M a k e Y o u r W ant» K now n * Use the Claaaified Ada. THE SPRINGFIELD NE HPKINOF1ELI). LANE COUNTY. OREGON. THURSDAY NOVEMBER 10, 1»27 lib r a r y X .» ■•Th« People's Paper" _____ U IV 1 N E W S P A P E R IN A L IV E T O W N NUMBER 44 TW BNTY-POURTH YKAIt S.P. » ENTEB M'KEHZIE IS RUMOR Extenalon of ging Road aldered by aldarao Dy Would Tap bw Wav of W S ENDING 10 BE OBSERVED HEBE Naw Man Enlisted; Strength I of Company Now Exceed* [ Maximum Quota Many Event«, Both In Spring- field and On Neighboring Campus, To Keep Celebranti Busy; Legion Dinner and G. A. R. Affair Scheduled. Booth-Kelly Log Said to Ba Con With the promotion of five men «nil Southern ouuin«ni Pacific; ■ • tt,„ enlistm ent of one new member, aa -- a, — McKenile Timbar ,h. Springfield National Ouard unit Cata Creek. h»e been brought again above It» max. Events of Interest Thursday and Friday Thursday 2:30 P. M.—Alumni convention on University campus. 7:00 P. M —Annual pajama and noise parade In Eugene. 8:30 P. M —Rally for Oregon- Oregon State game. Armory. Friday 11.00 A. M —Alumni meeting on university campus. Unveil­ ing of John Straub’s por­ tra it 12:00 M.—Campus luncheon, uni­ versity. 12:00 M.— Luncheon, W. O. W. hall. Ladles of the G. A. R. of Springfield. 12.45 P. M —O. A. R. program. 1:30 P. M. — Oregon - Oregon State, football game Hay­ ward field. 2:30 P. M.—Springfield vs. Leb­ ated aa a part of the W endllng branch |00 per cent, and waa able to re- , anon. football. line Several large limber holdera p,)rt t„ headquarter» by S o’clock 2:30 P. M —G. A. R Ladle» 1n the McKenile dlatrlct are anxintis a test mobl’txatlon 1» held :n an ef- business meeting. W. O. W. that their timber be developed and no fort to determine Juat how quickly « ball, with Inspection by doubt aaw mllla would be erected that company can get ready to move in state officers. would Juallfy the extenalon by freight Caae a call should come from the 4:30 P. M —American Legion revenue While the routing does not federal government. and Auxiliary dinner, cham­ ber of commerce rooms. afford a» good grades aa a line from ---- - „ 3 * Heyden Bridge following the McKen- §PR|NGFIELD TO TRY With stores, banks, and other bust* ness houses closed, and classes of the ate It wouM accomplish Ihe aame pur-, AVENGE DEFEAT AT elementary and high school dismissed, pnaea with a lot less Investment. LEBANON ON ARMISTICE Springfield people will observe armis* Whether the Booth Kelly company has ■....... . L tlce day In diverse manner tomorrow. been approached In regard Io Ihe pur HEALTH SITUATION IN Determined to wipe out the defeat With the homecoming events on the chaae of thta lo w in g road I. no, high ' POPULAR SPRINGFIELD SPRINGFIELD APPEARS known, bu, hut no no doubt doubt the the company company o f * « foolhail F day. tNUn will P * the lhe university campus offering a multi* known, go to COUPLE ARE MARRIED TO BE SATISFACTORY tude of attractions, and several I»* would be glad to dispose of <> c ||y tomurrow afternoon AT W ILL W RIGHT HOME tereetlng affairs are planned in Spring* the timber 1« cu, out. , A Bnd Although apparently making head­ field itself. The Southern Pacific company has with Mood h ^ ^ F . * - way In ojher parts of the county. In­ In a pretty ceremony at the hom i of Events ,n connection with the home* been " " ^ 7 ¿ ‘X n . , . two have seen the local player. practicing fantile paralysis so far has been »ac­ coming are scheduled «to get under Mr and Mrs. W ill Wright yesterday. of Louis Hill to the M cK ensl. two ^ p a n o n tilt Miss Helena Scott and Mr. Roscoe Springfield Women Have Lead­ cess fully barred from Springfield, ac­ way In Eugene thta evening, when th* year, ago snd Ma, year m ad. a ,r a f this. W ~ cording to Dr. W. H. Dillard, elty great oval shaped bondflre on the side flc survey of the Mt Kenxle w a t.r.h for |h - to lzt>inD„ 7 Perkins, popular Springfield young ing Part In Dietrict health official. No caaee of the dread of Skinner’s Butte will buret into * people, were married. Convention ed malay have been reported to .h is flame as a signal for the annual noise Leaving Immediately after the wed­ ding. the couple planned on going into parade and rally preliminary to the The Springfield Rebekah lodge will office. X - . h / o r e a , North.............d Despite the fhvorable conditions ' Oregon-Oregon State football game* Canada, where they will visit the par send a targe delegation to Waltervtlle ente of