T l III HS 1 )AY NOVEMBER 17, 10|7 T H E SPR INGF1E1J) NEWS PAGE S IX OREGON STATE NEWS OF GENERAL INTEREST Oregon fishermen sad causai» paid »early l&J.üdd lato ihr fund tu. the slaughtering of tome SI.OU6 seal» and a*a Ilona daring the pati ala year» Albert Lane. »». »aa killed Instantly al the plant of the Slltcooa Lumber company at Slltcooa whan ha became entangled In tha gear« of a moria» Brief Resume of Happenings of . » » n „ » .A l» » the Week Collected for 4, rrlcb Our Reeders. 1 The peak BLACKSHEEP! _ .. (Continued from Vhgw S) M is. Seabrook with a sigh They danced again and In * e bniuli' I a p iu ii < lhat (ollowml the first number he turned I.. And the Uover nor. ,.! » ., and with no marks of h l. Use Oath Half Way Jah you hare added aaaault or murder to Archi»—"Oire me the gist of hie '•Officer. I’m looking for a man w ,,h lha liabilities of our partnership! Hut remark.” dou'l forget for a minute tBat w ere one ays." Italde—"They were terrible " plvdgrJ to aae each other "Sure now. If he'a a vary »mail man wouldn't It he batter to uae both of through.” Polite Father them?" bu„M, Dlalracted Parent--''John .will you . spesk to Ihoa« children?" reported by the Ita lay Harbor police , A Punning Pair «“ raw Archie back In.laa I,■ upon he I Puttier—"Good evening, children Thia la rough on me,"chortled the Gorernor a mercy, t ompl. cl«X b- , „ (h Htude who didn't rv > «i » ot . . . 'r'”‘ " ‘ “ ,, , share kissed her. -r e d with the haunting fear th at _______ lllv man ho hud shot In the t OUgdon Do You Remember house hud died from the wound I 'll Yonder comes a woman in a holibV . able il l.* to I o determine u v ie r m iu e m is qu- ihls i. question io . .. lie .» skirl ” llow colorless that soumis to wns foundering In a veritable sea of crime The Governor was undv'ss'nu day, escapade upon him At midnight Seabrook and W alters came in from their card game, and --------- I ' K n in e - Its Astorl* started Ita community cheat af, er , ,,.w. pi„a»aul word», the party grtve Norember IS. with a budget of broke approximately »22.000 to be raised. ' Archle’s room the Governor hum The radio was w ed for the fir.« «ned one of hl» favorlt. ballad» a . ho tJ in t X n “ aaTweek In cnnneo L »Upped l , _ , .........., u coat ;l„., out of h his and picked a , with provoking Indifference to hl» tim e in Oregon mat «e FIGHTS 18 YE4RS TO w...... ... ------------ . gpvch from his snowy waistcoat "It '» tloa with mobilisation of the national com panions pertur list Ion. GET RIO OF GAS age rooms in the basement damaged ,,v(,|(>nt>" be remarked goodhumoredly. guard. "Sleep, Ind. sleep! You mav be the plant of the Cherry City Making ' ..|ba( v<)„ ar,. perturbe!, anxious, and The Yamhill county Sunday school company at Salem to the extent of sure that nothing will harm us to “I had stomach trouble for IM years have slight symptoms of paralysis a convention will be held In Dayton ‘ »$<>.000. The Cherry City Making com- night, and I have faith that more stir­ Since taking Adlerlka I feel belter Mans. Pray be seated and I wilt do Methodist church. November IS. IS I pany'a plant waa one of the largeat of ring adventures are ahead of Ua. I than for years and have not been my beet to restore your peace of forgive you for your qualms and bothered with gas " -I. A. Champion and 10. its kind in the Willamette valley. mind." quavers, the partfottabto mnnlfeata The Farmers’ union meeting at the Kven the FIRST apmtnful of Adler­ Archie be ‘7 thwarted in .ii^ rlen ee We We gwret Home high achool building I..«! ' An " / audience “ " J of " more T T than 550 X aa- « But “ « A" h1' waa not to b,> 7 Hons of you.h and Inexperience Sweet Home forming high school building ‘K cowr w h y (t OP MANY) “ Z.K began a turkey poo. laat for ‘7 "re ‘ J , a n d h"* PU,P,W*■ ,U” *«'k on a.lppery place, but we aha'. lka relieves gas and oftern removes astonishing amount of old waste mai­ h . J a v season , 7 , , ] * " 7 7 7 7 ^ 7 In i ° O’ ernOr b* ' h*“ .......... . ... h a s . not while tha SrA tU L frY _ It*» ”oaly"’ and ler from the system. Makes you vu- the holiday season In the * “ >'“ "r»b>» •»*•“ 10 security so recklessly He slammed bl, b. aB.