TH E SPRINGFIELD NEWS huiWDAY NOVEMBER 17, I »21 T R A IN S C H E D U L E S p rin g field S top * Northbound Southbound SET RESULTS) BUYING 02 SELUNft ANO Ft lit BALK near Sprlngfleld FOR SA L E W O O D high griuln Instrument. Old Growth Fir, Second Growth Flr. Bargain (ur quick sate. Turn»« »10 Oak. Aah. All length«. Phon« Hprlng monthly arranged for good horn». If hekl 104. O Interested address II. A. Llvernash. The beat uutfraakable watch crys Factory riano Adjuster, «13 North [ Boren Avenue, Healtle, Waalilngton (ala. Any ahape or alia. Hoyt's Store 312 Main Street tf- D ss i lli-a u llfu l ! No. 16 No. 2 1 __ — ----------------- W « « A . M. Coach Special for Klamath Falla and beyond, on flag at 2:01 P. M. on Sunday, Tueaday and Friday. ! Illank Promissory notes and re TYPEWRITER RIBBONS— Aaaorted makes In black and blue In stoc* at ! celpta printed and In «toek at tha tie News office. For the conveni­ 1 News office. ence of customers who have hither­ - "W——— 1 CALL AND SEE Dr. N. W. Emery to not been able to get ribbons In on prices on plates apd other work, tf Springfield we have started thia new line of ribbons for Underwood« N O T IC E O F RO AD D IS T R IC T Remingtons. Royala. L. C. Smith, M K E T IN O and other makes. tf PAGE SEVEN 5,eeö,G?Ü H A B E R S GOAL OF RED GROSS ANNUAL ROLL CALL Need of Expansion Due to Exces­ sive Demands for Disaster Relief and Other Services. A Red Croaa membership of 5.404/ 000 In tha United Statea will ba sought thia year during the Eleventh Annual Rail Call, November 11 to 24, Chair« man John Barton Payne announeai following completion of a study o< the demands which the past year made on all branches of the Red To Whom It May Coneern: All klmln of h o u se i-u ln tln g. K a lso Wo specialise In awlee brarlet watch Notice la hereby given that a meet­ Cross organization. lining 12 tier room and up. Hoy He stressed particularly the Iw \ b . Call 135-J. tf. repairing Iloyt'a 321 Mnln Htr< . | if ing of the legal voters being resident N O T IC E O F ROAD D IS T R IC T taxpayers and owners of real property creasing demands of disaster relief M E E T IN G FOR HALE— Carbon paper In large In Road IMatrtct No 2. In I-ane Coun as pointing to the need for an I»« Just Lika That NOTICK FOIt PUBLICATION aheete, 24x38 Inch««. suitable for ty. Oregon win be held at the hour of To Whom It May Coneern: creased membership to aid In carrying No. U lt62 t Notice fa hereby given that q meet­ 1 p M on the 24th day of November, "Do you know that Bob kissed me making tracings The News o ffice the growing responsibility In this field. d e p artm en t of tha Interior, U. S. A. D . 1927. at the M W. A Hall at Mar ing of the legal voters being resident twice this morning before I could "For several years our members!»!» Land Office at Roaeburg, Oregon, taxpayers and owners of real pro­ cola In aald Ro«d District to determine By Ooah. Thia la Sudden October 14. 1927. has remained at a little more thaa perty la Road Dlatrlet No 2. In Lane atop him!" said road district shall levy Cl unty. Oregon, will be held at the I "The scoundrel! What cheek?" NOTICE 1« horrify given that Klmrr 2.000,000 adults," he said. "We are lie—"1 hear you are going to be a whether special tax of »3971.35 upon all the hour of 2 P. M on ihe 19th day of i "Both." Yeoman of Creawell, Oregon, who, proud of this membership. It la a married. When, may I ask?" taxable property In »aid dlatrlet for November, A. D . 