantly, in addition to tha fact that there Is s steady increaaa In the number of claims referred la various tranches of the Red Crosa concerned with assistance to veteran«, for aid In bringing them to a close. During the past year. National Headquarters estimated that the Red Cross assisted veterans and service men with cases Involving total awarde of »55S.681, for disability and death compensation, revival -of insurane» adjusted compensation. pension» medical and burial reimbursement» etc. Red Cross representatives are oa dnty witb the Army and Navy both In home and foreign garrisons, and contact is maintained In the hospitals and other centers where assistance ta these men and women may be needed. Such Red Cross service, it Is empha- slxed, covers only the fields where regular governmental provisions da not apply, and is designed to sup* plemeut these benefits ot the Govar*» ment. It was emphasized that thlt p«F> tlcular activity of the Red Cross i t one of the strongest appeals for the Increased membership, which will ba asked of the country during tha annual enrollment *rom November IX to 24. The Innocent Thing “Dearest. I can’t leave you! I feel a burning sensation In mv heart—* “Has father been giving you those cheap cigars again?” of Springfield that said assessment# become effective at once, an emer» gency is therefore declared to exit» and this ordinance shall become ef­ fective from and after its passage by the council and approval by the mayor. Passed the Common Council thia 14th day of November. 1927. Approved by the Mayor this 14th day of November. 1927. Attest: G. G. BUSHMAN. I. M. PETERSON, Msyoi. Recorder. D. 1. SUMMONS In the Circuit Court of the Stats ef Oregon for Lane County. Minnie Heather. Plaintiff, vs. Vernoa Russel Heather, Defendant. To Vernon Rnssel Heather. Defendant, IN T H E N A M E O F T H B STAT m O F OREGON: Ton are hereby In ­ quired to appear and answer the com­ plaint filed against you In tho a b o rt entitled suit within twenty weeRt from the date of the first publlcatlot of this summons and If you fall St to answer for want thereof the plain­ tiff w ill take a decree against you fof the dissolution of the marriage ro­ tation now existing between said plain­ tiff and said defendant and that said plaintiff to be decreed to be the owner of the following described premise«: Beginning on bounary line of and 1M feet N W of the most southerly pol»t of lot 1 In block 21 Un Chula Vista Park. I-ane County, Oregon, thenoa N E 70 feet, thence parallel with tha SW line of said lot to S line of Laha Street, thence westerly to E line of Centra] Street, thence SE 60 98 feet ta beginning. The date of the order ordering the publication of this summons ta dated November 8. 19»7. and requires pulb lleatlon once each week for foar weeks, and date of first publication ta November 10th, 1»37. C. A. W1NTERMEIER. Attorney »0« Plaintiff. Residence; Eugene, OreffiX M. U-17-M: D- 14: