V. o f O. lAbrury M ake Your Wan»» 'Known • Use the Classified Ads. THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS /I A TWENTY-FOURTH YEAR 1 ___ j__________________ ,__________________________________ _— BPR1NGPUDLD. LANE COUNTY, ORBOON. THURHOAY DBCBMBBR 1, 1927 ALL IN READINESS FOR HANDLING RECORD MAIL DURING XMAS HOLIDAYS 10 OSIN LOST r a t I Chamber Approves Industrial Survey A X. . ’s Papac" LIVI NEWSPAPER IN A LIVE TOWN ........... NUMBER 47 New Ford to Be Explained 5PÜINGHELD T q W h o l e World on Friday SPAN PLANS ABE READY To handle what promises to be the County Program Is Endortnd; biggest quantity of Christmas mall in Zero Hur for Announcement on Prices from »389 to »970 Hamlin Namnd Prngidnnt the history of the local postoffice. S. P. Delay» Game by Failure ta New Car will bn Held Every­ For 1928 The various Ford types and their Lincoln School to Op»n Monday Postmaster F. B Hamlin la arranging File Brief in Second Street where at O n e » : Danner prices, f. o. b. Detroit aa announ­ Approval to a eounty-wlde Industrial Unless New Cass of Paraylsis for additional assistance both In the Closing Matter; Coburg Reel* Motor Prepared to Make a ced today, follow: office and on street delivery, It was Develops; Board of Directors announced today. The poatofflce la survey as planned by the Eugen, Tudor sedan »485. dents Present Road Propoei* Showing. Scheduled to Meet Monday being cleared and prepared for receiv­ chamber of commerce In cooperation Fordor sedan »570. tion to Commission. with the school of business ad min. s- A public reception to be held at the Coupe 3496. ing Ihe great Indus of packages from iration of the University of Oregon Night. ■ B. K. Danner Salearooma Friday is Sport Coupe (»50. Delayed action on the part of the outside, and shipping out those dis­ *Unla»a s new vase of Infantile patched to other points by Springfield was voted by members of the Hp-ing part of the national Introduction of Phaeton 3896. Southern Pacific company In filing Its Held chamber at an Important meeting the new Ford models. In thousands Roadster »886. brief dh the Second street eroaitBf paralysis develop» hare this week, the patrons. tael Friday night. of communities all over the United Roadster with pickup body »3*6. closing case la all that Is holding up Lincoln Junior high school will he An additional allowance for help has J #. Bholton, president, and T. J States tomorrow this new line of Chassis (326. final decision by the public service opened neat Monday, and the school been granted by the poatofflce depart­ Flippin, secretary, of the Eugene moderate-priced light automobiles will Truck chassis with cab 3646. commission on this matter, County hoard at a meeting Monday night will ment to the Hprlngfleld unit, and as chamber, explained the survey plans be Introduced to millions of people. Truck chassis with cab and ex­ Judge C. P. Barnard was Informed consider minimising Ihe length of lb» usual the eslra workers will start Experts of the school of business Jd The doors of the showrooms are to press body 3800. while in Portland this week at the Christmas racaellon to make up for activities about the middle of the ministration will go Into the Industrial (ipengd promptly at 8 o’clock state highway commission meeting. Truck chassis with cab and stake lost time, according to W. O Hughes, month Already, however, some Christ­ situation throughout the county attendanu will ba on hand throughout Officials of the public service commit* body 3810 chairman. mas mailing la unedr way, packages thoroughly. Including an exhaustive the remainder of the day to explain Track chassis with cab and plat­ j slon Informed the Judge that other Vacation dales will probably *•> bearing colorful seals and the familiar Investigation of the Industrial condi­ the new and interesting features of form body 3536. i parties to the case have now filed their tend from December 23, the Friday Instructions. ••Don’t Open Until Christ- tions In Springfield. Such matters as the ear which Is expected to make 1 ; briefs. Including the state highway before Christmas, which comes on . mas," having been both received end proximity of raw materials and other new chapter In automotive history. found In much higher priced auto- commission, but that the Southern Munday, Io January 2. the on “> , ou{ fr(1IJ1 tBe |ot.a, office, resources, labor conditions, transpor­ The new Ford cars are said to be mobiles. On an Instrument board cf | p ^m ,, j,a» taken advantage of a grant after New Year's day. Teachers who | aspect to go to Ihelr homes at other I The postoffice department has off! tation faotMttea, and all other condi­ the product of several years of stud/ satin-finished nickel are mounted the Qj more time In which to prepare their pot»*a will thus have Saturday In | dally predicted that Ihe mails will be tions having a bearing on the Indus­ and planning by Henry Ford and hia sp»-edometer, gasoline gauge, ammeter 1 papera engineers In ths great Ford labora­ and Ignition lock, with a daah-light In j U)#UJ (he croagin< cloalBg matter 18 whUffi to reach them, said Mr Hughe«. heavier Ihle holWay season than ever trial situation will be taken up “One of tba chief objectives of this tories at Dearborn. Mr. Ford himself center. The new military-type sen j gett)ed flngl act|0B jboktng toward lap before. Tble results In a repetition of while the weekly school program will tb# conlrgct for the nejr SprlBg. the ancient plea. "Mall You Christmas project will be to provide the farmer has announced that ''there Is nothing visor, with crown roof and round cor- j not be broken Into at all. with better markets tor bis products,” quite like the new Ford car" and be ners. are fatures ot the closed field bridge cannot be expected from Packages Early." Pear, rather than prevalence of In­ declared President Shelton. "In this slated that It will prove just as great models. Unusually narrow pillars and the state highway commission, Judge fantile paralysis, has resulted In the connection, we are earnestly behind a pioneer in the present field of low very wide doors and windows give Barnard said. However, work hat general shutdown of activities In IMPOSSIBLE TO REMOVE the construction of the Crane-Odell price light care of quality as ths maximum vision. Nickeled radiator been progressing rapidly on the plane Hprlngfleld, It was slated this mora­ ALL SILT FROM WATER. rail project, with a view to furnishing I famous Model T was a pioneer In Ha shell and headlamps further accentu­ for the highway bridge here, and (S lly by school officials and Health Of- ate the exterior attractiveness, while a matter of tact all specifications and POWER ENGINEER SAYS i better transportation to eastern mar- • field tor more than nineteen years. fld,r W. H. Pollard. Further spread ’ kets The whole program should ba Elaborate arrangements are being choices at four colors In pyroxylin other data are ready tor inspection of of the dlaeaae la being guarded With the turbid Willamette river of great benefit to Lane county agri­ made for the public reception here finish are offered. prospective bidders. It was said. against, and the situation In Spring- near the flood stage here this week. It cultural and Industrial Interests, with City officials and prominent business Simplicity In design has also car­ Plana In Shags " field certainly la not to be called aeri- has been Impossible to remove all like benefits to the prosperity of the men of Springfield and vicinity have ried to the Ignition. There la only ”8tate engineer's officials declared ona. It was said. allt from the muddy water as It Is cuuuty at large.” been Invited and preparations have one coll. In a waterproof case. There that they could have the whole thing The Aral death, that of Eva Me- through the local filtering plant, but An Important testers of the Friday been made to give every caller at the are no vibrators to adjust, and no ready for letting the contract In 44 Klnnls last Bunday morning reduced the water has been absolutely pure, meeting was the election of F, B. show a thorough understanding of this 1 exposed cables to work loose or abort the number of caaea here to two. both •w ording to W C. MeLagan. engineer Hamlin as president, and of other of-1 c** which la expected to make a sew circuit from water. The distributor la hours," said Judge Barnard in point­ ing out the advanced »Ute of affairs small children under school age. Both of the Meuntaln States Power com­ fleera of the organisation, for the com- chapter In automobile history. located In a readily accessible posi­ regarding the bridge plans. Similar are ronvalaaclng The Junior high pany here. Ing year. Mr. llamUn was recently While no detailed descriptions have tion on top of the engine. statements have been made to B. M. school, which Miss McKInals attend "We have had teals of the water named by the boar- of d-rectors to yet been given out by local dealers, Centrifugal water pump, large radla- Morrison, chairman of the Springfield ed. was dosed Immediately upon re­ regularly and they abewr that all bac­ serve out the unexplred term of H. J. the Ford Motor company has announ- tor and airplane propeller-type fan t,ridg«. committee of the local chamber ports of her case. teria la removed by our purifying sys­ Cox. resigned, and will now take over c*d that the new Ford car will be as provide a cooling system which makes oj commerce, who has been in coll* Attendanca In tba Bret lain school tem." said MrlcSgan. ‘ 'However, our the reins of the organisation In bis far In advance of present public de tho car ygry difficult to