THURSDAY NOVEMBER 17. M arriage Licenses lasuad THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS During the past week marriage lie Amundsen and Nobile continue their quarrel •na'e» have been Isoieil by the co m lv as to which deserves credit lor their dirigible Ml»» Matirlnc lrtiint'«i VEMBKR IT H»-G a«ae th Com m auder Byrd, who speaks about «>’>«»* ertising. and Io encourage «Indents to WE NEED A CREAMERY enter thia Held Mlaa Lombard, -who D EFEND ABLE EHEQLASS 5ERDICE The suggestion of Mr. C. E. Swarts, th a t we with authority, says the real plane eventually will ta the daughter of Mr». Ella Lombard. a liner with ten motors, going 500 miles an I» adverttatng solicitor on the Oregon make every effort to locate a cream ery In bpring- be fieki even if we must offer some good cream ery hour, able to tty five day» wit hottestopplng. buch Dally Emerald, campua publication. , ship could cross the ocean In six hours, fiy man a bonus to set up a cream ery and operate a around world in two day».' Millions now liv- Class Party la Held here is a good one. T hen' should lie some action ! ing will the see that machine and greater machines. The Junior class of Ihe b'prlngfteld oPTomeTzuT—eqesiQMT s p s c ia l is t taken along this line by the Chamber of Com­ EUQENE high school held a party «« »he cham­ •7P IVilUnmtte M Phon« 020 m erce and business men generally. Jaat OM lki««>—Sal I do U nqhl STILL SLAVERY—SCHOOL SYSTEMS— _ ber of commerce last Thursday night Croamorirt« have prospered here in t he (>ast and Game« furnished the chief diversion MOST WORK ««*»«••—..............n e n v n i w e m g w i p m r t U H a M If properly operated can do well in the future. of d Jolly evening, wllh member« of Every city owes it not only to itself but to the Dr. Mason, head of the University of Chicago, the high school faculty a» chaperon«. surrounding country to provide m arkets for farm products At present there is no m arket here for savs college study should he a pleasure not a Have All-Day M eeting the fanners cream. It behoves us to get busy anu bore "We have been cram m ing our students In America, stuffing them with facts, dates and The Ladle» Aid of the llapllsl locate a cream ery here. thoughts in which they are not interested. • • • “W hat applies to education applies especially to church conducted an all ^«y meeting EVENTUALLY — AIR DEPT. — MITCHELL' the church parlor« yesterday. Mem­ industry. More than a hundred years ago. in bers cf the group Whose blrthdava Sooner or later, of course the United States Charles Fourier declared that, to settle hum an- are in November were h mot mt at toe will have three distinct arm s for national defense, itv’s troubles, "tndustry must be made a ttra c ­ dinner, acco’dlng to a custom follow an Air Departm ent taking its place with th a t of i tive.” When men work because they like to work, A nnv and Navy. There will be a Secretary of as boys plav football or as scientists study, civili­ ed by the society. equal ranking, with a place in the President s zation will have begun. Men work now because The Punning M. D cabinet—and unless the trend of the tim es is en­ thev must starve if they don't, and that Is not "Thia la where you get Btuck." warn­ tirely misleading, the Air Departm ent will rank much better than old slavery, under wjileh men ed the M D aa he Injected the aerum CONFIDENCE Is everything. With It. n o th ­ worked because they were lashed if they dldn t of first importance. ing 1» Impossible. W ithout It nothing Is Old ideas die slowly. Power gives up its throne work. . . . . , CERTAIN. Isn't th a t true? Moving pictures will m ake education pleasant ungraciously. It has always been thus. Great minds have usually been persecuted and punished for children, and enable them to leant in a m onth It takes years to build up a Hank In which for daring to try to change the order of things— more then they can leant now In a year. Higher people have confidence, the most priceless wages, with many luxuries unknown to workers even for distinct advancem ent of mankind. asset any liank can possess. In doing busi­ ness with any bank, the first consideration Form er Colonel William E. Mitchell of the U. S. pf other days, begin to m ake industry a ttrac t ive. should be the assurance that your funds will Army Air Division dared some two or three years But it is onlv a beginning. The next step will be service and utility com ­ be SAFE. Our Bank Is reliable, conserva­ ago to tell us what we needed in the air to keep an end of horrible m onotony in Work, and dread­ bined? tive. accom modating. Years of service has Rimless spectacles are abreast other nations. He advocated an Air De­ ful uncertainty as to the future. proven our stability. Service and security suitable for th e Office Man. partm ent under its own head and detached from always, at ou r bank. Army and Navy—to the extent th at those depart­ For the Clerk or Salesm an Giant m agnets seven feet long are to be hung m ents have always been separated. It was not under S tate highway trucks in South Dakota t o , the light weight. Inner- lined shell fram es are less long until he found himself back in private life. pick up bits of metal th at might puncture auto- The American Legion in its Paris convention. ' mobile tire». In a test