THURSDAY NOVEMBER 3. 1W27 THE SPW NG FIEID NEWS PAO R SIX It was a curious business, but he d ts . Incident of «h<> adventure. In arrattg thiviugh the vast «Pence of the hly ttilnaed the subject from Ills mind 1« house the unknow n gave voice to hl > In* tho table he found « telegram consider llte graver business of bow under a plat« a t w hat ho aaaumed to anger and disappointm ent: to avoid llte dtsugrenuble consequen­ "W ell. I'll be d am ned!'' 1 m * Mrs. Congdon'a place. Ilia rurloaltv ces of III* encounter H u m ust leave A series of quick flashes on the uvarram o hta scruphta and he read wall gave w arning of the Intruder's the house and escape fro n t' Iktiley ! tho tuesaage: H arbor before daybreak, nud he welt* Invasion of the upper rooms New Y ork. Ju n e 10, IS l? Archie drew hack and availed. Ills u p stairs and hurrled'y begun dressing Mr* Alice II. Congdon. thoughts and em otions In this hour of Halley H arbor, Maine. At t i n t ? o'clock lie was drinking eof Your loiter has your charactorlatlc d an g er Interested hint. It was Inc fee and mum lilng toast and Jam to touch of cruelty. We tnay aa well m ensely gratifying Io him to realise fortify him self for his Journey part now and bo done with It. But th a t while Ills h eart was heating He hud shot and perhaps killed a the children you cannot have. H e. quickly, hts pu'ee was regular. man. and his mind surged now with The thief had become more cautious m em ber th at I relinquish none of tnv self accusations. lie needn't have right« on thia point I dem and that and was tiptoeing up the unearpelvd fired the shot the thief was running tread s of Ute stair, still sending o c. ' you su rren d er Edith at once and I will aw ay and very likely would not have THT-U FU JBJSHZle- AUTCCASTEK I com m unicate with you la te r about the caalonally a bar of light ahead. He m olested him fu rth er lie was sorrv Oüi'YtCOM »Us now coming boldly down the hall for the fellow wounded or dead; but th ln rs! And p articularly don't fo rg o 'cu sto d y of Harold until such tim e aa "W hat would you call a good w alk? as though aatlsfled that the house was CHAPTER I. In a mom ent he was shuddering as th at note of Instructions. I'm count be Is old enough to come to me he asked a little tartly mhs H oward fbatherstone em pty. A flash of his 'atup fell upon P utney t ’ongdon. he reflected Hist the bullet that had "Oh, ten. tw enty, th irty ! I've done mg on th at! If I don’t get It 1 will the door fram e Just about A rchie's left spent much of h er tim e thinking up The cautious hint of the taxi driver splintered the m irror had really been be terrlb 'F d isappointed.“ things for her brother. Archibald Ben fifteen and gone to a dance at the end th a t dom estic difficulties were reapon hand A flash clipped the dark for m eant for him. anti It had rlru e k with She surveyed him • gravely, then an Instant. Then a hand groped along n ett, to do, and as Archie was the ideal of the tram p." slble for the breaking up of the Cong* great proelslotp Just w here the re "H ut you haven't my handicap." h answ ered lightly. “Oh. very w e ir You bachelor brother, he accepted h er com ­ don household found here a paluful the wall seeking the sw itch, Archie flection of his head had presented a shall have it. s i r ! ” p ro tested defensively. "You can 't be m issions in the most am iable sp irit could h ear It« soft rasping over the corroboration. fair ta rg e t to the startled murkamnn C H A P T E R II. wall As the sw itch snapped the and his services were unfailingly satis very guv about walk ng when you're A fter speculating on the affair for A rchie did n 't know th at tho note w arned th at excessive fatigue may He tu rn ed out th« lights and! id»« room flooded with IMht. The bew ild­ factory caused Isabel a great deal of troub'v a few m om enta he went ahead with "The agent w ho's been looking up a have d isastro u s resu lts the p reparation of hla supper He ering gtere leaping out of the dark Ing lh<- key under the dour mat stole She m ust WTite a note th at would sum m er house for us says this la an She was not wholly w ithout feeling wished Isabel could see him and know nesa held the man In the doorw ay through th e garden T h e man he bsd . . . u *. ■*, and he raised hla arm and passed his shot doom might even now he 'vlng unusual opportunity, as th ere are a for h e r face grew grave for a m om ent not req u ire an an sw er: th is she fc't 7 i in i»t at B aile v H rbor and and she met hts eves searchtnglv. to (*, im peratively dem anded by the 1 1,11 ,,r 1 ” 1,11 " few p lace , to let sd B a e , H „ . m e t h t a