THURSDAY NOVEMBER 10. 1927 THK SPRINGFIKIÆI NEWS Eugene’s Most Extraordinary Bargain Event! O GREATER THAN ____ _____________ ______ „ . - — AN ORDINARY SALE a A * a en * CAMPAIGN r /\n FOR D I T C Ik lC Q Q I K 1 P D T .A C C H INCREASED BUSINESS . Volume Price» Men’s Shirt» Bring Savings f o r M en Value» to 13.00, fine printed and Her» is a page devoted to Men’» and Boy’s wearable» that brings out the spirit of this great campaign. When have you seen an array of prices so positively amazing? The merchandise is new, seasonable and of that high character that has made Laraway's name to be revered. With tremendous reduction» as those featured the event is one that demands your earliest at­ tention on Saturday. plain Broadcloths, In many neat, new pattern». Volume Price Campaign Begins Saturday, November 12th, at Nine o’Clock BLUE WORK SHIRTS Amoskeag Chambray, soft texture, triple stitch, two pocket. . M en ’s N e w MEN’S SHIRTS Collars attached o r nectband, values to $2.00 Close For Out. $29.75 Suits and Overcoats 52!....... 49c 89c MEN S SOFT COLLARS Good desirable shapes in one group for quick disposal m Your Choice. — MEN’S $2.50 CAPS Sm art new styles in the popular shades for Fall and Winter. Choice. . F a ll S u i t s and O v e r c o a t s ! BOY’S NIGHTGOWNS Made of striped Amos- k e a g flannel, limited quantity. Regular $1.19 Value. To Closce _ _ BOYS’ PLAY SUITS $2.00 Boss of the Road with m i d d y “Zip-it" juaram eea. f r o n t . Guaranteed. Big Value 50c $1.29 BOYS' LONG PANTS Greys, tans, browns, cuff bottoms, sizes 6 to LU $2.69. 14. Values J to This Event .. CAMPUS CORDS All sizes, in light tan dark tan and brown Cor­ duroy. W’ell made gar­ ments. c q P’or t h i s e v e n t ^ - J . I / n $1.95 Off OUTING PAJAMAS Regular $1.98 quality, m a d e o f attractive striped o u t i n g ^ flannel. Special Outing Nightshirts Regular $1.75 value, well made o f g o o d striped outing flannel. For E v e n t...... - Q f t r This » 'O V 2 g KNIT UNDERWEAR Fleece lined, l o n g sleeve shirts, a n k l e length pants. Regular 98c g a rm e n t.___ MEN'S WOOL SOCKS Heavy quality grey or white. S p ecial------ --- Four Pair» for $1-00 79c See the Windows They tell th eStory $34.75 Suits and Overcoats Broken Lot A group th a t will comm and con­ siderable attention. One of the out­ standing offers th a t will m ake thl» the m ost talked of event ever held In Etugene. Value»* to $34.75. of Men*» SUI1S ANO 0B0I1S $2365 Value» to $25.00 A quick snappy close o ut of really fine Suits and Coats. All wool fab­ ric»— worsteds, casslineres, herring­ bones, etc., in good style» and color*. Values to $25.00. $18-65 S W f* $1.45 tee At Prices that Reach the Extreme Limit of Value Giving W hen you are offered brand-new sm art looking Suit» and Overcoats at such a trem endous reduction it is wise to investigate. A truly m ar­ velous value. Value» to $29.75. $39.75 Suits $45.00 Suits T here are no better made or sm arter looking suits anywhere, and look at the low price which, quality considered m akes the value very sen­ sational. Value» to $45.00. For high-grade, perfectly tailored garm ents of all wool m aterials you could never expect to equal this re­ m arkable offering. A big range for selection. Values to $39-75 $32*65 $28-65 MEN’S UNION SUITS Heavy