1927, at the Mc- November 25, 1922 m ade llo u ie body of onr choice spirits, but there (trad K n lri, S eilal No 014624. for L o t She—"You may aak now. If you're the purpose of providing funds for Bridge Sehoolhousce In said are many more of like spirit who continuing the road from Oshkosh mill Road District, to determine whether Let's Get Straight of Section 6. Tow nahlp 18 H, Range sure you lore me." should be counted In this Roll CalL W , W illa m e tte M eridian. haa IV«d to Linn Co. line. said road district shall le w a special "Come here, waiter. Are you hard We need at least 5.000,000 adult mem­ in tk r of Intention to make Final C P BARNARD. County Judge tax of »4168.41 unon all the taxable bers. We are obliged te draw annu­ Throe-year Proof. to eelnhllah claim to CLINTON Hl'HD, County Commis­ property In said district for the pur­ of hearing F’ SUM M O N S h r land a b o v e d esc rib ed , b efore E. O ally upon our reserves, and the de­ pose of providing fund» for. One mill sioner. _ . "Possibly, sir, possibly." mmol, t S I'oiotniahioner, .it hl* of IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF'THE M. H ANDERSON. County Commie for maintenance on Foley Road. One mand« upon u- increasi each year. STATE OF OHBOON F<>n LANK “I thought so. I asked for liver, Our Roll Call funds should meet our Ice at Eugene, Oregon, on the 22nd mill for maintenance on South Fork aloner. COUNTY. not leather.” lay of November. 192?. N. 10 17 24: Road One mill for maintenance on normal needt and add something io Leone Ilrlgga. Va. V. W. BrtfS». Do Claimant name« iia witnesses: King road Two mill« for construc­ our reserve» for the great disaster«. fondant. W illia m E llio tt, of Creswell. Oregon. E A T T H A N K S G IV IN G D IN N E R tion 4-10 of mile to Fox Farm IN THE COUNTY COURT FOR LANE We must have a large reserve. No Frank Tlvey. of Creswell, Oregon. To, V W Ilrlggs. Defendant: C P BARNARD County Judge W IT H US COUNTY IN THE STATE IN T H E N A M E OF TUB STATE one can tell when a situation majr Align«! Pohl,, of Eugene, Oregon, CLINTON HURD. County Com. OF t^REOON arise when this reserve will be essen­ Nnrrls Smith, of Creswell. rttregon OE OREGON: You are hereby re­ A Illg Fat Juicy Thankglvlng Turkey ml»»loner. _ quired to appear and answer the com­ Not coal land In the Matter of the Guardianship of tial to the lives of thousands. M H ANDERSON. County Com UWen Absolutely Free With Each plaint flVd against you In the above HAMILL A CANADY. Ileglater. Edward W. Petersmeyer, An In­ "The Red Cross cannot wait to mlasloner. entitled suit on or before four weeks Used Car Bought From Ua From O. 20 27: N 3 10-17: competent Person. raise funds." Judge Payne declared. from date of the first puh'tcatlon of O R D ER T O S H O W CA U S E Now Till Thanksgiving. “Action prompt. Instant, Is Its Ufa. N O T IC E O F RO AD D IS T R IC T summon», or for wnnt thereof This matter coming on for hearing Instant action means the lives of NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT thia M E E T IN G the plaintiff Will take Judgment This 14 an unusual event with u s ! before me this 8th day of November, The undersigned, executor of the you and will apply to the 1927, upon the petition of the First many. It muxt be strong. It must ba which has proved very popular with To W hom It May Coneern: Fatale of Charles I. Oorrle. deceased, agalnat Court for the relief prayed for tn National Bank. Eugene, Oregon, the ready; this means a large reserve." Notice 1» hereby given that meeting has filed hie Fnal Account In the met- the complaint and for decree of a ben our customera. If you need a better Total expenditures of the American duly appointed, qualified and acting of the legal voter» being resident tax ter of said estate with the County lut* divorce from you and the custody car. take advantage of the oppor payers and owners of real property guardian In the above entitled matter, Red Cross In the flacal year to June ¡Clerk of l-ane County, Oregon, and an of the minor child of the marriage (unity ami a fine big turkey will be | In Road Dlatrlet No 12. In I-ane Coun­ praying for authority and license to 30 laat In all fields amounted to 314/ order haa been made and entered of Thia summons Is published once delivered to you at Thanksgiving i ty. Oregon, will be held at the hour sell the real property of the above 131,348.44, of which 31W40448.40 rep­ record by the County Court of said each week for four consecutive weeks of ' 7 P- M on Ihe 28th day of Novem­ named Edward W. Petersmeyer; and resented the National Organisation*« County, directing thia notice and ap In The Springfield New«, a weekly with our compliments. ber. A D„ 1827. at the Lost Va'tey It appearing to the Court and the appropriations and »4.779.000 the eoat pointing M. nday. the 31st day of newspaper published at Springfield. November. 