PAQB THRJW So We'va Observed The »tunning coastguard find» Bcsutlful residences for rent on B p rln g fla ld Stops the path of duty Main Street. Five blocks from Ihe N o rth b o u n d Full uft a most unpleasant one for Ercrglades Apply at ileal Estate __________ _____1:18 P. M. him— office any time during.low title. ........ ...... 4:17 A. M. Fla« He'd rather neck with some fair Southbound bathing Beauty NOTICE OF ROAD DISTRICT No. IS __________ • 9:33 P M Flag Than rescue the old maids who MEETING No. 81 ........... ......... ..............N 6:45 A M. Ta Whom It May Ctmcam: cannot swim. Coach Special for Klamath Falls Notice Is hereby given that meeting and beyond, on flag at 2:01 P. M. on of the legal voters being resident tag Wa Know the Place payers and owners of real property Sunday. Tuesday and Friday. Hotel O w ner^“Wonld yon lflU in Road DIstrh-t No 13. In U n « Coun­ ty, Oregon, will ba held at the hour 19 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE of 7 P. M on the 28th day of Woven some view s of the place to PLANO FOR BALE near Bprlpgfteld. U N IT - Waltham 17 Jew el Watch, FOR RENT—la Springfield. House your frtendaT' STATE OF ORBOGN FOR THE ber, A . D.. 1927, at the Loaf Valley No. 807 on E HL, 6 rooms, bath and Beautiful high grade Imtruruml Dtaaettefied «neat—-S ir. I tMak II COUNTY O r LANE chain and knife. Initial F. I), tl. School house In aald Road Olatrtct, garage for twenty doMara a month Katy Bern». PtalaOE. vs. Frank J. to determine whetehr said road dis­ vsoald be better for me to keep my Bargain for quick »ala. T a m a 210 Between FXigeje aud Springfield. See N. A. RoWa N * -1# Beers. Defendant. trict shall levy a special tax of >4410.40 view s of thia place to myself." tnuulhly arraagwd (ur good bum». if Reward. F, D Itolleter, Eugene, SU M M O N S upon all the taxable property In said latareated addreaa II. A. blrarnaab. PfcpM «41. ■ AT THANKSGIVING DINNER Factory Plano Ad)u»ter, «13 North T o Frank J. Bear», the above named district for the purpose of providing funds for the Improvmeat of the Trent IN THE WITH Ufi Defendant: O F ____ Boran Aranua. Beallta. Washington FOR BAUD—F all alse lot an Park STATE OF OBHOON, IN AND FOB IN THE NAME GF THE BTATB Parvln Bridge Road (Road D) and Dn I Hirer I. Wlllamalta Heights Street A Big Fat Juicy Thankglrlng Turkey Creek Road (Road C). LANE COUNTY. OF OREGON, you are hereby required the C. Lost graded and rocked. Price 12X0 00. P BARNARD. County Judge Given Absolutely Free With Bach to appear and answer the complaint Cofra Campbell. Plaintiff, Y.-. HoPfigfi All kinds of boeaa palm ing. Kalao CLINTON HURD, County Commis­ A. J. Morgan. Phone Springfield W Campbell, Defendant. mining 12 par room and up. Roy Used Car Bought From Ua From filed agalnnt you In the above entitled To Horace W. Campbell. Defend*»!! 121-M N 10 I Now Till Thankaglvln«. Court and can .e on or before the 10th sioner. Koch. Call l i t J . If. M H. ANDERSON. County Commis­ In the name of the State o ’ Oregon, day of November, 1927, «aid date be­ you are hereby repaired to appear *o4 The beet unbreakable watch crya- Thia Is an unusnaJ event with us ing more than »lx weeka (font the data sioner. NOTICE r o l l PUBLICATION N. 10-17-24: answer the Complaint filed hertlfi first pit..... publication of thia rum ..........................— tala. Any ahape or site. Hoyt's Store which baa proved very popular with of the flrat no o u t: « against you In the above entitled Milt mons and herein entered of record Department of the Interior, U. *. 