THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS THURSDAY NOVBMHBR 24, 1927 PAGE THREE Wash borne's Subdivision, 7the street, Block 85, Wash borne's Subdivision, D street. »51 97. »108 4« John Jacob'' n, Lots 11 and 13,1 Frank Boutin, Jr.. Lots 13, 14. 1», 18, ¡Block 88 Wash n i n e a Subdivision. E i East % 18. all of 19. Block 85. Wasft. b rn e'a Subdivision, I) street, (165.29, No 32 __________ _____ _ 2:33 P. »I street, »82 52 Wm. Vasby, Lot 1, Block 1, Kelly'g No. 16 ....................... 4:27 A. M. F lat Mary Andrews, L sts 13 «”<1 ’ 4 i Addition, 8th street. »90 81. Southbound ftloc k 89. Wasbliurne’s Subdivision, E I W. F Gordon Ixrt 11. Block 71. S. L land p Co Addition, 8th street, »92.21. No. 15 ....................... 9:33 P M Flax aireet, »51 77 Willard Grout Ixrts 13 and 14. Block) j v ,,i1c Fenwick Kusaotl. Meets and No. 31 ... .......................... « 46 A M. 88. Washburne'a Subdivision. E street, j Bounds. Block «H. 8 I ft P. Co. Addi* Coach Special for Klamath Falls »60 15. tlon, 8th street, »94.81. and beyond, on flag at 2:01 P M. on Jennie Fenwick Russell, Lots 14 and j Thad Barber, Went Ha!f Ixrt 18 and Sunday, Tueaday and Friday. IB. Block 92, 8. I. & P. C o, Add., E a)I of (x)t 17, Block 86. Washburn«'» street, 60.04. Subdivision, D street, (37.28. ORDINANCE NUMBER 622 Mary Magill. Lots 1 and 2. Block 3, J. N. Fogarty, Meets and Bound«, 1’IANO F o il SALE near Hprln«n«ld. CALL AND SEE Dr. N W. Emery An Ordinance declaring the costs of FOR SALE WOOD Block 78. H I ft P. Company Addltlo«, llvuullful high grailu Instrument, on prices on plates and other work, tf sidewalk Improvements In the Town Kelly's Add . E street, »104.47. A street, »81.95. Old Growth Fir. Second Growth Fir, F B Hamlin, Lot 8, Block 20. Ex of Springfield, Oregon, along the llurgalu (ur quick eal«. Turiua »10 Dennis Cyr, Lots 3 and 4, Wash­ tended Survey. 4th street. »109.20 Oak, Ash. All lengths. Phone Sprlnq-I streets and property described In thia burne’s Addition, East Main s t r e e t monthly ur ran gaol (or good homo. If NOTICE OP ROAD DISTRICT ordinance, levying an aaeeaement for F. B Hamlin, Lots 7 and 8, Block »123.84. fli-hl 104. tf laterveted addrvaa II. A. Llvarnaah. MEETING the payment thereof, directing the 29. Extended Survey. C street. »114.7«. ■ i M H. Bainbridge, Meets and BounX» entry thtreof In the Docket of Town Factory l*lano Adjuster, 413 North The best unbreakable watch c r y a -T o Whom It May Concern: Mrs. J M McPherson. Lots 5 and 6. Unplatted. East Main street, »73.6«. Boren Avenue, Seattle, Washington tals. Any shupe or slae. Hoyt's Store j Notice I» hereby given that a meet- Liens, and declaring an emergency. Block 29. Extended Survey ,C street. Ethel M Johnsos. Lot 6, Block 1«. 311 Main Street tf Ing of the legal voters being resident THE TOWN OF SPRINGFIELD DOES »116 28. Emerald Heights Addition. E street, Dec. 1. ORDAIN AS FOLLOW»: . . taapuyera and owners of real property Jemima Miller, Lot 7, Block 18. Em­ Eugene Bible University. L«t 4, Bloc* WHEREAS, The Town of Spring erald Height«« Add . Mill street, 844 16 »II fiA I.E - Large Xutomutlc Elec in Road District No. 3. In Ixine Coun- 19, Emerald Heights Addition. ■ All klnda of houae palm ing, Kalao did by Ordinance Number 618 trlc Pump and large steel storage ty. Oregon will he held at the hour of field, Emms B o r k u u , Lot 6. Blrcfc lg. street. »37.28 mining 11 per room and up. Roy provide for the