g of the professional circum stance She thought Archibald had been interrupted o n b to rtnd him hand over Ills eyes to shield them dead In his path, and he lifted his this one is unexpectedly on tne u iar who a» m e... » • * self resourceful and the easym ast. r from the light. The bu rg lar's sh o u l­ feet high to avoid stum bling over the eaaymaal« Howard s simply swamped with scrutiny to which he had long been B ennett a nice fellow and she was ders drooped a« he gaped at A rchie's corpse But more appalling was the ket ' ot his fate. sorry for him . hut no m ore and no w ork—and we'd all appreciate it If accustom ed long thought th at th s fugitive might he ly He made a point of w ashing the figure w hlclf was reflected In Byes clear, color very good: voice | e(ts st,rry th an she wou’d have been you could run up th ere for us." dishes a n d putting them carefullv m irror. The eyes of the two men met. In t In am bush. and he carried his each gripping and holding pistol before him at arm 's length The many preoccupations of his a trifle weak and suggesting tim idity for any one else who failed to And the away. T hese m atter« attended to. h • the gale brother-in-law . who held a seat in and feeble Initiative. In tro sp ectiv e; world a pleasant place to live In roam ed over the house which now- that of the other. Then sw iftly the against such an em ergency. Congress and took his job seriously, a little selfconscious, and unlm port- som eth in g a little cryptic, yet sonic had a new Interest for him since the Intruder Jerked a pistol from hla lie gained the mail glanced tow ard were well known to Archie, and as ant nervous sym ptom s indicated by thin g th at woukl discourage further t'onedon family skeleton had come pocket and flred blank Into the m irror the house, and set off In the generili cAnflilences w ithout wounding him — A rchie had nothing on earth to do. it the rolling of bread crum bs out of Its closet and danced around The rep o rt crashed horribly In ihe direction of the New H am pshire was em inently fitting th at he should ‘T v e paid d o cto r, large fees for this w£l'ou self In the guest cham ber He was all the lights ami gtdnlng the lauding "T he owner b e in g s to th a t old “I shall expect the docum ent to . eral tim es she decided that th*-' half asleep when he was roused by tired a t the re treatin g , figure aa It would serve h er purpose adm irably MODERN New England Congdon fam ily." Mrs m orrow afternoon! ' lurched tow ard Ihe front door. At the footsteps on the veranda below. F eath ersto n e explained; "they d ate "Y ou're a trem endously form al per- and dispatched it to Mr. B ennett Im ­ Crack of the gun the fugitive stopped CHAPTER III. from the beginning of tim e, and some son. Mr. B ennett. W hat you really m ediately. It w w cl«»*» upon m idnight, and ih»- short, i l. l'pol his band Io Ills -boil tier T he note reached .'rc h 'e Just as of them are a trifle eccentric." -need Is a good hard Jac. Every morn- prvw nc» of » prow ler <»n tho prem ia •* and groaned, then sprung through th« C r y t a l W a te r» P a rk -If you're r.-nt ng m th at Ing you know exactly. what you ro he was leaving his siste r's house, lie caufteti h it h eart to gal'iip wib’h 11» front door and Bennett heard Im­ family It's Just as well to look into it going to do eve rj hour cf *t d i ’ had hoped for a b nit '»’*« r ” tb- v noised tho p la to t crep t to the wlmiow m ediately the quick p a lte r of his feet careful'y. All right. May. I l l inspect It's ro u tin e th at kills. Suppose you of the girl's chaffing hum or, and the and |M»erc«l ciiutlnualy out. when u feet on the walk NOVEMBER/5 w ere to hoid up a bank m essenger In H | X (. o f the m issive was a d istin ct dis- The lock bore no evidence of h av­ th e prem ises for you." sound In I ho rood» below renowod e " ' W all S treet and skip p ith a satchel- appointm ent Archie was aready m entally plann- hl* alarm He gained the door n two ing been forced The fi au'.t of the He opened it guardedly, and his ing the d etails of his trip with his Ml of negotiable secu rities and then, Jumps. He could hoar th«» opening photograph of the young girl th at had Tuesday, November 8 cu s’om arv exactness. He trav eled a fte r th e papers were through ragging face fell as he pondered Ike verse an«l cloat^kr of draw er* and *oe th* so charm ed him lay on tin* floor face constantly in the in terest of his health the police for th eir inefficiency you It was a neat well bred slap a t him flash of an «dectrie lam p as the In­ down. Ilennett picked It up and found and knew train schedules by h