PACK SUC TliK SPRINGFIELD NEWS THURSDAY NOVEMBER 10. 1>27 •rn»r rwuarked carelessly as hs pick atyto of <>ur H alley H a rb o r ro r r« ,p o n rem from the Governor; tor more ed his way through a Itos of red ton dent. I sh all la k e the lib e rty o| help ng than «ver he must rely upon his strange trien«! for aaelstanre In eecap you l<> a frie d egg '' terns: tng from lhe consequences of the duel However Archie'« appetite •« « "Speaking of women, my dear Archie, do you ahare the Joy of the pretty effectually epi'lled by this pava in the Congdon cotte«* TO ■« CONTINuaO X x , M e r e d ith N ich olson lyric poets to the species? It occurs graph A n odd circu m s tan ce, m ore o r loss to me that you have probabY had C A L L FO B » C H O O L W A M A H T » many affairs I'm thirty-four but I've I re m e ta ly cenneotsd w ith th e h lllln q o l NOTICE IM HKRBBY GIVEN tost the b u rg la r in th e fa sh io n a b le co ony, loved only one woman And strong- ' as It may seen, she's a bishop's daugh s till rsnvsins to bo ss p lsln sd . Offii 01 ! School DUI No 1». of Itone County. •* ,b " Verfcee sh o rtly before tw o o'etech. the Greg”“ »••• ter" This confidence made It Incumlw-nt ' t c u r at w h ich the th ie f waa th e : n District Cleri« s i his residence on upon Archie to make some sort of M r. C u m m ings' horns, saw a m an Wee« 11 St house number H I. school H e warrante up to and Including l««fi reply The Governor wou'vl probably t»< h u rry in g th ro u g h W a te r filro s t hors the ap psarsnes of a ge n tlem a n , Interest «eases «fier NoV. 11, Ifiïî d sappo.nted la him If he confessed ittU e A and the officer did not aecest him . Dated November 10. 1K3Î. Springfield, I the meagerness of hla experleoi-es OuFY JUOby CHARLES 9CSCENBR5 SONS - RZLZA j XD THT-U IUBLISHZK- AUTOCASTER 3DC-TC* '■Well. I'm In the same boat." he ' th in k in g him a yach tsm a n fro m on« Oregon. Signed. M W SMITH. DtoL Clerk IN T R O Q U C T IO N been the Instrument of Hohy's undo- tthable chap I It be a good pal to answered glibly T here's only on-- o f tho boats in the h a rb o r w h s had ■ng you and 1 ash you to be straight with girl tor m e’" This reference to Isabel been v is itin g frie n d s a th s rs . T h e m an Arch, held Bennrtl. wealthy each "I've got to m ake a getaw ay and be me Are we friends or------“ CALL AND SEC Dr. N. W. Em ery Perry, remote and guarded as It was w alked oddly, pausing now and th en •tor. travel« tw e le a tly la the la ter vet He put out his hand and Archie be defended only on the ground that as though in pa in , and was c a rry in g on prices <>n plates and other work if. Of hie health. Ha *< h *( k Isabel Harry, in a burry about It." declared Archie grasped IL it •»« necosaary ta some way to meet h is *rlg h t hand upon h it lo ft shoulder. who racoauaeode a life of crime. ad In a confidential air "A Uttle trouble of some so rt eh? venture, romance and excitement as "All right. Archie—for such you the Governor half way to his con (I T h is m o rn in g drops o f blsod w ars FOR 9 YEARS GAS lh„ en„ , h, c>ap<4.” —Mr« E T ouchstone ened by footsteps, sad in an encounter confess yon don t look an though you wbtts to jvtubollae our purity There s self Just with the Intruder who sees Archie « would have a stomach for homicide an assortment of clothes the boys say If she coaM see him with a th e m an shot In th e C u m m in g s house. ONE spoonful Adlerlka relieves gsa As the paper f«1 from Archie's figure reAeded in the mirror and “• came damned near getting pinch-,' b , , , b-ft , rom tjmr to time. Von asl beside him. Joy riding In a stolen and that bloated feeling so that you hsod lhe Governor to«»k II up. shoots. Archie fires in return, wound ed ’" asserted Archie stoutly "The can pick 'em over while I'm working car. can e s l and sleep well. Acts on BOTH tog the intruder, who makes his es > >>P’ back there to that town gave on the car.” Hts thoughts of her had led him "You seem agitated. Archie! You upper and lower bowsl and removes cape. Archie plans (light to evade me a hard run for It I was Just i • Io doffing the clothing he had ac­ far afield when the Oovernor remark muet learn to conceal your feelin gs1' old waste matter yog never ihougbt publicity He starts cross-country crawling through the window of a He read the paragraph and glanced was there No matter what you