construction of cement I P M on the 2«th day of November, Andrew Nystrom. Lot X Block I f , Kwh, Call I »6 J. tf. tank. i*rlcad low. Calle Eugene A. D , 1927, at the M W. A Hall at Mar sidewalks within the Town of Spring- Emerald Heights Add.. Mill street. Emerald Heights Addition, E street, »43 99 field along the streets and abutting phone 1099 Chas. Elliott. Lot 5, Block 18. Emer­ »79 89. ' cola In said Road District to determine the property as hereinafter described Ixmd Manufacturing Company. Lot» We apeclaltye tu awlaa brae let watch whether said road district shall levy and set out. at the o a t of the pro­ ald Heights Add., Mill street. »54.44. Will sacrifice fine high grade piano :a special tax of »3971.38 upon all the n pairing lloyt'a 131 Main Street. tf Chas. »-.Uott, Lot 5. Block 18. Emer­ 10. 11. 12. 18 and 14. Block »». Whsk- perty, and said sidewalk construction bnm e’s Subdivision. F street. »121. ft, for quirk sale. Address Box M care taxable property In said district for has been completed as provided for, ald Heights. Add., E street, »109.56. Andrew Nystrom. Lot 2, Block tf. | the purpose of providing funds for aud the Council has ascertained and of News. Emma Buchanan, I>ota 3 and 4, Emerald Heights Addition, D street, »«PTIC TANKS continuing the road from Oshkosh mill does hereby declare the coat« of said Block 18, Emerald H eights Add., E »118 30. sidewalk construction to be (11,246.01. street. »96.18. Heady for yon to Inaiali TYPEWRITER RIBBON8- Aaaorted Io Linn Co. line. Geo. Cox, Meets and Bounds, US- Lee Prldmore, I>ot 2. Block 18, Em­ . . . . . . . . , . . . I C, P BARNARD, County Judge, And it Is further found and declared For family of live __ I ll makes In black and blue In atoc a t ! pjjyjTO N HURD. County Commie that the property liable for the coat erald Heights Add.. E street, 85869 platted. 1st. street, 836.19. Mrs. P. Hughe«. Lot 5. Block 8f, For family of eight 111 Webster Klnkeld. Lot 1, Block 21. a . n . . . . . . . . r . , u .. JNI)BRS(W i Extended Survey. 2nd street, 94 f t , at our plant ence of customers who have hither M il proportionate share due from each lot Emerald Heights Add., E street. »70.58 »99 43 Webster L. Klnkeld, Lot 4. Block 21, Sewer Pipe— Drain Tile tp not been able to get ribbons In "loaer. or part of lot abutting theron, la as Bertha R. Lowry. Ixrt 8, Block If , N. 10-17-24: Emerald Heights Add., B street, »43 68 hereafter set out. Chimney Blorke Hprlngfleld we have started this ( H. L. Studley, Lot 6, Block 21, Em­ Emerald H eights Addition. E street, It Is further ordered that the pro­ erald Heights Add . E street, »39.0«. »5881 E U G EN I CONCRETE PIPE CO. new line of ribbons for Underwood.i, portionate amount of the costa of said Geo W. Orr. Lot 5. Block 39. Ex­ NOTICE TO CREDITORS tf. M O Evans. Lot 11. Block 21, Em Remingtons. Royals, L. C Smith, Improvement as hereafter set out be. erald Heights Add.. B street. »119.12. tended Survey, 2nd street, 37 ft. », and other make«. tf. IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE and the name are hereby assessed and Chas. Daugherty. Lot 5. and Meet» Ounce May. Lot 3. Block 49, Extend­ STATE OF OREOON FOR LANE levied upon the property abutting Blank ITomtasory notee and re SUMMONS and Bounds, t,.ock 7. Extended Sur­ ed Survey. Mill Street. »148.01. COUNTY. crlpte printed and In etock at the IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE upon and benefltted by the Improve­ Grace May, Lots 2 and 3, Block 49, vey. 2nd street, »240 24. In the Matter of »he Estate of Charles Bopth-Kelly Lumber Company, Newg office. ment. Extended Survey, D street, »88.51. STATE OF OREOON, IN AND FOR E CJark. Deceased. Meets and Bounds In Block 18. Ex­ The description of the property as John Fitsgerald, East Half L-'t 8 tended Survev. 2nd street, »180.04. LANE COUNTY. The undersigned having been ap­ «eased and the amount of the aasess- and Ijtrt 7. Block 23. Emerald Heights Cofra Campbell. Plaintiff, v . Horace pointed by the County Court of the Philip M Goasler Ixrt 8. Block 2, is us follows: SU M M O N S Add . W est D street, »77.07. W Camphell. Defendant. Slate of Oregon for laine County v i tnont Extended Survey, 2nd street 12 ft., Mrs P Hughes, Lot 4, Block 39. Melxar A. Rice. W est Half Ixrt 8 and nilntstratrlx of the estate of Charles Extended IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE To Horace W’ Campiteli, Defendant- . Survey, 2nd street, »91 14. Lot 5. Block 23, Emerald Heights Add.. »882. In the name of the S'nte nJ Oregon. E Clark, deceased and having qunll STATE OF OREGON FOR LANE Philip Bishop. Lot« IL 12 and IX, W. F Wilson. Ixrts 11 ind 12. Block W’est D street. »83.19. you ace hereby required Io appear and e ed notice la u r e b y given to the 108. COUNTY. Block 106. Washburne’s Subdivision, Washburne's Subdivision. O Anton Flllpclch. Lot 2. Bloch 21. Em- F street. »78.70. Leone Ilrtgge, Ve. V. W, Brlgga. De­ answer the Complaint filed herein creditors of, and all Persian having street. »66.67. • raid Heights Add., W est D street against you In the above entitled suit r|atme against said decea*ed, to pre- fendant. Philip Bishop. Lot 11, Block 10«, T. V. Ogden, Lota 13 and 14. Block and Court within four weeks of the , PU, fhem. as required by law, within 95. To. V. W Brlgga, Defendant: Washburne's Subdivision, 9th street, 108. Washburne's Subdivision. G »48 Mrs. Marion Harper Hamlin. Meet« date of the first publication of this g)I months after the first publication IN THE NAME OF THE STATE _ »49 98. and Bounds. Block 48. Extended Sur­ »102.42. OF OREOON: You are hereby re­ summons, and If yon fall to appear of thlw notice to tne said N elH i J, street. Noah Hildebrand. Meets and Bound« J. E. Waltenbaugh, Lots 15 and 18 vey, Mil! s tr e e t »118.22. for waul thereof th - plaint!« will take rlark at 434 Miner Building, Eugene. quired to appear and ana war the dnm Block 74, S. I ft P. C. A d *. C «tree«. Block 10«, Washburne's Subdivision. Bessie Smith. Lot 12. Block 22. Em­ plaint fl*aon Date of first publication here­ »87.80. G street. »53 13 erald H eights A^d.. E street. 867 48. entitled suit on or before four weeks in plaintiff's Complaint, to-wlt for a I of tbr ^,5 dar Of November, 1927 Mrs. Meda Catching. Meet* an* P. Oarborden. Lot 17 and IX, Lot 18. A. Nyatrom. Lots 1, 4 snd 5, Block Bound*. Block 74. S. L ft P. Co. Addw NELLIE J CLARK, Administratrix from date of the first publication of decree of the Court d lasol-'n s the Block 108. Washburne's Subdivision. 