-4-r- THURSDAY NOVEMBER 10. 1927 TUB SPRINGFIELD NEWS PAGE TWO WIDOWS CLUB TO DINE ON EVENING OF NOV tag on tba highway naar that p la .a Saturday Ha • * » treated nt a local p hy> lciaa'w office H a waa lin in g a b aa ty tim b er whan ba injured bia lag TOWN AND VICINITY Jim m y P h ilip s M -a. Monaco Battae— Mra Vincent Monaco, daughter of M. B H u a tly . wbo ha» beau « layin « at tha Huntty rwatdeaea ataca bar operation noma tim e ago. to Im proving rapidly and w ill ba able to return to bar home at S t Helena next Sunday. It to expected V isitar From Portland— M rs Vtolet V is ito r Prom W altorvillo — A Ttoltor Bu»kVy of i\>rtland ylaltwd lata last Jrxra W a lta rv illa was 1 H Morgan weak w ith rwatdauta in tba W a lle r Mrs. g oaw y III— Mr« W ill Sea ye» Title district. gf Mohawk has been aery IlL Récitation. " Armtot Ice R eturns to Mott— TVaak Pbffi-isb. Gita in Tow n K K. Olio. W’aKor- who Halted for some lim a w ith Mr. VOlr. was a rto ito r bore M onde Reading and Response. and M rs K W Cotilas here, ha» re­ V is ito r Prom Call fora I a— M ra W . Field.“ ...... ............ — His VisHora at Not»— M r and M ra Sam tornad to his home a t Sort. W' W aal of Rlverslds. California, ts Flag Salute M atgomery spent Sunday with his tonsil» « a ra ratiMored at tba office of ria l ling three slaters la this district, a local «urgwon last weak. Song. A m i rica aaracta at Sort. Mrs. R B Oldham M m . Roy Palm er Sh« w ilt H»r« From C a lifo rn ia — M rs. Susie and Mrs. Clnrwace H a n » Rogers of ttokiand. C alifo rn ia, visitad be hare a month, w ith M m. Oldham In Springfield Last »reek to secure the who sxpeclg to enter the Phclflc C hris­ •a rric e» of a local physician who • tian hospital Bunday for a m ajor operation spectallitng in goiter treatm ent Many From Marwoto— .Vmoog Mar- cola residents who Halted Springfield oa b a a in a » lata last week w are Mr» C. M Miller. F Roy Lane and M rs O W M iller. w— Oram Car a Springfield Tsecftsrs V ie it H a r n e a — Misa Francés Hodge. teacher tn ib e S p rln g field bigh acbooL visitad haré borne Ham From Jasper— P. S HIUs of at Salem o re r tbe »reekend. Among Jasper paid Springfield a stall Mon otbar teacbera aw ay over the weab- end were Misa T iakb am . who w ent lo ♦ay. CorraAla. and M I » Paulina M illar, Tburwtan Man H am Ed W h itta k er who Ha lad at Dalla». »f Thurston paid Springfield a bust Spm m a Leg— H a rry W . Parks of geas visit Monday C rea v e ll sprained bis leg w hile wurk- W a lter» 11 le Man I»»— Fred Easton of W a ltw s lU e wa» a Springfield vtoitor Monday. BRATTAIN SCHOOL TO GIVE PROGRAM TODAY An Arm lattcd day program to ache dnlad for the B m tta ln school today at t o'clock T ha program, » an Bounced by the principal. M m O ra Read Hem enw ay. follow« Pong "M y Oregon Song. "T hree L ittle S la te rs ." ---------- First gmde R ecitation. "O ar Flag. .. F irst grade Second grade FTag D rill -------- Concurt reading. Bright Flag."'------ ___ Thlrd-A grade W ilbu r M«pn«reon III— W ilb u r Me- Tba nawly-organised group la now Dny" l'irta A grado meeting ragnlarly. thelaat m ealing be Itierann «on of A iry McPbarnon. has mg at tba home of Mra. I'e a rl Clnrk bean aartoualy til M r «onia time In H and era F ifth B grade Pennsylvania. T h in Week-End discloses many real opportunities for saving» on thv household budget. Item* are Included In these IXillar Dry offerings th«t are worth much more than the price nuked, be sure to come eitrly while assortments are complete. WHITE ENAMEL PAIL ____ . . . e- M '- I f < I Iiili W a lterv ilte V is ite r In— M r a D. C. T ro tte r o f W a lte rrille »hopped la , Springfield. Monday. Ooaa to Philadelphia—J T w o rtlo cf I'ongrg purctumad a Southam Pnolfio tic k *! here Ibis weak for I'hlladelgtoe, at Wetherbee-Powers -jJI J, C -eek Man In Tow n— George W a r­ p er of F a ll Creek wa« a business Ttoltor here Monday O rganlm ttoa took place a few weak« ago. tba club being parale norial, an i lim iting Ita m rm barablp lo tha widow« of tba city. DOLLAR DAY G3J V isits S* ’ l » * •*<* th a t'* our only purpuaa." “aid M t t. Van Valaah "W* « u ltra that In Eu m a a a bnunu up the part we played, there will be no wonder that a nation such as our* should establish itself a* a power for good—and be an acknowledged leader. and Six get» are being clotted out to tn&ke rocm for new wore now arriving. All nmall piece*, value* up to 11.26, being of- Q Q x« fered at close out prices, only .