I Make Your Want« Known • Use the Classified Ads. , THE SPRINGFIELD NEV.’S K M M S c p n n g f r i - e d J R e a d y STOP STREET SYSTEM MAY BE PUT IN AFFECT ON MAIN AND FIFTH STS. F o r J u n c tio n G a m e BE B ill INSPECTED . Whether or not automubllea and motor Irutka will be required to atop at about 40 Interaectloca to aprlna Council Passes Ordinance Regu- field when entering Main or Firth lating Dairymen; Hotels Must throush atreeta win be considered by Keen Register; Sidewalk and “>• council “• *l" »"« «•»“» P » l,lg the ruling of Mayor O. G. Bush man when a drafted proponed ordlu- i ance waa prevented at Monday night's | meeting Couneilmen all ex p ressed ' An ordinance acquiring milk ln«pe< them selves m favor of the piopoaed tlon in Springfield waa paaaed by the ((rd|nfcn(.e M dr^ lnd by the chief of city coancll at Ita meeting Monday #nd ra<.,jrdBr n ig h t Under the new ruling everyone Tbe M, installing atop street •who *•!!* morr than 10 quarts «>< mil* R|gnM lo (he forty interaectlooR per day In the city will be required (p w>t,roa(e(, t*, tween three and four to undergo Inspection end the reaulta hondr-d dollar«. Whether there la will be published for the general In * g, „ y f(>r at„p (treats and la the formation of the public. The nwsanre justified la being discussed pro la one desired by dairymen aa well aa and , con .— , ------ — — .ei_ by .— bualneaa men thia ___a week the general public aa It prevent! poor If Springfield pusses a atop atreet milk from being aold aa Brat c la n ordinance and alopa cara it 'Will l>e one without the huyer a knowledge. Inap of the few towua In the state outside An exclusive Washington picture lion will be arranged by the city of Portland that baa such city traffic of jf R o y'A y 'A. . Young of Minneapolis, the new ew Governor of the Federal through the l.une County Healthy aa rvgulalona. Eugene and other towns ve Board, Reserve Board a recent appoint* sudation. have atop atreeta only through the ment by President Coolidgs. Hetala Must Karp Register operation of a state law that requires An ordinance requiring hotel and Inn all motor vehicles to come to a atop keepers to deep a register of guest* when entering the Pacific highway 18 FROM HERE ATTEND emergency A(( townj( „„ lh,. was passed under an emergency highway and WALTERVILLE SESSION clause The chief of police report" ( .o,dmb,a highway come under thia OF REBEKAH DISTRICT that thia waa not being «lone Intel»- ( ,aw b(Jt y#ry fgw havg Hi. gently at present In some hotels The r, lh „ lr (1WB. Cottage Grove was awarded the next ordinance requires the register m ui; _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ' district convention of tha Rebekahs b e open 1.« puhii. Ih»i'««iio» -t ‘ “y ¡TAXPAYERS IS ________ MEETING ___ and Mrs Ida Caldwell of the nearby time. * POSTPONED TO FRIDAY city aras named president at the 1S27 Engineer Would Resign The re.lgn .tion of ot s.m on K'.ovdshl. ^ o v o .» ,., j »«'1 •» W alUrrtU. Saturday, The resignation Hlmon to r m a n y years city surveyor, waa ra , On account of Thursday. November which were attended by 18 Spring- - T by ' ■ the council bu, a holiday the taxpayer, field women. Mrs. Storm ot celved hut wa„ was not u 24. . being being of uuncuon Junction ce.ved by the counc I hut w « no. £ « a holiday J the taxpayer, field women. Mrs. , Storm tce.pre|lldent and Street Assessments A g Property Made, .. . . o _ C NEWSPAPER X LIVE TOWN NUMBER 45 riPRINGEIELD, 1JXNE COUNTY. OREGON. THURSDAY NOVEMBER 17, 1927 T W KNT Y-1?