PAGB SIX THK SPRINGFIELD NEWS THURSDAY NOVEMBER 24 11*27 day* and uiy only surprlaa I» that he the aecepte«! »eherne of thing» Walker | he knew whelk the qulttlug was good, aroused the Governor's deepest Inter­ and having sailed away a nice little so completely failed to give me the est by telling of the visit of IVIn faintest Idea - Idea— " , (ortuue avvuculated In express hold "Of your charm, your Ineffable Barney, a diamond thief, who had ups. he dwells here In peace and lately made a big haul In Chicago, and beauty!" the Governor supplied passes the hat at the meeting house had been passed along from one point M e r e d ith N ich o lso n ' every Sunday. You may be dead sure j "You'd better chase yourselves In lh a t only the aristocracy of our pro- to the house now or pop'll be peeved of refuge to another Leary appeared » moment later and ' fvsslon have the entree at Walker's. at having to watt for you." On the veranda a tall elderly man Archie was about to leave the room. A gray-bearded man with a pro uouuced stoop, clad tn faded blue rose from a hammock In which he hut the Governor Insisted a^ttl'y that 1 overalls, was waiting for them at the hail been reading a newspaper and he remain "I'm anxIoW for you and Bed to stretched him self Ills tanned face , burn. i ''Just run the machine right in,” was deeply lined hut he gave the know that I trust both of you fully.“ "What'a the young brother.—® Impression of health and vigor. he called. con?" asked Leary wtih a glance at "Leary," whispered the Governor tn The car disposed of. the Governor introduced Archie as oue of his deur- and aside and Immediately Introduced Archie. C Q p Y R lo J ^ ^ H A S L B S SCR1BHBRS SONS - RÄJ--. .ZD THTAJ H JS U S H IR 5 AUTOCASTER SBC. To be referred to aa a confidence «»l friends, aud the hand Archie clasp­ him "The road ha* been smooth and the man by a gentleman of la>ary'a pro- out result. And I have learned that protectors and makes It possible tor ed was undeniably roughened by toll. INTRODUCTION men of genius like you and me to Walker mumbled a "glad to see-ye," sky 1» high." sat dthe Governor In fes^onal eminence save Archie a Archibald Bennett, wealthy bach­ hts wife has left Bailey Harbor and The Governor answered by desponse to a quick anxious question­ thrill walk In high places unmolested A and lastly looked him over. elor, travel» constantly In the Interval the house there is c’oaed. Closed! drawing up hla alaevea and going ing of lamrv'a »mall restless eyea damnable system, Archie, but we How dare they close that house when There was nothing In his speech or «< hl» health.. He meets Isabel Perry, •'Did yon And peace in the churches through the motions of washing hla learned It from the greedy trust mag­ manner to suggest that he had ever wtko reconlniiends a life of crime, ad­ 1 was about to pay them a visit ?" hands nates You take the wheel; It Just been a road agent He aastated them by the way?" asked Ixiary. Seebrook and Walters expressed venture, romance and excitement a» "In ona of the temples wa found Tha brushing of the hands together occurs to me that you said you were In carrying tbelr traps to the house, A cure for hts nerve». Archie goes to their sympathy In mild tones that peace and plenty," answered the Gov­ Archie Interpreted aa a coda sign sig ­ a fair driver.“ roused the olud gentleman to greater talking farmer fashion of the weather, Salley Harbor to inveatigate a sum CHAPTER VII. crops and ths state of ths roads Ths ernor aa though reciting from a rltua'. nifying murder and the subsequent mar house for his slater. A heavy fury. With alt his outward candor the bouts was connected with the barn In Iary, hills from his hag. and laid them out the truth—falls in with "The Gover-1 upon the transfer of Mr. Congdon's point at which they were to fore­ lng as when she sits enthroned upon and then aa though by an afterthought on the bed He rapidly explained Just ■OF.