22. Enterafd H eights A d d , E street. bonds of matrimony and granting to of the Estate of Chartes E. Clark, thia summon», or for want thereof C street, 888.20. G street. »41,61. .28. the plaintiff will take Judgment plaintiff an abaohite divorce from the deerased. Total, »11445.01. Boiler Estate. Lots 11 and 12, Block HIT SMITH * EVANS. Attorneys for Buck RemenenMer. Lots 10 and IL against you and will apply to the defendant, for the care and custody Section 2. The recorder Is h ereof Wbshburne's Subdivision, G Block 21, Emerald Heights Add.. Mill Court for the relief prayed for In of the minor street. »92.19 b u n i . ^ S u b d i v i s i o n S K U t »133.41 P « -» the inhablt.nts of the Tow« newspaper publlahed at Springfield, I»27, directing this Summons be To Whom It May Concern, Jesss Smltson. Lot 18. Block 108. ljin e County. Oregon: by oreer of the served upon yon bv publication of the ! Notice Is hereby given that meeting Washburne's Subdivision, O street of Springfield that said assessm ent« Mrs. L. K. Page. Lot 1. Block 5, become effective at once, an srajT" Honorable O. F. Sklpworth, Judge of same m c e a week for four eonseeu- Of the legal voters being resident tax- 61. Kelly's Add.. 2nd street, 3135.89. the above cotrt, made October JMh. live weeks In the Springfield News, i payerg and owners of real property »26 Roy gency Is therefore declared to exlR F Baker. Lots 19 and 20. Block C. L. Inman Lot 8. Biock 5, Kelly s and this ordinance shal bgcome effec- 1117. and thia aummona first published Date of first publication. Nov. 1. 1927 | n R(>ad District No. 12. In Lane Coun- 108. Washburne's Subdivision. O Addi . D. street. »81.90. October 17th, 2927. '2J-' •" I „ , 7 Rlock 5 I Hve from and after Its passage by th» WELLS fc WELLS, Attorneys for ty< Oregon, will be held at the hour »«7.20. Freman Lansberry. Lot 7. Block 5- CouncU and approval by the Mayor WHITTEN SWAFFORD. Attorney Plaintiff, Resident* aud Pout Office I of 7 p. m on the 28th day of Novem street. Lvnn and Grace Lansberry. Lots 1 for the Plaintiff Residence and Post Address. Eugene. Oregon. feet alo n g 1 Passed the Common Council thl« Iber. A. D . 1927. at the Lost Valley and 2. Block 103. Washburne's Sub­ Ki 3 i ’s Al d Emma A. < > •’ *<’’*• a ° ng 14th dav of November. 1927. office Address. Eugene. Oregon 1 School house In said Road District. division. G and 8th streets, »115 92 N. 9. 10. 17. 14: D. 1: _ j t s 9. 10. 11 and 12. Block 45. Ex». bv thst Creek Road (Road CI. ARCHAMBEAU'S ORDINANCE NUMBER 526 G street, »94.81. Bounds, ( lark's Park - dltion, 19a c P BARNARD. County Judge. An Ordinance to require Hotels an* WOMENS SHOP W T Culver, Lot 1. Block 110. feet on Mill street »167.18. I CLINTON HURD. County Commle- SPRINGFIELD Washburne's Subdivision, 6th street. Specialty Dressmaking Lottie B and H. R. Garvin, Lot 4. Innkeepers to register all patroM, s sloner. . „ , . B’ock 27. Extended Survey, C street. providing a penalty for the ytolatlo» SECOND HAND STORE M II. ANDERSON. County Commls- »103.32. Evening D resses— Hand Made thereof and declaring an emergency. Sarah Howell. Part of Lot 8. Clark 36 1 sloner. Flowers — Hats and Coats Buys, S tilt and Exchanges and Washburne's addition, 60 feet. 143 Pengra Estate, Meets and Bounds. THE TOWN OF SPRINGFIELD DOES N. 10-17-24: ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Cor. Main and Second Streets. 