< > t Î1 VT li V EA It “ The People's Paper" COUNCIL TO CONSIDER p ARK PLA n S a t special m e e t in g n e x t M onday The movement for a city park for TO 6E EXPLAINED Thanksgiving Morning to See aprlnga#kl lnltla, glepa lagt Mon. ____ Football Game On I Local Field ,|ay eren,n< when * comm‘tlee ,rom Eugene Chamber Officials T® ______ the Chamber ot Commerce and Lions Speak Here November 25; Battered and sore fynm a disastrous club called on the council. After dla ! Officers of Local Civic Group encounter with I-ebanon Armistice day cu„ i on the council agreed to m e e t, Scheduled To Be Nominated Springfield high school will rest thia n(jXt j , onday „pedal session to con- And Elected. week-end In preparation for a Turkey . Hay tussle with the Junction City "1• ba non team, the June- cburcb if thia property is used at probably be present to speak on the tlon footballers are not much heavier |Ba,t two more lota must be acquired county development program. Mr, than the featherweight Springfield from the property owners. Shelton has addressed several organl- eleven, and In the first game of the . . . .. zatlons In the county on this topic, year, on October7, they fought teh A refine"! for permiss on to use the bag a defln|te aim In view. It 11 local team to a scoreless tie on their ( railroad grounds back of the postoffice bis opinion that much benefit can be home field. I,or ,a **rk be, made ° “ “ ** derived from a co o p era te effort. Thia fact makes It appear that fans ro‘“1 ‘ on>P“ny. t a not nown lbroUg bou( i be county, and he will eg- , . . _ whether the company would consider “ ir h« u uh'a ; will witness an evenly-matched ! g,¥lng lbe grouild for lbiB purpoge or P ^ n h l. .deas in detail If he U I b p _* * . to n©r£, bere thanksgiving morning n o t The county ow n . several lots Mf wjn here anyway< i Springfield team has Improved con- on South D street on the river south or nQt Mr who stderably since the first contest wltn of the bridge that committeemen said portland Qn thfi day prerlottfc j Junction City, but on the other hand, there Is no reason to suppose that the I,11Kht ul* *• a par a ao '* ¡„ ab|e to get back In time. vtsRor. w.ll not be equally bettered ' ‘he »<>• — ^ b l c a te I. the Doea N#t „Ch{>oga- one the committee «ce are trying ar-j Nomlnatlon electlon of officer« . . m e cumiuicme ciyiue to w •<- bv more than a month a experience, i . , . . . m rive at and also find ways and means la scheduled for the same meeting. Whatever their ability, however. It I fo(. improrlng ,t la likely the Junction City team could ; i 1wlth »cently-aelocted temporary o® „ th e r easily wipe up the Springfield | The possibility of using a . n p n A j U t a l. aa poastblUtle. for , teara th(, week_ for hardly a -w a l site the railroad land waa being F. B. Hamlin, - h o waa elected • acted »poo s Drln.n eld hud«., for l«28. has been ! Mrs N ell Price. W altervllle. secretary- ; footbaUer physical shape for a . considered by the commHtee yeater-, ahort t,me sgo after t h e > " * £ a £ J game. Ix-banon a overwhelming weigh, «’ey when L. L. Graham, district of P re,Ment H. J. Cox. said today thnl I t o i ' n u : \ u T m . X m V « ’'". Ma«.’. ; president of I * ' ^ t . ^ t X i c y T Z h 7 tT p T « ' ™ \ h' tloaed friction with mem to r . of the | conT„nt|on durlng lh„ yaar, w k, 8prlngfleld-, ln . crlppled c„„dl. i Southern Pacific, c o n f e r ^ -1 th Mr. dld not ,t ,t e definitely that he wo«M x T h . . » . . , . , . . . « . m ,* p ™ « . » «*»• - •» - ■ * •" - °< - « - i: v .'x r a s x ™ - » - , cnamuer ’ chamber. .. _ ki. ||<,n u n t il later ed by the pres den, on that day. As It oommlltee. and will be assisted by to 8 score. p . ____ accepting his resignation until iat»r 7 v ___ w r t.h i «r - , •- «- -• » Fourth