“ is whisked across country in a ’ luggage to his room left the Governor gather with Red Leary, the Governor the milking stool. Mias Walker, mv he shook Archie warmly by the hand how Leary's hidden booty had been stolen car. Sees story in Newspaper j and Archie to manage the removal -if did not refer to the matter again, old friend. Mr. Com’y, or Archills», recovered, and the manner In which They went Into the house where the smaller denominations had been _ of killing a t Bailey Harbor and. their own effects to ths waiting car. but chose routes and mads detours as you will!" Mrs Walker, a stout middle-aged wo- converted Into bills that could ba pass­ A veyr pretty picture Mlsa Walker frightened, he decides to say nothing ' Seebrook and Walters obligingly as- without explanation. It was on the second afternoon out made In the kitchen window, a vlvld n*an. «footed them effusively. ed without arousing suspicion. kut stick with his strahge friend and slated, laughing at Congdon's eccen- of Cornford that ths Governor sudden­ portrait that Immediately enhanced "We've got to put you both In sne await developments. At Concord, N .! tridties. laiary philosophically »lowed ths H.. Archie comes upon Isabel Perry at j Seebrook seised the Governor's kit ly hade Archie, whom he encouraged Archie's pleasurable sensations In room. If you don't mind." she explain­ bills In his clothing. “Your* done, are you?" asked tha the hotel desk but she refuses t o , bag containing the sixty thousand to drive much of the time, pause at finding a haven that promised rest ed. "but there's two beds In IL I Governor; "out of the game?” and security. Ha black hair swept you ran make o u t“ recognise him. The Governor, by a , dollars and carried it out to the car. * We linger here, son May I sug­ back smoothly from her forehead and The second floor room to which “I sure have quit the road." Imnry clever plan, sw itches stolen money for The sight of tt In Seebrook'» hand "Ths old girl has got a good m osey Archie used as decoy— gave Archie sensations of nausea that gest that you take your cue from me? there waa tha glow of perfect health Wh'ker led them was plainly but neat- answered thousands tucked away and 11» making love to niece of agent sent to were not relieved by the grin he de­ Bill Walker is an honest dairyman to tn her rounded cheeks. Archie noted ly furnished' and the windows looked , o pl<.g (,er up and buy a motion meet eccentric Congdon here next tected on the Governor's face. Within all Intents and purposes, but realty an her dimples and the white even teeth out upon rolling pastures. Ths Gov- an hour or two at the most the su b -1 °*d crook who <°t tired of dodging t tx*t made something noteworthy and ( ernor abandoned hla high flown talk picture Joint or a candy and aoda day. Now read on. and asked blunt questions aa to recent shop somewhere In the big lake stltution and robbery would be dis- 8hsriffs ani1 bloodhounds and bought memorable In her ■lie. “Wall, Mr. Saulsbury. I'vw read all vlaltora. apparently referring to crtml- one of those places that freesea ap all covered and the country wonld ring this farm. A sober, tndustrous family CHAPTER VI man. you will And him. with a wife those books you sent ms and tha nals who had lodged at tha farm They winter, ao I can have a chance to real. When they reached the dining room with the demand for their detention. and one daughter. This is one of the candy waa the finest I ever tasted." • talked quite openly while Archie un- Tha old girl baa a place In mind But the Governor was carrying off at ten the neat morning they found best stations of ths underground rail­ "She remembers! Amid all he- packed hla bag. The testiest activity TO BE CONTINUED Seabrook and Walters Just finishing the departure with his usual gaiety. road; safe as a mother’s arms, and domestic cares, aha remembers! My of the folk of the underworld, their breakfast Miss Seebrook was hav­ It was clear that hs had made the most favorable impression upon S ee-| 5,0,1 w111 ,n*Ter believe you're not the dear lad. the girl la one In a million!" , methods of communication and points Returns From tpekane ing coffee In her room, her father ex­ “You'd think Mr. Saulsbury wa« ' of rendesvoua seemed part of a vast plained in response to Archie s polite j »»rook and W alters; and in the cordial favored guest of a week-end party. H. E Maxey returned yesterday inquiries handshaking and expressions of hope Walker's an old chum of Leary's crasy about me!" she laughed. "But system and he waa ashamed of hla They used to cut up in the moat re­ he makes the same speeches to every enormous Interest In all he saw and from Rpohane where be attended the "We re hoping to get away this f° f future m eetings Archie Joined with prehensible fashion out West In old girl he tees, doesn't he. Mr. Comly?" heard. The Governor’s cool fashion funeral Tuesday of Mrs. Maxey's afternoon." he continued "It will take th« best ’ Pirit he could muster. A Mrs Umes. You're probably wondered "Indeed not," protested Archie, of talking of the world of crime and brothenin-law. E. O. Htrsnd. only a few minutes to transact our cheery good-by caused him to look up. what becomes of old crooks. Walker rallying bravely to the Governor's sup Its denltens almost legltlmatlxed It. Maxey will remain In Spokane for a Miss Seebrook with a red rose 'n business when the man I'm waiting few days with her sister. for appears; be he's an uncertain her hand waved to him Iro n her la o( cour8e an unusual specimen, for port. He's been raving about you for made It appear a recognised part if quantity, and there's no telling when window he’ll show up But we're having a Aa he lifted his cap she dropped good time and I shan’t mind another ' tbe r08e with a graceful sweep of the day or two If only you gentlemen arm- wou’d bear us company!