The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, November 10, 1927, Page 5, Image 5

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    By Spadai
Community News
Corra apandan«
Fun Festival Scheduded as
An After-Holiday Event
aen. Or. W. H. PoHard and Dr. Carl
Rprlngfleld achoola, cluba and other
organisations are to Join In a com
Mr». Hernenway requested that
munlty fun featlval. achedu>d after
Mra. Arch Shough and daughter, j
Clarence and Merle Chaae, Klmuf
the bolhlaye. at the high achool audi­ in ember a ot tha audience di
Harlow and K It Danner left Mu.idey Patricia, from Vida and Mra. Fella
torium and gymnaalum. according to tume In order to add to tha merri­
Hparka from Blue River »pent a faw
lor a hunting trip at Klaiuth Falls.
announcement by Mra. Ora Head ment of the occasion. An admission
A » w w iu g dub haa bavu otgeiuaad dnya laat week heae having aome aew-
i H euenw ay, who haa charge of the price will be charged, Including botn
program» and rafreabmenta.
In I) .. . . . . . iiiU. Mra. J. R. Han wilt tng done,
’ plana.
have charge of the uiub and tttu meet-
The luidlea Aid met laat Thursday
Any organization In tha city which
Two program» will be given In the
lug» will be held oh the Ural and with Mra. Bert Mathewa for an all blah achool auditorium, tha aecond would Ilka to put on a atunt at thia
third Fridays of the month at the day'» meeting The next meeting In being a duplicate of the flrat. The pro­ festival la Invited to do so.
The event waa to ba November 18
school house. The fohowiug
have two waeka will be with Mra. Lawrence gram» atari at 7:16 and 8:16. In the
been received ae tiiuo hiumuera. Flo­ Uoaa'.or for all day.
gymnaalum. alerting at 8:16, between but due to tha Infantile paralyala epi­
rence Beu and Cttarittta Fl»n, Bernice
The Tburaton high achool 1» giving the auditorium program», a atunt pro­ demic It ha« been poetponed until
after the hoMdaya. While there are
Waite, Virginia c uaae, Tueitua Weds, a play next Friday evening entitled. gram and parade will ba he’d.
Dorothy W elle, calc die Munday, tai "The Elopement of Ellen.'*
A live dollar prize la being offered no caaea In Rprlngfleld It waa decided
verue H oney, r-eWiuut B a ei, and
Mlaa Eva Phetteplace, who la teach­ for the beat atunt, not exceeding 10 today to poatpone the fun featlval u
H elen Haugauu
I ho iiBlcur» a le Her- < ing at Uiachley »pent tha peat week minute» Prlae of 82 baa bean offered a atep toward precaution.
Dice Waite, i reaalenl, Virginia Chase, with her parent» here as the achool for the moat comical couple appear­
vice per» Mien I. I'helina Wells, Secre­ waa chiaed aa there bad bean a caae ing In the parade, and 11 for the beat
of Infantile paralyala in the achool. sustained character. Any couple or
E. F. Ilalley and. family of Wandllug
Perry Price, who 1» attending O. A peraon may enter the parade In stunts
■pent Saturday night at the J. U. C. at Corvallis »pent the w eekend , coatume or otherwlae.
Flab home. Suunay Mlaa Aiwa Flak with home folk» here.
Procram la Oleen
accompanied them to Cheshire where
The program to be given at the
Mlaa Eller, who haa been attending
they apeut in» nay.
U. of O. In Eugene, »pent Ibinday In auditorium follow»:
A baby and pre ecbool clinic will be Thuraton
Her home la In Eastern j High achool orcheatra.
held In the court house for tha chil­ Oregon and aha Is obliged to leave Negro mlnatrel
W. O. W. drill team
dren of Garden Way community co feg e on account of lllneaa.
, Farce, "Mra. Pepper'» Ghost.
Thursday Novvinber 10. Ml»»ea Wil­
Ernest Berlach haa been « k in g tha ' Tourlata In China—High achool Ole"
liam» and Konket will assist tha phy­ achool ranaua the Aral of the week.
and ukelele club*
Mra. Della Herrington from Cres­ Farce— "Rumpus on Olympus."
The atunt progratn acheduled for
The l*.-T. A. hare postponed their well »pent the week-end with her
meeting until Friday November 18 •later, Mr». A. W. Wearer. S h e left the gym follow»:
Stunt» Scheduled
at which time a pie social and pro­ Monday for Portland to nurae her
Stunt» by Kenalagton chib, Brattaln
gram will be given. The outstanding i later. Mr» Wm. Weaver, who ie very
teacher». High »rhool teacher», cham­
feature of the program wilt be ''Chil­
dren's ReaiUnga.'*
Mra Harvey Hadley from Had'-ey- ber of commerce, Needlecraft club.
