o t o . U br*ry M ake Y o u r W ant« Know n • Use the Classified Ada. T ht SPRINGFIELD NEWS TWENTY-FOURTH YEAR ANCIENT CEMETLRV HAY BECOME PARK SPRINGFIELD, LANE COUNTY, OREGON, bridge BIDS asked AFTER 2ND ST. CROSSING | decision i s m a d e i F estivities Mark Turkey D ay H ere im i THURSDAY NOVESMBER 24. 1927 thanksgiving wn CLOCK. STOLEN FROM ARCH. REPLACED AND LIGHTS ARE IN TIME NMBER 4« STATE 10 BE ASKED After an absence of a month, the re­ und ssM lflcstlons for tbs new 1 H om e> to Spo Reuniona; Many sult, It Is said, of Juvenile thievery, Grids« across the Willamette at Go Elsewhere to Celebrate the clock which times the lights In Hprlngfield are complete and the con­ the Springfield highway arch in West Delegation« from Junction C ity, Autumn Holiday City-Owned Property nt Foot of tract can be let In thirty days, accord- Springfleid was replaced y'eaterdiy ! Eugene and Coburg Expected Heights Proposed for De­ Festivities In many homes, with and the lights once more are In time, i to Be at the Next Highway ins to word brought back from Salem velopment: Graves May Bo W K. Barnell, local Mountain «tales I Meeting to Advance Projects a few day» ago by dodge C. P. Mar many relatives and friends coming In from other place«, will mark today'« I'.'ver company manager, discovered a j Removed: Rest Room at Cen­ nard While away Judge Barnard observance of Thanksgiving In 8prlng on Both Side* of River. month ago that the clock had been j ter of City Talked. visited the highway department and I fl#Jd other than the football game stolen, and Installed another which , The state highway department will Development of n clly park on the was told by Engineer Roy Klein thst scheduled for 11 o'clock, there are no has not given satisfactory service, he 5 / ; gke7 V m a k e 'th e 'p r a ir ie road site of the old Christian church cam« all was In readiness to let the con­ scheduled event«, and the union said. from Junction City to Eugene a staid tery, south of the railroad tracks and tract for the structure. He said that church eervle planned has been railed I Ate last week a West Springfleid highway and pave the same when • at the foot of Willamette llrlghta, was off. resident called Police Chief Jess Smit- delegation from these two cities call the only thin« that was holding up Hanks, business houses, and achools given favorable consideration at a son, telling him thst a clock had been on the highway commission at ltd the letting of the contract was the de­ will be cloned. Vacation la to extend Joint meeting of the clly council and found In the grass In a field there meeting next week in Portland. A chamber of commerce committee Mon­ cision over.the second street closing. over Friday at the schools, and many Chief Pmltson found the clock, and delegation headed by State Senator As soon as the public service com­ of the teachers have left for their day night. Several other projects It was Installed again yesterday. Edward 8. Bailey from Junction Clt? were discussed In connection with the mission makes known Its conclusion* homes. The children who are said to have and one headed by Frank Chambers gathering from the hearing bids will Among those who will s p e n d park plan, and II appears that the en­ stolen the clock have been traced, of Eukene are expected to make at be called for It was stated. Whatever Thanksgiving out of town are Dr. and terprise Is gaining headway, and their case Is being ahndled by appearance at the meeting to prs- Some difficulty may be esperlenced. the commission may rule In regard to Mrs. Itebhnn and Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Jnvenl'e authorities at Eugene. gent the proposition that they have It was said. In developing the park closing second street will not affect Mule, who will visit relatives at Mr Barnel! alto reported this week been working on for some time, on the cemetery site due to the fact the letting of the contract but the i ,jrown«vl|le. that three spans of copper wire on Coburg people will also be present that there are still IS graves there decision must be rendered one way ->r) Mr, and Mrs I. M Peterson will the old 11,000 rolt line between here the highway meeting seeking to Il was redded Immediately Io Investi­ the other before the highway com- have as tbelr guest over the ho'lday and Eugene, near Judkins Point, had have the state road go on the east gate the posslollltles of having the mission can go ahead with the bridge, 1 aaaa„n Mias Pearl Peterson, sister ol been stolen. The th leves have not a>de 0, the river according to