PAGE THREB THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS THU KK OA Y NOVEMBER 17, 1927 aure. '•Tea, of course," he remarked absently. “You can always rely on Abe. It's lime for you to dreaa. and we must look our prettiest. I caught a glimpse of Mr Keebrook's daughter M e re d ith NL c R o L k a a bit ago It may be necessary for you to cultivate her a trifle." When Archie reached the parlors half an hour later he found the Gov­ ernor engaged In lively conversation with a gentleman he Introduced in mediately as Mr. Seebrook. "And Mr. Walters, Mr. Comly. and—" » "Mr. Saulsbury and Mr. Comly, my Ü j FYHJUHT CHAR1JÖ 3CWBN1R3 SONS - RZLZASMD TKCU Fl/BLIIiHJüe- AJJTOCABTER SERVICI daughter, Miss Seebrook.” , See brook and Walters were un What business could l»uhel have with Archie proceed slowly to tba post IN TRO DUC TIO N doubtedly enjoying the Governor, Arrbltwld Bennett, wealthy bacb- Mra. Congdon? Why should she think office while he >wulked toward the proof of which was Immediately forth main entrance of the Inn. him capable of spying upon her move­ elor. travel» constantly Io the Interest When be Jolued Archie, he Informed coming when Seebrook suggested that of hl« health. He o w la Isubel Perry, ments? Why wus she In Portsmouth they should all dine together. who recommends ■ Ute of crime, ad when she had told him she was leav­ him that the two gentlemen were See "You do us much honor." said the brook and Walters, and that they had ing Immediately for her girls' camp in Venture, romance anil excitement a» Governor. "Mr. Comly and I shall be rooms on the floor below them. • cur« for hl» nervra Arabia gtxis to Michigan? '■You don't thing they've got any pleased. I'm sure.” He had peen wholly stupid and tact­ Bailor Harbor to Inveatlgate a «urn CHAPTER VI. mer house* for hl« slater. A heavy less In pouncing upon her with what considerable sum of money with them, Dinner oyer they continued theli Sturm force» hint to spend the night he realised under, the calming Influ­ do you?" Archie aaked breathlessly. talk over coffffee served In tbe tar- "That remain» to be seen." there. During the night be la awnk- ence of I he brisk air. must have struck den. When tbe music began. See- When they reached the green, her as the vaporing» of a dangerous aned by footsteps. and In an encounter brook and Walters recalled a bridge with the Intruder, who aaea Archie'« lunatic. He had never been clever; which the town"« growth had left to I engagement and the Governor an­ one side , be «at down on a bench and he smarted now under the revelation figure reflected lu the ntlrror and nounced that he must look up an old «bouts. Archie Ore» In return, wound­ that all things considered be was a directed attention to a church whose friend who lived In Cornford. history he read Impressively from the Immitigable aaa. ing the Intruder, who make» bis as- "I shall be back shortly." he said He went back to the hotel, bitter book. cape. Archie plan» flight to evade "And- In the cellar of that simple as they seperated In the office. publicity. He atarta crosscountry but forfeited by a reaolulon that no­ Archie and Mias iteebrook Joined thing should check him now In hl» edifice where the early colonists used afoot—now read on: the considerable company that were to hide from predatory Indians. Is He had quarreled afot in the n ig h t At dawn be ta desperate career already dancing. After several dances hidden fifty thousand dollars. It must with the Inaplratlon of hta new life, »topped on a lonely country road by Miss Seebrook thought It would be •'The Governor.“ master-mind criminal but In the end laabel »hould have rev be saved from destruction. We can't fine to take a breath of air, and gather- who ml»takea him for a fellow crimi­ son to know how unjust she had been fall Leary.“ I Ing up her cloak they went Into the nal. Archie, fleeing. 1» afraid to tell After all. It was something to have , They found half a doxen visitors garden for an Ice. roaming through the church, and while the truth—fall« In with T h e Gover­ seen her. perplexed, anxious though Miss Seebrook was speaking of nor," 1» whl»ked acroaa country In a «he bad been. He would bear hla Archie courteously answered a ques­ music, and reciting the list of operas tion asked blm by a stout lady, the martyrdom manfully, keeping the stolen car. Bees atory In Newapaper she loved best when Arcbie'g gaxe of killing at »alley Harbor and. humiliating Interview carefully from Governor disappeared. was caught and held by a shadow When he reappeared he called ont the Governor. frightened, be decide« to aay nothing that fitted along an Iron fire «scape In a cherry voice; "If yon want to laabel waa still the moat wonderful bat «lick with hla strange Mend and see the cellar, don't tumble down the that tlgxagged down from tbe fourth