1937. at 10 o'clock A. M. lAina County. Oregon; by creer of the We have the finest selection of de­ School house In »aid Boad Dlatrlet. Court finds as follows: That the said Edward W. Peters to tha Red Croea local chapter». In­ for the hearing of objections of aald Honorable 0 E Rklpworth. Judge of pendable used’cars In Lane county to determine whetehr said road dis­ meyer ta the owner of the following cluded In this total waa a dlaaator account and the settlement of aald the above court, made October lath. Every car la priced down to the last trict »hall leer a special tax of »4410.40 described reaj property In Lane and relief, for which »4J14.4MJ1 had estate upon all the taxable property In said Washington counties In the State of actually been expended to the close of dime. Dated at Eugene, Oregon, thia 20 1927. »'*1 thia summons first published district for the pumoae of providing Orfegon. to-wlt: October 27th. 2927. the year. This does not cover expen­ day of October, 1827. WHITTEN SWAFFORD. Attorney funds for the Imnrovmenl of the Trent The West fifty feet of Lota one and ditures which continued to be made THOMAS C. OORRIE. Executor of for the Plaintiff Residence and Post Our selection Include« open and closed Parvln Bridge Road (Road D) and two in Block three In Mountain View In the Mississippi Valley flood, or ta model»—Fords, Cbevrt.leta. Essex. the Estate of Charles I Oorrle, de office Address. Eugene. Oregon Creek Road (Road CL Park. In Lane County, Oregon. D o d g e , Wlllya Knight. Oardner. the C Ixvat other disaster» originating during the ceased. P BARNARD. County Judge O. 27: N 2 10-17 24: Lots three and four In Block two in O. 20 27: N. 21017: Studebaker. Franklin and Bulck. In­ CLINTON HURD. County Commis­ Mountain View Park, in Lane County, fiscal year but whose operations ex­ tended over Into the current period. cluding a fine selection of late sioner. _ „ _ , Oregon. Service to disabled veterans, an­ M H ANDERSON. County Commis­ Lots fifty-seven and tlfty-elght, Tua models. sioner. lattn Valley Homes, according to the other outstanding demand on the or- N. 10-17-24: We have them from »60 up. We trade recorded plat thereof. In Washington ganlz&tloD, culled for $2.930.223.3$, County. Oregon. service to men of the Regular Arin» and give convenient terms. The Northwest Quarter of the North and Navy. »507.882.S0. Maintenance NOTICE TO CREDITORS A R C H A M B E A U 'B west Quarter of Section Fourteen In (T. W. P E T T L J O H N CO. W O M EN S »HO P HEMSTITCHING IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE Torwnshlp Seventeen South of Range of an enrolled Nurses' Reserve, from 7th and Olive Sta. Eugene. Ore which the needs of disaster servloe STATE OF OREGON FOR LANE Eight West of the Willamette Merl Specialty Dressmaking 5c a yard and other emergencies are met, and Phone 1207 COUNTY „ , dtan tn I-ane County. State of Oregon Evening Dresses — Hand Made In the Matter of the Estate of Charlee Mrs W K BARNELI. That said tracts of land are vacant which numbers more than 45,000 Flowers — Hata and Coats E Clark, Deceased. and unoccupied lands and cannot be nurses totalled »46.248.83. For the 533 D Street, Phone 106 W SEPTIC TANKS Cor. Main and Second Street»- The undersigned having been ap rented and no Income I» derived there­ Public Health Nursing program, a ne- Or leave orders at Ready for you to install pointed bv the County Court of the from. That It is necessary for the tlon-wlde activity of the Red Croat, Phone 146-W Farinera Exchange For family of l i