Mi«« Scdtt. Upon their re Saturday to attend the district con­ here, however, precautions against the Springfield people who w itness the Northern Pacific, o w n e r . of, » » > ' ■ " £ f<< for Springfield. Into one system The Publ 1c Bervlc , lh# turn In a few days they will be at vention, scheduled to start about 10 disease are continuing, the Boy parade will hear one of the roost eart home to thelr friends at the home of A M.. In the I. O. O. P. hall there. Scouts having called off all meetings splitting affairs ever attempted bf Mr. Perkins' father. George Perkins. Mrs Mary Magill of Springfield will and some other gathering» having university students. It Is predicted. that — ------ Hemenway. alone, has enough beef In Springfield looked after once thle matter waa die- “U" To Celebrate preside at the convention, and other been cancelled. to make a showing against the Leba­ Nine high school students from the Miss Scott came here about two local women will have a prominent Various homecoming events will paged of Whether Ihe Oregon Klee non team, which la composed of heavy Hayden Bridge district were allowed continue on the campus tomorrow years ago, and has been employed n part ln the lodge affaire. trie would extend throught the Ixiran* to return to school here this week morning, culminating In the annual the Parmer’s Exchange store. She has country or up the McKenile river .» men. The last convention was held at The game la scheduled for about a wide circle of friends In Springfield speculative aald Springfield. Attending the Walterville when no cases of the disease develop­ Oregon Oregon State football game »tt peculati ve but bu, Ita I ,, president pres,neu. has n . ------------ - Armle ,Ice afternoon 81,e la a sister of Mrs. Will Wright meeting will be representatives from ed ln that d istrict the afternoon. Sphlngfleld fans will The o r « , » Electric muat go iftimber of Springfield fnn„ fans wtI wID go The health situation here on the be well represented at this event. Mr. P erk in s1 graduated from the Coburg, Creswell. Marcóla. Walter- •whare to develop more freight too with the lean, to w itness the struggle, Springflfld high school and the Univer­ whole appears to be satisfactory, it Springfield high school football fan* nage.' l^ebannn had a good number of sup­ sity of Oregon. He has recently been vllle. Elmira. Oakridge and Spring- was learned from Mr. Pollard. Cases wlT take advantage of the holiday to field the same lodges represented at porter« here last week of mumps quarantined this week have trek to Lebanon, where the local team employed with his father, who la a OFFICERS ARE NAMED the meeting here^ It appear« that the field will be wet so Improved that the children will be will meet the Strawberry City evelea general contractor. Most Importad, session Is scheduled and «loppy. Thia may minimise the BY WOODCRAFT LODGE able to return to school at the begin­ in a return game. A speedy, torrid for the morning when officers wll. ning of next week. AT NIGHT MEETING advantage held by tdsbanon. for the NOV. 21ST. FATHER AND contest is In the offering, due to be named and the new convention Springfield team 1« fast and la rapidly There have been two deaths from Springfield's determination to wipe SON ANNUAL BANQUET place chosen. The whole programe, infantile paralysis ln other parts of out the stigma of a 7 to 0 defeat last Election of Mrs Myrtle Egglmann learning the trick of getting around AT METHODIST CHURCH as announced this week, follows. as guardian neighbor and of other of­ with «peed on a w e, field. the county this week. Saturday Morning Friday. ficers. and formal Initiation of IS new An event of especial interest hero The Springfield community father Opening lodge, W alterville. members. Increasing the lodge mem- r q CROSS ROLL CALL tomorrow will be the annual state IS* ---------------------- an„ banquet will be held Monday Surrender of chairs to convention CONFERENCE OP LUMBER bershlp to 183. were features of an , ------------------- TO START . NEXT WEEK evenlnK, November 21. at the Metho,! WORKERS W ITH COMPANY spection of the Ladies of the G. A* officers. Important meeting of the lin e Cirri«. circle. --------- ! 1st church dining room Committees Introducing of assembly officers and OFFICIALS IS HELD HERE R„ Springfield Neighbor» of Woodcraft lodge, at the G. A. R. Luncheon The annual Red Cross roM call Is to compoRed 0( „ion from each of the visitors. Woodmen night. I’oodm.