run of tw enty miles one of I apt to be bent out of shape. While the "O ut-door” Just closed, has gone on record for an Air Depart­ these m agnets picked up over three hundred i Man or the M achanlc needs m ent—as a new and separate unit of our defense. ■ pounds of^steel and Iron scrops. T he collection a heavy, durable s h e l l Of course it will not come soon because W ashing­ included a stove leg. 24 railroad spikes, an old frame. ton does not operate th at way. But eventually— skate, a monkey wrench, pieces of barbed wire, Crookes o r Soft Light Does the reader of these lines know of a man 1 and a thousand or so najls and tacks. lenses - for the m otorist. better qualified to head the departm ent than Wil­ Protected by Electric Burglarly A la rm System The white gold Oxofrds for liam E. M itchell?. The nation owes it to him. Jack Dempsey thinks the boxing game should “ My Lady" when shopping, A GOOD BANK IN A GOOD COUNTRY have a dictator—like Landis In baseball and white gold spectacles for Hayes In the movies. T h at's fair enough— -and George Dorris, known in Oregon as the dean of home wear. Always Rim­ the filbert Industry-, says filberts are the best tree on the record President Calles has made in handl- less for social affairs. ing opposing factors in Mexico— we nom inate crop. He is quoted by newspapers all over the These suggestions from SPRINGFIELD up here. state as knowing his filberts. Springfield gets him for the boxing job the list o f appropriate • • • m ore advertising than it realizes through the ef­ glasses for all occasions. Princess Ileana of Rum ania may be the "per­ forts of Mr. Dorris and the m any people interest­ fectly” developed girl—physically—as pronoun­ ed in his nut groves ced by the court doctor—then again the doc may • • • ■■■■■■■■■■ be one of those sm ooth birds who knows his O p to m e tr is t The more we read about the Fail-Sinclair trials ca-bagge. . . . WATTS OPTICAL CO. the more it sounds like horse play. There is little No. 14 8 Ave. West prospects of any decision being reached that will In a way Secretary of Navy Wilbur really pro­ Eugene, Oregon seem anywhere satisfactory to the country at moted Admiral M agrader by placing him on the large. “ waiting list." Now the Navy Is 100G waiting . . . waiting to see w hat happens—and unprepared. Are you Invited o ut for Thanksgiving dinner? Then • • • Chicago Bill Thom pson's arm y of 1500 lead in­ take your hostess a nice box of candy. Are you dining at Nero having fiddled while Rome burned we pre­ to W ashington in the interests of Flood Relief— hom e? Then have candy and sweet m eats for your guests. was a great relief—from the one-m an w ar on sum e Coolidge m ay be granted the privilege of Take m other, wife o r sw eetheart a fine box of Eggltnann x w hittling while the maple sap runs up in \ erm ont. candy. You cannot please her better. Gandy for the kid­ King George.__________________________________ dies too—you know fully well they "love" It. Our Thanksgiving candles are fresh and tem pting Packed any way you w ant It but wc will be sure It looks nice. Dr. Geo. A. Simon Published Every Thuraday at Springfield. Lane County, Oratoli, by Dr. Roijdl Q ick A Priceless Asset Why Not Have Style Commercial State Bank Dr. Ella C. Meade LUSCIOUS Home-M ade Candies By Rail or H ighw ay Camel Thanks* giving Day Trips keeps right on delivering enjoyment New convenience for hol­ iday travelers. Frequent schedules and fast service assure the maximum time at your destination. Special re­ duced roundtrip fares as­ sure travel savings. Powerful, deluxe, silver gray m otor coaches now supplement Southern Pacif­ ic Red Electric and steam trains. Operated by South­ ern Pacific Motor Transport Co., the new coaches arc of latest design with all mod­ ern refinements. Camel holds the leader­ ship because it delivers complete smoking plea­ su r e —th a t’s C am el’s platform. I f all cigarettes were as good as Camel you w ouldn’t hear anything ahout special treat­ ments to make cigarettes good for the throat. Nothing takes the place of choice tobaccos. ‘•A sk about this service. You can go by train and return by motor coach or vice versa if you wish. Y o u r Southern Pacific rail tickets (unless specially re­ stricted) ate good on the motor coaches. O n ly >15 P o rtla n d to San Francisco on day-coach specials every Sunday,Tuesday and Fri­ day. Same service re tu rn in g every Monday, Wednesday and Saturday. Southern Pacific CARL OLSON , Agant EGGIMANN’S ‘Where the Service Is a Little Different." bbhbbh - W e G ive G reen D iscount S tamps The Correct Way To Treat a Cough A cough Is not a distinct disease. It is the result of j inflammation caused by a cold. Therefore, the only way to cure a cough Is to allay the inilamma- tlon which Invades the delicate bronchial tubes. All of the narcotics in the world will not correct th e conditions which cause a cough—they simply deaden the senses and afford tem porary relief. f Nyal Honey and Horehound Cough Syrup will promptly soothe and heal the Inflamed mem­ branes and tissues and stop the accum ulation of waste m atter and overcome the nervous Irrita­ tion. ! < It’s a safe vegetable rem edy which cures by re- ¡1 moving the cause. K ! il Price — 50c Ketels’ Drug Store ' .4 : V e . » 3 • I '4 ‘ ' «