“ Like the o.d stage coach days! Ah. you are very kind!” said t h e cr,ed the Governor. applauding Governor; "but we must resume our Arcjile ■ catch. ramble toward the Pacific. We are He Jumped into the machine and more or less dated up for little en ! Archie scrambled after him. Archie's tertainments on the way." Ia8‘ impression of the Inn was the blur of a waving handkerchief In Miss Seebrook and Walters lingered in ' Seebrook!» window the office as Archie and the Governor “We are a success, my boy! You paid their account. As they waited for their car to be sent round from ^°re yourself marvelous);' w e ll.' said j the garage a machine drew up and tbe Governor. testing the gears. Ah. discharged a short, wiry, elderly man i ‘bat "“ •* touch of the rose was worth In a motor coat that was much too 811 our P«ril8: nothing In my expert- j large for him He was accompanied ence was ®TW P " n ,er ,h>n that! A j by an enormous amount of luggage lo,,ely t the manner of its disposal As the would have been much less significant, various pieces were hnsUed into the ■ Bu‘ tbe ro8*- the red, red rose! It office he enumerated them in an ail- w o u p ‘ n t be a bad idea to stick It in dible tone as though Inviting the co- an pn,"‘lopp 8«>d mall It to the girl operation of all the loungers in m ak-, you were telllnK ®e a b o u t-th e one lng an inventory of his effects. When I y bo se° ‘ 5,0,1 forth to shatter king this had been concluded Seebrook 1 1 doms. I guess that would Jostle her stepped up and accosted the ne-.-. a I'tt’e. particularly If you were to enclose a line telling her that It had comer "Mr. Congdon. I am very glad to fallen to your hand from a curtain see you. I hope you are not worn out lattice.” "I don't know her address.” mum- by your drive." I bled Archie. "Worn ou t!” snapped the little He suggested the dangers of theh man. “Do you Imagine a run of a hundred miles wou'd fatigue a man of J situation, thinking that here at last my constitution? I assure you that I was something that wou'd sober the you are mistaken If you think I am 1 Governor. But the Governor merely feeling my age. Seventy! And I laughed as he swung the car round don’t feel a day over fifty, not a day. a sharp corner. "Don't you believe that I hadn’t a ■ir. But I shall rest for a few hours as a precaution, a mere precautionary care for our safe flight! You must measure and be able to meet von for | learn 10 your eyea> "®n There onr little business at two th irty , M one ot the ^ « ‘herhotM] of the sharp ” road right th^re in the office when we "That will suit me perfectly.” r e -, left 1 *ave h,m ‘""“'uetlons last piled Seebrook. i nl the clerk into readjusting the e n tir e 1 saye thelr reputations he will pul registration to accommodate him, fce 1 ln tbelr way and encourage demanded to know whether his son, | the idea by subtle means that he Mr. Putney Congdon. was stopping In might have been the malefactor who robbed Seebrook's trunk and left the house. Assured that Mr. Putney Congdon Leary's bills behind. They will be was not In the Inn and hadn’t been unable to make a case against him there within the recollection of the but he'll probably get thlrly days for office stair, the senior Congdon ex ­ loitering. Then he'll walk out and ploded violently upon beehrook and draw a thousand dollars from one of our little private banks further along Walters. "Things have come to a pretty pass the road for so chivalrously throwing THE GREATEST CYLINDER WASHER In this topsy turvy world when a man him self Into the breach! I can find EVER BUILT can’t find his own son! For three days T° U who ’r,n do a yea,"’, ‘'me to I’vs been wiring h l. clubs and all ,aTe the men b,gbPr up Tb"> 8a‘'8- > place, he could possible be w ith -1 flea pu* llc 88 tbe 8eal * “ • pa'<' ULACKSHEEP! I The Conlon is the Latest develop­ ment in the agitator type of washing machine. Combines speed, ease of operation and years of service. Washes th e finest materials without w e a r or tear.