♦ V ' THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS Published Every Thursday at Springfield, bane County. Oregon, by T H E W IL L A M E T T E PRESS H . E M A X E Y , Editor. Itered as second class “ poatofll THURSDAY NOVEMBER 24, 1927 TH ESPRJN OFIELD NEWS PAO® POUR “ .. , , irx ... X ' ... Class Glvss that he expected, when the case was over, t o h ave an automobile "as long as a city block. Our prosperous men, especially the very rich, are supposed to set a good example. At least, they are Interested in m aintaining respect for law will oh protects them, first of all. What im- pression is made on the average mind when a | Program Tha class In draina at the Ruteno Mitilo University gave an Impreealve presentai Ion entitled “Christ Prove« tits Power," at the Christian chnr li Sunday evening. The gervlce was well attended. • Dr. Geo. A. Simon S p ecializin g In T on sils detective agency "tra ils" m em bers of th e Fall- Over Penney's Store Making Sura "My son changed hla name tu might b e bought. Suppose a detective agency M A IL S U B S C R IP T IO N R A T E Minute when he entered collage." went about examining rich m en's houses to find One year In A dvance...... $1.75 Three Months E ugene "What fort" Phone 355 how burglars might most easily break In. Would Six M onths..... ...................... Sl.oO Single Copy . "Minutes always paia." that be tolerated? Evidently an a ttack on the «S ni THURSDAY NOVEMBER 24. 1927 .»’A _ ,_ Jury system in the Interest of high finance Is dif­ ferent from a burglar's attack on the hack door ¡».«g «••**** ••<•••« '*£'4 EAST SIDE IS REST ROUTE of prosperity. .L.'-a DEPENDABLE EIJEQLASS SEKUtCE T here are but two conditions that justify an-I ’ ,, other paved highway as an alternate route for the Looks like the racing game w ill now slip. \\ if n Pacific highway and" they are to relieve conjestion no Sande on the track. . * and give better alignment. It should be obvious to anyone who has studied the route that the east Why cows go wrong. Ad in agricultural paper, side way, once considered for the Original P a d - /'Jo in up here. Be made Into a suitcase and see O PTom eTtisT—.eqesiQHT s p e c ia l is t fle highway, is the better routing. A glance at the world.” EUQENE STS IVillametle St Phone 620 Jaal one tkmg—Bet I do It Aghi I Mlsa Spaulding Is V is ito r— Ml»« Fay the m ap will show anyone th at it is the sh o rter, distance from the turn in the Pacific highway , It’s come to that place In the fur business where spauldin*. instructor in mu»ic In the ---------- -------- < •wvrwv«em*y*ervnunasauvv»eak. when telling people That the «aid Edward W Peter»- give a new territory a paved road to come to have to civilize It. what he has to offer. We advertise to tell meyer la tha owner of the following town on while the west side routing is another The fault to which Sir Oliver refers is not described real property In uane and people the many advantages our Bank of­ road paralleling the one now in use and serving confined to scientists, although it is common Washington counties In the Stats of fers In the way of security and service, a the same people. The Coburg people are to be am ong them. A m an may look so Intently at that Orfegon. to-wlt: modern bank at your command. The West fifty feet of Lota one and commended for going after the east side routing thing upon which his attention is fixed th a t he two In Block three In Mountain View If there is to be another paved highway. fails to see im portant things about him to which Park. In Lane County. Oregon. • • • Lota three and four In Block two In he gives no heed. Mountain View Park, in Lane County. POPULATION — CROWDED — DON'T WORRY Some of the most Important things of life come Oregon. Lota fifty »even and fifty eight, Tun-1 The Rev. O. A. Kennedy. British says. "Britain unexpectedly. Some of our most vital events are I,t1n Valley Homes, according to the ) stopping famines and plagues in India has sent not those toward which we labored. recorded plat thereof. In Washington the population from one hundred to three hunJ A man should keep his eyes and be able to see County. Oregon. dred millions. Now Hindus w ant to get into things "out of the toil of his eye.” The Northwest Quarter of the North Protected by Electric Burgiarly Alarm System Africa, where there is more room.” European The best things th at ever happened to us have ! uTnx" races in South Africa are attending to that. not been those things that we so arduously E|Kh, Wes, of th« W illamette Meri- A G OO D B A N K IN A GOOD C O U N T R Y Absence of plagues and fam ines in Asia has in­ searched for, but things which have bumped Into dian in Lane county, sta te of Oregon ' creased population there also. And they are anxi­ US unexpectedly. That »aid tracts of land are vacant | -ii - ¡ „ k t ... ... and unoccupied land» and cannot be; ous to get into .the United States. That also will R i- is all right to pursue one subject with con- reB,ed arMi nn income is derived there- j be attended to. centration, but we should not concentrate so from That it t» necessary for the i Lord Esher says there were only 850,000,000 m uch that we do not see other things. * SPRINGFIELD , Bald guardian to pay the taxes thereon I people on earth in 1800. Today there are about Many a m an has been so busv with his trade or i“nd th*J *ald ru?5,llV’ 1,800.000,000. The increase, a little inore than calling that he has failed to recognize opportuni- M|d w, nl lh„ ,h(. pr„p«,rty one per cent a year, will m ake the population of ties th at thrust themselves upon hint. be