and Fifth streets south of - •‘It's i t s a case oose’ to caae of ‘I ’I do not ch choose^ W Is a holiday there ran be no regular Mrs Newhouse and Mrs. XX riant -it _ . - ----------- •. It v had - j »_ » ‘ Springfield used every sub to Main street for the park. run.” said the chamber president “I " *' meeting of the council ,0 hear tax 1 Oakridge. On the press committee (HI up the ranks as men were brought Sidewalk Accepted Mr. Graham promised to take t h e ' n°t ° ° t after the office, and therto The sidewalk built thts summer by payers even If they ties I red to come are Mrs. Page. W altervllle; Mr*. out wtth Injuries. Had another man matter up with head officials of his tore am not a candidate. But I do I Mamie Richmond. Springfield, »nJ been Injured. It appeared that Sprlng- __ W state definitely « that to n » I I w r ttilr l n «* Robert Plrrle, local contractor, «was after the feast. not would not The law requires the budget ,0 be I Mrs. Williams, W’altervllle. Compos- seould have had to finish the game company, and will report the attitude accepted and ordered paid for after accept If elected.” toward the project Thia site is near Mr Plrrle had promised ,0 mend any advertised 20 days before the tax ( mg the resolutions committee are Mrs. w 1th ten men Instead of eleven. H. E. Maxey Is vice-president of th« mat might nugn. ap ap payers meeting The first publication Wilson. Cottage Grove; Mrs. Storm, It made the second victory for Le­ the center ot the city. cracks free of charge e that chamber, and Walter Gossler Is sec­ pear next spring Conn« Ilmen Mid « a s November 3 and I, was expected Junction City, and Mri. Starr, Eugene banon over the local boys this Beason, retary. Mr. Gossler, whose office W that all the walk pul In was apparent- i at the budget committee meeting ,0 | Thanks committee: Mr. McArthur, and It was a real one. WINTER PROGRAM PLAN la expected to retain th« appointive, ib ly of good clssa. As the city hss no ! bold It the next day after the 20 days Eugene; Mrs Kern, Creswell and Mrs. MADE BY ENDEAVORERS position another year. Inspector It Is dependent upon the con : had expired. Hurd, Creg—nil MANY ATTEND LADIES The Springfield team presented a tractor that a good standard walk la I Taxpayer, will have a chance to to» out the winter's program _ _ rD A «tH DR IVER OF G. A. R. CEREMONY of Mapping demonstration of the memorial service bu,l, ' heard Friday evening, if they desire activities, members and officers of AUTOS CRA5H. D K W tX a s Its part of the day's ceremonies. OF ONE IS ARRESTE0 Much Walk Assessed by the change of date. More than 60 persons attended the the Christian church Christian Endea­ A, noon, the delegates were entertain­ A ssessing the cost, 811.245 01, 0 , ! vor met recently at the home of Eliza­ ed by the W altervllle lodge at dinner. luncheon and tnapectlon ceremonies beth Rice. Several committees were . As an aftermath of an accident o® building two and one half miles of side LEGION TO NOMINATE of the Springfield circle. Ladles of Appointive officers named follow: appointed to take charge of com in g' second and Main streets last S a ta f walk thia summer, an ordinance » a s AT MEETING FRIDAY Chaplain. Mrs. Drlscoe. Creswell; the G. A. R.. held on las, Friday, armi­ social activities and organisation j day. Myron T. Taylor was arrested M paaaed by the council. Property stice day, at the Woodmen of the conductor. Mrs. Fountain. Waltervllle; duties. a hit and run driver and on Monday owners are given the chance of taking John Will, commander of the Amerl warden, Florence Ulvert, Junction World hall. Mrs. Rosa B. Stewart. Following comm