6th street. »48.72. Block 3, Extended Survey. B str e e t W. LUBKE. Prop- 129 5th 8t Carl Anderson. Part of Lot 8. t lark Section 1. All Hotels and Innkeef- Phone 166 W CITATION and Washburne's Addition, 73 feet, »174.41. H M 8tewart. Lots 1, 2 and 3. Block Prs doing business In the Town of IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE t,.a street, $61.74. Extended Survey, B street. »215 5« . Springfield shall he required to keep STATE OF OREGON FOR THE Stuwnrt Fuel Company. I-et 1. Block ' C. Thompson. Lot 8. Block 22. Bx- | a m a ste r of their patrons or gueett, Phone J30-M COUNTY OF LANE 99. Washburne's Subdivision, 4th tended Survey. B street, »62.37. j and shall plainly register or canse to In the Matter of the Estate of Henry street. »132.45. Life, Automobile and Fire W T. Ikivis, Lot **A" Block 22. Ex registered the names of all patronf H. Cullen, deceased M A. Neet. Lot 18. Block 99. W ash­ tended Survey, Mill street. »17« 28. Insurance or g ^ g tg (n such register and ale* To Luis E. Cullen and William burne's Subdivision. 4th street. »103 84. Lane County. Lot 6. Block 21. Em ; ghow. the Number Of the room asstg»- CARL A. WYMAN Roderick Cullen: M A. Neet. l*ots 16. 17 and 18, Block „„ ed to each guest or Datron. Such Resident Agent IN THE NAME OF THE STATE 99. Washburne's Subdivision, F street. erald Heights. D street, »50.61. Simon Klovdahl. Lot 11. B ock re(rtster shall be kept in plain view OF OREGON. You are hereby cited *52 29 Emerald Heights Add . D street. »4U3-. ! an(, 8ha-1 be free to the inspection Of 734 D Street. Springfield. Oregon and required to appear In th ' County Palmer, Lots 3 and 4, Block 92. F. P. Maxwell, Lot 10. Block 22. Em thp pubitP at all times. Court of the State of creso Oregon, tne sta te 01 .., for .... the Washburne's Subdivision, F street. 228 Main St. Residence 126 C erald Heights Add., D street. »55.23. I Sectjon 2 The penalty for a viol«- County of laine, at the Court Room w asnnnrnes 82 J «M Jennie Fenwick Russell. Meets and t)f)n of tbl„ ord(nanee shall be a fin» thereof at Eugrene. tn the County of ,4 T J. McCracken. Lot 5. Block 92. Res. Phone 160 Plano Moving Bounds. Block 95. S. I. ft P. Co. Add. of not to exceed »100.00 in the Re­ Lane, on the l«th day of December. Washburne's Subdivision. F str e e t Full Auto Equipment corder's court of Springfield. E tsreet. »174 09 SPRINGFIELD TRANSFER 1927 at 10 o'clock In the forenoon of »22.71. Otto W. Brabham. Lot 6, B.ock 3. Section 3. inasmuch as there Is no I .ad y A ssistant WILLIS BERTSCH, Prop. Carl B. Pennte. Lot» 6 and 7. Block 92. Extended Survey. Mill Street, »5061. provision for the registration of hotel that day. then and there to show cause, If any you have, why the foi- Washburne's Subdivision, F street, OFFICE AT SERVICE OARAGE Melville G. Evans, Lot 7. Block 21. guests in Springfield, and the same 1» 1 lowing described real property should ! «45,42. 633 Mnln Street Emerald Heights Addition. D and Mill necessary for the preservation of the not be sold at private sale by Henry E o p Klier. Ixrts 8 and 9. Block 92. Successor to Sutton Transfer $321.98. peace and happiness of the inhabitant» Slattery, the administrator of the said j Washburne’s Subdivision, F street, streets, Pat Conley, Lots 16 and l7. C arks thereof, sn emergency is therefore de­ DR. 8. RALPH DIPPEL estate, to make eufflclent to pay funnr Park Addition. Mill street, »116.62. clared to exist and this ofdlnanc» O. F Klier, Ixrt 9, Block 92. al and other expenses as In the peti­ Mrs John Hastings. Lots 13. 14 and DENTIST become effective upon its pass­ Washburne's Subdivision, 3rd street. tion on file prayed for. to-wlt:-The »mice Phone 48 Res. Phone 3 15. Clark’S Park Addition. Mill street. shall age by* the Council and approval by 1 North 68 6 feet of lot 4 In B'ock 18 in $1Jennie Fenwlek Russell. Ixrt 10. »18340. „ . the Mayor. Phon» 43 Carl H. Phetteplac», M. D. 1 Fairmount, a part of the City of Eu­ S D. Cairns, Lot 12, Clark s Park Passed the Common Council UH» Plrvt Net'l Bank Bldg., Springfield gene. Lane County. Oregon This Bff»ck 92. Washburne's Subdivision. Addition. Mill street, »72.76. ieneral Practice. Special Attention 14th day of November. 