and PAGE SEVEN T H E SPRINGFIELD NEWS HVRgPAV NOVEMBER K>, 1927 I printers Announcing Eugene’s Most Important Selling Event Begins Saturday, Nov. 12th at 9 o’clock We want greater volume. By celling at much lower prioee we hope to make three Sales where we formerly made one. Over^ head expeneee will be no more If we do three time» as much business, so it is logical to ex­ pect lower prices throughout the entire store by the Institu­ tion of this broad, liberal policy. We shall continue to carry on. Keeping before us the high Ideals that has made the name Laraway respected in the com­ munity. Merchandise will re­ flect the same hi|;h-quallty al­ ways associated with this store, only will the prices be different — a smaller margin of profit for us, but greater satisfaction, greater turnover and more and more hnppy smiling faces of friendly satisfed customers will be In evidence by reason of this new volume idea. oS oL - An Unusual E v e n t - Pastel Suitings Beautiful plain weave In blue, peach and ten. All wool, 54 inches wide. Regular $3.4» yard. Volume price $1.75 Regular $1.98 I W oo> Challie A range of attractive patterns in all colors. AH wool. 27 Inches wide. Special for this great fill. Regular ivrfcuitsi volume event. value $1.3» $1.15 •4 J y1 Dress Fabrics 9 FEW FANCY M IXTURES IN A W IDE RANGE OF COLOR COMBINATIONS. 40 INCHES WIDE. VOLUME PRICE 27c Flat CrepeH, Crepe Satins and other fash­ ionably correct materials for Fall and Winter. Sacrificed to produce volume. All the popular colors. Baronet Satin 40 inches wide—A rich Satin that gives long and satisfactory service. In all popular shades. Reg. 95c value. Volume Price KOTEX Heavy Rayon BLOOMERS Eugene’s Greatest Reg. $1.50 value, heavy quality, well made with ruffle knee. In flesh, maize, orchid and peach. $1 SilkSale $1.49 Values $2.98 NEW SILKS Plan to Be Here Early Greater Volume Brings Lower Prices Fall Silks The season's most popular Silk Fabrics at a marvelously low pr .<• Flat Crepe, Charmeuse. Sunglow Satin, etc., in all the most wanted shades. 40 inch. “Dynamite and Printer’s Ink" — This is a radical departure from the ordinary sterotype method of doing business. Only by doing greater volume can we hope to provide lower prices, only by introducing a new era of lower prices can we hope to do greater volume, hence this startling and unusual campaign. The whole organization is en­ thused and we are looking to Wednesday to do the largest business in the history of this store and Eugene. See the window displays and rliad every item on these pages — you will find it abounds with unusual opportunities for extra­ ordinary savings, savings that will further enhance this store's reputation for value and quality merchandise. Doors Open at Nine o'clock. Chiffon Silk HOSE Reg. $1.00 value — 4 Inch lisle top- In the most wanted light colors and black. An unusual offering of beautiful silks, many of which were priced more than double our Vol­ ume Price. In the lot are Georgettes, Crepe de Chines, Charmeuse, Taffetas, Spun Silks, Foul- arde, etc. Rich plain colors and many lovely Pat­ terned Silks. We advise early Selection while the assortment it at its best. Values to $2.50. Kotex and other Sani­ tary Pads, specially re­ duced for this business building event. Army and Navy . Needle Pack Regular 25c A marvelous value—- pack contains all sizes and sells for 25c regular­ ly. For this event to close out. Envelope PURSES Handsome styles, val­ ues up to $2.75, new plain shades, imitation reptile, embossed leather, etc., in a marvelous close out. SPECIAL 3 for SI Rayon Hose 75c Quality A special purchase of excellent quality service Hose. Comes In all the new light shades. 54-Inch Wool Coatings . A selection of many wonderful all wool Coat­ ings marked as one of the outstanding values for Wednesday. Values to $3.00. $1.50 $1.98 Begins Sharp at Nine, Saturday, November 12th ___ This Circular with You — Use it as a Shopping Guide Rayon Lingerie Cloth Check Lingerie Cloth Pretty pastel colors, with dainty dotted pat­ tern. Regular 59c quality Regular 29c, in peach, orchid, rose, blue, lemon, white, Nile. Special at Read'l Every Page Carefully — Come and Tell Your Friends