ittee members were paid a >5 fine in police court, the Bancroft act to pay for the side­ can leg io n , announced today that he Portland, department president, and City: Inside guardian. Mrs. Wright. announced: | According to reports of the accl- walk In Installments or pay cash. will no, be a candidate for nomlna- outside guardian. Miss Mrs. Laura Van Valkenburg, Salem, Social—Dora Pederson, chairman; d en t Taylor's car and another oper®» of the .XVW.MS local PO»t ,' “ r ‘ Strest ent A ------- sM .ssd W H W W » Im . . » . p provem e. . . . -------- , I tlon I , I I I n at t l the lio I meeting lK ir ilU n XAS Snider. Marcola; right support to department Inspector, had charge of Reed Hemenway. Erma Crider. Mina ted by Mrs. C. C. Wilson of Springfield An ordinance assessing the cos, ,«> | (,ra,>rro>Bi night. Mr. W ill said that he the official ceremonies. I came together at the Intersection, the property for the Improvement this , h#|) , BrV(>d b|„ out, and that It the chairmen. Mra. Wilson, Creswell; Following the noon luncheon, a pro­ Peterson. last summer of South D street. South! lg , (mo to paB„*tbe duties along to left support to the chairman. Mrs. Prayer meeting—Bill Morse, chair- after both had slowed down due to th« gram was given with musical num Hobble. Eugene; right support ,0 the Fourth street and Park street on WII ; an„ ,ber member. hers and reading. C. F. Egglmann man; Jack Danner, Juanita Hack, approach of a third car, a Ford truck. lamette Heights was passed. The Im | q,bp meeting starts at 8 o’clock, nnd vice-chairman. Gell Hurd. Coburg; let, furnished a surprise feature to the Nellie Luce. After the crash, Taylor, after looking support ,0 the vice-chairman, Minnie . Missionary — Juanita Hack, chair- at the damage to his car continued o ji provements cost 158.77 on South D. | R good attendance has been urged program by whistling several old- man; Ofa Luce. his way without stopping, and wa« ,174 3g on Fourth and 1325.07 on Park To be elected are commander, firs, Girard, Springfield. Mrs Sanderson, president of the fashioned numbers. Mrs. Egglmann It was announced by the . social later arrested. street. vice-commander, second vlce-comman- . ___ „» ,k„ was In general charge of the affair. An ordinance was aiso also pnsaeu passed »- as d,,rj , j j U(ant. finance officer, finance ' ' " e l d ____________________ Many ,of the guests were from leader that a get-together will be h aesslng the coat of Improvement ior committee, executive committee ami l'r n< P® a< ' r< * ° ** * each month. SPRINGFIELD MAN WINS Eugene. grading and graveling portions of K chap,a,n | x«T.r dr,11 closed the convention, ki.h SAFETY SLOGAN CONTEST street, |K4O.I8; Kelly street, 3434 81; | LARGE JASPER RANCH CHRISTIAN ENDEAVOR | RED CROSS WORKERS LEGION ARMISTICE DAY and M street $333.78 OFFICIALS WLL MEET •‘A moment's thought of safety fir«t A petition was received for vacation j TAKING ROLL CALL BANQUET WELL ATTENDED SOLD TO CALIFORNIAN » 1 may save years of sorrow certain stub streets and alleys In Sun , The Christian Endeavor society of I This slogan, ; entered by Chari«« nyslde addition ,0 Springfield. The I Armistice day wns observed by the ) Seven Springfield women are en- the Christian church will hold Its |n annua, ,u Sale of „ the M. ... L. Wallace farm a, „ , i gaged In taking the annual Red Cross American Legion post of Springfield vacation was ordered by the council. | monthly executive meeting at the company , ;ogan conte8t for th» Jasper ,0 Oeorg«e W Romans of Call- ro|, hU th)R cHy w|(h h(>pa by a short patriotic program Friday church parlors tomorrow night, begin- i92g ca,ander wag awarded the cask COMMITTEE HEADS OF I f,,r"'a * * H lk ’ T , „ < 'f «'<”"« »»« f"r ,h« ‘ °W » '“ “°n t u r n m i i ICC. W. ( , tb()UHaI4d dollar» being Involved * * . night, following a banquet served by ning at 7:30 o'clock, It was announced {or 8logang, and the Legion -- auxiliary. The HEALTH GROUP NAMED | h.