THURSDAY NOVEMBER 17. 1927 IH K SPRINGFIELD NEWS PAGE R IG H T Greatest Disaster of History but One ot 111 Operations h Year of Calamity. Tornadoes headed the list of mas­ ters which struck the United States In the past year, the report ot Red Cross relief operations for the year ending June SO. showing SO great storms. Floods were second on the list, (4 being recorded fo r the same nor who Is Always tho ug htfu l and uu selfish ami considerate. T H A T YO U TH FU L. R O M A TIC HANGOVER 14 Digaster» at O ne T im e Call for Red Cross W ork The Tenth Anniversary of Am er­ ica’s entry into tbe World W ar In 1917, Is an appropriate tim e to Join the American Red Cross and partici pats through membershl; lu Its peace­ time services. -loin during the Annual Roll Call, November 11 to 21. T h a t Is the piam t of Hprlng... d motorists, many of whom have been vlctlm lsett by petty thieve» here lately. An example of the a d lv ltte a of the thieves was m anifest when W illia m Vasbv. local real estate tlea’er. atop petl his ear to examine a ffat lire and found both lire and rim missing M r Vasby Is ft Ills car In front of his house .and w ith Mrs. Vastly climb ed Into the machine wlthbut exam in­ ing the wheels Aa soon as he begau driving he realised something was wrong, and suppnaed It a flat tire. Exam ination revoatetl the work of the thlevea. Another m otorist stopped at a lo c tl drug store the other day to gel a prescription fl’ led. leaving his car atandlug on M ain street W hen he returned ten m inutest later, the hat te ry had dlaappeared Several tim es attem pts have been made to ateal Roy W . Carlton's auto­ mobile from his garage Once the thieves were seen by M r. Carlton, an I frightened away when he approached. OUR VOLUM E Erm a fritter gave a ukelele sido. Coffee. Coffee, everyw here Mra. Ex was throw ing a big feed that night and she was giving her naw maid Anal instructions. "And don i forget. M ary, that coffee la served a fte r everything." "Yes. ma am." replied the g irl "I understand.** » And during the d in ner she served coffee a fte r the soup, a fte r the Ash. a fte r the meat, as well as a fte r the dessert T ru th fu l Cuss F ath er: How la It. young man. that I And you kissing tny daughter? How Is It. young mau? I.lsard: U rea l I Oread ¡.Pound COTTON BATTS Regular 88c value, pure white, large enough for com forter» V O L U M E PR IC E C A M P A IG N B eautiful quality, alee 6(x80 Inches. In large block plaid effects. S P E C IA L L Y P R IC E D STILL THE GREATEST MONEY SAVING EVENT IN EUGENE New $12.50 Dresses A revelation in value-giving. Each Smart $24.75 Coats A marvelous group of stylish Coat« that ofTer a decided Having. Each coat smartly trimmed with Fur. Values to $24.76. d» dress new and stylishly correct, at a low price for this event. SILK DRESSES SILK DRESSES NEW COATS New and beautiful styles In all the latest modes for pre­ sent season s wear. Lovely styles that express the Ideas In fashionable dress. V e ry rem arkable such iovely couts Now styles, new fabrics and new colors. V A L U E S TO >29.75 V A L U E S TO >397» Unusually »m art Coats, styles that reflect the latest req u ire­ ments of exclusive smartness at a price anyone can afford value. V A L U E S TO >15.78 V A L U E S TO >24.75 $8-39 $11-39 SILK DRESSES Beautiful, high grade Dresses that betray fashion’s newest and most becoming style ideas Considerably under­ priced. V A L U E S TO >39.75 SILK DRESSES Lavish trim m ings of furs add Some of the season s most fascinating styles, marked for this sale at a tremendous saving. V A L U E S .T O >49.50 to the attractiveness of these $17.39 $23.39 stylish new coats. T h e value Is exceptional. V A L U E S T O >49.75 BARONET SATIN A large collection of p retty coloring». 