v e --------------------*Z1 State of Oregon for I-ane County ad­ said guardian to pay the taxes thereon 3801,048.99 was expended. Other serv­ of the estate of Charles and that said guardian believes that For family of e ig h t --------------- -- *2* ministratrix E Clark, deceased and having quail It would be for the best Interest of ices contributing to health and welt at our plant fled, notice 1» hereby given to the said wart that the said real property being Included Instruction In Home Sewer Pipe—Drain Tile creditors of. and -all persma having be sold and the proceeds thereof put Hygiene and Care of the Sick, foi SPRINGFIELD claims against said deceased, to pro on Interest or Invested In some pro­ which »165.380.14 was spent: Nutri­ Chimney Blocks SECOND HAND STORE sent them, as required by law. within ductive stock under the supervision tion Instruction, which teaches thou­ E U G E N E C O N C R E T E P IP E CO. six months after the first publication sands annually correct food principle« Buys* Stilt tnd Exchange! tf. of thia notice to tne said Ne’.lls J. of this Court. That said ward has no next of kin In relation to health, »171,370 7»; Clark at 434 Miner BuUdlng. Eugena. so far as known to said guardian. First Aid and Life Saving, a service W. LUBKE. Prop. 120 s,h 81 Oregon. Date of first publication here­ NOW. THEREFORE. IT IS HERE­ which Is actually curtailing accident C IT A T IO N 128 Main HL Residence 125 C of. the 3rd day of November. 1927 BY ORDERED that the next of kin IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE and water cajualtles, »354,780.04; NELLIE J. CI-ARK. Admtnlafratrlx 42 J M» STATE OF OREGON FOR THE of the Estate of Charles E. Clark, of said Edward W. Petersmeyer. if Junior Red Cross, the children'« Phono ISO M any there be. and all persons interest­ COUNTY OF LANE. ed in the estate of aald ward appear branch of Red Cross activity, and one Full Auto Equipment In the Matter of the Estate of Henry deceased. Life, Automobile and F lre SMITH * EVANS. Attorneys for before this Court at the County Court of the most unique organizations la Lady Assistant 11. Cullen. deceased. Insurance To .Lula E. Cullen and William Administratrix 434-6-4 Miner Bldg., House In Eugene. Lane County, Ore­ the world, »582,434.23. Eugene. Oregon. gon. on the 17th day of December. Other Red Cross Chapter activltle«. CARL A. WYMAN Roderick Cullen: N. 3. 10. 17. 24: 1927, at 10:00 o'clock in the forenoon Including Home Service to civilian« Resident Agent IN THE NAME OF THE STATE of said day. to show cause. If any amounted to »1,220.000; while other OF OREGON. You are hereby cited there be. why license and authority national domestic operations required 734 D Street. Sprlngfleld. Oregon N O T IC E O F RO AD D IS T R IC T and required to appear In tha County should not be granted for the sale of M E E T IN G Court of the State of Oregon, for the VASBY BROS. said premises for the purpose set forth »236.147.17. County of Lane, at the Court Room . To Whom It May Concern: An outstanding American contribu­ in said petition. thereof at Eugrene. In the County of Painting & Decorating tion to the rest of the world is Red Notice Is hereby given that a meet Rea. Phone 140 Plnno Movlng IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that a Lane, on the 16th day of December. Ing of the legnl voters being resident 1927 at 10 o'clock In the forenoon of taxpayers and owners of real property copy of this order shalî be published Cross assistance In foreign disasters, in all its branches SPRINGFIELD TRANSFER for three successive weeks in Tho which the report shows, called for W1LLIS BERT8CH. Prop. that dav. then and there to show In Road District No. 19. In Lane SprlngfleM News, the last publication »256,962 to the end of the fiscal year. 312 Main Street enuse. If any you have, why the fol­ Countv, Oregon, well he held at the OFFICE AT SERVICE GARAGE lowing described real property should hour of 1:30 P. M. on the 19th day of thereof to be at least ten day« prior Activities under the League of Red 633 Maln Street Cross Societies, Junior Red Croat not be sold at private sale by Henry E. November. A. D-. 