™ v.u.b. lin o . „ W 1 S .x -J , I .n. » iv A . . . « . J • . , ----------------- - . H IV r American t lllf in o ii ------------------ -- u . .v - . S . w other prize for being the best of tM Mrs. M B. Huntly. Mrs. M. J. McKlIn. | dinner was given in the chamber of tOd. t r All members of the official staff are by Sprlngfleld. Cam»« . 1.■ i Th> ranch, one of the old Wallace Mrs. . William ...... «v - I t o _____ an— rs ____ __ s a v . A a) with Mrs. A. tt. Donaldson. -Mrs. C. LW E commerce rooms, Heads of the various I ll(,ldlng„ at JaRppr, con„ s ,s of 254 expected to be present and chairmen Jg >nd Wendllng Mr. MyaM Kenyon, Mrs. Mary Kessey and Mrs Van Valzah In charge. sponsored hy the Springfield health I seres. Mr. W Wallac# u , cont|n o , to 0 of groups will report on the accom­ ! received »16 for the two prises, allace < will continue John Will, commander of the local group were announced yesterday by live on other property he holds at Paul Brattaln. plishments of their groups. i Prises ot $5 were awarded maker« Response, as yet, haa not been satis­ post, presided, and called on I. M. Miss Beth Konkel, executive secre Jasper, and Mr. Romans will move to ' of the best slogans submitted tor th« Peterson, city attorney, and others for factory, the workers report, but they tary of the county health asaoclatlon. his n«w-ly-arqnlred farm. ONE-ARM DRIVING HAS two camps and Wendllng. The Wen«- will continue a vigorous campaign dur­ talks along patriotic lines. who will be here Monday for a busi­ AFTERMATH IN COURT ling slogan Is “The A. B. C. of Safety Oswald Olson, In charge of enter­ ing the remainder of the week. ness session of the group. RAILWAY SUB-STATION --------- ' —always be careful." tainment, arranged with W. H. Adrian Mrs. C. O. Wilson Is secretary. One-arm driving hae Ita com pensa-! ------------- for a radio program, the Instrument USE IS DISCONTINUED E. B. U. CLASS WILL Chairman follow: Mrs. Bernice Vnn being donated by Mr. Adrian. W. A. tlons, provided the conditions are EASTERN STAR WILL Valtah. education; Mrs Maude Bryan, APPEAR ON SUNDAY Hemenway and Mra. Hemenway both right, but then, too, there are disad- U se of the railway sub-statlon In finance; Mrs. William Donaldson, sup ELECT IN DECEMBER vantages. Both angles of the situa­ Eugene, through which electricity was gave readings. ply; Mrs. Carl Olson, nurse; Mrs. The Dramatic art class of the Eu­ tion can be explained by M. Jensen. furnished for operating the Southern Paul Brattaln, publicity. Members of the Eastern Star w l# Crow resident, who was arrested here _ Pacific street csr system, was dis­ gene Bible university will present an TWO REALTY DEALS ARE in the company of a feminine com e la tio n of officers at thel. n e rt Interpretation of Itoyam's sermon. continued Tuesday of this week. Il CAPT. NUSBAUM WRITES COMPLETED BY WALKER panlon last weekend and charged with meeting, scheduled for December < was announced by W. C. Meldtgan. •'Christ Proves Hts Powet,” at the operating his automobile with but o n e ’ ‘t was announced at an Eastern Star FROM CALIFORNIA CITY steam superintendent of the Mountain Springfield Christian church Sunday Two realty deals Involving Spring arm while the other was otherwise <»'»«>«” “e.d at the loca hall Tuesday evening at 7:80 o'clock, It was an­ States Power company's properties