The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, November 24, 1927, Page 5, Image 5

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    Community News
In Portland laat Tuesday, his wife Is
III there.
Mr. and Mrs Harvey Hadley from
HadleyvINe spent Wednesday ntght at
Taylor Needham's.
Tho basketball teams motored to
Crow on Tuesday evening for a game
with the team« there.
The Thurston high school took their
play cast "The Elopement of Ellen" to
lu-aburg lu»t Wednesday evening
Where the p'uy wa« presented
A. W. Weaver spent the week-end
at Lake Creek.
Mr and Mir« Arch Hhouxh and
daughter, Patricia, from Vida and Mr.
and Mra. Fell» Hpurk from Blue River
spent the week-end with Mr. and Mra.
John Price.
Miss Hazel Edmlston, who Is teach­
ing at Ht. Helena spent the week end
with home folka.
Mr. and Mr«. Charles Tnylor motor­
ed to Eugene laat Hundny and »pent
the day with Smith Taylor's family.
While driving home from Eugene
last Sunday Ixiron Edmlston met a
car at the corner near the Thur«ton
High school. Neither driver appar­
ently aeelng the other until quite near,
to prevent a collision Mr Edmlston
pulh-d In to the ditch Burning his car
over and wrecking It. The other
By Special
driver drove on not even »topping to,
assist or see bow badly he was bar'
Mr. Edmlston's shoulder was bruised.
George Platt drove to Philomath
last Tuesday.
Mrs. William Platt from Deerhorn
visited her son, W alter and family
here 1a«t week.
Chester Ckase, Mrs W. Cook. Mrs MASONS CONFER MASTER
Grace Raines. Mrs. Helen Doty, Miss
Ig» Hubbard, Mrs. Clarence Chase,
Mrs W R Hardle. Virginia Chase,
The Master's degree was conferred
Mrs. Dewey Ray. the guest of honor. on William Darling by the local
Mrs Elmo Crase, and the hostess, Masonic lodge at the lodge ha i Tues­
Miss Maude ('base.
day evening. A lads« number of
Relatives of the Chase family will local Masons were present.
gather at the F B. Chase home for
Following the conferring of the de­
Thanksgiving dinner.
gree. a banquet wa* held.
Mr». Robert Stover of Chehalis,
Washington, Is visitlug at the Colling I
Who W snU a Whole Team?
wood home.
Hopeful Athlete: I have a c h a n »
Frank Bailey who was Injured In for the football team.
the Booth-Kelly mill will return to
She: Are they going to raffle It off?
work Friday.
Beebe Gates spent the week-end
with her parents, Mr. anil Mrs. Frank
The H. E. Bailey family of Wendllnc
"I had indigestion so bad I
were guests at the J. R. Fish home afraid to eat even rice Adlerika h-m
bund ay.
done me so much good that now I eat
Mr and Mra. Taylor Nvedham and
T ill« young fo'ks of E<t»nvali> lu»»«
orguiilti’il two now c'ub» Tim Four Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Dudley and Mel­
l.cuf Wowing Club loader 1» Nellie vin Neodbum motored to Oakland laat
Banders awl ihu officers ami members Thursday.
aro Ida Wbwlloy, president; Viola
Ml»» Maude Chase sponsored h
The Thurnton church and I anile«
J a turn, vice presblent; Violet James, Aid have purchased a new piano.
"Stork »bower" at her home Tlsirs-
»»iivlary; l*hyl!ts Drury, Eltna Wal­
d iy evening In honor of Mr». Elm«»
Mra. Brown, who had a paralyala
lin», Margaret Rich, Georgia James. stroke several years ago, 1« aguln con­
Chase. The evening wa» »pent play-
Agn»a Wallm-«, I'lella Drury, Wilma fined to her bed,
Irj games, and sandwiches chocolate
W al'uie. Av# Hamler», Mildred Wal­
and cake were »erved to the guests.
The («idle« Aid Society met with
lace, Mymu Joan Laird and Cleona •firs. Lawrence Gossler la»t Thursday
Those who enjoyed the evening were:
I for an all duy meeting. The next
Mrs. Blom. Mrs. Arthur Pengra, Mrs.
