The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, November 10, 1927, Page 4, Image 4

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Published Every Thursday at
Springfield. l-ane County. Oregon, by
H. E MAXEY. Editor.
stared aa second claas matter. February 34. 1903 at the
postofltce. Springfield, Oregon
One year In A d van ce.......11.75 Three Month» ___.T 6c
B iz M onths........ ...........
H «0 Single C o p y ----------- 6c
T H U R S D A Y N O V E M B E R 10. 1M7
A Logical Mind
The move for a city park In Springfield ts a NADVORNIK NAMED FOR
"Yea. air," said the aviator ns his
worthy one, Citizens should keep at It until we
I last passenger left the aviation field,
have a beautiful well equipped little park d o se to
Charles Nadvornlk. of Springfield, "that guy wna pretty dumb When we
the center of the city.
has been named a member ot the flrst started up he wanted me to lie pieces
• •,
violin section of the University of of lead onto hla feel so Itint If he
Specializing in Tonsils
____ __
of ___
the _________
FREE and 'i.azi
h « w of the HRA\ E. Oregon orchestra, directed by IU\x fell nut be wouldn't break his neck." ;
Ask Admiral M agruder w ho w as brave and now Is Underwood. Nadvornlk was chosen
following tryou ts conducted last
Y se—Wholslt
Over Penney’« Store
• • »
month nt the sohool of music.
These Mexicans are literal folks. Running for
Nadvornlk. aa
as a • ai
student In (be
office m eans Just t h a t Running and nothing else, ¡jprimoeu high school, haa be vu pro- Receiver: Well. If you don't know,
youraalf. silly, how do you eip ect me ; Phone 355
but—except death.
I minent In musical circle» ot S p rin g
Dr. Geo. A. Simon
for gome time, and at (la te high ' to tell 7
competition haa won '
»fa la now aiudying '
| at the university school of music.
I The orchestra, numbering 40 piece».
will present Us flrst concert on Spun
day afternoon. November 10. Some­
time during the year the group pro­
bably will make a tour of the stale.
Ndw Is the time to think about doing your
C hristm as shopping early—before Thanksgiving, ^ „ te d honora
T he rapidly growing business of the Drvped
Pedestrians these days are going ahead by leaps
Chemical company In shoe grease w ater proofing
la assurance that the product Is right and meeting and bounds.
It is now up to Morrow lu Mexico.
a ready demand. Operating only a few m onths
th is industry bids to become quite a factor In
Ye Modern Fable
There are two other small industries in Spring-
"Isn't there some fsb'e about the
field th at are m eeting a country wide dem and—
sat disguising himself with a lion
Bggim ann's cough drops and Ketels’ Amber-o-
s k ln r
latum . While these small articles do not require
“Yee, but now the collrgos do the
U rge factories to m anufacture them they are j
trick with a sheepskin.”
nevertheless im portant to the community. They
proride employment and bring in outside money
A Mouthful
W hatever support we can given them at home ,
wm help
help doubly
In m
n g I their
heir products
product, out-
o u r- 1
" ‘X T S ' '£ X ' o ' i
- trouble with modern college Ute
doubly in
side. Buyers like to know that home folks use J»er J t . ^
a l ib )s in (h e w o rM a n d o n e o f
tbBt , here „ tl,o much life «nd
the m an u fa ctu rers product.*
which the weaklings are especially fond.
not -nt>ugh_coikge
I N ’^VNTY ctu rt r o n .. ane
Virtuous, mildly rebellious wives of Chicopee virtues attributes it to the influence of his grand-
OF ork < m » n
M assachusetts prepared ten com m andm ents for father He always takes credit for such things jn th,, Matter of th e O u a rd ta n a h ip of
w a rd
W. lvteremerar.
U e lersin e y er. An In
husbands and show that they do not understand himself.
“ E d ■”
* w
c o m p e te n t P e rso n
th e problem of husbands or m arriage. It is use- j But when a m an is a drunkard and loose In his
less to talk about details, including the double sex yfe or otherwise self-indulgent, very often he
T h is m a ile r com in g oji fo r h e a rin g
standard of morals. The problem is In two or his m other for him will attribute it to the in­ before me th is Slh day of N ovem ber.
th e ■
p ■
e titio
n of th
e F lrv
words svm nathv and justice. If a man is svmpa- fluence of his father's uncle or some such person. 1937.
...... upon
■ .........