girt he bad ever met! await development«. Now read on: 1 steps aa I did. it's an abominable to tbe first story of tbe look rambling CHAPTKR V. Inn. The n eim n orn lag the Governor an- hole!" “No Mra. Congdon haan’t registered '•You seem very dream." she re­ I He brushed the dual from bis knees nounced Cornford a» their next stoo­ here within a week. I'm aura, will you marked. "I know bow thnt la for i and mopped hla face nntll the voices ping point, a town, be explained, leave any meaaeageT" can dream for boars and boors." below receded. , Archie paused by the desk. «taring whose history thrust tar back Into "Tea; reverie; Just floating oa Colonial timer. When they were rent­ "All safe and sound Stuck It ont opea moutheu at the young woman clouds on and on," Archla replied, ed In tba parlor car be drew a amal! through a back window Into a lilac bush who waa aaking for Mra Coogdon. If though tbe shadow moving oa and on he waa »till possessed of bla aenaea volume from hla pockaL Archla aaw and we'll pick It up at onr leisure along tbe side of tbe Inn w as tronbt- the girl waa laabel Perry. She . that It waa really a volume of the It's a vary decent suitcase and you lag him not a little. Horatlau odea. The Oovernor era« can hand It to a ball bop and bid him glanced carelaealy In bla direction aa utterly beyond him and be stared He bad surmised that the Dover By with It to yoar room. You were the clerk, addreaalng him aa Mr. moodily at the flying Underape. Bor's declared purpose to call on aa a little ahort of linen and made a few t'omly. aeked If there waa anything he , wanted. Archie promptly ralaed hl» ! The Cornford Inn proved to be a purebaaea—the thing explains Itself." old Mend was merely to cover bis hat. only to be met with a relu ctan t1 quaint old tavern, and after a leisurely When they reached the hotel. withdrawal from the party; but that nod and a look of dlaplaaaure with luncheon they took their coffee In a Archie, following the Oovernor'« tn be could have meditated a predatory connotation« Of alarm She waa wolk-1 pleasant garden on one aide of the struct Iona, gave the atutceae to A bell excursion through tbe Inn had not en­ Ing toward the door aa though aaxlone | bouse. bop. and shortly after, they followed tered Into Archie's speculations aa to Two men came Into the garden and ' the suitcase upstairs, where the Oov­ bla Mend's absence. There was no to eacape him. a A ta il drew up and Isabel atepped seated them selves at a table on the ernor unlocked It with an Implement m lsU klng the figure that had moved Into It, but Archie, resolved to rlek > other aide of a screen of shrubbery. that looked like a nut pfek. Archie swiftly down the ladder. He was now anSther «nub before allowing her to They ordered coffee and one of them picked up several bundles of the bills sreeplng alonge the lltUe balcony at »Up away Ignorant of the vast change remarked, In a low tone: and turned them over, reflecting that the third floor. He paused a moment "You oughtn't to have carried that to bla other crimes he had now added and then vanished Into an open win­ that bad been wrought In him alnce their meeting In Waahlngton. Jumped cash up here. The o!d man 4a a fool the receipt and concealment of stolen dow. The Governor had said that See- party had rooms Just under their own; or he wouldn't have suggested such money. In be»lde her. “Thia 1« unpardonable!" «he ex a thing." ' "Dinner In an hour. Archie." re­ but— claimed angrily. •May 1 n»k Ju«t what The Governor nodded to Archie to marked the Governor. "Meanwhile. 1 . Archie, in his preoccupation with you are doing here under an assumed keep on talking, while he played the wish you wou!d look In at Barclay Miss Seebrook was murmuring. "I role of eavesdropper. name?" & Bedding's Garage. Just around the | have chose a star for you,” the Gov­ "Really!" he exclaimed, "Isn't II "Well, he wrote that he was com corner, and ask If a car has been left ernor's strange performance, was so thl« w ay’ You know." he added, “you , Ing here to spend a week snd said if there for Mr. Reginald H. Saulsbury. slow to respond that Miss Seabroo-c. told me to throw a brick at the world , I wanted the stock I could bring the You needn't be afraid of getting pinch­ ! thinking that he was deliberating ns and I've been following your advice." currency hero and close the tranaac ed. for the machine was acquired by • to which star he should bestow upon Having dramatlted hlm«elf a» ap­ lion The Congdon» are all a lot rtf purchase I am merely borrowing it her In return generously broadened pearing before her. a aplendld heroic cranks, you know This old curmud­ from Abe Colllna, alias Slippery Abe. the scope of her offer. figure, thia reception waa all but the geon carries a small fortune around We'll leave here like honest men. 1 But som