PAGE N IN E T H E SPR IN G FIELD NEWS THUW h DAY vhvKMBER 1», 1927 Opposite Rex Theatre AMostDramaticUnderselling Event to Increase Volume • •: saasRwaüKEi:.-» Increased Volume to Carry Out Policy of Lower Prices Drastic Price Reductions to Greatly Increase Our Volume Thousand» of doffars worth of Women's Coat*. Dreeeee, Millin­ ery. Men'» Women'» and Children'» Shoe», Men'» Clothing and Fur­ nishing», Staple Dry Good», Stamped Needle Work, Blanket», etc., will be placed on »ale at record breaking pricee to Inaugerate our new Policy and Lower Price» to produce greater volume. Item» are In many Inatanoee below replacement cost. but we pre­ fer to carry out the »pirit of the new Idea of producing volume rather than withhold them from the event. arawau* This Volume Campaign is not confined to one or even a group of departments— It is a store wide event, embracing our entire stock. It Is unlimited In its scope for paving the way to unprecedented economy. Come tomorrow, see the Window Displays featuring the merchandise, and plan to be here early on SATURDAY morning to participate jp this most unusual event Doors Open at Nine o’Clock so set your alarm sarly so as to be here while aeeoortments are at their best. This large advert&ement, big as It la, la not enough to show all of the marvelous redaction» prepared for SATURDAY We planned for big things, weeks of preparation has left us prepared to offer you wonderful and most amazing attraction» which ar» not completely oover»d, but from the Items that ar» listed it is strikingly evident th at it 1» something no woman with a sense of values can afford to miss. Read these pages carefully, do not miss one item for even thb small­ est Item listed shows a substantial reduction! It I» impossible to over-emphaaize the fact that this Volume Campaign I» entirely without a parallel. It cannot be judged by the standards of an ordinary Sale. It I» more important becauee It affects the policy of the store for all time to come. A sal» last» but a limited time but inaugurating a campaign for greater volume I» for an In­ definite period— true to bring It strongly and forcibly to your notice we have taken exceptionally severe reduction», but from now on you may always expect lower price» at thi» store. * * 4 Campaign Begins Saturday, Nov. 12th at 9 Campaign Begins Saturday, Nov. 12th at 9 Winter Merchandise! H ope Musiin Brown Muslin Offering Amazing Reductions On Our Entire, Brand New Stocks of Inches wide, a good grade of muslin at a bargain price. A quality every housewife knows, pure bleach, 36 inches wide. 36 10 for $1-00 CLARKS O. N. T . All num bers In black and white. Turkish T ow els Pam ico Cloth W indsor Crepe Sewing THREAD 8 for 25c In an assortm ent of plain colors and fancy patterns. Regularly 29c yard. For 4 Q G uaranteed sun fast and tub fast—in a good range of bright color­ ings. Regular 46c yard, this even t,--------- •pedal. ......------- 1 *7C 81x90 Borden’s Cambrics S eam less Sheets Guaranteed fast .colors Pure bleach, a Ip l« did quality regularly sol at $1.50. AO Volume Price .. In many neat pattern». Values up to 28c Volume Price „„ OZtC 15c Pillow Cases Bleached Sheeting Size 42 x 36 Inches, jlure white, o f good grade cloth. For this Volume Event _________ Value» to 60c. 8-4, 9-4 and 10-4, while limited quantity holds a a out a t .._ --------- i 7C 11 *5*zC 36-Inch Outings Daisy Flannel Stripes a n d plaids, note the width. A won­ derful special for thta e v e n t.... 27 inches wide, pure white, soft quality. Reg­ ularly 25c. 4 ew Special a t , -------- Face Tow els W hite Turkish 17 x 27 with colored border; also white huck with blue border, 18 x 36. 1 / C 15c Kalburnie GINGHAMS 2 for 2 5 c Famous the world over, 32 Inches wide; in checks and plain colors. Blg,< Value a t -------- 18 x 86, good heavy absorb­ ent quality Regular 35c. ------ 4 q , 1 ¿/C A ll Ribbon» to go at H alf Price 36-Inch I Cretonnes ■ ■ Many colorful patterns in U0 au a spetndid 25c grade. Volume P r ic e _____ 17c Make Your O wn Comforters 3-Pound Cotton CH A LU ES BA TTS In a range of neat, patterns and colors.1 36 Inches wide, reg­ ularly 1 9 c yard. Volume P r ic e ___ $12.50 value. Polychrome base, complete with s i l k shade. Volume O C P r ic e --------------- &C. tDO.i/O Stamped Cases Pequot Cases, stam ped and hemmed. Regular q q $1.50 v a lu e ................... Regular $100 value,- stam p­ ed Pillow Q Cases. -------- ------------ O*7C JJ C CHILDREN’S 59c HOSE Dropstitch Hose in heather mixed a n d camel shade. Volume Q Price ............ .......... . O J 7 C CHILDREN'S DRESSES To close out, fancy plaids with flounces, C A values to $2.08 ----- O U C CHILDREN’S COATS Values to $3.95 sizes 2 to 6, a t .... f ¿J Balance of children’s Coats at similar reductions. CHILDREN'S STOCKINGS Fine rib and dropstitch, light and dark, 1 Q 29c v a lu e .