I TH URBDAY N0VBMBBR 17, 1M1 PAGE FOUR TOWN A N D VICINITY 5^ [?UlT SAl¿2 Feast in the Making * Holidav apjietites sharpened' keen with anticipation of the feast—demand that you choose carefully the highest quality and choicest flavors. Our custom ers never need worry about quality—flavors or prices. You art' never taking a chance on any article— w e never substitute som ething “just as good’’ for the best. Send us your Thanksgiving orders—let us fill them from our fresh stock of nationally known quality products. \Ye deliv er in the city and will take orders over Phone 9. Everything For the Thanksgiving Dinner Mince Meats Cranberries Thls Is a A second case of Inliuitll« paralysis lime, tir follard sald W altsrvills Man Hare— C It S.vlv«-» | »ws reported here today, when Lor­ «-onditi»» eg la lln c plinost e /e r /w h e ie , At Fall City— Mr». A K Bused wss ter of W altervllle was a Sprlngfle' I raine, 6 year old daughter of Mr and a visitor at Fall City this week he suld visitor Wednesday. Mrs A C VedU-onl. waa pla> <«l under To Dexttr— Herbert Jiiixlan. brother ' «inaranlln«. John Kll»o •" H o s p ita l nt Mr» K. K. I’yne, made » trip to | Here From Thurston — W 'llla ttl The little girl fell and was Injure«! Bennie of Thurston paid ihl» • Dexter Wednestlay. ! on Sunday o n Monday morning she Taken violen ti/ HI «hi» mortili»«. visit yesterday. was taken sick, although paralysis John King, aliseli«« In Uie lloolli K««lly Goes to San Francisco— llertnce C o\ Dexter Man H e r e — N S B ussell if did not develop until Wetlnosdav Otl«> I.Uinher company ntfice» fiere, wa» of SprlngtleM 1» «wing to San Fran­ Dexter »«* a Springfield visitor Mon leg 1» i«raly»ed today. Pnrglysls Inok rushrd to Die Engel» hosplla’ hy Or ciaco shortly to make her home. place after serum was administer«**! W II rollaid The »sari nature of day. Visit at Portland— A Lyons »pent Mr King'» llln«-»s wns noi ilytermlned hi a local physleisu H e re F ro m Santa Clara—»Mrs M »petit the iwvek-end trialling In Port­ The other case Is Dial of the three- late ihl» ipomlng. «nd hi» Vendutoti Murphy of Santa Clara was an out of land. 1 year old daughter of Koberl Kiser remaliK-d virtuali/ nnchanged. town visitor here Tuesday. I Shi* has tieeu III for a week, anil is visitor Io Portland— Anna Kiuii.hv.- C rs s w e ll R esid en t In— M rs. I- k. reported Io he slightly Iniproveil at S cout C on fsrsn es S la ts d and her stster. Mary Kiser, left on Bolierts of Cseswell was a business present. Sunday for Portland. Springfield Boy Scout olfidal» bave Dr W. H Pollard, city health of visitor here Tuesday. H e re F ron t F a ll C re e k — Mrs It W IW-er. made an tnspe«-ti«>n of local rscelved notlce of thè date» for tho Hers On Wednesday— F M Marsh Cautson Of Fan Creek was a Spring- school building» yesterday for the pur tifili annunl palm i leader» conferei!. ». all of Mt. Angel >*»» among out of pose of determining J h eir sanitary tu he condurle*! al Vancouver. W ash­ field visitor Saturday. town visitor» her«« Wednesday. condition. In general, he said, the ington Novemlwr ST '-'f Whether unv Has An Operation— Mrs. O. A H a - school premises are III good shape, nl locai »«- ohi » or «»flirtala wlll he ahi» den underwent a major operation at j In From Jasper—Mr» Nellie Forcum though he will recommend some to allelui ha» not been d.u lded. the Pacific Christian hospital Monday ' of Jasper waa a Springfield visitor Tuesday. morning. I M areola Woman In— Mrs. <1. W V is ito rs a t Salam— Mr and Mrs D B. Murphy. Miss Clara Jones and Mr Miller of MarcoJa was a Springfield and Mrs. E K Pyne motored to thtletn v is ito r T u e s tia y . Sunday. Has Operation— Mrs. J B Beyers CHy property for acreage. Return From Colorado— Edsar l.o u k ., was operated on at the Pacific Chris I have some Houses that can he bought oti Easy I •* TIU». Bd Geiger and Fred Thompson are I tian hospital yesterday morning If you have anything to trade or sell, see me. back from Hotchkiss. Colorado, where Mortensen at Cushman— Dr. It P. Some Good Houaea to