THURSDAY DECEMBER 1 .1 9 y TUB SPRINGFIELD NEWS PAGE TWO rum, Jsaper; Ed Melila, Wallervllle. [ Community News GARDEN WAY J I I By Special Correapondenta UPPER WILLAMETTE The young folks of Mary Harden s Sunday school class are going to sell ' Christmas cards this year part of the proceeds to go to the Sunday school. Aunt Mary Millar, aged lift, who dlvd In Kusene at the home of her daugh­ ter. Mrs. Frankie Calllson. Sunday, November Si), was buried at the Pleas­ ant Hill cemetery Wednesday. Nove ll ber S3. Aunt .Mary was loved by all who knew her, She was u (aithful church member and ulways mail» friends with the little tots as they »ame to Sunday school. Mr and Mrs, late Cheshire of Che* For the «rat time lu many years hire were hosts to a reunion of the the high school basketball team de Bailey fam ilies who met at their home tested the alumni team. The score to enjoy Thanksgiving together. Those waa jg to 31. At mauy times during present were Mr. and Mrs. J R. Kish the game the score was a tie creating and (amity, Mr. and Mrs. Prank Bailey much excitement.. Rome of the high and daughter, Ilorthea. and Mr C. E. school's past stars who are now play Bailey all o i Gaixlen Way; Mr. and (ng ,n colleges played on the alumni Mrs. H. K. Bailey and family. Mr. and team Those who played on the THURSTON Mrs. Earl Bailey, Misses Eva and alumni leant were: center. Guy Man- Martha Bailey all of W endling; Mr. ney; forwards. Cheater Wheeler and The school meetlug held last Satur- •nd Mrs. L. B. Bailey and family of c . Parks; guards. Kay Olson and Toledo; Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Bailey and Lawrence Laird; substitutes Arthur dayday carried by a majority (or con­ family of Jasper; Mrs. Geneva Wilson Lindley and Willard Elliott. The high solidation In Thurston district Thirty- and daughter Mildred of Eugene, an t school team consisted of Donald Kab nine voles were cast, twenty three In Mr. and Mra. Lee Cheshire and family |er, center; Kenneth McKenxie and favor and sixteen against consolldat- Mr. and Mrs. I. Cline entertained Clarence Monson, forwards; l*aul • ing with the Davis district. In l>uvls the following guests Thanksgiving Harden, Carl Linlon, guards; Lymau . district 18 votes were cast 17 in favor day; Mr. and Mrs. W F. Cline and Tinker and Gerald Kabler, substitutes and 1 against It. daughter. Bernice. Ira Cline, Mrs. Will After the game the high school stu- Mrs. Anna Pitney and daughters, Dodd and grandson. Mr. and Mrs. dents treated the alumni to a feed. Mary and Modena, from Junction City Ralph Cline and dau^iter, and E. E. The first paper to be edited and spent Thanksgiving at A. W. Weaver's. Smock . printed by the Pleasant Hill high Arthur Calvert from Alpha spent Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Anderson of school students under the name of Thanksgiving In Thurston. Seattle spent Thanksgiving with Mr. Blue and Gold M essenger was gotten Ered Cllngan trout Klamath Falla ged Mrs. W. H Anderson. out Friday. November J5 ami la a spent Thanksgiving In Thurston I Mr and Mrs. H. L. Chase and family credit to the students, staff and teach Her. Hoven Senior of Eugene tilled were Thanksgiving guests at the horns era wno are superintending this work the church pulpit here last Sunday of Mrs. Chase's mother, Mra. Mitchell, in the English classes. The staff Is as morning. Of Eugene. ' follows; Editor In chief. Emery Hy- The water was so high Monday The following ( people enjoyed a land; A ssistant Editor. Donald Kab- evening that the Thurston high achotl Thanksgiving dinner at the F. B. ler; school news editor. Clifford Bax basketball team could not get to Cry* Chase home: O. A. Smith and family, ter; literary editor. Verna Higgins; lal Water's pavilion to practice. Charles Meyers and family. Robert editorial editor. Shirley W iley; sport Perry Price and Jay Grant, who Crawford and family. Frank Kingsley editor, Clarence Monson; Business attending O. A. C. at Corvallis and family, Lester Cyr and family, manager. Austin Mathews; advertls spent Thanksgiving vacation with Kenneth and Lnclle Wylie. Mrs lng manager, Harold Humphreys; home folks here. Oretta Buckingham and son. Cecil, mechanical superintendent. Darwtn Mrs. Jennie Edmlston from Euget.e B elen W astell. Mra. ' LeMar. J. W. Baxter; assistant mechanical superln spent last week visiting relatives here Chase. Miss Maude Chase. Truman tendent, Vena Asrbrey. Maude Edmlston and Mrs W its Chase and family, Marvin Chase and Kay Olson a former basketball and motored to Bwlsshome last Tuesday. Cnmity. Cheater Chase and family, baseball star of the Pleasant Hill high Mr aBd Mra- D- Q Baugh and Mr. Kverett Chase and family. Homer school has been appointed manager and Mrs. Ray Baught and family Chase and family. Mr. and Mrs. En- of the O. A. C. basketball team motored to Donna and spent Thanks- gene Chase, Harold Chase and family. Sam Parks who has been very 111 nt with Mr. and Mra. Stanley Clarence Chase and family. Elmo the Pacific Christian hospital was able Baugh Chase and family, and Merle. Gladys. to be taken to the home of hts sister. ' Mrs. Blanche Wise from Portland Carol and F . B. Chase. Mrs. E. Y Swift, Thanksgiving day visited friends in Thurston the first of Mrs. Eichhorst, who has been at where a family reunion was held lhe week. the McElhany home during the sum- Twenty-seven sat down to Thanks- Mr. and Mrs. George Platt and mer. returned to ber home in Port- giving. family motored to Deerborn and spent lfthd. i in the prettily decorated Senior En Thanksgiving with Mr and Mrs. WII- A . H. Pengra of Springfield spent deavor room at the Christian Church liam p*a tt- Thursday with his mother, Mrs. Mar- Lawrence Wheeler and B essie Fegles Misses Hasel Edmlston. who is «■ret Pengra. were united in marriage Sunday after- teaching in St. Helens and Maude Ed- Miss Edna Pattison underwent a noon, November 27. Both the bride mloton. who has spent the past few Major operation at the Eugene hospi- and groom are residents of the Pleas- "tooths in Astoria, returned to their ta i la s t S a tu rd a y . ant Hill district and have graduated home here for Thanksgiving vacation. Mr. ana Mrs. H. E. Wylie and from the Pleasant Hill high school Mr. and Mrs. A. W Weaver also Lucille and Kenneth Wylie, accom- where they took active part both In Mr. and Mrs. Bert Weaver and famllv punied by Miss Fannie Wylie of Port-1 athletics and dramatics. motored to Junction City last Sunday tend, retuned from Portland Thursday : After a siege with chicken pox, Mr and attended the funeral of Mr. Ed where they attended the funeral o f and Mrs. Ralph Laird and two chll ward Bailey at that place, they were the late Mrs. Elmo Wylie. I dren. Myrna Jean and Raymond, are formerly nleghbors Mrs Alice Pattison waa ho.teaa to out again. |z Mlgg olgdyg HaaUBg. from PortUnd U r family slater, and brother-in-law. Robert M Benjamin of Saginaw. T), „ pd reUU„ g here week Thanksgiving day. Those present 1 Michigan, very unexpectedly visited were Mr. and Mrs Waldo Hardie and his cousin, Eugene B Tinker, and his Ml” Era 1 tep,ace' who la te unlted effort to tbe lng for an extended visit Into Call Mr. aDd Mrs. J. L. Stone of Norfolk, much needed bridge across the coast for®*4- Nebraska, are expected to arrive ..t fork of the W illamette east of Cres- ------------------------------ the Collingwood home Friday evening, well i Mrs Stone i . a daughter of M r and M r «' M o r 8 « n H " V l a it o r a - M r a . A. Mra. G F Collin-wood A r e u n lo . * lllal” '>« a Layadon has entered j. Morgan la entertaining her uncle G. F. Collingwood. A reunion union high school She Is staying ueorge Coffin, and cousin, Mrs. Ellxa will be held Sunday In honor of the . Bewcomers. who are expected to make ° ™ d">a J ^ o b y . j Bouckaert, S e a ttle for about Oregon their home. Tbe cla,'aeB at Sunday school have ( two weeks. Mr. Morgan a brother , , been rearranged and high school class Walter Morgan, who Is attending the of boys and girls has been formed, medical school at Portland, spent Idaba Men Are Vlsitpra—Lee Lloyd Rev. W. A. Elkins Is teacher of this Thanksgiving with the Morgans. and Sidney Cooper, buslnesi men of r111 . ..... , , - - Weiser, Idaho, were