10 Inches wide. Regular 95«: yesrd. V O L U M E PRIC E NEW COATS One of our most popular groups because It offers tre m ­ endous reductions on the set- son's newest styles An extre m e ly low price fo r MEN'S WORK SHOES Solid leath er soles, nailed and sewed, rubber heel». M arvelous value. V O L U M E PR IC E to pay. V A L U E S TO >75.00 MEN'S OXFORDS T an and black calfskin, good styles, rubber heel». Specially Priced for This Evant Men’s Clothes at Startling Reductions S U ITS AND OVERCOATS For those who are lucky enough to find their here, this is a marvelous group. YOUNG M EN ’S SU ITS New HtyllBh model« with two palm of pant«. The new tans and russets, now so popular with young fellows. V A L U E S T O >29.5» PAMICO CLOTH Guaranteed sun fust und tub fast. In a good range of bright colorings Regular 15c a yard. Spec ial. NEW S U ITS AND OVERCOATS NEW S U ITS AND OVERCOATS V A L U E S T O >34.75 V A L U E S TO >29.75 SALE OF SILKS $7.90 ONE-STRAP PUMPS Beautiful styles In greys, tans and parchment kid Some with cut-outs, others with con- trasting trims. Volume P ric e ............ d*Q x D ^ .V V J A group of smart new styles that orrtinari crciite a stir at double the Volume I rice marvelouB values. Values to $5.00........................................... — Tomorrow, Friday, At Nine o 966-968 OPPOSITE REX T H E A T R E 966-968 Street Street EUGENE EUGENE DEPARTMENT STORE T he most wonderful colier- tlon of silks at a tremendous saving. Georgette, Crepe de Chine, Spun Silks, Brocades, etc. V O L U M E P R IC E O UTING FLANNEL Willamette Willamette church parlors late last week flam es were played and a short program given W ilm a Hack and E rm a Critter pre­ sented a short* skit. "Romeo anil Juliet." Mrs II I* I ’eleraon gave a recitation. Plano soloa were given, avrompunted by ‘the Ukeleie, and DOUBLE BLANKETS Phone 2233 CALL AND SEE Dr. N. W. E m ery I prima oa platea and other work. tf. f h r ls lln Provides Extraordinay Reductions on Merchandise Of Dependable Character V A L U E S TO >25.00 The great size of a disaster does not necessarily mean that It has the stage te itself The American Red Cross relief forces were impressed w ith this fact during the Mississippi Valley flood In recent months. W hile the relief forces were struggling with this greatest of all disasters In United States history, from April to June they were obliged to fur­ nish relief In 21 other emergenelet. Including 11 tornadoes. In one tor­ nado approximately 17,000 persons were assisted. At one period the Red Cross w et conducting relief operations In 14 disaster« elmultaneously, scattered ever a wide territory. Citing the continuity of demands on the organization's resources. Chairman John Barton Payne of the Red "rose has announced the need of 5,000,000 adult members a t a result of the Roll Call. Nov. 11 to 24. the fan a man any longer call bis car eral parents and high s ih w d teachers, enjoyed a taffy pull at the church • Saturday Friday of Held his own? to open up a friendship w ith one of T h e best cure possible. In my opin­ Osar Miss F l o : - ■ u| ÄWw ,lh e . r t s - o n g to whom In ion. would be for you to see the once Before I m arried m y husband I hl!> m l„ d ;> )u gu(Ter fey com parison* No cure could be so was In love w ith a much younger and perhaps he feels In tu itiv e ly that beloved one. much more a ttrac tiv e man. W e w ere haven't forgotten your flrst love effectual o r so disillusioning than engaged, but we quarreled, and we #ni, , htt, „ m |gh l result dis to see the IT Inca iTtarntlng of your dream s— the man for whom you have d rifte d apart. Me never m arried. sstrottsty and might break ui h l- been pining and grieving \VJ»al! I have been m arried fifteen years. Home Prospects of that sort would f a n this be the . wonderful youth 1 but somehow I can't seem to forgot ra th e r upset him — especlsdy If he have been reg rettin g for fifteen years, the first man. I unconsciously • keep happens Io love you. I f a n this unrom alitlc fat man whose com paring him to my husband and my Personally. 1 believe the danger of only topics of conversation Is bust j husband suffers by the comparison. such mishap Is slight. I thluk you nets, and who Is fussy about his food Raaantly I received a le tte r from him are suffering from a youthful roman and can't alt In d ra fts .