eart. would drive up to th e bank in a tax;. as a man w ithout Initiative or courage tru d e r moved *wlftly about. Then th at th« picture had be* n rem oved A rc h ie s condition was alw ays a walk in and re tu rn th - money, saying At the d in n er table she had expressed ' ' . "" g r a te fu 'v topic of conversation and you had found it In the old fam ih much th e sam e thought th a t was con- now M rs F eatherstone. in h er m ost pew at T r.n ity » h en you went in, to densed in the verse, hut tho quota sisterlv tone, broached the subject of say your prayers! H ere would be t i„n . u n n » by her sm ile, carrle.l an ‘opportunity to break the force o f a sting. P erhaps this w as the way his health habit and aw aken your self-conft- Isabel P erry thought of him, as a “I h av en 't much faith in this ld«a flo ser In the game of life: hut he ex- of your going to the R ockies; you dence.” "Am I to u n derstand th at you prac perieneed a pleasant tingle In the know you tried th e Alps five years ago and the altitude nearly killed you." tice w hat you preach? I don’t m -a r blood when he reflected that this may have been the w rong reading and Archie smiled wanly. “I seem doom­ to be im p ertin en tf but r e a l ly .------" “Oh. I’m p effectly capable of doing very d ifferent from the sense she ed to sit on the sidelines and w atch an y th in g I've suggested. I mean tc m eant to convey. His sp irits soared th e g a x e ." he agreed g'oomlly. To look at him no one wnu'u believe dig for buried treasu re th is sum m er. as he decided th at the last line was th a t he had a nerve in his tail fram e. realizing th e dream of a lifetim e. Talk Intended to be read unbroki-nly and Once a friend carried him off to a about rom ance being d ea d ' My g ra n d , th a t It co n stituted a c h a’lenge flung farm w here an au tocratic athletic fath er was a p tenter In M isaissipp. be­ a t him with a toss of her head, a flash ’ tra in e r rejuvenated tired business fore the C'lvil W ar. In about IMP he of her-brow n eyes. Archie was lulled to sleep by the ni* n. -.nd Archie su rv iv et the heroic saw trouble ahead, and as* he was op­ encouraging thought th a t w hat she posed to secession he turned every­ treatm en t and reappeared bronzed and hardened and feeling b etter than th in g he had into gold, bought sever- 1 had done was to give h'm a copimts he ever had felt In hla life, But a fte r tra c ts of land in Michigan and New- slon to redeem him self by strange ? w inter spent in in office and leisure York and secretly planted his m oney. and moving ad ventures Demonstrated Machines At tw o o'clock he reached Bailee to think o f h'm seli as an Invalid, he re­ My fa th e r in h eitted the land, and H arbor He stepped Into th e only taxi th a t* w here I'm opening my cam p ’’ NATIONALLY FAMOUS newed h.s acquaintance with the wait­ “And th e gold .h asn 't been found?" in sight ami drove to thp vll'nge d ru g , ing rooms of specialists. g ist's for th e key to the Congdon "T h ere will be a few people in fp asked A rchie, deeply in terested . "N ot a coin so far! You see tran.l house. d ’nner tonight." re m a rk » ' Mrs. F « i- “ JuHt go In and take your tlm«- io th ersto n e as he rose to go; “ very fath er made his wi'J in war lira* and The large tub washes whilo it." said the man. L ights and w ater and Howard Just only divided the land, being afraid t > s !mcle. you kno» ’ SPLiO UOOtL havten't been turned off and If you telephoned th at he can 't possibly m ention the buried tre a su re in a I the small tub dries. The tak e the house your folks can step W A S tiE K m ent th at would become a public re ­ come, so If you can arran g e It. Archie EASY is one of the most rig h t In If you don't And It con­ cord when he died.” T h l» efficie n t w a»her haa —It w II he a real h e ’p to me." “T his Is m ost exidtlng. It's only venient to stop here again. Just leave w on th e fa v o r of th ousands "All right. May I was going to popular washers ever built! o f housew ives. have dinner with Weld and Coburn, u n fo rtu n ate th at it's not j irate gold th e key u n d er the door oiat." “I guess you'll find the place all to give zest to your en terp rise.” hut if you rpally want m e—” “Oh. the p irate In th« story '» a shipshape." said the driver, as they "Ob, th a t's perfectly fine of you, “ Folks cam e up e a r'y but A rchie! And Isabel P erry wiM be cousin of mine, » h o inherited the set off h ere; von know she's -he deares* ?' !. '• • •’ up n e a r th e St. !g»»-rence and did n 't stay lone. Ia»ft In a hurry. I don t and I alw ays thought you •• lid has dug all over It w