--------------- 1 I7C CHILDREN’S RAINCOATS With caps to m atch, fancy and plain colors. $3.50 value.......... An 7 0 $2.49 A t Startling Price Reductions Fun alae, 72 x 90 Inches, all stitched ready f o r covering. Special for thia event. Bridge Lamps — Blanket Reductions I < . . Beautiful Plaids, sizes 60 x 76 Inches, also in plain white, tan or grey. Size 66 x 80. Season’s Smartest Coats Lady Sealpax Rayon Underwear A t Extraordinary Price Reductions N ew Silk Dresses N ew Silk Dresses Smart New Coats Smart New Coats Values to $16.75 Values to $24.75 Values to $29.75 Values to $3 9 .7 5 i Every Dress In this group Is a very re- iirknhhi value. vnhio They Tbov are nr** all nil new noir sea­ m arkable son’s garm ents, skillfully styled in the newest versions of the mode. Splendid variety for selection in all sizes and all colors. Provide R eal Opportunities to Save Double Plaid Blankets DI For correctly »tyled Dresses and gen erB, excellence would you never see a ___ __________ . . __ .... more Interesting value group than this. We urge early selection. A low price for such Coats aa these— wait until you see their style and their lovely fabrics — you’ll be surprised. $ $flfl39 69 $ $ 0 .3 9 Beautiful quality Blan­ kets in neat plaids, size 66 x 80. Volume Price. ... SP Double Blankets Plain grey, tan and white. Splendid quality. Size 72 x 80 inches. Attractively | priced for o t Sto»1 '9ry Co«f in »act»’'0* nric® »• a ” , *v>cY»’ at R lo* p Tb>* pall and s.n e * Vi ■ W Turkish Towels, white with 2-tone stripes, 18 x n A 36, regularly 35c ----- . 1 Gilbrae imported d r e s s Gingham, checks and stripes. 49c------------------------ R egular ¿*zC Values Up to $ 1 2 .7 5 OQ *7*7V Plan t o b e H ere at th e O p en in g D oors O p en P rom p tly a t N in e Campaign Begins Saturday, November I2tb at 9 Campaign ^Begins Saturday, November I2th at 9 I OPPOSITE REX THEATRE ONE-STRAP PUMPS The New Bobrellas The season’s latest short fancy handle umbrellas, all colors, a t big reductions. Regular $1.95 value ------- Regular $2.95 value. Regular $3.95 value. » r-Q 1 m .0*7 $2.49 $2.98 CHILDREN’S OXFORDS Tan and patent with fancy trim , stitched soles, rubber heel. Values to rf * -| a $2 25 ................ MISSES’ STRAP PUMPS P aten t leather with parch­ m ent trim, sizes 8>/2 t° 2- Regular $2.69 value....... —--- ------- .«$) JL r* «pJL.4-3 d»4 .*70 W OMEN'S GALOSHES Ball brand, black or tan, cuff Jersey top, snap f a s t e n e r . Regular $2.49___ __________ «p 1 .1 7 0 W ater Proof AH W ool Coats One lot new tailored models of imported English casslmeres, tweeds and Oregon wool fabrics. A s e rv ic a b le Sport Coat th at will shed rain. For W omen......... araiv Daytim e Frocks $1.25 V alue Neatly fashioned of pretty gingham s In checks and plald#- A wonderful special offer fo r th is event. _________ B B I. »lMU VI ¿z V ____ Values up to $5.00 ,, /»Q Balance at like reductions. The outstanding value in the Millinery Depart­ m ent is a group of very stylish and becoming Hats —all new shapes and in all popular shades, in Lyons Velvet. $49.75 Silk D resses $23 3 9 •$1.79 Chemlse, Reg­ ular $2.19 value, $1.95 Make Tremendous Savings Possible GROUP OF $ 5 .0 0 H A TS k » /,.- Lot up All Wool Blankets I n handsome blocked checked patterns. Size 66 x 80 ’nches, bound edges. Ex< optional! value offer, Ing a t .... ar ■ o $ l2 ’ S n o w ,----------------------- Millinery Reductions or* c, aCc®Pfan t r . PTan<* Made in Japan, size 24x49 Inches, Com binations • Reg $2.39 v a lu e .------ Reg­ this event. Part Wool Blankets QC-. Step-In». Regular 4 Z Q $1.69 v a lu e ,____ «p 1 •T’«' Q U>at 'hotf, ®sf Prie» $ 1 Rag Rugs Lady Sealpad Rayon Underwear la known and liked for its heavy, superior quality. It comes In peach, flesh, maize. Nile and orchid and 1» priced as follows: ular $1.98 value. Vests, Regular Bloomers, Reg- 98c v a lu e ,---------------- O O C This will probably prove one of the most attractive group of Coats In this Volume Event. They offer real economy on new seasonable and stylish coats and the price is within reach of every­ one. Values to $39.75. Values to $29.75. ularly $2.69. Big value a t ...... ............................. Double Blankets 17% c Laces &. Embroideries V2 Price Beautiful New Dresses $1 10 yds for ' W om en’s Raincoats A viatrix Model Raincoats VALUES TO $10.75 Made of the fam ous Dupont One lot RalncoatB In neat, fancy Roman Btrlpen patterns. A m arvelous offer| _ Phone 2233 Larawny Building 966-968 Willamette Street Phone 2233 for this V dum e Cam paign........... leathc ette, flannel linen, white pipings, twe flap pockets all the popular color lngs. Values to $10.00. ... High-grade models. All $7.90 values. Spike, French a iu Holly­ wood heels, cut o ù t s and fancy tr im s .----------- PATENT 1-STRAP PUMPS With light trim and cut outs, m ilitary heel. Reg- , ular $3.50 value...... u ' M i ' i w PA TEN T 1-STRAP SHOES Stylish models with fancy , trim s, high heels, Q Q C Reg. $5.00 value...... «D¿.*7«J | | SILK HOSIERY Chiffon or service wieght, full fashioned. In a complete range of fashionable shades. Rollin’s RunBtop. R egular 98c value, NOW _ Regukj- $1.49 value, NOW . value, NOW . R ej- ’ r $1.75 R egular $1.98 value, NOW Tegular , -.25 value, NOW ,7 9 c $1.29 $1.49 $1.69 $1.89