- - t
thetic and ju st,’he will try to do what he ought
If a man has a
V uaJone"
X X « 1 ‘. " “’’actin’;
to do. His success will depend on his age and his tow ards liquor, why doesn t he lea\e it a lo n e .
, he above entitled matter, •
degree of semi-civilization.
I know a man who is prominent in politics, him- praying f„r authority and license to
Men once as imperfect as the higher apes. are self the Governor of a S tate and his father be- »„n the real property of the above
slowlv improving. and m arriage is their training fon» him a Governor
The father had been a named
school. Wives know it and prepare their m a tri-(great drunkard. For th at reason Ins son never
fo||.,w »
monial decalogues chiefly for am usem ent. <t: touched It. He knew the weakness was in his Tha, lU>, „al(J Kdw»rd w ivters-
interests them to think what a husband might | blood and he avoided it. This is the main thing meyer la the owner of th e follow ing
for which heredity is good It ought to teach us
,h.‘ a u t/ o f
be. if he were not w - hat *"
he is.
N earer reality is the “husband calling contest. what kind of tem ptations to avoid.
orfagon. to-w it:
Any man who goes to the devil is the m aker of
The Wra, nrty feet of Lot» one »nd
At the Suffolk. Va., fair prizes were for wives that
could call their husbands with a voice endearing his own downfall. We nev'*v pfcce a false Stone two In Block three In Mountain View
; ^ ^ h^
td7 ^ tr, tnO^ n two m
and audible from afar. The wife combining e n ­ in the edifice of our career unless we do It
dearm ent with extreme radius was to be crowned « e lv e s .
Mountain View Perk, in I-ane County.
Likewise any man who achieves success is en- OregoB
queen of husband callers. U nregenerate hus­
ix>t« flfty-aeven and flity-elght. Tua-
bands will shudder at the thought of th at penetra­ titled to credit for it. O ther people and event*
mav have contributed to his venture, but they tot,n
ting. endearing call.
Wives have been engaged in th at husband-call­ would have m eant nothing without his coopera c<)unty Oregon
ing contest for 500.000 years, first to get him, tion.
The Northwest Quarter of the North-
The one thing th at a successful man clings to west Quarter of Section Fourteen In
then to keep him. Their patience throughout the
ages is amazing, the smallness of their reward is his sense of responsibility. He is the m aster of J ow»-hip S ev .n ieen ^ ju ^o ^ R .n r-
his fate and he aught to be the captain of h i s , i)an |n ( ane Counfjr state of Oregon
* *
i That »aid tract» of land are vacant
Our true heredity is from Gad and we all have an(i unoccupied land» and cannot be
Scientists have now decided that “excitem ent" in us the power to m ake som ething of ourselves, rented ^ " ' ’.{ " -X c ’e ^ r y ^ f ^ X
is an emotion ranking along with love, anger,
The Orientals deify their ancestors, but all we
tn pay
, h e r eon
fear, hate and joy. For a dem onstration watch use them for is to put the blam e of our actions Bn(, ,j,at ga)(j gUardian believes th a t
dad these days as Christm as shopping gets under nn them If everything tJiat is said about heredity n would be fo r th e beat in te re a t of
» « - true th i, ...r k t would ..e .d lly « » » .h e
a •
and it
dogs. As it is, it is
¡8 growing better
Better ana
11 u IS i m
i - - on Interest nr Inverted In some pro-
An Alaska store is creating much talk by pass- proving because there is a continual crop of new do(.,|Ve stock under the supervision
lng out pennies in change, t h e u Z w i t n bahi?
ilU° “
hUman‘ty *8 &
»‘. ‘.T'ward h .» no next of k,n
m any natives—who think they are nickles with
father j “ or m other or g r e a t, NOW. THEREFORE,
therefore , “ IT
i ' t ' is
. No
v o u m i a atter
i w . what your --------
IS " H
an inferiority complex.
a a a
uncles were, therefore, you should not be d o w n -, RY OR pered th a t th»- n e x t of kin
! of »aid E d w a rd W P e te re m e y e r. if
There are now 20,991.333 automobiles under
Dr. Johnson once asked a woman to m arry him ^.ny there ^•ta« d0‘ ,,g^ i ’: na’rd'n1J ^ ,a’r
license and being driven in the United States, ac­ and she replied: “ Sir, I cannot because my <° - befnn> lh)i Court at q,« C ounty C ourt
cording to a W ashington report.
dition in life is not equal to yours. Besides, i nave H()Ua(.