ithout resu 't» Family troubles, I reckon! like h er H er fath er lost all his My fath er gave the Michigan *■ jy know no th in ’, mind ye. hut th ere's money before he die 1 on i sh e's had to me, but th is cousin of mine has talk she had trouble with h e r hus­ a position as g v in a m teach er In been d ig g 'n g on mv tend, to s t n n . band." The confidence of the chauffeur H e's ra th e r a dashing Mis** Gordon's sell* o' This sum m er w arraatly ! only mildly Interested Archie. II yo un g person ‘ she's to run a gr** cam p up In W hen It came tim e for Isabel to was unpeasonah'*y warm and the a ir Michigan and she can t help m aking say good night to h ° r h - c - t e s B r t r t t was lifeless and humid. a success of It ” "T hink It will ra in ? ” he asked the When he found him self «ittlng ho­ was hovering n ear to offer his driver. s'd*- her later at Mr*. F eath ersto n e's vices In calling h er car. But “ Yep," he replied with a glance N othing like th at for me! table she said to him No carrying charge r" h a t the sea "T h ere's going to be a "I passed yon on th e street the ----- " she h esitated and sa'd mo* k gravity, “ if you': « nm afraid of lively kl' k-up before m ornln'.' o th er day and made fran tic effort« They reach ed tho house and Archie to a ttra c t your attention hut. you the night air or th e excessive fatigue Let us demon­ were In a tran ce and failed to see my you might take me home. T h at v ili dlscharfged th e driver. In a m om ent Now you can add a mile to vour prescription hut he was stan d ing in a htg living-room signals. ’ th a t exhaled an atm osphere of com ­ "I was taking my walk," he stam ­ yo*i can ride back!" strate the buy your fo rt and good taste. She spoke of h e r plans for the m ered Fully satisfied w ith his Inveatlga- " 'My »-alk!’ ” she repeated. “You sum m er with charm ing candor as . washer you tlona, Archie picked up a book, b e . favorite speak as though you had a monopoly they se t off at a brisk pace. en th u siastic about the cam e absorbed and read until he was Isabel was on th at form of exercise. I must say select in your Electric yon d id n 't appear to be enjoying your- sum m er cam p; If It succeeded she roused by a clap of thunder th a t m eant to conduct an outdoor schoo' seem ed to sh ake th*- world. H urrying ‘ if. Your aspect wa« wholly funereal home with and your dem eanor th at of a man with for girls, m oving It from Michigan to to the window he found th at tbe Washer a certain num ber of m iles wished on Florida with the ‘ hanging s.-ssons. ' storm had already broken, ami th a t It T h ere wa** no question of h er mak- would lw- Im possible for him to catch absolutely no him ” at the lowest Four a day." Archie confessed with ing a success of It. he said, m arveling th e five-eleven. R® turned on th lights and sat down an a!r of resig n atio n ; ‘‘tw o In th*- a t h er v itality, h»r exuberance th obligation to price ever m orning and two before dinner. Be confidence with which sh* view the »o think. The roof and walls rang un- d er the dow npour and he decided Hint New Thor White Enameled Cylinder Wash­ the doctor’s o rd ers,” he added with ' futgrp • you offered ' I wish you all good luck." he said a fte r a ’l to spend the night In an the wistful sm ile th at usually evoke*’, er, 6 and 8 Sheets Capacity. when they reached the htise of the J abandoned house would be a lark, sym pathetic m urm urs in fem inine , friend she w as visiting. "T he cam o . The storm showed no sign of ahat auditors. “Oh. the d o cto rs!” rem arked the ; wf’l he s great success—I’m sure of Ing and as nightfall deepened the T his h as been the hap p iest | Floom he set about m aking him self _-!rl us though she had no great that. com fortable. Feeling tw inges of ep!n in of doctors In general or of evening I've sp en t sltice------” "S ince you began taking everything hunger, he explored the kitchen pan­ Mr. B en n ett’s m edical advisers In p articular, lie was used to a great so h a rd ? Please quit looking on your try. The Congilons had left a we’l deal of sym pathy and he was con- life as a b urden; try to get sam e fun stocked lard er and, finding bacon eggs, and bread, he decided th a t the vtaced th a t Miss P e rrj was an u tterly out of It!” Don’t forget me In the rush o f cooking of supper would he a Jolly unsym pathetic person. D A N C E S A T . N IC H T Old T im e D an c e Now you can have your choice W hile they last ' 20% Reduction EASY WA5HER Electric Washers and Ironers Let one of these washers pay for itself Now Only $5.00 I Balance in 18 Months Down M ountain S tates P ower C ompany è