111 Main Street. If our customer». If you need a better and If you fall ao to appear and answer | NOTICE TO CREDITORS and Court within four weeks of thfi Land Office at Roooburg, Oregon. car, take ad rentage of the oppor­ for want thereof the plslntlff will i n THE COUNTY COURT OF THE date of the first pubtlcatlon of this October 14, 1927. We specialise In awtaa brarlet watch summons, and If yon fall to appear, spply to the Court for the relief In , STATE OF OREGON FOR LANE tunity and a fine big turkey will be NOTICE la hereby given that Elmer repairing Hoyt’» 321 Main Street. If for want thereof the plaintiff will take comolalnt demanded and prayed , COUNTY. delivered to you at Thanksgiving her C. Yeoman of Creawi ll, Oregon, who, for to-wit: In the Matter of the Estate of Charlea Judgment against you as prayed to* on November It. 1921 made Home FOR HALE—Carbon paper In targe with our compliments. In plaintiffs Complaint, to-wlt: for fi For Judgment and Decree of K- Clark, Deceased ■lead Entry, Serial No. 011112«. (or ta>t The undersigned having been ap­ decree of the Court dissolving tha ■beet». 28x3« Inches, aultahle for I We have the finest selection of de­ Divorce, dissolving th? bonds of matrl pointed by the County Court of the bonds of matrimony and granting to t of Section it. Townablp 1» 8. Range making »raring» The New« Office . t W. W illamette Meridian, baa (lied pendable used cars In Lane county. mnnv now and heretofore existing be­ State of Oregon for I-ane County v! plaintiff an abaokite divorce from tha tween ihe Plaintiff. K at' Beers and notice of Intention to make Final Every car la priced down to the last the defendant Frank J Beers on the mlnlRtralrlx of Ihe estate of Charles defendant tor the rare and custody Three-year Proof, to eatubllah claim to SUM M O NS the minor children of plaintiff and grounds of c rn e l and Inhuman treat- K Clark, deceased and having quail of dime. the land above deacrlbed. before E. O. fled, notice Is lir e b y given to the defendant, and for such other and IN THE CIRCUIT COURT <>F THE I Imtnel, U. 8 Cotninlaaloner, at hla of- creditor» of, and all persm a having further relief as to the Court may (he CHr0 an|4 cnatO(- . the STATE OF OREGON FOR LANE Our selection Include« open and closed flee nt Eugene, Oregon, on the 22nd claims against said deceased, to pre­ seem Just and equitable. such model»— Ford». Chevrolet«. Essex, I rh)Irt n)lve1te Beera and for COUNTY. day of November, 1927. This summons Is served upon yon sent them, as required by taw. within I «von«» Brigg«. V«. V. W. Brigg«. De D o d g e . Willy» Knight, Oardner, other relief as to the Cccrt shall six months after the flrat publication bv publication by rlrtne of an ordar Claimant namea na wltneaaea: feadanL W illia m E d lo tl. of Creawell. Oregon, Studebaker, Franklin and Bulck. ln-|»e«m meet of thia notice to toe said NeHli J of the Hon. G. F. Sklpworth, Judga Frank Tlvry, of Creawell, Oregon. To. V W Brigg». Defendant: a line selection of late That this summon» 1» served upon c , t 434 M(ner Building. Eugene, of said Court, dated and filed No*. 2. IN THE NAME OF THE STATE eluding » fine selection y b v n„bi|catlon thereof In the DatP of flrat publication here- 1927. directing this Summons ba August PobIL of Eugene, Oregon, You «re hereby r e -! model«. Norrla Smith. of C re a w e ll. O regon OF OREGON: ■ RnrfngiMd New« purw aat to an order of the 3r4 day of November. 1927 served upon, you by publication of tha qulrnd to appear and answer the com Not coal land. • . .. . .lx frmm AKA no We trad*- Honorable C. P. Barnard Jndfc* NELLIE J CLARK, Administratrix sam e once a week for four consecu­ We have them from >60 up, We #f fhp g u . / ^ Estate of Charles E. Clark, plaint fl’» Hall at M fif thin •ummon«» first published EUGENE CONCRETE PIPE CO. Dated a t Eugene, Oregon, thia »• X./XW./» n e n n a n oiSTHICT"" Hdge High School Building In said cola In said Road District to determine October 17th. 1427. tf. NOTICE OF ROAD DISTH C Rnad District, to determine whether day of October, 1927. WHITTEN SWAFFORD. Attorney THOMAS C OORRIE. Executor of M E E T IN G ro#d dtoulct ghan ieTy a special whether said road district «hall lavY for Ihe Plaintiff Residence snd P o ll a special tax of »3971.35 upon *11 the the Ealale of Charlea I. Oorrle, de offlre Address. Oregon. lax of »10. 