—can this be asking If ho m ight see ms again to ; tic hang-over— and in your compart the m an to whom I haye unfavorably ta lk over old tim e s I w o t very glad , son you are picturing your form er been comparing my own good husband 1 to hoar from him . but whan I told my sw eetheart as a perfect being with ( husband about it he was vary much none of the faults possessed by the all these y e a rs ’ Ridiculous, you say, and your cure w ill be complete. upset. Don't you th in k he Is unrsa- man you m a rrie d — and n atu rally, you sonable ? Im agine yourself perfectly happy had . You'll thank your lucky stars he Is the man you did n't m arry, and you'll you m arried your flrst love. M ary Louies. Part of the trouble Is th a t while be glad to m ake the best of your hue H ow would you like your husband you are welt aware of the shortcom band. | This record does not Include the S t Gouls tornado which occurred In the current flscal year, as did a num­ ber of other storms and disasters •toes, la which the Red Cross provid­ ed relief. Included In the list of 111 disasters covered by the record of the past year's relief operations of the Red Cross, are earthquakes, explosions, mine disasters, a cloudburst, a hail­ storm. Urea, floods, hurricanes, a rail­ road wreck, a scarlet fever epidemic, typhoid epidemic, tornadoes, and a typhoon. The latter occurred In the Philippines, but Is Included In the operations at home. In all. the Red Cross extended its services In 77 ma­ jo r disasters In the United States and In SO abroad. Including a hurricane over Havana. Cuba, and the Isle of Pines, one In the Bahamas, and oth­ ers through various West Indian re­ gions. Are In Porto Rico, another In H a iti, earthquakes in Arm enia. Japan and Albania, floods in Jugo Slav la and Mexico. The organisation conducted refugee re lis t operations in Syria. Bulgaria and China, the latter largely due to (actional wars (ought over various parte ot China the past year. The two outstanding disasters at home were the Florida hurricane and the Mississippi Valley flood Rehabili­ tation operations of tbs la tte r disaster are still In progress under the Kao Cross A national appeal dor funds was made la both disasters, resulting la contributions for relief amounting to more than >(0.000,000. The Mississippi flood Is the out­ standing disaster in the whole hletory of the Red Cross disaster relief serv­ ice. In this one catastrophe the oh ganlxatlon raised through subscrip­ tions by the people of the country and foreign nations approximately >17,- 000.000 for relief use Aided by this fund It fed. clothed, sheltered or oth­ erwise assisted more than (00.004 hu­ man beings, fed and cared for ap­ proximately (00,000 head of livestock and established 119 refugee camps The flood inundated approximately (0.000 square miles and affected 171 counties in eight states. Some 330.- #00 homeless persons were sheltered In Red Cross camps. When the emer­ gency was at Its height the Red Cross was serving more than a million meals a day. » So vast was the work imposed on the Red Cross and alllejl agencies conducting rehabilitation that thia phase of the flood relief task Is ex­ pected to extend well into the coming year. Up to September 15. 101.111 families In the flood sone had been given réhabilitât sn assistance by the Red Cross, and 1,700.000 acres of flooded crop land In seven States had been replanted with Red Cross aid There had been expended or commit­ ted for expenditure in connection with this relief and rehabilitation work a total of >15,660,000. The appeal for a nation-wide mem bership Increased to 5.000.000 adult members, it was pointed out, is based on the realization that demands on Red Cross service such as occasioned by disaster relief are Increasing each year. For that reason especial Im portance Is lent to the Eleventh An­ nual Roll Call of the organization, to be held from Armistice Day. N o w m ber 11. to Thanksgiving. November 21, during which this membership w ill be built up. Members Pull Christian Endeavor, together with sev­ ('b e e r up. M ary t.oulae, you aren't suffering from a broken h eart, you are suffering from rom atlc Imaglna- ! tion. T h ere Isn't any man without I nerves anil tem per and Irrita tin g ways g rad er, afsMnag a p.rMis.4 rrfJ» eoa addrssff .Wu, Ffo. •» rer» <•/ **<» »»««pop-' Candy MUCH PETTY T H IE V E R Y REPORTED BY AUTOISTS In«» » f the w a n you 4 1«! m a rry you jtre n 't aw are of those of tho man you d id n 't m arry. Fifteen years cast a glow of illusion over your early ro- tnstuce. . Phone 2233 27 Inches wide, a range striped patterns In ligh t a dark colors. BIG V A L U E A T