overheat, ex- terence with officials of the state high* has been poor this week aa the result plant Is not modern enough to remove own bands. mand for speed, flexibility, control in cept from abuse, such as running wltn- way department, and repoted the situ»* of parents keeping their children out all allt from the water, and when the Other officers named were: H. E. traffic and economy of operation as j out enough oil, or dry radiator, tlon at the last meeting of the chaa* of School In fear of Ihe disease, ac­ river la as muddy aa It has been dur­ J0 mlkg to , , ¿ ¡ 1 ^ her, Maxey, vies president; C. E. Kenyon, the famous Model T waa In advance I cording lo Mr. Hugbrt. He said that ing the past tew days, the water will treasurer; W. C. Wright, Julius Fulop, of public demand whan it waa Intro­ gasoline, repending upon driving Mr. Morrison is of the opinion the! the board la doing «all poeMble to ah" w W. C. Rebhan. W. A. Taylor and J. A. duced In 1908. speed, Is the gasoline consumption an­ the highway commission will be ready keep the schools In a sanitary condi­ Unusual speed and acceleration are City Water began giving Indications Seavey, directors. nounced. Feed to carburetor la by to ask for bids at the next meeting, tion. and this week will have gfevel among the outstanding features ot the I gravity. of the presence of silt Sunday and to be held late In December. spread on the Brattaln grounds and new oar. It la announced as being able Monday The moat modern filtering DRILLER DEEPENS OLD The oiling system, also a distinc­ Officials of the highway department, ■Taval walks put In to replace the to make 66 to 80 ml tea an hour, with systems developed would be able to tive Ford design, la a combination of at any rate, promised both Judge Bar* WELL AT POWER PLANT Board walks now In use. ease. In recent tests It has made even make the water absolutely clear, said The nard and Mr. Morrison that the whole more without difficulty. What Is more pump, splash and gravity feed During the enforced vacation at Mctognn new transmission Is the »elective ■ thlng wouW ,n guch ghgpe that M As another phase of the experiment­ Important, It Is stated that when the Lincoln school, several new scats The river reached the flood stage ing program which the Mountain ag thp ^ „ ,,„ ,0 0 of the r|yer aB(| traveling at such speeds, It holds the sliding gear type, with standard shift. are being Installed and other changes for a short time Monday night States l*ower company Is engaged In road easily, and with comfort to driver three speeds forward and one reverse other COBdltlona wonld ailow lB the made, Mr. Hughes said. here, W. A. Slate, well driller of Tan­ and passengers. It la also stated with 1 he main shaft runs on ball bearing, spr;Bgi actual construction on the new The McKInnls family Is under quar­ CHURCH ATTENDANCE IS started. I* gent, arrived early this week to drill equal poeltlvenese, however, that It the countershaft on roller bearings, h)ghway gpan here wln antine. Dr. Pollard said that rumors to a greater depth In the water well performs In an equally spectacular and the reverse idler on bronae bear-. ,he meant)me, the ancient brldfe GOOD DESPITE SICKNESS at the plant of the company near the that the small brother of Mlsa Me- manner on had roads. In Its design, tngs. a power-saving design unusual whlch now carriea the heayy trafflg Klnnls has the disease 'were evidently depot. The company has been making Mr. Ford has held to his original Idea on light cars. Shifting of gears Is muat snataln the strain after more Despite the sickness now prevalent, unfounded. noiseless and easily accomplished, at , han 3# yearg gerylce. attendance at the Christian church extensive experiments In underground of a car which can meet all conditions the pressure of a finger. water In this district. and types on the road. Willamette Project Ready la holding up well, members of the EVA MAY McKINNIS Multiple dry-disc clutch, rear axle The power plant well was driven to Appreciating the constantly Increas­ A contractor’s Journal Is understood congregation reported thia week. Sev­ DIES AT ACE OF 13 eral new departments of the church a depth of 130 feet three years ago. ing Importance of acceleration, the of three-quarters floating type housed i to have announced In the current ifi* No water Is being taken from It at Ford Motor company has given a great In electrically welded steel, and spiral sue that the Springfield bridge plans work are enjoying growth. Eva May McKInnls, daughter of Mr. present deal of study to thia feature of the beTel *ear dr,Te are itera tin g fea are ready for inspection by con* An orchestra last Sunday evening and Mrs Thomas McKInnls, who died presented several numbers. The Just what la expected to result from new car. In high gear teats with two