In Capt. C. S. Nusbaum, who directed t»««“ . Insta'latlon F ill take plac« nounced by Rey. S. Earl Childers, field property were completed this engaged. Jensen paid a fine of $5. the community service campaign here this district. week by W. W. Walker, real estate Others arrested during the holiday flrst ,he yeaJ' pastor. Previous to the presentation. Whllo discontinuance of the electric recently, haa written to The News week-end were L. James, parking too A large attendance marked the dla- cars will relieve par, of the load on Claud Neely will lead a song service. agent. Tom Goddard traded a 25-acre farm far from curb; M. Nystrom. speeding; from Chico, California, where he Is given Tuesday n igh t Regular Bible school m eets In the morning I llll t 1 I I I I |H 1 I I V n B Y r ilx T lI lt IV W ill IS O v i tho company's system, It will have engaged In n almllar drive. little or no effect on the lo«-al genera,- «t 9:45. and church service at 1 near Eugene to W. B. Ferrler for a C. Cox. speeding; R. A. Hall, four In ’odge followed. He said that a successful drive Is Special music will he given hy the house nnd lot on K between Ninth and coupe. under way nt Chico, and tjiat he Is Ing plant, said Mr. McLaigun. choir, and R tr. Childers will preach Tenth streets. Springfield. George W. SCOUTS WILL SWIM AT remaining an extra week to carry the on "Remaining Steadfast." Christian Carson has purchased the T. D. Eto­ UNIVERSITY POOL SOON Parent-Teacher* To Meet campaign Into tho country districts. STUDENTS ACT QUICKLY Endeavor Is scheduled for 6:30 In the nian house on Ninth between A and II Tho Parent-Teachers association IN SCHOOL FIRE DRILL evening. Reports from Junction City, where he I streets. will m eet Friday afternoon at 3 o’clock | Springfield Boy Scouts will resume handled a campaign before coming to at the Lincoln building. Miss Beth , swimming at the University of Oregon High school students vacated the Springfield, nre to tho effect tha, tho Burglary Reported Health Association To Meet Konkel, executive secretary of the pool next Tuesday evening and will chnmher of commerce there Is enjoy­ building In 15 aoconds yesterday a, the Marvin Nystrom, who lives' at Kelly Lane county health association, «will' continue this activity through th« The Springfield Health Association firs, fire drill of the year, while Police ing success he said. Boulevard and C street, reported to address the meeting and pupils of year. The scouts swam in the Eugen« Chief Smllson and Captain strokes will meet Monday afternoon at 2:30 police early Tuesday that a man had o'clock In the Chnmher of Commerce Mias Carter's class in the high school tank last year, nnd arrangement« of the alato fire department looked on. Kensington To Meet entered his place with evident Inten­ will give several musical selections, j proved very satisfactory, official« Tho Kensington club will meet Fri­ , Chief Smltaon aald that tho showing rooms. Monday morning there w ill ho a tions to rob the house. Night police A tea will be served after the m eet-, state. day afternoon at the homo of Mrs. was unusually good for a first drill, went to the house, but the burglar John H. Henderer. Mrs. Alfred J. and that Captain Strokes appeared children’s clinic at the Brattaln school had escaped, although he took noth­ Ing hy the teachers and mothers of | The ecouts will not swim during conducted by Miss Konkel and Miss the first grade children. Christina« vacation at the university. Morgan will be Joint hostess with Mrs. pleased. The students did not know ing, according to the police report. Williams. of the presence ot the officers. Henderer. t