THURSDAY NOVKMUKR 24. 1927 T1IH 8PRINGFI1BL” NBW 8 PAGE TWO TOWN AND VICINITY Transfer Steeds Show Sudden Burst of Spirit W a lta r v illa M a n Han«— 0 I. Stacey 1 Returns F ro m T r ip — F It. Hamlin Goes to See N tw Ford In a thrilling demonstration belong­ of W altarrille was a visitor In Spring- and his son. John, returned last night after a trip to Southern Oregon. ing more to the tvada of 1907 than the i » m K. It Danner, Rprtngflrld Ford auto-traveled thoroughfares of 1*2., Going To Portland— Miss Margaret dooler, wll go lo Pórtlnud Friday •am Spicer In Town—Sam Splevr the team of Nathan Gay. veteran trans­ 0( Marcola aaa a SpringfleW visitor Gorrle will leave Friday for Portland fer man of this city, iwere carried where he will view the new mode! for a short visit. All (he dealers In Monday. away In a sudden burst of spirit* last Ford automobile the northwest are being called t < a M o ve T o E a s te rn Oregon— Mr. anil Friday and before they were brought . . M r « . W illiams la Vlaltor—Mrs 0 . P to a Stop had wrecked the top and I meeting at the distributor, to be’ told W illiams of Rainbow was a visitor n Mrs O. P. Smith have moved lo « a st­ otherwise damaged the familiar wagon about the new car. Actual d e'lvr» ern Oregon. this city Monday. which they had pulled listlessly over of cars I» expected soon ami definite Information u I hju I It will be given out Have Little Girl— Mr. and Mrs O Springfield streets for years. Goshen M an In— M . J Stapleton of Ooahen paid Springfield a business Gibson of Sixteenth street are the It was while they wore left standing after the dealers meeting It Is said. parents of a baby daughter, born yes­ near Second nd C streets on Friday Vtalt Saturday. terday. afternoon that the horses, becoming O R D IN A N C E N U M B E R 522 Hare For Few Day»—C. L. Sylvester Here From North Bend—Alma frightened or otherwise stimulated to Of W altervllle came here Sunday to An Ordinance regulating the produc­ action, suddenly took olf at a gallant tion, sab' and distrlhution of milk lu remain In Sprinyfleld for a few days Smith of North Bend was here this gait In the direction of Main street. the Town of Springfield. Oregon, pro­ week at the home of Mrs. C, C. Galloping at their best speed, the viding a penalty for the violation Qoaben M an Here G J DeVoa of Wilson. steeds swept up Second street to the thermif and declaring an emergency Ooahen was a Springfield visitor Mon Returns to Veneta— Mtss Marie Con intersection with Main. So far, their THE TOWN OF 8FMINUFIMU) DOBS -> and Inspect and test the auinv, Section 8. Every person permitted to sell milk in the Town of Springfield shall have printed upon the cap of each bottle the name of the dairy nr place where the mils Is produced mid sluil’ In all respects comply with State laiw regulating the use of branded bottles mid regulation of same Section 4 At least pitot e»»ry month, the milk lnapc< tor «hall an noiince thru the press the rating» of all ml'k Inspected Mils with a rating of #3 points out of s possible 100 will be considered as Grade A milk Milk rating below 03 tmlnts will be con sldered us Grade B milk flection ft. Any person violating any of the provisions of tills ordinalo « shall, upon conviction thereof betöre the Recorder. be punished by fine not to exceed ftftO 0(1 Hectlon il Inasmuch ae thia ordi­ nance Is neceaaary for the Immediate preservation of the public peace, health and safely of the Town or Aprtngfletri, Oregon, an emergency Is herein declared lo o sisi mid this or­ dinance shall be In full >rce mid ef­ fect from and after date of Ila passage by she council mid approval by the mayor Passed the Common Council Hila 141b dav id Nove l ber. 1937 Approved l.v Go Mavor this 14th day of November, 1937. Attest 'I ‘1 Bt'SIIMAN. I M PETERS« »N. Mayor. Recorder N 34: Th»> different’»’ between a iwuiltentlnry anti a palace 1« a n ialtcr of details. Your eyes detterve the bent w ithout (all Sfurmun W Ifloody IL 3 — S u ite 831 M in o r B ldg. E ug ene, O regon, T e le p h o n e 362 m unaM aaaam am m iBm Bam M m m m iH BH m aaBm m m am am Bm m M Baim M BM H _ • Give Your Home a R A D IO It la not too »virly to pick out a radio act for Uhristrn»«. I>'t us demonstrate to you a set that will Hl your particular location and Christ uiaa day you can bring Joy Into the hearts o f everyone of your family. A good radio set will liven up the dull evenings that come even to the moat socially active homes. Keep In touch with the outside world; hear the best that’s on the air. with any of these: Atwater Kent Crosley Zenith We are noted for the service we give, coats you nothing. See Ilelnle First. A demonstration Springfield Garage 414 Main Street Phone 11-J Camel One of life’s great pleasures is smoking Camels give you all of the enjoyment of choice tobaccos. Is enjoyment good for you? You just bet it is. F o rk s K n iv ae T e a tp o o B a Tab le sp o o n s 1 Bo“,’, « k X 25e Extra if Ordered by Mafl Made of highest quality nickel silver metal with heavy deposit of pure silver. Knives have quadruple silverplated handle» with steel blade» that will not »tain or corrode. Spoon» and Forks have reinforced plate where wear is greate»t. The chaste line» and exquisite design will alway» be in good taste in every home and for every occasion. You know that it 1» barely possible to buy even tbe most ordinary kind of Tableware at thia extraordinary low -ice. Buy Now for Chrltltnsi Gif til If all cigarettes were as good as Camel you wouldn’t hear anything about special treat­ ments to make cigarettes good for the throat. Nothing takes the place of choice tobaccos. /