- ’'ataya" oily al any angina X>y your meals and sleep better. No Some 25 acres of farm land In the , history of that church, the complete the tranB<>m tight and drew down the bearing trmperatura. n u tter wliat you h art tried fur your Tucker creek district A ,lo n cancellation of every financial obit- »Nothing appeared to Archie aa of stbmuch and bowels. Adlprika will aur- were flooded recently when a dike gallon again ., that organlxallon. tTAMPaan «ML COMFANV OS CALIFOaNU ( ,,you # nwMjleMl,y n u ^ lT T ' « " • — » « • l«npo«anca . nw>d |eafc|y exposed exposed y yourseu — . „ than . .a the a retention . ,a „ , prise you FI 'lanery'a Drug Store. broke before the high water. Three cases of typhoid were added 1 obaerTatlon bv sneaking down the *•” b’r **• -» — “ «•"* ■ ,,f >» •» lb” - head »«“■' that hat ------------------- Malheur county thia year will com- to Jo the (be 10 1# or O|. II jj already ajready developed In fln> c of h(lte,_ ., know now lav chastely upon a .now y pillow ------------------- plete tlx naw achool building»- Owy the c„ h / " -------•*" city y of Coquille. Coquille C Children are the 1 A handsome we!l formed head, a head hee. Annex. Owyhee dam altA Grouse i Tlctinis of re<.,.n, reports i> -«.h er of family and the pride of Dr . p. P . _ K__. ___ ______ suggestive creek. Indian creek and Rockville. M yet undecided aa to the 1 > , ,a . rrlmaon race, though filled with the moat com After three years of depression Con- »ourv* o ( communication, but tha In- °* * ’ * .'h"* " n -I'.'n i w a lls o f the plicated mental maeblnery with wh a human being had ever been en­ io n 1. booming again Six new house. elcaUoM putnl to the d .y water aya ‘no(em No La Grand«', first case of Infantile dlnary , tle on vln„ from wh|ch Mre. >t|ck < f gbaTln< , ()ap Th^n lightly. He waa sound aa!eep before tvougnt a su e s OJ a n a v in g s « » e __ i . ™ » . to»» i *nd °nw-b»li ln and from o n e ; I hough, a f<>w few cigars )n In # a tabacco Archie Lincoln county achool board voted half to three-fourths of aa Inch la 1st'». In each place I conversed with to spend « 0 0 0 In erecting a new width. j the clerk, thus laying ample groun I schoolhouse te accommodate the grow Five seta of twine arrived la Port- for an alibi Hurrying back to the tag number of scholars of Oceanlaka laad daring October, according ta the ,0B , BTO|dgd observation by entering id D elate. monthly report of the bureau of health b^ rT •* ,k * .K FR U ITS, NUTS. VEGETABLES. SPICES . v „ »00 re r . LaM yen» aver SdO H u >n)pha h. s e a t . How about those blood stains on Grace May. sustained a sprained llga Wliaoa. of the stale af residences and aa office building Sbulta fa ir h oard T h secretary /r e n o c l showed total nlthln 100 days you forget that someone besides Hoky on the glrli Tha annual rush for favorite auto­ Brea too Vedder. county school sis- was shot back yonder. You came .o Maybe So— Maybe So parlDtendant. has organised the de­ mobile license platee la on. Tha draw­ me red handed from a deed of viol­ "Madge married a conductor and partments for the annual county tsach- ing was held Saturday with more than ence, and I took you In and became grs’ Institute for Clackamae county to a dosen applicants for number "1" your protector, asking no questions got a divorce the next week " "He must hnve told her where ta he held at the Oregon City high echool on band. About »»0.000 has bee a re- It's the basest Ingrutltude for you to cel vad so far. covering about sooo ap­ whimper over a small larcency when get off." Movember 18 and 1». plications. The demand for numbers Orders were issued last week for 1A 15. 50 and 100 was also heavy. the closing of Eugene high school as Albany may vote upon a charter a precautionary measure against in­ fantile paralysis, as the result of the amendment to provide means for In- | Perhaps the most popular death of William Van Wagner. 15. . stalling a new street lighting system j the result of action on the part of ! washer ever btill^, the NEW gtudent at the school. local civic organixations in appearing Linn county district boundary board EASY wun I ich one hutch of before the city council recently The granted the petition of certain resi­ proposed plan would follow procedure , clothes while drying another. dents of Greenville school district, the at La Grande. Pendleton and Portland tatter part of the week, for a change A mining excitement is current in ! Jn boundaries between that district northern Curry county, near the head 1 and Sweet Home district. o t Flores creek, where ore has been Arnold D. Collier. Lane o unty club discovered and a number of claims I agent, accompanied by Miliari Shel staked. The district has the first BALANCE NO ton. 18. of Marcola. and Lois Bailey. blackjack ore found In that section. 