A special school meeting »«« held vllle »pent Tuoxlay night with n«r Lions rlub, Widow« club, and anv
other» who may enter. Judging the
In District 180 Monday night for the mother. Mr» T»ylor Needham
will be Rev. 8 E. Childers. Rev.
purpose of voting money enough to
Gabriel Rvkea and Rev. C. H. Blom.
cover the budget for the coming year. wired for electric light»
Parade Judge» are Dr. R P. Morten-
Mr K<-arn» and family, who have
Mra. H Ralph Dlppel and cblldrsn
Patty, and Steve, were vlallora at the »tent several months In Klamath "and we do not Intend to thia year.
Falls, ware bare thia last week looking We can send things to them up to
Clarence Chase home .Thursday.
» fu r their property.
November 18 In time for Thanksgiv­
Mr. and Mr» Blackwell of Portland
ing. and we hope that we shall re­
visited at the Wylie home. Thuraday
ceive » generous response from
They were on their way to California MOON BROTHER» FAIL TO
RETAIN ROAD CONTRACT Rprlngfleld people."
Mr aud Mr». Joe Neal are leaving
Wednesday by way of Portland and
Clarence Nelson Here— Clarence
the Columbia Hightway for an Indefl-
Nelson, »on of Mr. and Mr» N. Nelson.
nlte stay at La Grande.
I» here from California He wll! re­
Imcllle and Mariam Male spent the
main bere for some tima.
w eekend at home, They teach areet
of Eugene.
Oo To Goose Lako—Norman Ander­
Friends of Finn Male of Rprlngfleld.
son, Haraa And arson, and BUI Horns,
will be g'a<l to hear he la much Im­
all of Hprlngflekl, motored over the
He haa been confined In a ' contract,
McKenzie Pass Saturday evening
hospital In Eugene for some. time.
hound for Goose Duke, near BeM.
Mr and Mra H E. Wylie returned the next
They hunted ducks there over the
from Portland-Wednesday where they mission,
visited with Mr Wylie'« mother and to read
■latere. Ml»» Lucille Wylie waa also contract
We train weak and unbalanced ocular muscles
and harmonize binocular vision
<Di. Sfuntum W ïïlnodu
'O W fO M R T B IS T ». E Y E S I G H T
Suita S31 M inor Bldg.
942 Willamette St., Eugene, Oregon
[25th Anniversary\
Every C om plete W ardrobe Includes
And especially this season
__when wool dresses are so
very smart 1 Jersey, twills,
wool crepe and novelties are
on display. •
Such M oderate Prices!
$9.90 and
T rim — Tailored— For
Street W ear
and Mrs I*»« Poleraon all of Spring- clearing, grunmng
field ware gueata of the Neal fam ilies and one haV mile»
The A. W Ferree family are com
plating extenalve Improvement» on J
(hair home A bedroom, c lo se« , and
enclosed porch have been added.
The Frank Bailey family »pent Run
day at the home of Mr and Mrs. ( DONATIONS OF JELLIES
William Oanta of Rprlngfleld
Mr and Mr» J. H. Helm arrived a t,
the J H Meek home Wednesday. On
their return to Portland Sunday thev
were accompanied by their four-year-
old daughter. Virginia, who has been j
with her aunt, Mrs Meeks, since laat
Mr. and Mr». T. F Farnham of the
Palouse country spent Saturday night
at the Galea’ home. They are on
their way to Ix>w Angeles where they
wilt »pend the winter anil visit with
their son and daughter In law. Mr. and
Mr». I.eater Farnham
Mr». Lester
Farnham 1» n daughter of Mr. bih I
Mr» Frank Gate».
Baby Son Born— Mr and Mr». Jnnic«
J White nr - t»’ » l*< 'm- oí a baby
»on. born Monday. The new com er
was named Lnrt*y Wayne.
Telcphene 3S2
A NAT/O M -W /De
^C rescen t
Double A ct m g
always pare
and always
Eugens, Oregon,
Two-piece (rocks with pleated
akirts and tailored coat styles are
favored in thia early showing—
often contraatingly trimmed.
Did you ever rub the dirt out of a tubful of
Clothes? Then
Washer NOW!
The Easy Washer and Dryer
A n o th er
The Thor Cylinder Washer
New Thor White Enameled Cylinder Wash
The New Conlon Speed Washer
6 and 8 Sheets Capacity.
Cold weather will not spoil
your rest If you have
' .'th'-.eîiigz
K5 |MVUÄ(*/
T u lip P lanting . imo,
C hoke AHsoritiP.'iit Here
Lovely Chrysanthem um s
W a te r
In the couraff of Aur many
years of selling Drug Store
merchandise. W e have
never sold ft more satis­
factory Hot Water Bottle
than Knht*eek.
It 1» made entirely In one
piece that's why II can't
It has not patches, splices,
seam s or binding, and the
stopple socket Is molded
right, Into the rubber.
Although It's guaranteed
for two v««rs. It costs only
»2 50
Drug Store
on all
Washers and Ironers
They Last
S tates power C ompany