hsv« quired honestly and suhsUtnllng ed ruminstlvely drug store when here comes a chap afoot—nod road on "Do you manage to see her* T ne.'j quickie at Archie . . . , , stolen raim ent It waa almost as tried for your stomach and bowels. tiptoeing through the alley, and I . . . . . .. "Your work, poestbly?" murmured Adlerlka »fill surprise you Klanery s . „ . . , though Archie were changing his lhe devil to my case! The lady's for bolted for the tall timber as hard as , . bidden to recognise me In any way ARCHIE MEETS T h e Governor" the Oovernor "Compose yourself Ih-ug Store. . . . .. ____ . . . character as well. He wondered what 1 could spring The fire bell rang, and _ . . . . and her father Is a tart old party and I'm afraid you H«d to me shout the . the . whole ________ v . «... would “ *»• *c»w that he The first glimmer of dawn town vroke up There 11 be had s te a d y slipped the leash that Me, 1 s rharp wstch of her. I cal- t tee drug -A*r- No’ " he help up his hand breaking - over a - gray world, when a a whole army looking for me; and her aud the regular malls are c'os, d to wnrnlngty—"te’l me nothing* Hut If curious whistle, a long pipe and then jf fr)e0(, Hnky ktlVd bound him ,o «»»»»ntton and per I J l.l us Nevertheless we have an arrange­ we've got a murder behind ua we »hall • short quick one. In the roadside a ker0 to ptnch raR „ anotnRr ” •« more reckless d eed , than ment by which If she ever needs me or certainly be moat ctrrumspect In our she had prescribed toy him money Uttle way ahead brought Archie to a mRmbRr ot lhr nny nlght alwayg m«ke„ Shall take every precaution to pro- ped. opened a gate and ran the car thought that eumewhere In the world Q u a l i t y - d m p r o c u r i w ward and wrenched the gun from wakeful Your j “ T «-hlldren from your brutality. through a barnyard and Into an empty there was a man he had shot and per ■ y e a n o f r e fu u n g e x p e rie n c e . Archie s band. | attempt, my ton. speaks tor courage. I A. B. C. shed. hsps fatally wouiWed. , "Stop squealing! Bad enough tor but not for discretion Yog should ' *««•*• <•»» “ •* h“t »W rite« “round rrx e o x s D o il oomsawv o t c a u s o s n i « "Now for a brisk walk!" They j you to fool me with that whistle with alway, agk about anch things “ hlm w’h» ‘ he beM WM» beyond crossed the railroad and were soon I He must conceal his anxious con- = = = = = = out pullteg a gun Now you get right replled Archu meek>y question the reply of. M r . Congdon buying tickets from a sleepy station to her husbsnd't telegram that had over there by the fence where I’m that I didn't run into you sooner master They alighted at Portsmouth pointing and w ell consider matters a loag u B ln e . cy)Rd q ,,,. been left Tying on the dinner table without mishap, and Archie wired his little." , raor hearUly .But let pnkc And If Congdon bad left Hew York sister that the > ongdon house would "I was mat walking to Portsmouth,'' t(caI We m(Jat make , lon< Jump $>r Bailey Harbor Immediately to not do Then he redeemed hts suit began Archie In a blithe tone he hoped jon foy the coaat wlJ, rin< wl|h thlg put Into effect his threst to abduct his case In the checkroom and Joined the would prove convincing. His Captor p ^ ^ p ^ i y u Hoky is lying cold at rblld. 11 ™l«ht have been Congdon he Governor. touched Iron ically. the undertaker's.“ , had shot—not Hoky. The drove to the hotel, where they -N ow you listen to me! You've He wa)ked ,,g briskly with Archie The G overnors ceaseless flow of commanded the best service of the i been up to something, so don't tell cloae beside him. talk fortunately diverted bis thoughts ton. The Oovernor registered etobor When you art- doing your home work In the me that you’re taking a little before -w h e n Hoky persisted In his 111 to more cheerful channels, and he stely as Hegins Id Heber Saulsbury morning, or when you ait down during the day breakfast stroll to Portsmouth to work chO8R„ enterprise 1 lifted a little ' obeyed with alacrity a hint that he for a few moments of rest, an Atwater Kent up an appetite In the first place. rQadg(Rr ,hat | Te tucked away down prepare luncheon. After thia had and wrote Archie down as Ashton Radio will select, at your will, the program you have you seen a man about your six* he^ g p eseta ;. iane. Thought I'd been consumed the Governor sug- Comly. Indicating the residence of ------- the road a — _ wbt.rer r ail to gjve (he oM a gested a game of chesA produced a both as New York prefer listening to. entertaining u hHc you work along anywhere At the breakfast table, the Governor or real. declared Archie p|jlJ fo(. freedonj when he get of ivory chessm en from a cup- •'Not a soul! solem nly back, but____!