11, of Eugene, left recently lor Chicago Samples of ore which have been as­ IN 18 CARRYING as Oregon's representative j to the na­ Poor sight is like fighting with a broken sword. sayed run »80 to the ton and a large tional livestock exposition. proportion of zinc. MONTHS CHARGES Better get glasses. A proclamation promulgated by Gov­ Further reductions of Intrastate ernor Patterson recently, designates freight rates on certain farm products . Thursday. November 24. as a public shipped in excess of 600 miles were ; holiday, and requests the citizens ot ¡announced by the public service com- ; Oregon to join In appropriate observ­ mission In Salem recently. The new ' O P T O M E T R IS T E Y E S IG H T S P E C I A L I S T ance of Thanksgiving Day. order of the commission extends the Suite S31 Miner Bldg. Eugene, Oregon, Telephone 362 Pilot Butte, one of the prominent scope of a previous ruling with rela­ mountain peaks located on The Dalles- tion to intrastate shipments of grains California highway near Bend, was and other farm products. W ASHEX donated to the state highway commis­ Fire losses in Oregon, exclusive of sion last week. The butte will be i Portland, during October aggregated converted Into a state park. »255,470, according to a report pre­ North Bend, through her chamber pared by the state fire marshal recent­ OI ruuniin LU, went WVitaL VU ivvviu at the ~ |J, ly. There IIIUIC were wcic M 69 W naa-vta fires •- reported K — — ta commerce, on record will be glad to demonstrate weekly session last week as favoring ‘ the department. The most disastrous »plendid washer — or any continuation of the ferry Roosevelt blaze was at Oregon City, where a connecting the break In the Roosevelt warehouse, tools and equipment were other—in your home without obli­ highway from North Bend to Glasgow. destroyed with a loss of »56.000. A check for »47,813 has been for­ gation to you. The grounds of the Oregon soldiers' the tr treasurer tne most warded to tne e a s u r e r of o i Coos > , w s county c u u n ij home are the best kept and the beautiful to be found at any soldiers' by the department of the Interior, rep- The ATWATER KENT RADIO place» you direct­ home In the UnlR-d States, according resenting the amount due to December to Colonel B. K. Cash, federal Inspec- '31, 1926, under the Coos bay wagon ly in contact with the greatest performer» of the tor, who completed an official visit to road lands act. Under this law the present day. A turn of the dial and they enter SEVERAL SPLENDID BUYS the Oregon Institution recently. In 1 county is entitled to 25 per cent of your home in shadow form bringing to you and his report of the grounds Colonel Cash the net receipts from sales of land, IN SLIGHTLY USED your family the choicest of their masterful per­ designated the grounds as "excellent,” timber, mineral leases on the lands, the only such report made during his title to which reverted to the federal formance». tour. i government. The giant togobban slide which Is Rigdon Brothers of Woodburn have We also carry the Zenith Long Distance Radio being built by the Portland Ad club . received the contract for constructing ARE INCLUDED IN THIS SPECIAL THRIFT SALE as a winter sport attraction on Mount n new highway bridge at New Bra, in Battery and A. C. Sets— Hood, will be dedicated and thrown j according to announcement made at open to use by the public on December , the offices of the state highway com- See Heinie - 10, - according — —• -----------— ta - a — recent announce­ mission In Salem. The bridge will cost approximately »29.500. ment. Although property valuations In 18 Three Roseburg churches were en o u n ia in states power o m pa n y Oregon counties for the year 1927 tered last week and thoroughly ran ehow a decrease when compared with tacked, apparently by persons seeking 1 those for the previous year, the total money Aside from a typewriter be­ valuations for the 36 counties will ag­ longing ta Rev Mr. Knotts, pastor of gregate approximately »4,800,000 la the First Methodist Episcopal church, »14 Main For Demonstration Phone 11-J nothing of value was taken. excess of the year 1926. population In the history of tha Oregon alata v penitentiary waa w ---- ------------ reached laat week when the prison register showed a total of «11 prison M<>r* tb