rant. $10.00 up to $30.00. , they spent several months working Mortensen Is at Cushman today on Spices Pulm Pudding Sll¡CAR PEA* SPECIAL FRIDAY and SATURDAY $1.00 BROOMS for 39C CALL Phooe 9-WHITE FRONT GROCERY-9 THREE DAY COOKING SCHOOL And Demonstration will be held at thia store, Thursday, Friday and Saturday, this week. Three times each day, 10 a. m., 1 p. m. and 3 p. m., under the personal direction of Frank Decatur White, Nationally Known C aterer and Dietitian, using the Bridge-Beach Range V ia « M r. and M rs. Flanery— Mr an< Here For Fsw Days— William Ed­ Mrs. Andrew Campbell and daughter wards of Canary la spending a few spent the week-end visiting at the days In Bprlnifljld. home of Mr. and Mrs. F. B. F.anery Palmer Her» From low» A Palmer Hers From Dallas— Virgil McPher­ of Iowa la here vlalllng hla eons. Roy son. teacher In the [Milas Junior High and Ray. who liven In W est Spring school, was home arm istice day to field. visit his relatives. , Fred Bauer Goee Home — Fred Return to Mapleton—George Per­ Bauer, who has been working for the kins went to Mapleton Sunday to sup­ forest service on the south W illamette, ervise construction of the new school has finished hla work for the season building, for which he holds the con­ and haa left for hla home. tract. • Local Party at Portland— A grou^ oi Visit at Partland— Mr and Mrs. C. Springfield people made a trip to . Oft- E. Kenyon drove to Portland for a land Friday to vlalt frlenda and rela­ week-end visit with Mr and Mrs tives. ln the group were Mrs C. Berg. Welby Stevens, who are spending Mtss Billie Berg. T. Berg. Miss Flor­ some time In the northern city. ence Ldn«iley and Mrs Lindley, the Mrs. Oldham Operated Or»— Mrs. R latter two of Santa Clara. B. Oldham of West Springfield under­ Food S ale S a tu rd a y went a major operation at the Pacific Christian hospital on Monday morn-, The Catholic Ladles Guild will con­ duct a basaar and food sale at the tng. 1. O. O. F. building. Fourth and Main £ Visitors at Kester Homs— Mr. and streets, on Saturday, all day. Mrs. E. O. Jarvis and daughter of Portland, spent the w eekend visiting at the home of Dr and Mrs. Eugene O ur P r a c tic a l P a tte r n Kester of Springfield. No. 1157 Petersons Visit at Woodburn— Mr and Mrs. I. M Peterson went to Wool- burn for the -weekend While there they visited with Mr and Mrsfi Henry G. Hanson, old friends of theirs. Mr. ami Mrs Harry B. Anthony of Westfir are the proud parents of a 7-pound son, born last Thursday. The Anthonys formerly lived In Springfield, and are well knoiwti here. SPECIAL OFFER with every Bridge-Beach Range sold during this Dem onstra tioh, you may have your choice of any two of the following tietns. WEAR-EVER ROASTER WEAR-EVER TEA KETTLE LIFETIME WATERLESS COOKER FIFTEEN PIECE POTTERY KITCHEN SET IL _ Trade In you Old Range on a new Bridge- Beach. No Interest Charged on our deferred paym ent plan. 3 1J/ETHERBEE - pOW ERg Willamette at 11th Eugene, Oregon W e lc o m e Son— Stevens on Grand Jury — Welby j Stevens, prominent Springfield busi­ ness man, has been named on the federal grand Jury at Portland and will spend about three months there while doing Jury duty. Mr. and Mr». Stevens haye taken an apartment at Portland. , Gordon Lee On Leave—Gordon fxie, Springfield boy who Joined the army some time ago and Is stationed at Vancouver BArracks. was a visitor here over the’ armistice week-end. He went to Wendllng Sunday, where he -isn ed his mnth<«r until Tuesday. While iti Springfield he was a visitor nt Ihc home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Frese Many See Big Game—Springfield ’ fans were well?sprlnkled over the j stands at the big Oregon-O. A, C. j football game Friday. Prophecies of several local fans who had ventured to anticipate the gridiron scores were well horhe out, when Oregon, despite Its defeat, scored. Several l«A:al men who saw O. A. C. play Washington State had predicted an Oregon score, although none was willing to pho- phecy a victory for Eugene. They generally agree that O. A. C. played