1927. 3rd street. »102.27. citation Is first published In the E. Maude, Lota 11, 12 and 13. Block 0 Obstetric« and D iseases of chll- Approved by the Mayor this 14tB M M. Peerv, Lots 10 and 11. Block 64. Mamie’s Subdivision, 7th street, Sprlngfleld News on Nov. 17. 1927 day of Ndvember, 1927. ren. W itness. The Hon C. P BARNARD. 101. Washburne's Subdivision. F street. $98 80 Attest- G. O. BUSHMAN, Judge of the County Court of the State , ¡ L 7R Page. Ixrts 6. 7. 8 and 9. Block 90 First National Bank Building J N. Fogarty and A. J. Perkins. Lot I. M.' PETERSON, Mayor, for the County of Lane . , of Oregon, . . . — --------- — ------ ........... ..... ... - 10. B’ock 64. Maude’s Subdivision, 7th Springfield. Oregon MAX STOVE WORKS Recorder. and the Seal of said Court hereto af Washburne's Subdivision, — F street. street. »88.2p. N. 24: Buye, Sells, Repairs and fixed, the 17th day of November, 1927 lw -------- .17. __ L. O. Hulen. Ixrt 18, Clark and W Yarnell, Lots 12 nnd IS, Block Washburne’s Addition. 7th street, ¡A ttest: W B. DILLARD. Clerk Exchange« 101. Washburne's Subdivision, F SUM M O NS By EVA L. DUCKWORTH, Deputy. WM. 0 . HUGHES Stoves. Ranges and Heaters N 17-24: D. 1-8-16 street. »46.57. . . . V Frank Cogsll. Lot 12, Clark and In the Circuit Court of the State «6 PIPI AND AUTO INSURANCE A E. Senseney. Ixrt 14. Block 101, Washburne's Addition, 7th street. Oregon 7<>r Lane County. Main near Mill 9t. NOTARY PUBLIC Washburne's Subdivision. F street Minnie Heather. Plaintiff, vs. VernO« SUM M O NS Russel Heather. Defendant. $21 31. Office at D. F. Seamoun. Ixrt F. Replatt of IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE Wm. Donaldson. Ixrts 15 and 16. To Vernon Russel Heather, D efendant first national bank STATE OF OREOON FOR LANE Block 101. Washburne's Subdivision. F Lot 22. Clark and Washburne’s Ad­ IN THE NAME OF THE 8TATB dition. Broadway 8 t lxi.60. Oregon •prlngfletd, _______ COUNTY. street. »46.42. D F Seamoun, Ixrt O. Replatt of OF ORBOON: You are hereby re* Idnmay Steenson. Plaintiff, vs. Lloyd E N. Dillard Lots 17 and 18. Block Lot 22. Clark and Washburne's Ad­ qulred to appear and answer the com­ S. Steenson. Defendant 101. Washburne's Subdivision, s dition. Broadway St.. *51.24. plaint filed against you In the abov« AI, kind» of graval for con­ To Lloyd S. Steenson, defendant: street, »57.17. W. E. Nealon, Lot J. Replatt of Lot entitled suit within twenty week« DR. N. W. EMERY crete or road work. We IN THE NAME OF THE STATE E N. Dillard. Ixrt 18. Block 101 22, Clark and Wash urne's Addition, from the date of the first publication OF OREGON: You are hereby re­ Washburne's Subdivision, 6th street, make a apeclalty of cruthed of this summons and If yon fall so D IN T ItT Broadway S t , $50.63. quired to appear and answer the com­ rock and rock sand. Bunk- School District No. 19. Ixrt 9. Clark to ansWer for want thereof the plain­ plaint filed against you In the above **M. J. McKlIn. I-1 IL Block 102. Sutton Bldg. Phone XO-J and Washburen's Addition, 7th street. tiff will take a decree against you for era at foot of Main on Mill entitled suit within ten days from the Washburne's , Subdivision, 6th street. Residence Phone 163-M the dissolution of the marriage re­ date of the service of this summons 1 •treat. ,2 School District No. 19. One Alley lation now existing between said P‘al“’ upon you. If served within this county, » M J. McKlIn. Ixrts 11. 