fleece lined, blue mottled, knjt Hearns, long sleeves, a n k l e Regular $1.49. Now _____ * 1 Cotton rib Union Suits, h e a v y weight, long sleeve», ankle <7 IVII^VU. length. Value» to $2.19. $1*49 RAYON MUFFLERS New fancy Mufflers 14 Inch, bbught specially for Christm as gift». Special Value MEN'S FELT HATS Regularly $2.49, grey with welt edge, wide black silk band. Special ... *189 M ENS $1.00 TIES All silk and silk and « 0(1 I, f o u r in h a u l, great- reduced. C* V o lu m e Boys’ Knicker Suits Just 21 Suits to close o u t D ark Tweeds and Serges. Sizes 12 to 17. Opening Day Only, while quantity lasts. Blue Denim Work Coats Young Men’s Suits W ith T w j Pair» o f Pant* Splendid quality Blanket lining. A low price for Snappy high-notch models th at Young Men want. T he extra pair of pants doubles the life of the suit. New greys and russets In various all wool m aterials. Sizes 32 to 36 only. Values to $29.65. with $ quick close out while they last. Men’s and Boy’s Shoes At Huge Reductions. Boys’ High Top Boots Blucher Cut, 10 Inch top, cap toe, tacked and sewed soles. (t* $6.50 Value .4 £? C tb*T.OO Men's Work Shoos Good heavy Shoes with solid leather soles, nailed and s e w e d , rubber heels. 0*4 Q 1 H Q 1 Men's Oxfords Tan and black Calfskin, all g o o d styles, (I) A J H rubber heels. Zre # ¿L If Big Value. w f Boys’ Suits Four-piece, high-grade, brand-new Fall styles. Reg. $9.90 value, $ 7 . 6 5 Reg. $12.75 val., $ 9 . 6 5 Reg. $16.75 val. $ 1 2 . 6 5 Reg. $19.75 val. $ 1 5 . 6 5 e X Men’s Oxfords High Top Boots Broad toe Bluchers and Bals, tan andfl» b l a c k . Calf-ZX < skin, h l g h - * i grade quality. 16 Inch high-top Boots, chrom e, ta n ;r f » " f plain or m o c - 0 / casln toe. ■ A C h j QP .t/D Rubber Boots Ball Brand Well known brand th at will outw ear three ordinary pairs. Knee Boots. Reg­ ularly $4.00, $ 3 .4 5 Vac. Knee Boots. Regularly $4.75, $ 4 . 2 5 Hip Boots Reg­ ularly $6.50..........£ 5 . 6 5 Vac. Hip Boots Regularly $7.50, $ 6 . 4 5 Sport Hip Boots for hunt­ ing and fishing. Regular $8/90 value. A group of Sweater» that Include Sllp-on* and Coat style» marked | for quick close , out. All colors end combina­ tion*. OPPOSITE REX THEATRE ara ways Phone 2233 Laraway Building 066-968 Willamette 8tr*et Phone 2233 MEN’S SWEATERS Values to $3.95, all a t­ tractive cq)or combina­ tions. _ Slipovers a n d Coats, to d o se out. For This E v e n t..... Two big value groups in all wooi sweaters. Val. to $4.95, $ 2 . 6 5 Val. to $5.95, $ 3 . 9 5 *1.95 Shaker Knit Sweaters Heavy quality, all wool with Hhawl collar, navy white only $5.50 .Value ...... Men’» Fancy Socks 36c value, attractive patterns and color com ­ binations all sizes. Pairs for *3.98 $5.95 4 Beginning Saturday Morning at-Nine o’Clock Mens Sweaters to Close Out Price DOC WOOL MIXED U. SUITS Medllcott and .other good quality Union Suits. Heavy knit. Value» to e n $2.98----------- 'PZ.DO *1.00 MEN’S DRESS PANTS Men’s Wool OD Flannel Shirts » A very low price for an all wool Khaki Shirt Good quality, well m a d e. A ll ’ sizes In the $ assortment. Wonderful Value. f $4.49. Value* to Volume P r ic e ------------ $ 3 . 4 5 « Value* to $5.60. Volume P r ice ------------ $ 4 . 4 5 . Value* to $6.90. Volume P r ice ------------ $ 5 . 4 5 Begins Satur­ day at 9 o'clock