—................. ............ — du vFV I^arge piece*, Including Platter« and Vegetable « Q Diahes, value to >6.00, o n ly ------------------------ ---- - T w l Real Estate Mm. H. E. Pilcher drove In from Cren- w e ll Saturday 160 ACRES of good land In Washington to trade for *ome- thfng here. Price >4000. Mortgage of >700. Can buy on long time. W a lta rv illa Folk H a ra -M r and M ra H a rry Parka of W aM ervlUe w ar- etottora at a local store Saturday Trades! — Trades! y ie lto rf From W a lta rv illa — Robert M cNow n of W a lte rrille waa a rtoitor here Saturday YOUR CREDIT ERBEE POW ERS 1*. W lllo m e n . WE CHARGE INTEREST ai U n m rh California. Washington, Montana and Idaho. We are get­ ting trades from there every day, so If you have anything to trade come in and list your property. We can match you. W angling Man In— C. A Cooper of W en dllng was a business ria lto r here i this week. WAf. VASBY REAL Cm sw ell Woman Hera— Mra. W F. Roberta of Cresw ell waa a Springfield Phone 73- J ESTATE 312 Main St. Springfield, Ore. visitor Friday. In From Rainbow Mrs. George W W illia m a of Rainbow was a Spring field ria lto r thia week. ■ j Jasper Man Here— Paul Radtke of Jasper paid S p rln g firil a buatneaa v is it FVIday. Made for one purpose Here From Yakim a, W ashington— G ordon B o u rg eto o f Y a kim a . W anbing- to n . to » to ltln g fo r Borne lim e with h!a g ra n d p a re n t« , .Mr and M rs. E. W. Colhns of Springfield. C resw ell Man In— L. Ca«tlem an j f —to promote pleasure C re s w e ll wa« a T to lto r here S aturday. W endling People Here — Among W e n d lln g r.ro p le here S a tu rd a y were Jdr«. C lin to n IjtB e e and O. A. Ha««- man. SUM M ONS In the C ircu it Court of the State of Oregon fo r Lane County. M in n ie H e a th e r, P la in tiff, »« V e rn o n Rnanel H e a th e r. D efe n da n t T o V ernon R ur«el H e a th e r. D efendant. IN T H E N A M E O F T H E S T A T E O F. OREGON You are h e re b y re- q n lrn d to appear and a n sw e r the co m ­ p la in t file d again«» you In »he above e n title d « u lt w ith in tw e n ty week« fro m th e f« t e o f the fir s t p u b lic a tio n o f th is «um m ons and If you fa il so to a n sw e r f o r w a n t th e re o f the p la in ­ t i f f w ill ta k e a decree a g ain«! you fo r th e d is s o lu tio n o f th e m a rria g e re ­ la tio n now e x is tin g betw een sa d plaiB t i f f and said 'd e fe n d a n t and th a t said p la in t if f to he decreed to Ite »he o w n e r o f the fo llo w in g d e « crlh e il prem ises B e g in n in g on h o u na ry lin e o f and ISO fp e t N W o f the most n o u th e rly p o in t o f lo t 1 In b lo ck 21 lln C huis V is ta P a rk, Ixsne C ounty. O regon, thence N E 70 feet, thence p a ra lle l w ith the S W lin e o f said lo t to S lin e o f Lake S tre e t, th e n ce w e s te rlv to E lin e o f C e n tra l S tre e t, thence SE 60.98 fe e t to b e g in n in g . "Hie da te o f th e o rd e r o rd e rin g the p u b lic a tio n o f th is «um m ons 1« dated Noeem her 8. 1927. and req u lr« « ouh- llc a tlo n once each w eek fo r fo u r weeks, and date o f fir s t p u b lic a tio n is N o ve m b e r 10th. 1927. C A W TNTFRM BHO R. A ttorney fo r P la in tiff. R eslden««: E ugene, Oregon. N . 10-17 24: D. 1 « : “He suffered that we might smile; he died that we might live. He made the supreme sacrifice that we, on this side of the world, might, carry on in the Ideals our forefathers died for in ’76. He Bleeps; but his memory Is active in the heart of every American.” Camel is attuned to the mood of the smoker who seeks pleasures rather than panaceas* Offered as a cheer not as a cure* The Unknown Soldier and his seventy thousand comrades who fell beside him occupy a shrine in our hearts. Let us not forget our dead. But let us also remem­ ber those of our boys whom the gods of war spared. TH IS STORE WILL REMAIN CLOSED ON FRI DAY. ARMISTICE DAY Phone CALL Phone If all cigartttet were as goad as Camel you wouldn't hear anything about special treat­ ment» to make cigarettes good for the throat. Nothing takes the place of choice tobaccos.