a much better game against Oregon than against Washington State. Springfield, Ore JIÏIW SG M NG TURKEYS Com and Milk Fattened Turkey». T he Aue»t to be had. Order your Thank»givlng T urkey now. W e will have it freshly dretuted and deliver it to you Thanksgiving murnlng. Also Fryer», lien». Duck» and Geese. All fat and Freshly Dressed. INDEPENDENT MEAT CO. Phone 63 PRATT HOLVERSON 4th and Main Sta. K C. STUART Save With Safety at your We List Here Some of the Articles On which You will Save Money If Purchased at Your Store Mist Rebhan Is Visitor— Ml»» Con- | stance Rebhan. a student In Oregon j Agricultural college, visited over the j weekend with her parents, Dr and I Mrs. W. C. Rebhan of Springfield She attended the Oregon-O. A. C. foot- , ball game In Eugene on Armistice dav. A n th o n y s REAL ESTA TE 312 Main St. Phone 73-J Store Teacher at Corvallis— Ml»» Kather-' Ine Tlnkham. Instructor In the Spring- fle’.d high school, spent the w eekend , visiting with her relatives at Corvallis. Ml»» Tinkhari's home Is In the neigh- I boring city. “ T h e R a n g e w ith a R e p u ta tio n ” Wm. VASBY professional business. Undergoes Operation— Mrs. M F ] Gibbons underwent an operation at tue l’aclflc Christian hospital /e s te r Here From North Bend— Mrs. Alma day. Smith of North Bend visited Mrs C C. Baby Boy Born— A son was horn Wilson of Springfield over the week­ Wednesday to Mr. and Mrs. 8 M end. m ianluk of Donna. Lettuce Phone Trade or Sell John Hamlin at Portland—John ri Hamlin went to Ihtrtland early this week to visit with his brother. Virgil Hamlin, and other relatives Celery All Seasonable Frqits and Vegetables , chsnges tu ih» board of educallon INFANTILE PARALYSIS Mud. of thè Sllehy Oregon varloty. HAS SECOND VICTIM IN uiakes It alinosi tBipoaalbls In ke»p SPRINGFIELD. REPORT Ih» building» clean al thè present Just imagine h«.w smart you'll look in thia clever sport «lit»* if y 11 make it up in one o f the n«»w »port material« with a »tripped vestee, sleeve insert» and skirt panel fo r con­ trast. Bone or pearl button» and a shoulder flower w ill add just the right trim m ing toigh. It is «o simple in design that you w ill find it very easy to make with a hand-cut pattern o f heavy paper. A perfect fit in every size guaranteed. May he obtained in size» 16 to 44. Size 36 require» 3% yard» of 40 inch material, »port material and % yard» of trim m ing material. Patterns w ill he delivered to any address upon receipt o f 25c in c4»h S Postage. Always °ize’ Il wanted Â’ dress: A t.e mention r n be- pertinent, thi> ncw»papcf * $1.20 Bromo Seltzer, $100 60c Bromo Seltzer 50c 30c Bromo Quinine 25c 75c Bautne Analgeee- que 68c $1.25 Creomululon $1.10 $1.20 Hynij» of Pepsin, ......................;. $1.08 60c Forhan’u Tooth P aH te...................... 54c $1.00 Gillette Razor Blade» .......... - ....... 79c "50c Gillette Razor Blade» .................... 40c 75c Gloco ..............—• 69c 50c Gloco ....................43c $3.75 Horllck’B Malted Milk .................... 53 48 $1.00 Hind’» Honey and Alim,ml 94c 50c Hind’» Honey and Almond ................. 43c 50c Ipana Tooth I'usl«-, 44c 85c Jad H alt»............. 75c 6fo KotM 49c $1.20 Scott’» Emulsion, ■ ..............,............... $1.05 75c Vick» Vapo Rub 68c c o n ? I* jK L ifc j _ _ Vick» Vapo Rub • 31c 35c $1.00 I^tvorl» ......... 89c 50c L a v o ris................ 43c $1.00 Lieterine ...............89c $1.00 Mile» Nervine 89c $1.00NuJol 90c $1.25 Pinkham ’H Vege­ table Compound, $1.05 65c Plnex .................. 59c $1.50 Petrolagnr $1.28 50c Peheco Tooth Pa»te 44c 65c PondB (’old Cream 59c 35c Ponds Cold Cream 29c $1.35 Pierce’s Favorite Prescription $1.05 $1.35 Pierce’» Medical Discovery $1.05 50c P epB odentT ooth P aste ................ 44c 76c R ubbing Alcohol, 1 Pint, 59c $1.00 Mineral Oil, R uh - »lan Type 89c $1.20 Sal Hepatic» $1.05 60c Sal Hepatlca 53c $1.19 Imported Olive Oil . ' 79c 25c Narci»»e Talcum 19c * 100 Gi,lette Razor Ft»« with the purchase of a 50c bottle of Palmolive Shampoo. Flanery’» Drug Store