“ ! board and soon proved him self a scanned a local paper and with a chir­ — Free Demonstration — rup passed It to Archie, pointed to a "Mighty queer Hoky doesn’t turn up Sure enough the roadster was there, skillful player. I warned the beggar against these Governor became suddenly a - At the end of two hours the Go/- double column hea^nne. which read. See Hetnie First sea sid e villas; they're s!l outfitted man Qf act|on. Kneeling down he ernor declared that they must take a "A Carnival of Burglary In M aine" with faocy burglar alarms that make detai?he(j a New York license tag from nap before setting out and turned Archie's eyes fell upon the blearre a deuce of a row when you step on j th# „„^btne. drew from, bis pocket a lnto 0De of the berths. He was s o o ­ photograph of a dead man with which the etre It rings a gong loud enough Majn>. taJ? and atta Ched it. humming „„orlng Archie kicked about rest the page was Illustrated, an«! he to wake the dead and then some chap meanwhlle : |eggly for a tlmei but finally slept— ' chok«-d on a fragment of grap-fiult lumps but of bed and turns on ail the ..^jje rural police haven't learned • on| y pp wander through a wild phan- j aa he read the Inscription: "Dead Thief. Identity Unknown " light In the house and very like y ib|< atlnp,e deTiCe,'' he explained, as tasma«oria of crime 414 Main St. Phone 11-J opens up with a gun before you can gent d| , carded lag skimming j ..Tq ga,n or loge ,t aIt- he was I "That'« poor old Hoky all right." say Jerusalem But Hoky thought b* . jnto corn field He Jumped in and gtammer|ng as he opened his eyes. I murmured the Governor, buttering a ”A s you knew better" bade Archie take the seat beside him. B(jt ,t wag not jgabel he was ad piece of toast reflectively Archie clutched at the stone .ence Thp wag bump| ng merrily (Jreaa,ngt but his confederate, bland seem to be entranced with the llterar- against which his captor had pushed g r(ja1, dr|nk of (he f(jun< of ( aHta||a. troubles me!" that pyramid of sawdust and walk a W(_ ghaU chun) wi(h Apol|„ and the Archie's tongue clung to the rgof of h)f tf> , trwU.h onr legs.” the Governor Miwe)i N)ne, Bul the g()dM ca„ ug e;„e . his mouth as he tried to m u r m f • tn(„rmwI A r(h|e There was no trace where, W(..„ hIla„.b a bite and be off' sympathy for the stranger’s sorrow (>f # pa)h wbere be struck, off Into A n d w e -ye gpp a job all waiting for M l. The thought that he wav probab'y woods, but he strode along with f)nf> Uje brotherhood has com talking to the accompli« • of the man th<> eaRy ,,f one who Is sure m|l|g|oned ma u, d|g up some boodle he had shot was terrifying; the h)H degl)natlon They brought «P ' he.„ planted 0Vf>r in New Hampshire, stranger seem -d enormously fond of prPgentIy beside a brook and In a you may re<.all lhe | nc|dent Red Hoky and If he knew that he had „„„ment more reached a log hut plant- (/eary a rare boy, held up an express within his grasp the person who va.« pn the ed(?e the h| g h bank me««enger and sauntered off with fifty responsible for Hoky’« failure to re- -w h a t do you think of that, Sir. thousand dollar« In new bank note« turn from hla vialt to Halley Harbor j Ar,.(,lbald?'' Inquired the Governor fresh from the Treasury. Do you fol­ he would very likely make haste to I careieggiy Then, aa Archie paused. low mo? avenge hl« friend'« death It aeem el he added." Oh, your name" Perfectly "He hid It HOtnewhere and wants to Archie that the goda veere p’aylng easy! Archibald Bennett was neatly your ______ help In recovering It?" strange trick» upon hl« Indeed The sewed In your coat pre ket by your ; ..R|ght tha flrat time! That cash tucked away ln the cellar of a man'« »peech was not the argot he tailor aa I observed when I rubbed my had aHMumed from hla reading of hands over your waist coat to see If chljrch and by this time tomorrow crook atorles to be the common u t-' you wore a badge " night we'll have It. all ready for old tcrance of the underworld There was , ,.j got these duds out of a aulteaae i He