258.13 upon all the taxable taxable property In »aid district for SU M M O N * \ etlr- I, hereVv given that u meet property In said district for the par ceaaad. » . O. 27: N 110-172«: IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE Ing of the legal voters being resident | poae of providing funds for matnten the purpose of providing fund» tor O. 1 0 H : N. 11017: STATE OF ORKUON FOR LANE taxpayer« and owner» of real pro-1 ance of existing- roads and conatruc- continuing the road from Oahkoah mtu COUNTY. , _ , , . to Linn Co. line. In Road Dlatrlct No. 2. In L a n e.tlo n of new roada. . , Idamay Stoenaon. Plaintiff, va. Lloyd terty C P BARNARD. County Judge. r n n tv O rego n w ill be held at the C. P BARNARD. County Judge S Stoenson, Defendant. hour of 2 P M on th i 19th day of CLINTON HURD, County Commla CLINTON HURD. County CornmlF To Lloyd 8. Steenson. defendant B* M *«. ANDERSON. Connty Commit- November. A. D., 1927, at the Me- »loner. IN THE NAME OF THE STATE vlF OREGON: You are hereby re­ Kenxle Bridge SchoolBonsce In said , m h . ANDERSON, County Commla- aioner. ARCHAMBEAU’fi determine nurt'i Dlatrlct, i/isu ict. to xx- ------------- — - whether aioner. N. 19-17-2« quired to sppoar and answer the com­ Road WOMENS SHOP hemstitching N 3-10-17 plaint filed against you In the abov^ said road district shat! levy a special Specialty Dressmaking tax of >8158.41 uppn all the taxable 5c a yard entitled suit within ten days from Ihe ’ ESTIMATED BUDGET FOR THE TOWN OF SPRINGFIELD FOR 192« Evening D reasea— Hand Made i date of the service of this summon« property in said dlatrlct for the pur­ ‘ Mrs W. K BARNELL pose of providing funds for. One mill Springfield, Oregon, October 31st, 1927. # upon vou. If served within this county, Flowera — Hats and Coats for maintenance on Foley Road. One 533 D Street. Phone 105-W Budget Committee Meeting was ca*'®? to . orrt^ I.rihyp Bushman Cor. Malu and Hacund Streets. 1 or If served within any other county- mill for maintenance on South Fork in this sta te' then within twenty days y r leave order» at nili for maintenance on Bushman. Upon motion duly ™art' e - ^ ¿ ’"ttee and W Tvson as Secretary- mill for maintenance on Phone 188-W front the sèraìcè of this summon» up- Road One Two mills tor construe-; was elected Chairman of the Budget tom m ittee a z Farmers Exchange * King road. *on you. and If you fall to answer, ‘ tor- Street Improvement: 69.99 want thereof Ihe Plaintiff will take flon «-to of mile to Fox Farm Lumber c P BARNARD. County Judge 409.09 Judgment against you tor Ihe relief Labor, Man and team 12 months CLIiJTON HURD. County Com­ 309.09 prayed tor In complaint. Dated this Crushed Roch ---------------------------- 50.09 SPRINGFIELD 28th day of October. 1927 This sum . missioner. Cement Alley Crossing* ----------- M H. ANDERSON. County Com 200.09 I mons Is published pursuant to an SECOND HAND STORE Cutting Weeds ------------------------ 75.09 order made by the Hon G F. Skip- mlssloner. Surveying Streets -------------------- * - 259.09 worth. Judge of said Court, dated Buys, Sslls snd E schsnges Cleaning Streets ............... ............... 100.00 NOTICE OF ROAD DISTRICT ¡November 1. 1927. and requiring the Equipment and Supplies ............... 76.09 W. LUBKE, Pi-op.. 129 5th fit. MEETING summons herein to be published once Sewer Pipes n wwek for tour weeks In "The Spring > 1500.09 228 Main 8L Residence 126 C 8 t field News" a newspaper printed and To Whom It May Concern: (> J «M pub’lshed at Springfield. Iuine County. Notice Is hereby given that a m eet­ ~ ' Phone 130-M 1800.09 Oregon The date of the first publi­ ing of Ihe legal voters being resident PO,,eChrenf,‘ofF,pr: i .? : 7 ,nrtd 7 !? e :ch ief at »150^00 per month 12I months. 1580.09 Full Auto Equipment 1 Police Officer and Fireman at »130 W Per -m”’"tnh, hi" montl1’ - X290.00 cation is November 3. 1927 Lifo, Automobils and Fire taxpayers and owners of real property SMITH * EVANS. Attorneys tor in Road District No. 9. In I-ane Coum 1 Night Watchman at >105.00 per month, 12 months............. ..... 