12. 13. nnd 14 HEh|RY W. CHASE. Prop. Springfield, Oregon and said defendant and that said or If served within any other county Block 102. Washburne's Subdivision, F crossing on 7th street near Lincoln tiff plaintiff to be decreed to' be the owner School. »20.00 In thia state, then wlthtn twenty days street. »120 01. C E Sales, North Half of East 160 of the following described (mm the service of this summon« up­ Ixife Chetwood. Lot 17, B ock 10- General Law I'ractlos on you: and If you fall to answer, for Washburne's Subdivision, F street, feet of Lot 10. Clark and Washburne a Beginning on bonnary line of and iso feet NW of the most southerly point Addition. 7th St., »52.59. want, thereof the Plaintiff will take Nelson Bush. Boutu Half of East 160 of lot 1 In block 21 tin Chula Visit» . * .0 Judgment against you for the relief 33R07 I. M. PETERSON Cordelia J. Steinhour, Txrts 18. 19 feet of L-rt 10. Clark and Washburne's Park. Ixine County, Oregon, tjjenc» prayed for in complaint. Dated1 this and 20, Block 102. Washburne's Sub­ Attorney-at-Law JEWELER NK 70 fe e t thence parallel with Tne Addition. 7th St., $52.59. 28th day of October. 1927. This sum . division. F street, »101.27. j. D. Matheson. Lot 11, Hark and 8W line of said lot to S Hue i^akt Repairing a Specialty moils is published pursuant to an Cordelia J. Stelnhour, Lot 20. Block Washburne's Addition, 7th street City Hall Building Street, thence we8ter1^ order made by the Hon O. F. Skip- 102. Washburne's Subdivision. 7th Springfield, Oregon Springfield, Ora. worth. Judge of said Court, dated $BTom Abeene and Violet Toast Lot Central Street, thence SE 60 98 feet to »119.93. November 1. 1927, and requiring (he street. Anna Olendenlng. Lots 2, 3 nnd 4. 15, Clark and Washburne's Addition. The date of the order ordering th» summons herein to he published once niock 89. Whshburne's Subdivision, F publication of this summons Is dated 7th street. »132.49. a week tor four weoks In ''The Sprlng­ M. 0 . HOGE FRANK A. DE PUE street. »78.60. A. M. Richardson, Lot 14. (la rk and November 8. 1927. and requires p u £ fleld News" a newspaper printed and Julius Goldsmith, Lots 8. 9 and 10. ATTORNEY AT LAW published at Springfield. Lane County. Block 88. Washburne's Subdivision. 8 Washburne's AddL.on, 7th street, llcatlon once each w -ek for font A tto rn ey-at-IxB w weeks, and date of first publication Oregon The date of the first publi­ $102 38 NOTARY PUBLIC street. »91.26. __ E. E. Kepner, Lot 16, Clark and la November 10th, 1927. P ra c tla e U . R. and S ta te cation Is November 3. 1927. Julius Goldsmith, Lot 10, Block 88, Washburne’s Addition, 7th street, C A. WINTERMEIHR. Attorney for SMITH ft EVANS. Attorneys for Court» Plaintiff, 434-5-8 Miner Bldg.. Bugene. Washburne’s Subdivision, 7th street. ^ 'if. H. Anderson, Lots 11 *nd 12, Plaintiff. Residence: Eugene, Oregon. Bprlngflal«, Bugene, Oregon »108.1«. V. 15-17-24: D. 2 4 : Oregon. John Jacobson. Lot 11. Block 88, BwIMIne N. 8 10.17-24: □assi iedAds ( buying oa saura1 ^jffirmEYÆTKESUUg; B U S IN E S S D I R E C T O R Y W. F. Walker Funeral Director SPRWGFIH.D GRAVEL CO. D. W. Roof T R A IN S C H E D U L E Springfield Stops Northbound