-n of the World hall teat last nigh )n gpr|njtfleM next week. It rh(irche(l Melhodl«L (lhrtatlan^end At the W. O. W hall at noon A Roll call of officers. Problems growing out of group in­ Installation of the »"’•era wl » t(x, By by Mra. A. B R( m apringfleld'a quota in i . l41Bt ^ r 122 attended the as scheduled above, the official busi­ Grove. ion and Loggers and Lumbermen magician. Edith I^axton; a, M ’ « ; ( th„ ^ e Is to he decided upon and a ’ Reporta of Lodges. locals, A. C. Dixon of the Booth-Kelly ness session will take place, with Mrs. H urlhiitl; attendant. Edith Hur, , vigorous campaign to meet the -------------- h l . year Unfinished business—New bueslness Rosa B. Stewart, Portland, departmeot The comm ittees In charge t this year Lumber company, and C. R- Cleaver clerk. Nina McPherson; banker. Sadie president officiating. Mrs. Laura Va* —Meeting place— Election of officers are; of the W est Coast Life Insurance com ­ Baldwin; Inner sentinel. Daisy I u»n: , (hp meeting In Eugene It Is ex­ Valkenburg. Salem, department la* Program—W. O. Hughes. Methodist —Adjourn for lunch. pany at the chamber of commerce outer sentinel. Dollle Hunter; captain thst mrR Van y Bltah. Mra. M church, Norton Pengra, Baptist, and apector. will have charge of the In­ Saturday Afternoon here last n igh t o f the guards, nhoda Lloyd; musician. Hun„ y Bn,l Mrs. M. J. McKUn will Dallas Murphy, Christian; B a n q u e t- Introducing visitors: spection. Thta is scheduled as one Harrisburg— The whole thing was gone over Mahle Mortensen; managers. Mary , BU#n(, , o Bhap(, for the campaign Prank Bailey. Methodist. Dale Horton. Cottage Grove — Junction City Eu­ thoroughly, and settlem ent of various of the biggest events of the year la Magill. Ray Stevens and l«n/lnefo^ work, due to anticipated poor I Miss S Clapp graduated ( at Ann Arbor, Main to D. streets. It Is also planned j ced today by W. F. Walker, president. ment of such a school here, but de­ the attendance at the m eetings and pos Michigan. For the last year she has to scrape D street from Mill to the ( Eaby Boy Boro—A son cided to t o Into the matter thoroughly 1 s,bllttles of spreading the epldemln. | been employed as technician In Iho city limits. Leaves fior Idaho lfrs. BHoa J- Such a plan Is carried out In Bugens last night to Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Small Improvement» on the Milt 1 Announcement of whether the honor x ray department of tne Pacific Chris- Amen went to BnamstL Idaho, by C and Min tt was aaM. / i court scheduled for this m pnti wl« he tian hospital In Bugene. aad Is aald to street paving also were being done by the elty street employe«. 1 Southern Baslflo Tueoduy. «ailed off la to he mads later. t be an »«osptlonany a h * nurse. ______ mum «trenatb of 25 «>«1 *•** oiaanlaa- The proposed building of a rail t|on |B complete Promotion» aud «n road up Ihe MrKenxle river give« rlae Usimenta were announced following a to periodical rumor. The Istsst one. ,„ Bt m«,blllaatlon of the company Tusa- the exten.loa of the Booth-Kally laim dBy night. her company logging railroad to Oale Kenneth Dillard, one of ’he moit creek and thence Into the MrKenale at (B|thfu| pf the cam pan y member«. wan the Salmon hatchery, aeema to have advanced to sergeant after nerving for som e pointe In Ita favor. Southern time aa corporal Don B eilis Pacific officials are aald to have thta WBB advanced from Oral claaa private under cvt.WderaUon and have die- corporal, aa w ai Hartford McVey ruaaed Ita merits with local people. Austin McPherson. Ell W Miller and In the near future the Booth Kelly Klmo Long were promoted from prl camps on the McKcnxIe ridge wlit be yBt„ to privates of Ihe drat claaa The cut out and IS or IS miles of standard n„w|y „„Haled man waa Paul Parker gnage railroad will have to be dta Parker’s enlistm ent brought th- carded unleaa It can be used for , i r..ngth of the troop to 26. one above Ten per cent nbove operations farther up the McKenile. the maximum It la aald that Stoulhern Pacific com­ the maximum quota la allowed. Efficiency Of the organisation waa pany official» are considering taking over thia line, extending II to Date ahown. la waa aald. In the rapid re- j creek thence Inin the Mr Kenxle main aponaa to the teat mobilisation call riv e r dlatrlct. dlatrlct i Il t wouio m en be >■” oper --e- • Tueaday night The company tun ., river would then M U M S BATHER *1 WMJIRWLLE ^