128.59 Lady Assistant Inaurane» ¡ Plaintiff, «34 5-8 Miner Bldg . Eugene. ty, Oregon, will be held at the hour of Supp" es $ 4746 60 CARL A. WYMAN 2 P M. on the 12th day of November. Oregon. N. 3 19-17 2«: Resident Agent A. D., 1927, at the W. O. W. Hall ; 990.09 at Jasper, Oregon. In said Road D istrict Recorder's Salary: 73« D Street. Springfield. Oregon 1 Recorder, 12 months ------------------------------------------ - IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE to determine whether said road dis_ ' I trlct shall levy a special tax o f 23040.38 T r e a s u r e r ’s S a la ry : 180 09 VASBY BROS. STATE OF OREGON FOR THE 1 upon all the taxable property In said x Treasurer. 12 months COUNTY O f LANR 240.09 The First National Bank of Spring- district tor the purpose of providing Attorney’s Fees: Painting & Decorating Rea. Phone 169 Piano Moving • « iil’a fP . 1 A ttn rn pV 12 months 1 Attorney, for ___.1 road «»xrxxzvx-zxYvxont improvement W Wal ace field. Oregon. Plaintiff, v s . w . H. . funds Clark, his wife. Creek "G" 2891-. Hill Creek ’’F" 26^,. L'B U g S u : Mountain State Power Company. Lights for Streets in all Its branches SPRINGFIELD TRANSFER Clark and 26%. ••■ and L. Timmons and R n. F r Timmons u Little t t l e Fall r a n i Creek re e a “I” i evve. ■■■ Little WILLI» BERT8CH, Prop. and Public Building?. 12 months • _ Hvdr; nti 312 Main Street her husband. Sam Sorenson and L. F„n rrePk Pengra ‘E 22 % OFF1CB AT SERVICE OARAGE Water: Mountain States Power Company. Fire Hydrants. C P BARNARD. County Ju d ge. M Travis. a corporation. De- c p Judf Trnvls, Inc., De­ Street Sprinkling. Drinking Fountains. Public Buildings. u 5 0 fi9 633 Main 8lreet CLINTON HURD, County Commis­ fendants. Successor to Sutton Transfer 12 months ------------------------------------------------------------------- --------- ------ sioner. _ , 8 U M M O N S $ 3000.09 M. H. ANDERSON. County Commis­ DR. 8. RALPH DIPPEL To W’. H. Clark nnd .... Clark sioner. Street Cleaning and Flushing: month _______ 6 1380.0« the above named defendants: O. 27: N. 310: DENTIST Man and Team. 12 months at >115.00 per m o n tn ------- IN THE NAME OF THE STATE Offllce Phone «3 Res. Phone 3 Town Hall Supplies: «5.09 -OF OREGON, you are hereby required Phone 43 NOTICE OF ROAD DISTRICT Carl H. Phetteplaco. M. D. Fuel, 12 months —----------------------------------------------------- to appear and answer the complaint | MEETING First N a ti Bank Bldg., Springfield tiled ngaln»t you In the above entitled I General Practice, Special Attention n '^ M edlcaVservices and Official Supervision ..................... - • x—— — Court nnd cause on or before the 10th To Whom It May Concern: to Obstetrics and D iseases of chil­ Advertising .. ... _______ 100.09 I day of November. 1927. said date be- Notice Is hereby given that a m eet­ Official Advertising, 12 months ------------------------- — dren. 1 Ing more than «lx weeks from the date ing of the legal voters being resident _______ ____ _____ ___ __ „„„„„ __________ | 570.9« of the first publication of this sum- taxpayers and owners of real property Town Library: First National Bank Building Service»; Rent, Wood, Supplies and Expenses ---------- monn and herein entered of record tn Road District No. 10, In Lane Coun­ Springfield. Oregon MAX STOVE WORKS 10 09 I and If you fall so to snpear and answer ty Oregon, w ill be held at th hour of Care of Poor, Aidlnfl D estitute: Buys, Sells. R epal/s and 12 months .......... — ------------------------------ ------ --- “ ‘¿3 125.0« for leant thereof the plaintiff will 2 P M on the 12th day of November, Annual Cleanup ....... .......................................... ......... .. apply to the Court tor the relief in A. D., 1927, at the Pleasant Hll! Grade Exchanges 2100.0« ! Its complaint affalnst you demanded Schoolhouse In said Road District, Interest on Bonded Indebtedness: WM. G. HUGHES Stoves, Ranges and Heatora General Improvement. First Issue. ,35i'® ° ^ 00----------- 2100.0« and id prayed prsyeu tor to-wlt: io - wii . . to determine whether sain said roao road uib dis- - F IN I ANO AUTO INSURANCE General Improvement Second Issue, >35,000.00 ---------- 2450.0« A Judgment against W. H. Clark tor J xncx ghaH x of »1766.