EUK,.ne. i ^ n e C ounty. O re
two uncles th at have been hung.
gon. on th e 17th d a y of December,
s a y . f a i l l e In !o .e I. o k .h , t ,
He answered: 'A . far a .
“ »t “
is right. Falling out of an cerned, all men are borne equal, and as ia r as (
|ttena«. and authority
should be done the same way.
ancestors are concerned while I have no un „ gh„uld not b>. g ra n te d fo r th e aale of
»aid premise»
prem ise» for
for the
th e purpoae
p urpoae »et
Het forth
fo rth
that have been hung, I have several relatives g;ljd
In said p e titio n
The King of Arabia is having a m otor car built th at ought to be hung.
IT IS F I'R T H E R O R D E R E D th a t a
Iarce enough to take b ’s tw enty wives with him
» » a
ro p y of th ia o rd e r ahal5 be p ublished
nn tour. TM .X nt it: tw enty b w k - ^ a t d r iv e r ,:,
hM a ..„ ro a d w a y " It b
n fry th re e . a u e , re sa lv b, e w e ek s In T h e
...... ................................................................................... I
• il ig e r t ’v .
Nicotine ts surely some gate crasher.
sai l.
C. P. BARNARD. C o u n ty Ju d g e
m a
. D r. Royal Q ic k
«7S (Dillamette St
Jgat one tkiaQ— bst I d o it rkQhl
Sam asaer'v-w a
. .wwn vmtaaarv
Beecher’s Pig
Henry Ward Beecher used to tell about
buying a Pig for $9.00. lie fed It $40.00
worth of corn and sold It for $10.00,. He said:
“ I didn’t m ake m uch on the corn, but 1
cleared 11*; on the pig.”
There« a lot of business done that way.
People take chances. Sometimes they are
very careless and are so attracted by pro­
mises of big earnings th at they grab at them
- and lose the original Investment, and thus
have a Beecher’s Pig on hand. We deal only
in sound, conservative securities.
This Bank will be Closed all day Friday—
Amiztice Day.
Protected by Electric Burglarly A la rm System
Commercial State Bank
BUT— We Know Something
We know how to make good candies and Ice cream«.
Years of experience have taught us that. We start with the
best ingredients and use the best known scientific methods
In producing sweets th at look good and taste better.
You’re always right with a box of Egglm enn’s
“ Where the Service la a Little Different."
State of Oregon, County of Lane— a t.
I, L L. R ay, a tto rn e y fo r th e g uai-
d la n in th e a b o v e e n title d m a tte r, do
h e re b y e e rtlfly th a t I h av e prepare«!
th e fo reg o in g rttpy of O rd e r T o Show
C a u se ; th a t I h a v e eom im retl th e sam e
w ith th e o rig in a l th e re o f anti th a t It ‘a
a e o rre e t tr a n s c r ip t th e re fro m and of
th e w hole th ereo f.
D ated thl» 8th day n t N ovem ber. A. I
N. 10-17 24
D. *:
Why Not
Have Style
service and utility com­
Rimless spectacles aro
suitable for the Office Man.
For the Clerk or Salesman
the light weight, inner-
lined shell fram es are less
apt to be bent out of Hhape.
While the “Out-door”
Man or the M achanic needs
a heavy, durable s h e l l
Crookes or Soft Light
lenses for the motorist.
The white gold Oxofrds for
“My Lady” when shopping,
white gold spectacles for
home wear. Always Rim­
less for social affairs.
These suggestions from
the list o f appropriate
glasses for all occasions.
Dr. Ella C. Meade
No. 14 8 Ave. West
Bugene, Oregon
W e Gi vt'»¿).VZ G r e e n D is c o u n t
.• t
Check Your “Grippe”
At Ketel’s Drug Store
La Grippe is a disease which m ay come without
warning. It is. therefore, wise to give attention
to the slightest cold and guard agalnHt Its de­
velopment into a real case of Grippe. The poison
produced from Grippe germ s are deadly to life-
giving cells of the body so every m eans should be
used to rid your system of Grippe germ s when the
first symptom s are noticed.
* Zerbt’s Grippe Capsules
are a reliable, safe and sure remedy for Colds, lui
Grippe, Tonsilitis, and sim ilar ailments. They
quickly expel the germ s and their poisons from
the system.
Keep this remedy handy, ready for lmmedlute use
during the cold w eather season.
Pric«— 25q and 60c
Ketels’ Drug Store