tures- The axle shafu carry none of tractors. other ln whlch Ijlne conBty last Sunday morning ae Springfield » chorus choir Is growing, and a male the experiment has not been announ­ passengers In a Tudor sedan it has the weight of the car. the wheels run- first victim of Infantile paralysis, was quartet has been organised to sing at ced by power company officials. shown an acceleration of from 6 to 25 ning on roller bearings on the hous- j and ,he gtate hlghway c0mm|gg|0n are born two and one half miles east of Sunday evening service». ing. Nenriy developed springs of the I jojBt]y interested seem to be in very Thirteen wells have been drilled, miles an hour In 8H seconds. Hprlngfleld on the old McKInnls farm The new Fiord car also Introduces transverse seml-elllptlc type and hy- gatlsfactory shape, Judge Barnard said moat of them on the mill race above .On Sunday evening ot thia week an Ml. Vernon, on November 8. 1914. a new type of four-wheel brakes. An draultc shock-absorbers prevent ex­ upon his return. The commission hat entirely evangelistic service will be the local plant. exclusive Ford development, they are cessive up-and-down movement and re- let the contract for the grubbing and In 1920. the family moved lo Spring- conducted. The chorus choir will of the mechanical, shoe-expanding : move Blde »wa7- field. where Eva attended public sing with Claud Neely In charge, and CANNED FRUIT SHIPPED grading of a unit of the Oakridge* type, and are self-centering. The 1 Irreversible steering gear, which j ixrwell route of the Willamette high* schools until the time of her death. Rev. 8. E Childers will preach on TO VETERANS HOSPITAL brake pedal and the hand brake each I prevents shocks from being transmit- way to Von der Hellen * Pierson, who » She became n member of the Christian "The Hand That Touched Ihe Hem at operates all four brakes. It Is stated led back to the hands of the driver, bid 2128.016. These contractors hare church at the age of 8. She waa well- Hla Garment." Morning services will Several boxes of canned fruits. that this is the most reliable and simp- makes handling exceptionally easy. ' promised Judge Barnard that they will liked by her school teacher» and ac- be held as usual. Jellies and similar good things were lest type of four-wheel brake, and also Maximum steering safety is further get busy as soon as possible, and will qualntances. shipped from here to the veterans In the easiest to adjust, all adjustments provided by a gear housing of welded have crews working on the projeet She Is survived by her parents, Mr , n c p r i/A ii i f i n e r MAMCC the hospital at Portland for Thanks­ sad Mrs. Thomas McKInnls. and two REBEKAH LODGE NAMES being made from the outside without steel forgings, and a steel tube steer- ' this winter. giving. according to Mrs. A. B. Van ing column welded Into the housing, Coburg Route Proposed brothers. Carl 18, and Vprnon 4. The OFFICERS FOR YEAR Vatzah, president of the Auxiliary of removing any parts. As announced last week. Tom Greet body iwna shipped to Imbler, Oregon, An engine that Is practically vlbra- making a sturdy and exceptionally Ihe American Legion, which sponsor­ The local chapter of tho Reboknh ed the donations. of Coburg presented to the highway for buTlal. and a service waa held at, tlonless develops 40 horsepower at safe one-piece unit. the grave there today according to W. lodge at a meeting on Monday night Ford-designed steel spoke wheels, commission the plans for an east side "The response was gratifying," said 2,200 revolutions per minute. This low F. Walker, who made the arrange­ elected officer» for the new year, giv­ Mrs. Van Valsah. *‘I want to thank revolution speed In ratio to the high completely welded Into a one-piece as­ route for through traffic from Alford ing Mr». Lillie Kiser the office of all Hprlngfl«!d people who donated, horsepower Is illustrative of the un­ sembly, are provided. station through Coburg to Eugene and ments here. noble grand, or head of the organisa­ and I can assure them that their gifts usual efficiency of the engine. Also, There are six models of the new car. Springfield. The commission took the tion. MILK INSPECTOR MAY were appreciated by the men at the It means longer life, the lower engine They are the phaeton, roadster, sport project under advisement This Iff Others named were; Mrs. Stella hospital. They consider the people speed Insuring less wear on engine coupe, coupe. Tudor and Fordor seadn. one of the moet Important prospective BE APPOINTED TODAY Finley, vice grand; Mrs. Genevieve road projects ln Lane county, and of Springfield among their b e s t parts. The low revolution speed Is would provide both an additional high* I*ouk. recording secretary; Mrs. Cora also a substantial factor In lessening friends. WANDERER RETURNS TO Arrangements will probably be made way for through traffic and would opea vibration. The bore Is 3 7-8 Inches, today for providing, milk Inspection Hinson, financial secretary; Mr». PRAISE SPRINGFIELD up a fertile farming region of Lane stroke 4 1-4 Inches. The nn\tsnartly Alice Lorah, treasurer; Mrs. Mabie FRANK A. FISHER. 