«» Main near Mill St. R o to " Ronds, due 1932. »35.000 00 ------ ---------------- sneu » -'j R » special . p , . — U ----- NOTARY PUBLIC 3000.«« e nuaaa sum xza of >2969.90 and there- opon all the taxable p rop er# tn thf' —w.-- — ------ Interest ~ In said Refunding Bends due 1944, >50,000.00 ---------------------- 64.0« 'on from the 30th day of November, district for the purpose of providing Otti«* *9 Sewer xjvMuu, QrWvl Bonds, >900.00 « — 568.M 1928. at 8% per annum, and the hinds tor general road purposes, .00 FIRST NATIONAL BANK tmp»ovemedt Bonde, 1926 Issue, 543.09 further sum of »110 5« taxes paid by c P BARNARD. County Judge. .56 Oregon Improvement Bonds, 1927 Issue, Springfield, 7000.09 plaintiff together with Interest «here­ CLINTON HURD. County Po«nmls- Bond Stoking Fund ---------------- - on si 6% per annum from September >17,516.9« 15th, 1927. until paid, and >359 n« * 'M*H. ANDERSON. County Cornntf«- All kina» of grav»l for con. > 700.09 attorney» fees snd the cost* and dt»- DR. N. W. EMERY Emergency Fund 231.36249 • toaer- c r g to or road work. W« bursementa of the suit. O. 27: N. 3-10: __ Erttowted Gross *■ Expenditure« ---------- ----- makfi a «pgdalty of crushed A Decree forecloaing the mortgage DENTIST Anticipated R eveeuea: » 180.99 of the Plaintiff and ordering the real rook and rock'.sand. Bunk, Licenses, fo o l and Billiard Halls, etc., NOTICE OF ROAD DISTRICT 1800.09 Button B ld » Phon» 20-4 property entered thereby sold by the MEETING era at foot of Main on Mill Fine». 12 month« — .... .................................... 2000.09 sheriff of Lane County. Oregon, and Residence Phon» 152-M Road Fund», 12 month» ......................... ....... the proceed» of the salo he applied To Whom It May Concern: . » 3280.9« Notice Is hereby given that a m eet­ HENRY W. CHASE, Prop. In satisfaction of said Judgment and Bprlngflald, Oregon_______ Total Aotlotpbted Ra*»nu«a 217,382.4« for any deficiency which may remain ing of the legnl voters being resident Total Net Exp««idlturea that the plaintiff have Judgment taxpayers and owners of real property InRoad Dlrstlct No. 20. to Lane Coun­ against the defendant W. H. Clark. Th. t o r t , t o r t i s g a s ¡ K t s ” ty, Oregon, will be held at the h ou rof General L a * P tm U m That this summons la served upon A « « . ’ 7 “ • 2 P M. on the 12th day of November, i r s i s a s s s W i u by publication thereof In the £ Hprlngfleld N ew s pursuant to an order A. D.. 1927. at the I-andax School- be heard In favor of or against ’ uch(j"^r C U trnLn. I. M. PETERSON Attorney-« t-L a w JEWELER of the Honorable C. P. Barnard Judge house’ In said R o a d P l s t J ! ®?’ to determine whether said Toad dis­ a E. WHEATON, . of the County Court of the State of trict shall levy a special tax of >1090.00 Repairing a Specialty O. W 3TEWAR.T, Oregon tor the County of iA ne duly CUy Hall Build!»« Springfield, Oregon L.L. MAY, made and entered of record on the upon all the taxable property In said BprtagfloU. Ora. tor the purpose of providing W. P. TYSON, 2«th day of September. ~>27, orderln» district funds for graveling the road In dis­ W .C . this summons to he published one« trict 20 from Grant Hylands place «ach Week tor six consecutive weekt south as far as said fund» <*” «»• M. G. HOOE to the Springfield N ews anjl that th« FRANK A. DE PUE date of the first publication will b« except »200 to fix p l.cea Liat were ATTORNEY AT LAW Attorn ey-afc-Law September 29th, 1927. "”d the date ol '*C. ^'"BARNARD. C ou n # Judge NOTARY PUBLIC the last publication will he the 19th Motion made Practise U. S. and SUto CLINTON HURD, County Comtnl«- Mottoa made I da ij^of ' ”* *■ . *** N o y “ ep iW 19«. f W. P- TTBON, Secretary. Courts NK ÂT DE PUB. Attorney for M*H. ANDERSON, C on n # Cotnmta- i M.2-U: Plaintiff. n«»td«ne* Bbrlnrflald, Ore- BogeoB, Orar»« ■loner, „ " Y 39-, O. »7: N. 5-10: t>. U, 1.5, la, 2^ . 1>. 2, 10: W. F. Walker Funeral Director SPRINSFIRD GRAVEL GO. D . W. R o o f vs?-