here Monday ’ while en route to California. They visited at the home of C. E. Kenyon, cashier of the Commercial State bank, who formerly was connected with a ' bank at Weiser. ■Z' Taken Te Bremerton Police Chief Jess Smltson left last night for Bremerton, Washington, where he will deliver Raymond Bill­ ings. arrested here last week, to the naval yard authorities. THE CHRISTMAS HOLIDAYS WILL SOON BE HERE AND WE ARE GLAD TO AN­ NOUNCE THE ARRIVAL OF OUR BEAUTIFUL AND EX­ CLUSIVE CHRISTMAS CARDS AND STATIONERY. • WE EXTEND TO YOU A CORDIAL INVITATION TO CALL AT OUR STORE AND INSPECT THIS BEAUTIFUL DISPI j AY-—EVERY ONE A WORK OF ART. w 8. A . lee H e re — tí A. le s of Win t>etry was a Springfield visitor Mon day. Baby Is Born—A daughter was born Saturda, Io Mr. and Mia. Art Clough of Kuinbow. Here F ro m P e n g ra — Mrs. 8, W Richardson of IVngra was a visitor in Springfield Saturday. Here From W sltervllle— Robert .Me Noun of W sltervllle paid Sprlngllebl a visit Saturday. Visiter Here Monday—L. II Moro house of Full Creok was a Spring field visitor Monday. » Down F r o m Wendling — Henrv Carter spent the week-end here front Wendling In From Marcóla — Mrs. A. B Wilkins of Marcóla was a visitor In Springfield Friday. Roy Brewer Here— Roy Brewer of Full Creek was a visitor here this week. Marcóla People Here— Mr and Mrs. Cye Perkins of Marcóla were Spriux field visitors Sunday. Intera Hospital— Mr» llarold H«n'l Mi a Slev, as, wera vlallors over Ilio Peterson re tu rn e d to T hu Dalit1 - Suu Tliauk»tlvlng vaealton. Thay ralttrn- ■lav a fte r a brief viali at th e hum»' if ed lo Portland Sunday. t h er brother, I. M Peterson, city nt M r». Vai» Valsali III— Mrs A, Il Val» torney. Vallali wa» sllghtly III rally Ibis «iek< Many Visitors Here—Among Spt-ng fotlowlng her return front Portlrfn-I field visitor» lust Friday were Mrs oliere she »peni Thanksglvllfg "liti Perry Wallace, Jasper; Mrs. F. K. her sofia The wealher was very col l Roberts, Creswell; Mrs. Notile For in Porlland »Ile salii. I -, FOR SALE 5-Room Modern House, full banement, furnace, fire­ place. hardwood floor, I’ecrleaa kitchen, breakfast nook uip I garage. Thia In I,rami new ami right on the pavement for $d50t> cash or $4800 on term». You can't heat thia. Let me show you Ibis house. I have a 8-room plastered House for $2000 cash or $2300 on terms. I have several good btiya In amall acreage«. TRADES What have you to trade for Minnesota. California. Washington or Montana property. I have a large Hat of these. Bring In your Hat Inga If you want to trade or sell. » Edith Eaton III— Edith Eaton was III thia week at the home of ber par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Katun. Mra. Melinda III— Mra. E. F Mallnda entered the Pacific ^'hrlatlan hoapltal last Friday tor treatment. Win. VASBY Phone 73-J REAL E STA T E 312 Main St. Springfield. Ore. Return From Portland— Mr ami Mrs. Paul Schlewe returned thia week from Portland, where they spent the holiday week-end. Goes te Grove Jame» Mitchell has gone to Cottage Grove where he has employment In Gray's Cash and Ca-ry Store. > June Clever Ilk— June, the amall daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Clover, hat been seriously 111 with a cold thia week. Returne From Medford— .Mra. M. B Huntly baa returned from Medford, where she visited over Thanksgiving with Mr and Mra. Frank Powell. Here From Washington— Mr. and Mra James Ftsher of Raymond, Wash ington. were here early this week to be at the bedside of-her father, F. A. Fisher, who died Sunday. There's new convenience and positive baking results m the use o f Crescent - the Double Acting Baking Powder TAe New FORD CAR is a wonder Full details to be given at our showrooms this Friday WE ADVISE EARLY SELECTIONS WHILE STOCKS ARE COMPLETE. QUALITY AND PRICES WILL BE FOUND TO YOUR LIKING. YOURS VERY TRULY, E. R. D A N N ER MOTOR CO. Authorized Ford Dealer” why ( \ OF M A N Y ) E f FICIBNCY— P uta S ta n d a rd Oil EAcsancy in y o u r crankcase. ETM 0A M M l «eMFAHT Of aALIFOMNIA Flanery’« Drug Store S3U 3^5*0^ Corner 6th and A Sts. Springfield, Oregon,