Awbrry. oilier member»
Tin- leader of the Jolly Cooker» 1» . meeting will be with Mra. Ira Gray
Giaddisb, Virginia Rice, Myrtle Har­
Martha Walla«« ITealdeut 1» Georgln ' In two weeks They are doing a lot of
vey, Jessey Simonson anil Mrs. Owen
anything."—Ardenia Howard.
Christian Church Services
Juinea; Vice prealdettl, Elma Wa lure; . work preparing for a baxaur to be held
Thomas, alt of Springfield.
Adlerika relieves stomach gas and
Sunday School at 9:45 A. M.
aerrelary, Murguret Rich and other , In December.
W astetl and Eva T otals of Ehgene
sourness in TEN minutes. Acting on
Church Services, 11 A. M. Special BOTH upper and lower bowel. If re­
mombera are Rial« Wallace, Ague»
Mrs. Lester Cyr. Mrs. W. H Anderson,
Dwuln Buell from Klamath Fal'«
Wallace, Wilma Wultaco. invylTl« motored In Monday trt visit hl« aunt.
Mr». Eugene Chase, Mrs. Frank Patti music by choir; sermon topic, "Four moves old waste matter you never
Drury, Mildred Wallin-«, Viola Jam«*. Mis» Ho«r«ma.
son. Mr» Everette Chase. Miss Edna Things for Christians to Do."
thought was tn your system. Let Ad­
Christian Endeavor at 6:30 P. M
Ctalla Drury. Ava Hamler». Myrna
Pattison, Mrs, H. L. Chase, Mrs. Bruce
The ba«kutball boys' and girls’
lerika give your stomach and bowels
Jean lailnl. Irl» Wallace and'V iolet teams pluyed the Wendling team» last
Preaching Service, 7:30. Song ser­ a REAL cleansing and see how much
Thomas, Mrs. Marvin Chase, Mrs
Norton Pengra. Mrs. Homer «’bar* vice led by Claud Neely. Sermon better you will feel. It will surprise
Friday. The Thurston glrh, won and
Mrs. Mark Cole M rs.' Caudell, Miss topic. ‘‘The Greatest Institution in you! Flanery's Drug Store.
Mr ami Mr». E E. Kilpatrick and the Wendling boya won.
Gladys Chase, Mr». Ed Co!e, Mrs the World.”
two children Vernon and Betty motor­
William Weaver left for hl« home
ed to Philomath over the Weekend.
The ri. iiHiini Hill high arlmol boy»’
bn»k<-lhull team <|.-r.-i,t .-<! the Santa
Clara boy« by a SCOTS Of H
19 IfiSt
l-’i Iduy night at Hanta Clara The«,,
who played on the Pleaannt lllll team
were center. Dorman Baxter; for
ward«, Kenneth McKenxIe and Robert
Monaon; guard«, Jerry Kahler and
Paul Harden
The women of Ploaaant HIM met at
the home of Mr». Dora Harden ln»t
Thursday, November 1». for a social
afternoon Tho hour» were »pent S«w
The remaining days of this campaign for increased business will hold
Ing block« and tylug quilt» Refresh­
great opportunities for thrifty shoppers; each day will see new
ment» were served bv the hostesses.
Mrs Bock. Mr«fl Carnithers and Mr».
prices, new groups added to provide the utmost in value giving.
Tho»« present were, Me»-
will find this volume campaign a particularly apportune time to
dame» Andy Olson. K P. Mitchell, It
choose their Holiday and Christmas gifts. Come tomorrow expecting unusual values.
K. Hlewart. O. H. Hoisington, D L.
Harden. C. N Marten»on. Ed IxRtln,
Elsie McKenxIe. O. O. Bock. Lucetta
Baughman, Ludwig Mll'wr, Hilda
Miller, Esther Miller. Ernest »rbrenk.