sold and the proceeds thereof put the earth in 3020 more than 12, 457,000,000. Thar , Many a religionist has been so occupied with ' on interest or invested in some pro- need not worry you. Henry George reminds you his faith that he has takerfln none of the indubit- <"''urt under ,hP • uPerr,,*lon that if a puppy dog's tail kept on growing as it ' able facts th at surround him. That said ward has no next of kin I grows when h e is a puppy each old dog would So. also, some scientists pursue their duty so «„ fBr as known to «a kt guardian have a tail thirty feet long. No dog has such a j fixedly that they fail to see the spiritual realities now . t h e r e fo r e , it is h er e I tail. th at occur about them. |O R D E R E D that the next of kin To begin with, Texas could feed the 1.800.000,- A concentrated mind is a good thing, but It ^ „ y ’ ^ h ere'l’ Tnd ali persona Interest | Although we have been In the candy and Ice cream 000 people now on earth, under intensive cultiva should also be an alert mind. We should press [ m the estate of said ward appear business for m any years and have learned many things by tiom In the second place, flying m achines willI f d , y, but we w before thlif Court at the County Court experience we are always striving to make our products enable people to Hve with plenty of room for ten b read tQ j prizes h „ b the road8lde House In Eugene. lj»ne County, Ore­ better and better. We nyver consider how cheap we can billion humans, on hilltops and m ountains with no T h e r' ¿uchP a t£, as too m|fch concpntra. gon. on the 17th day of December. 1927. at 10:00 o'clock In the forenoon j m ake It by using poor ingredients but how much better we inhabitants today And in the third place, when tion of said day. to show cause. If any • can m ake our confections by combining our skill with the people become highly civilized they will have few- there be, why license and authority Men centring all their attentions upon the pur- best m aterials. We never lose sight of the fact th a t candy m c ia i? Providence leaves nothing in*P°rtant suit of wealth do not see the little opportunities should not be granted for the Bale of said premises for the purpose set forth j is a little more personal than other things people buy. . . . ’ for happiness th at lie along their path day by day. In said petition Candy Is to eat It must satisfy, look good and taste better IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that a R E S P E C T F O R T AW F V P F C T F T L — R IC H t o o w °m en are so intent upon gaining some goal and above all be pure and wholesome. K E b l hX. I h O K L A W — E X P E C T E D — R K H TOO w h k h thcy thjnk im portant (hat they miss other copy of this order shal! be published three successive weeks In The A private detective engaged to shadow jurors in blessings which they might have by the way for for Sprlngfle'd News, the last publication j the Fall-Sinclear oil case and "ascertain the fin- the taking. thegeof to be at least ten days prior I ancial condition of jurors" has been found. When I>et us devote all our attention to our business to the date of said hearing "W here the Service Is a Little Different." government detectives got him, he had enlisted in in hand, but let us rem em ber th at there are other C P BARNARD. County Judge the marines, and would soon have been on his things in this world than the thing upon which we State of Oregon, County of Lane—as [ I, L. L. Ray. attorney for the guai- way to Haiti. One juror in this case, involving a have set our heart and th at sometim es these other dlan In the above entitled matter, do rich man and a form er Cabinet officer accused of things are quite as Im portant as our chosen hereby certlfly tnat I have prepared the foregoing eopy of Order To Show bribery, said, according to governm ent testim ony, object. •s i • _____ ________________- < i n .lu i r nil liirv n h iin lv seeking s e e k in g some s o m e Juror lu r o r that th a t Sinclair oil Jury, plainly I Dr. Royal Q ick Tooting a Horn DR. FRANK CRANE 5AÏS Commercial State Bank I “Better and Better”—Our Slogan EGGIMANN’S V 4 f|o i_ E 71 T / V a t il S 15 A l l e x C i t e . D «L A h ' o k j e . <3A S S , 3 ) 0 T 4 i 5 , A n ' t M e . o T + je x S A^ó DoTHATt , Cause; that I have compared the same with the original thereof and that It *s a correct transcript therefrom and of the whole thereof Dated this 8th day of November. A. D . 1927. L. L. RAY. 1 N. 1047 24: D. U * W e G ive Z.V z . G r een D iscoun f S iamps ^ --------------------------- —------------ r Why Not A Happy Way To Health Have Style service and utility com ­ bined? Rimless spectacles are suitable for the Office Man. For the Clerk or Salesm an the light weight, Inner- lined shell fram es are less apt to be bent out of shape. While the “Out-door” Man or the Machanlc needs a heavy, durable s h e l l frame. Crookes or Soft Light lenses for the m otorist. The white gold Oxofrds for “ My Lady” when shopping, white gold spectacles for home wear. Always Rim* less for social affairs. These suggestions from the list o f appropriate glasses for all occasions. Dr. Ella G. Meade Hot Food-Beverages are healthful. They provide the Invigorating elem ent which folks require these cool November days. Our Hot Drinks will fortify you against cold by restoring circula­ tion. s T here’s nothing finer as a relief from shopping fatigue. Our Hot Chocolate is Delightfully Different ■I Ketels’ Drug Store O p t o m e t r is t W A T T S O P T IC A L CO. N o . 14 8 Ave. W est E u g en e, O regon fâ ls T il 4