report! Mr Peterson, who Is teaching at The graves removed to another cemetery, Judge llarnard was told. been traced. The wire evidently was , reaching here. Rather than to have " ~ I Dalles. an-i W P. Tyson will Interview re­ cut by pruning shears. another paved state highway parallel i At the home of Mra. W. W Walker t latives of those l-urted there. CHAMBER ELECTION TO the Pacific highway a few miles west for dinner will be Mrs. Elisabeth j of it the Coburg residents are con* The block. It was reported, le now BE HELD FRIDAY NIGHT Achterman of Wren and Miss Evelyn i FOOTBALLERS TO END tending that the second highway whet the property of the city, and has other Walker of Monmouth, their two daugh- j SEASON W ITH TURKEY built should be on the east side of the i advantages which make It one of the Officers will be elected by the ter*, and Mrs. Walker's mother. Mrs. DAY GO W ITH JUNCTION river and serve a new territory a* moat likely sites for the proposed Springfleid chamber of commerce at E. B, Skip worth of Eugene. well as afford a shorter route. Since park.. There are several trees, and a meeting to be held In the Commer­ Mr and Mrs. E O Jarvis and daugh A touch ol both— ye P uritan The last and probably the hardest the movement to make the Prairie ground Is sloping, and the surround­ cial bank building headquarters Frt i ter, Millie Jane arrived form Portland matdvn of 1621 and ye market fought Springfield high school football ’ „>,<1 to Junction City a paved highway ings are appropriate for a park. Tha day night at 8 o'clock. of 1927—sym bolizing the last evening to spend the holiday at basket same spirit of a true gratefulness game will take place at 11 o’clock thia the Coburg people have been bus? place Is now reached by crossing Wil­ F B Hamlin. Incumbent, may he I tbr home of Dr. and Mrs. Eugene for another year o f plenty — morning on the Brattala grounds as laying plana for one on their sldd lamette Heights from South Second nominated for ra-electlon to the presl-, Kester. Thanksgiving the chief scheduled event of Thanks- of the river to connect with the Pagi* Street dency. He has Indicated his Intention Mrs. Marie Braseal of Garden Way Improvements could be made cheap of refraining from becoming an active wm ^ , | t ber l |S(er, Mrs. Alma Cowden and Mlsa Katnerlne Tlnkham to C op - ! giving In thia city. There will he. go highway near Muddy stallo*. however, a great many private feasts thence across the new Coburg brl ly. It was declared. A few benches candidate, but If nominated will pro­ vallls. of Springfleid. Mrs. Clifford Wilson and son went I throughout the city, and many Spring- to Eugene and Springfleid. could be Installed. a roadway Into the C. A. Brady plana to go to Browns­ to Portland to spand Thanksgiving, j field people will be out of the city to bably accept. The argument being advanced fST place ronalructed. a few more Ireea ville today to spend the Thanksgiving Officials of the Eugene chamber of I Relatives from Eugene, Mr. and enjoy turkey with relatives and i the Prairie road Is that It avoids rail* planted, and the park alte generate commerce will be present to explain with friend». ' road crossings at both Junction City l Mrr. Donald Young and children and friends. rennovated and cleaned up. Mayor — Miss Ann Oorrle went to Port'and Bushmaa wilt look Into the title of ‘ a county-wide cooperative progress Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Coffin; from Seat- Because the two teams are rated at - and Eugene as It runs west of th« last night to spend the Thanksgiving ' tie, George Coffin nd Mra. Oeorge the property, and as soon as other program which they are sponsoring, about the same calibre, today's game Oregon Electric line as well aa the with friends. matters are cleared up srill call a | The plan haa been explained to sev- Burkhart, and from Portland. Walter should provide some real thrills for Southern Pacific road. Another Portland visitor over Tur­ meetlng of the council Io consider the eral organisations In the county and Morgan, will ba guests at the home the fans who are willing to wait nntll proposal. I eppeara to have attracted favorable key day la Mrs. A. B. Van Valsah, who of Mr. and Mra. A. J. Morgan today. a little after noon before Imbibing SPRINGFIELD M A N IS la there with her two sons. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Howe of Willa­ turkey and trimmings. It Is a holiday In the meantime, word le being Interest. Dr. and Mrs. N. W. Emery will en­ ARRESTED AS DESERTE« mina arrived this morning to spend throngout the city, and a record crowd awaited from ¡Southern Pacific offiala's joy dinner at the home of Mr. and the holiday with relatives. foe the game Is anticipated. _ . _ regarding the possible development of THANKSGIVING TO BE i Mrs. William Lightfoot, Eugene. Raymond Billings, son of Mrs. ClM* Mr. and Mrs. Benjy Endicott and a park on the railroad company's Isnd »PTingfleld and Junction City played patra MeIson of Spr1n!rfle,d> wM TOPIC AT SERVICES .Dr. and Mra. Carl Phetteplace and ' daughter. Betty Jane, og Willamina. south of Main street. These are th* a scoreless tie In their first game Sept- arreS{ed ag a degerter from the Unlte4 her mother, Mrs. Julia Alton, will . . ... , ,, , , arriver this morning to spend Thanks ember 7. and since then both teams Statea NaTy by p0:|ce ch |ef j et4 two sites which seem the most likely Thanksgiving will be the topic of enjoy _ Thanksgiving with relatives In .. " . _ ._ .i—. —e -- | giving with Mrs. Georgia Griffis and have had a hard season. Both have Smltaolx anrf for the development program. sheriff F>3ari at least one Springfleid minister next o Salem today Mr and Mrs. Isaac Endicott. shown considerable Improvement, but Luckey Monday n,Kbt At Monday night's meeting It was , Sunday, and the other* will probably Mr and Mrs. Sam Montgomery will the comparative scores give the June- __ proposed that the city set aside Its mention It In their sermons. Rev. he guests at the home of Mr. and .. , When the officers appeared at tM CITY BUDGET SESSION tlon youths a slight edge on Spring- two lots at Fourth and A erects for , Gabriel Sykes of the Methodist Epls- Mrs. Fred Frese today. house. No. 218 Mill street, Billing« field. For instance. Junction City In . . . the site for a rest room and small ! copal church aald that he will speak IS ON FRIDAY NIGHT , ... _ _ attempted to secrete himself In th« Mr. and Mrs. Paul Schlewe are with Its last game with Cottage Grove was . park, as well as In assist In the other 1 especially on a Thanksgiving topic. . . . . . o J L. . j . upper floor. It was Deputy friends at Portland for the holiday. . , said. . , The union services at first planned Springfleid taxpayers tomorrow beaten. 1 to 0; Springfield, In Its „. ._ , . project The rest room would he near ... „ . . .v . . . Sheriff Luckey went into the plac« Mr. and Mrs. Dallas Murphy are to with Grove, lost the game. 2! to . . . . _ the center of town, and would be a by the churches was for today can­ enjoy Thanksgiving dinner at the night will decide whether the budget game “ i *nd found he man. He will be r«* great convenience to visitors and celled because of the paralysis home of Mr. and Mrs. H. T. Mitchell. decided upon by the budget commis­ turned to federal authorities a n * * sion shall form the financial basis of “scare" and there will be no meeting The game today will complete reward recf,lTe<1 by tb# loC(U others, tt was said. Dorene Larimer went “lo™Portland the coming year’s operations of the Springfield's season, the first under 0(ncera However, those churches Th* plan was given favorable con­ today. Wednesday to be with her sister, city government. the tutelage of Leonard Mayfield. asaertwny desprt(>(, froa sideration and will he taken np at which have mid-week meetings to­ Afene, over Thanksgiving. The taxpayers meeting will be he'd Mayfield was badly handicapped to ,be v g g CaIlforll,a at night will have Thanksgiving fea­ future meetings of the city council. At the home of Mr. arid Mrs. Law- at the city hall, starting at 7:30 start with this year, with a team vlr- cayfom j* It rwas believed that a rest room could tures, It was said. A special feature rence Mofllt today will be Mr. Mof-1 o>ciock. Member* of the budget com­ tually unexperienced, and exceeding-1 of this kind Is planned by the Baptist _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ he erected at S cost of between 81000 fit's brothcrb-ln law. Arthur, Henry, mission will be present to explain the ly light In view of these facts, he ' and 81000 on this property, and' the church, has done well In developing as good a PRISCILLA CLUB HAS Rev. 8. Karl Childers of the Chris and Howard Ball, all students In the arhedule they have shaped. council wl'l consider means of financ­ The budget this year calls for total team as that which ha* won the ad- THURSDAY MEETING tian church will preach next Sunday University of Oregon, and Mias Jean ing the project. expenditures of 831.382 40. with net miration of the fans for pluck if not ____ morning on "Pour Things for tho Cannon. Miss Frances Hodge has left for expenditures of 827,382.40. This Is for victories. The Priscilla club met last Thursday Christian to Do." In the evening his CHILDREN EXAMINED IN Here Is a resume of Springfleld'3 at the home of Mrs. Jack Larson with topic will be "The Greatest Instltu her home at SaVm for the holidays. a slight Increase over last year, when Miss Pauline Miller went to Pallas, gross expenditures were 828.728. games to date: SCHOOL BY PHYSICIANS ,n the World Mr». Trubert Henderson as hostea«. Springfield, 19 — Brownsville, 0. The rooms were attractively decorated Forly-three pupils of the Brsttaln Springfield. 