71, for Springfield under the ordlnsnoe county for better transportation faci­ Mortensen, musician. large crankshaft, which la both stati­ recently adopted by the city cnunell. Seven states were visited by W. C. lities. An 80 foot right of way hag DIES AT HOME HERE cally a n d dynamically balanced, installation of these officers -will be aoeordlng to Recorder I. M. Peterson. Ovlngton before he returned to been signed np conditional for the weighs 28 pounds. This balancing, The Lane county health association held In January. On December 9, a Sprlsfitfleld to settle here permanently route. It was announced. Twenty-three years of living In oomblned with the lightness of alumi­ «8 to assist In the milk Inspection ham »corning meeting will be held, Springfield terminated when Frank A. In what he has found to be the best Contrary to expectations, delegates program here. It Is expected that with Rebekahs from other cities In­ Fisher, 71. passed away at his home num alloy pistons, further combines place in the country to live. tailed to appear before the commis­ to reduce vibration and Increase rid­ Mayor O. O. Bushman will appoint vited. In charge are Mrs. Lillian here Sunday morning at 7:80 o'clock. Mr. Ovlhgton sold his farm on R. F. sion to urge the »Ute to take over the ing and driving comfort and safetyi Black, Mrs. Minnie Gerard and Mrs. a milk Inspector, and that he will D. No. 3 near here a year ago, and Prairie road between Eugene and Mr. Fisher had been III for a long Clara Walker. In addition to freedom from vibra­ yielded to a desire to seek a new begin work Immediately. time, and his death was not unex­ Junction City. tion. It Is announced that the car Is location. He sought the ideal place pected. Mr. Peterson said .11 la possible the same Inspector will handle the work NELSON INCREASING The funeral waa held at 2 o’clock unusually quiet, a great deal of at­ far and wide, hut never was satisfied. KLOVDAHL RESIGNATION tention having been paid to this fea­ Finally, he decided to return to this here that Is now doing the Inspecting CAPACITY OF PLANT Wednesday, at the Walker chapel, DECLARED PERMANENT in Eugene. with Rev. O. Sykes of the Methodist ture by the Ford engineers. In the city, and he arrived late last week. engine, the timing gears are made of Robort Nelson, veteran Springfield church officiating. Interment was nt He Is looking for property to buy The resignation of Simon Klovdahl bnkeltied fabric, which Is much here. poultryman, la Increasing the capacl-y I*aurel Hill cemetery. Oratorio Group Appears as city engineer of Springfield has quieter than metal. The cams on Ihe of hia Incuhat'on house by 3000, It Mr. Fisher iwas a member of* the been declared permanent, and that the Widows Meet Friday The Eugene oratorio society, which waa announced this week. Mr. NelHon Modern Woodmen of America, and camshaft have been so designed as to city Is now without an engineer, ac­ In eludes several Springfield members, found the enlargement necessary to had a wide circle of acquaintances prevent valve clicking. The Springfield Widows club will cording to Recorder Ira M Peterson. The coachwork of the car Is as dis­ will present Handel's "The MessInh'J handle the Increasing demand for and friends here. He is survived by "It is unlikely that we will need the meet Friday evening at the home of at Ihe school of music auditorium on baby chicks from his farm, and now the following children: Mrs James tinctive as Its performance. There !s services of an engineer until spring" Mrs A. B. Van Valzah, Is waa announ­ a noticeable European touch In line the university campus tonight. A has contracts for disposing of all Fisher, Raymond, Washington, Mrs. ced today. The recently organised said Mr. Peterson. “At that time, a large amount of solo work, with full chicks produced nt the farm until Madison of Oakridge: Mrs. Cora Lay- and contour. It Is not only designed group has been meeting regularly, and new man for the position can be ap­ for extorior beauty, but has as well May. barger, Wendllng; Mrs. Ray Raller, chorus numbers of unusual beauty, pointed. What work Is necessary Mr. Nelson now has one of the moat Mrs. Coral Gay, David, Nels and the Interior roominess, convenience much Interest Is being shown by the until then can be hired done.” will make thia an exceptional perform- ba members, Mrs. Van Valsah said. and luxurious appointments to moden oultry plants in the state. Frank, Jr., of Springfield. Mace, It Is »aid.