Neat prints and broadcloths,
C L William», W P. Sheridan. Dora
collar attached. Styles that
A Harden. E ,E Kilpatrick. C E.
formerly sold as high as $3.
Jordan. J. L- Carruther». Allen Wheel­
er, A J Higgins, L ets Wheeler, Frank
Smith and C. E. Curt« The ladle« will
meet »gain December II at the home of
Mrs A. J Higgins. with Mr». E E
Kilpatrick and Mr» McKenale assist-
A apodal reduction brings Sport
Beautiful Ureases, indeed, for
and Dress Coats at a very modest
Ing her.
such an absurdly low price.
Mr and Mr« W U Bristow returned
price. Many stylos, all wonderful
A good variety of styles and
Tuesday from a several day'« trip to
colors for selection.
Salem and surrounding country. They
Values to $24.75
visited Mr end Mr» Fo« at Salem
Values to
and Mr and Mr» Thompaon at HaMey.
3$ inches wide, splendid qual­
The Junior and Senior elaasM at
ity, attractive strip«». Blue,
Pleasant Hill are murh Interested
pink and grey.
In getting the first Issue of the high
school paper which will he printed on I
the high school mimeograph In a few I
- \>eetl
days. The students are showing con
»Werahle Interest In Journalism this I
Tremendous Reductions Made For
Misses and Women’s
New Low Prices on
$ 4 .7 9
Men’s Shirts
Outing Flannel
The new Hbrary room at Pleasant
1B1I high school h ss been completed
and will soon be open for use. Several
»eta of book« have been added to the J
library thia year.
Mlaa Juanita Ix»mbard of Springfield ’
who has been doing practical nursing
In Eugene the past three weeks la a»
«1st Ing at the Tinker ranch
Mr Harmon of Eugene was ylslttng
the pou'try raisers last week on bust-
The Pleasant Hill high school girl« [
were defeated by the Vida girl« at j
haaketball laat Friday by a »core of j
K7 to 14.
The Pleaaant HUI high aehool 1« j
planning a Home Coming event Frt- [
day of thl« week when the flrat airing I
of haaketball hoya piny the alumni.
FOR SALE—Carbon paper In large
sheeta, 26x39 Inches, suitable for i
making tracings. The News Ofllce.
• •
W iih g r a t i t u d e
fl.e (lowers raise
their1 heads on h $ y
Ulitk the flowers Tct
us ¿ue th a n k s this
■ t'e s
Values in
Big Values
Dress Fabrics
$16.75 DRESSES
We srs after volume— that
Is why
we can offer such amazing values
right at the height of the season.
$39.75 COATS
Another- group that offers promise of
a satisfactory selection. Every one
new and wall made. Values to $39.75.
Values to *16.75.
$49.75 COATS
$24.75 DRESSES
Charmingly designed with the niceties
of tho newest mode— and vary re­
markable value, too. Values to $24.75.
$30.75 DRESSES
A very largo assortment of Dresses
that express the lovely smartness of
the newest dross vogue. Values to
Materials, styles and Fur trims make
this a very extraordinary grouping.
Splendid assortment. Values to $49.75.
40 inches wide, in several
colors. Pin stripes and fancy
colored stripes.
$75.00 COATS
Really exceptional Coats for the
Every one new and hand­
somely trimmed with rich fur. Values
to $75.00.
Face Towels
Good heavy quality,
with pink border.
2 For 2JC
Newest Styles
Values to $39.75
Newest Styles, Values
to $29.75
Water Repellent Pants
A .truly wonderful offer— 10
of. double all the way down
front and part of back. Sold
In many stores a« high a»
Well Tailored and
Perftii: Fitting
Cotton Batts
2 pounds weight, full size for
comfort«. A real value at—
Be Here at 8 Friday for These Big Savings
64x76 Blankets
V S L O M T S .^
Beautiful plaida In grey,
yellow, ro»e ,tan, orchid, and
b lu e .
A splendid slngl»
blanket at a low price.
Th«<tr« ]
Phone 2233
$7.90 Shoes
A remarkable close out of
good stylish shapes In med­
ium light colors.