1927. at the Oak- to the date of said hearing. Succeaaor lo Sutton Transfer C. p. BARNARD, County Judge. Slattery, the administrator of the said , rtdge High School Building in said State of Oregon, County of Lane— ss foreign projects, assistance to Amert lean Insular chapters, and other for­ DR. S. RALPH DIPPEL estate, to make auWeient to pay funer- j Road District, to determine whether 1, L. L. Ray, attorney for the guai al and other expenaes as In the peti­ said road district shall le w a special dlan in the above entitled matter, do eign and Insular work completed the DENTIST tion on file prayed for. to-wlt:-The tax of »10, 258 13 upon all the taxable hereby certlfty tnat I have prepared demands on the total appropriation o n ice Phone 43 Rea. Phone 3 North 66 6 feet of lot 4 In B’ock 18 In property In said district for the pur­ the foregoing copy of Order To Show for the year. Phone 43 Fairmount, a part of the City of Eu­ pose of providing funds for mainten­ Cause; that I have compared the same Carl H. Photteplace. M. D. These expenditures were cited by gene. Lane County, Oregon. Thia ance of existing roads and construe- with the original thereof and that it ‘s Chairman Payne ss emphasizing the F ie ri NaVI Bank Bldg., Sprlngfleld General Practice. Special Attention citation Is first published In the tlon of new roads. a correct transcript therefrom and or need for a growing membership and to Obatetrlca and Diseases of chil­ C. P. BARNARD. County Judge. Sprlngfleld News on Nov. 17. 1927. the whole thereof. Increased Income. CLINTON HURD, County Commis­ Witness, The Hon. C. P. BARNARD. dren. Dated this 8th day of November. A Judge of the County Court of the State First National Bank Building sioner. „ , D.. 1927. I of Oregon, for the County of Lane M H. ANDERSON, County Commis­ L. L. RAY MAX STOVE WORKS 8prlngfleld, Oregon and the Seal of said Court hereto af sioner. Red Cross Nurses A id N. 10-17-24: D. , 1 fixed, the 17th day of November, 1927. N 3 -10-17 Buya. Sells. Repairs and Attest: W B. DILLARD. Clerk. Exchanges SUM M O NS In Every Great Disaster Bv EV. L WICKWORTH. Deputy. SUMMONS WM. O. HUGHES In the C irc u it Court of the State of Stoves, Rangea and Heaters N 17-24: D. 1-8-15 PIRE ANO AUTO INSURANCE Oregon for Lane County. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF'TOT Main near Mill Bt. Two major disasters, the Florida NO TARY PUBLIC STATE OF OREGON. IN AND FOR Minnie Heather. Plaintiff, vs. Vernon SUM M ONS Russel Heather, Defendant. hurricane and the Mlssltelppl flood, LANE COUNTY. OWN« a« Vernon Russel Heather. Defendant. required the services of Red Croea IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE Cofra Campbell. Plaintiff. Horace To IN THE NAME O F T H E S T A T E nurses In large number» over a long • STATE OF OREGON FOR LANE FIRST NATIONAL BANK W Campbell. Defendant. COUNTY. B p r ln g f la ld ,O r e g o n To Horace W. Cnmphell. Defendant; OF OREGON: Yon are hereby re­ period of time In the past year. Idamay Sleenaon. Plaintiff, vs. I-loyd In the name of the S’ate oi Oregon, quired Io appear and answer the com In the Florida storm, service of 850 8. Steenson, Defendant. vou are hereby required to appear and plaint filed against you In the above nurse. Is recorded. It Is estimated All kinds of gravel for con- To Lloyd S. Steenson. defendant: answer the Complaint filed herein entitled suit within twenty weeks that about 100 other« assisted In the DR. N. W. EMERY IN THE- NAME OF THE STATE agelnst you In the above entitled suit from the date of the first publication erflts or road work. Vt« OF OREGON: You are hereby re­ and Court within four weeks of the of this summons and If you fail so first few days as volunteers. The total make s