ething very unlike a star la»t »traw to hl» aplrtt. Her frowning all the time, anu never accepts n with the landlord bowing us away ■—more like the glimmer of a match alienee moved him to further frantic check In any transaction.” in a room on the third floor held his from the aoor." effort» to Impre»« her with the fact When he returned the Oovernor fascinated "Let's stroll about a little." said tlie that he wa* a dare devil, wlcknd per­ “We must go back, I suppose," said Governor. He led the way throu-’h was dressed and manifested no sur- ron—the man »he would have him be (Continued on Page 6) the garden to the street, and hade prise that the car awaited his plea- "You were u»klng for Mr». Congdon. Well. I certainly could tell you a atory If you would give me time. If I had known Mr». Congdon wa» n friend of your« 1 should have acted dlfferen' ly. very differently, Indeed." "I think." »he »aid. «weeping him with a look of »corn, "thnt you’ve been following me or were put here to watch mef1 You went to Bailey Har- bprMn look rf » enttnge. didn't you? Ihitney Congdon wa» there. wasn't he?" "That'» the »cream of It, you know!" Archie cried. "I don't know for the Mfe of me whether It waa Putney Congdon 1 shqt nt the Congdon house or Hoky, the burglar. And It'» ao delldoualy funny (hat you should he looking for Mr». Congdon. who may be a widow for all I know !” "A widow!" laabel. with her hand clutching the door, swung upon him with conateratlon and fear clearly depicted In her face. U h , that’« the myatery Just nt preaent, whether poor old Putney 1» dead or not! No great loan, I Imagine' Hut where do you suppose Mr». Cong don went to hide her children from 6 Piece Dining Set (Table and 4 chairs) the brute?” "That'» exactly what I suspeeted!" 8 Piece Queen Anne Set. In Combination she excln'med furiously. "You are waiting here to find thnt out. How W a ln u t..................._....................................... can you play the spy for him You talk about shooting a man! Why. you 8 Piece Penod Set (Table, 5 Chairs, Arm haven't the moral courage to kill a flea! The kindest Interpretation I Diner and Linen Chest)......... ................ can put on your actions Is to assume that you are hrtpnlessly mnd." S P E C I AL — They hao reached the station; she Jumped out and snatched her bag. He 1 - 8 Piece Penod Set. Regular Prise was tossed a bill to the driver and dashed $189.00, For across the platform, after her, only to see her vanish Into the vestibule of a Boston bound train Just a» It Was drawing out. He walked to the water front firm­ ly resolved to drown himself, hut his HARDWARE — FURNITURE — PAINT courage railing, he yielded him self mult luxuriously to melancholy reflection« Oongdon waa a name of evil omen. RLACKSHEEP! Xs* A New Dinning Room Set For Thanksgiving $ 5 6 .0 0 $ 1 2 8 .5 0 $ 1 2 9 .0 0 $ 1 4 2 .5 0 WRIGHT & SON ft You can always depend upon splendid oakjny results with Crescent " the Double Acting Bakjng Powder ■'& : t, FOR THE FEAST ---- THANKSGIVING ---- The one day In all the year when the family dinner dominates the festivities and mother win have nothin« but the beat foods in the land for her table. Already we have anticipated those wants and needs and here yon will find an array of foodstuffs that will tempt every palate. Bring the market basket here and stock for that Thgmka^vtng dinner. Prices are no higher for the best. Celery Head Lettuce Pumpkins Squash Oysters Olives Cranberries Sweet Potatoes Carrots Beets Turnips Cates Candy Nuts Oranges Grape« Plum Pudding Apples C A5H & CA RR X “How You Have Grown!” That’s what they used to say. when you went back to the old home town. Xow Is your turn. You will say it right out loud when you see the outstanding values we have picked for— (November 19th) Saturday Specials 3 Electric Light Globes (imported) .......... ----- 50c 32-Plece Decorated Dinner Set........ ................... $3.90 Pipe Wrench, 14 Inch Size, ................ ................. 95 c Cocoa Door Mats ......... ....................................... 69c Aluminum Percolator, No. 1%, ................................ 79c Lunch Kit, with Pint Size Vacuum Bottle, ........... $1.35 Banibo' Lawn Rakes ......................... ........_............ 35c Potato Ulcers, with Steel Handles........... ............... 29c Jewel Wax Polish, Pound Can, 45c Spring Clothes Pins, 3 Dozen,....................... — 13c Hand Axe, First Quality, No. 2 Size, ..... $1.4 5 Aladdin Desk Lamp, Electric,...-............................ $1.9 5 Glass Mixing Bowls, Set of 5 , ...... ..............- - ..... - 69c Vacuum Clothes W’ashers, .......................... 49c Waffle Irons, No. 8 Size, $1.2 0 Telephone your ordea. We will deliver free in Springfield in the afternoon on Saturday. Q U A C K EN BU SH ’S 16d Broadway East, * Eugene, Oregon