0 — Cottage Grove. 26. with chrysanthemums and marigold!. school were examined In a clinic he'd Springfield, 0 — Harrisburg, 7. The afternoon was spent in playing By Albert T. R «d The Harvest Moon last Tuesday morning, under the spon­ Springfield, 0 — Lebanon, 18. bridge and fancy work, and a twe sorship of the local health unit of Springfield. 6 — Lebanon. 42. course lunch was served. the Lane County Health association Total points for 25; against 93. Members present were Mr*. N. L. Pr H. P. Mortensen and Pr. Carl Phet­ Howard, Mrs. John Tomseth. Mr«. teplace conducted the examinations Howard Freeland. Mr*. Will Curtlfl, LARSEN NOMINATED latter In Ihe day, n meeting of the Mrs. John Parker, Mrs. A. J. McKy, LEGION COMMANDER Mrs. Riley Snodgrass, Mrs. Lareofi, unit was held n whltch p’nns for Ihe annual Chrlktmns seal sale were Mrs. W. H. Stearmer and the hosteM. John Larsen was nominated com­ shaped. Mr* Ora Read Hemenwnv The Invited guest was Mrs. Hender­ mander of the Springfield post of the wns named Io handle the *nle In the son, Salem, mother of Mr*. Freeland. American Legion at a meeting last Brattaln school. Mr*. Carl Olson In Friday night. If elected at the an­ the Lincoln school and Mr*. Maude nual balloting on December 3. Mr. LEAGUE TAKES CHARGE Bryan In Ihe downtown district. (.arsen will succeed John N. Will to OF CHURCH SERVICES Mis* Beth Konkel, executive secre­ the commandershlp of the post. tary of the county group, and Mtss The Epworth League took chart« Other officers nominated were: Bessie Williams, nurse, attended the of services at the Methodist church first vice-commander, M. B. Huntly; aesslon. second vice-commander, T. Oravos; ( Sunday evening, giving a short pro- adjutant, Charles Scott; finance offi- gram. LEAGUE GIRLS GIVE cer. Troubert Henderson; chaplain, Elisabeth Hughes gave a short, la- HIGH SCHOOL PROGRAM F. B. Hamlin; executive committee, ' splratlonal talk, and Miss Nehr spoke John H.‘ Will, Oswald Olson, M. B. on "Oregon and Music." Oertrnd« Olrls' League members of the Huntly, Clarence Fandrem; finance Mustoe sang a solo, and Miss Horning Bprlngfleld high school gave a pro­ committee, At Pohl and W. P. Tyson, gave a plano solo. Quartet number« gram yesterday. Numbers presented The Installation w1l be December 8. were given by William and Jule Poll- Included a recitation by Ruth McIn­ ---------------------------- - ard, Margaret Oderklrk and Paul Pot- tyre; Hindu stunt, Ruth LeVee and SCHOOL BOARD FETED ter- F»r Pargo"8 g»™ a reltdln*- Mnxlne Snodgrass; piano solo, Wlnl- frtd Tyson; recitation, Jesse Beals; BY COOKERY CLASSES Gu4rd Enll. ta McPher,on vocal duet, Faye Parsons and Ruth Following a custom of years past, Harold McPherson, formerly of Carlton; ukelele number. Thelma Cox, girls of the domestic science depart- Company C, Eugene, was enlisted by Cleo Higgins. ment of Springfield high school pre-; the Springfield unit. Oregon National pared a dinner for members of the Guard, at the weekly meeting T”**' Brldae Party Held day night. Mr. McPherson was dis­ school board Tuesday evening. An enjoyable affair* was that given charged from the Eugene company la at the home of Mrs. John Henderer. with Mrs. Walter Gossler as Joint Returns to California — Clarence or er ° ° n ^re' hostess, Tuesday afternoon when a Nelson, who has been here for some ' Two Ars Arrested number of their friends were Invited time at the home of Mr. and Mr*. In. There were fmir tables of bridge, N. Nelson, has returned to his home ! Tony Sharman and Mrs. Berth« and cleverly appointed Thanksgiving at Red Bluff, California. He was Logsdon were «Tested at a local tally cards added to the pleasnre of taken south this week by his father-' hotel last night by sheriff’s officers the occasion. In-law, H. Preusser. Mr. Nelson un-' and are being held In the county Jail Refreshments were served hy the derwent an operation while hers. (on serious charges. hosteaae«. •.