apecialty of crushed D EN TIST quired to appear and answer the com­ date of the first publication of this to answer for want thereof the plain­ number of nurses In the Mississippi rock and rock sand. Bunk­ plaint filed against vou In the above summons, and If you fail to apjtear. tiff will take a decree against you for valley flood was approximately 200. Sutton Bid»- Phene 20-J ers at foot of Main on Mill entitled suit within ten days from the for want thereof the plaintiff will take the dissolution of the marriage re­ In every major disaster the service« Residence Phene 168-M date of tho service of this summons Judgment ngnftlst you as prayed for lation now existing between said plain­ of Red Cross nurses are needed, lend­ ■treat. •upon you, If served within Ibis county, In plaintiff's Complaint, to-wlt; for a tiff and said defendant and that said ing added Importance to the enrolled HENRY W. CHASE, Prop. Sprlngfleld, Oregon or If served within any other county decree of the Court dissolving the plaintiff to be decreed to be the owner reserve which now numbers moro thaa In this state, then within twenty days bonds of matrimony nnd granting to of the following described premises: 45,000 Red Cross nurses. These nurse« from the service of this summons up­ plaintiff an nbso>ite divorce from the Beginning on bounary line of and 150 General I-aw Practice on you: nnd If you fnll to answer, for defendant, for the care and custody feet NW of the most southerly point are available for any emergency, though they are on duty In hospital« want thereof tho Plaintiff will take of the minor children of plaintiff and lot 1 In block 21 Un Chula Vista and In private practice. They constl- Judgment aealnst you for tho rollof defendant, and for such other and of I. M. PETERSON Park. Lane County. Oregon, thence tuta the reserve of the Army and prayed for In complnint. Datod this further relief ae to the Court may NE Attorney-at-Law JEWELER 70 feet, thence parallel with the 28th day of October, 1927. This sum. seem Just and equitable. PW line of said lot to S line of Lake Navy nurse corps In time of war. Repairing a Specialty mons is published pursuant to nn This summons Is served upon you Street, thence westerly to E line of Besides emergency duty. Red Croat City Hall Building order made by tho lion G. F. Skip- hv puhllcntlon bv virtue of an order Sprlngfleld, Oregon nurses assisted materially In many Sprlngfleld. Ora. worth, Judge of aald Court, dated of the Hon. O F Sklpworth, Judge Central Street, thence SE 60.98 feet to local services. Chapter reports to Na­ November 1, 1927, and requiring the of said Court, dated and file., Nov. ». beginning The date of the order ordering the tional Headquarter« Indicate. The summons herein to ho published once 1927, directing this Summons be publication of this summons Is dated Eleventh Annual Roll Call of the Rad n week for four weeks In "The Spring- served upon you by publication of the M. C. HOCE FRANK A. DE PUE field News" n newspaper printed and same once a week for four consecu­ November 8. 1927, and requires pub­ Cross, from Novomber 11 to 24, It 1» A TTO R N EY A T LAW published at Sprlngfleld, T-ane County. tive weeks In the Sprlngfleld News lication once each week for four polffled out. Is an opportunity Attorney-at-Law Oregon The date of the first puhll Date of first publication, Nov. 8, 1927 weeks, and date of first publication everyone to become Identified NO TARY PUBLIC November 10th, 1927. Practise U. S. and State cation Is November 3. 1927. IVELL8 & WELLS. Attorneys for Is C. A. W1NTERME1ER. Attorney for the Red Cross. SMITH * EVANS. Attorneys for PMlntlff, Residence and Post Office Courts Plaintiff. Residence: Eugene, Oregon. Plaintiff. 434-5-6 Miner Bldg., Eugene, Address, Eugene. Oregon. Sprlngfleld, M. 10-17-34: D. 1-«: Eugene, Oregon Oregon. N. 8, 10, 17. 34: D. t: BtdMIns W. F. Walker Funeral Director SPRINGFIELD GRAVEL CO. D. W . Roof N. 3-10-17-24: