T IIl’llHJ’AYNOVKMHKH 3, 1927 PACE FIVE T U B H P R IN Q n E L D NEWS Workman grading .«a «tree! at Win SUMMONS ' plaintiff an abaotate divorce from tha ehaatar bay have unaarthwl tha sk«le-1 jN I THB CIRCUIT for uir the i» care cue tody I fISf u i n v u i l COURT lytJUni OF THE tlir« . ^defendant, 'iri’ irioHL, tut ir b and iiu vuotvu/ By Spesisi STATE OF OREOON, IN ANI> FOR \ f the minor children ot plaintiff and Iona nf three Indiana and an elk head. LANE COUNTY. defendant, and for such other and Despite a material Increase In the Cor risponde nt« Cofra Campbell, Plaintiff, va. Horace . further relief as to the Court may coat ut Huppllei and that an additional W Campbell. Oefendant )»"» »nd equitable. ,17.000 ha« been appropriated for To Horace w Campbell. Defendant: 1 Thl" summons 1» served npon yon In the name of the State of Oregon. publication by virtue of an or! r Brief Resume of Happenings of I teacher»' »ai«ri««. the budget of tha you ar« hereby required to appear anr UPPER W ILLA M ETTE Salem publftl school will be kept with­ THURSTON answer the Complaint filed herein Jf *“ [ ourt, dated and died Nov. 1, the Week Collected for in the figures of laat year, plua , z per against you In the above entitled «ult l-*-7- directing Ihla Snmmons be cent allowed by constitutional arn*-nd- and Court within four week» of the »erved upon you by publication of the Our Readers. The pulpl» nf the I n n e r public l 1 turned In hl« home In Eugene lull the MU,e„ F reew ater dl.rr.ct w a. held ' carding. tiled in Oregon during he Judgment agnln«t you a» prayed for w .Y* K ' 'S ' p rogcn i mid Iwiki't amlal luel Ha! 1 Saturday. period Octolier I, 1B2B, to September In plaintiff'« Complaint, fo-wlt: foi .. I’ n n tlff. Residence and Post Offli e urd»> A I h 'U i 137 w m taken In. Thia I The high achool guve a Hallowe'en last week. de< rei- of Ihe Court dissolving th e ' AddreM« Eugene. Oregon. 30, 1027, than during the period Octo­ bond« of matrimony and grunting to 17. -4: I). 1: et veil Mini la In go toward a l lay ahed party ut the school house last Friday Lane county laat week rectr ber 1. 1025. to September 30. 1020. i ne nf (lie baahela »old fur over five I uvenlng. ,100.4110 OH a» Ila Share of the 1020 ta» T W g w m (U ii ,.1„ . ).< j , n „ report pre- duiiara. |(y gU |e trtMUrer ln Halem Mr. und Mrs. Itoy Edmlstoii enter­ on Oregon California grant lands. The tnh-rct«»« tf-i '*'» In banket hall | tained their frli-nda In their new home The annual run of »llveralde »al- ,B)|t weeh. have alerted ut the l‘leu»aht Hill high luat Frl'lay evening .about 00 wefe uiuu Is new on In Ihe Coquille river 8ee)|,B< of 12(M, aPr«« of loggedmff eehnul. The Junior girl» with Nina present. Tto- evening was «pent In and good catches ar* reported daily wjm ,.) ) | n l a H we„u by Jlllli-y aa captain have won the eham t vlulling und card game». Herbert The total valoe of taxable property u ttro|,l o f Myrtle Point In a plnimhlp of the (li U Tha Senior boy» Welaa installed hl» radio and fsrnlan- In Jackson county. Including public ; -j-ravelair plane for the Coquille Valley have beaten (he Juntura, the auphu- ed entertainment, also after a p't-aa service corporal Ion», 1» ,33.140.404 03 ! g be4,p & Wool cqjnpany Five ton» nairea have beaten (tie frehhmeu. The ant evening refre«huienta of grape Announcement wa« made recently of Kentucky Iduegra«», orchard gras». rhaniplonehlp will he decided thia Juice, eoudwtehea, cake uud pie were (hat the new six story ,2M,000 I-a alaike. rye and white clover will be week. ! kerved. Grande hob-1 will be*formally opened ■own on the 1200 acres. Our success depends upon pleasing our patrons. We Fifty aeata arrived ul the Pleaaaht ' The Farmer« Union are giving a on November 15. keep constantly before us the thought for better service Mr» Austin E. Herrick, widow of HUI high a< hoot laat Thursday and sewing demonstration at the home >f and more satisfed custom ers. We sell only the best m eats (juaranllue for Infantile paraly«!» the engineer who ran the engine and were placed In llie large naat via»» Mr«. Ira Gray on Wednesday. handled under the m ost sanitary conditions. wan lilted In Grants Pa«» lu«t Friday. train carrying Abraham blndoln to hl» room and the "aboratnry. The stu The high school student« are giving Duly two caaoa have been reported Inauguration, died at the home of Mrs. The health of growing children is a m atter of utm ost in­ dents brought the aeata from Goahen | Lydia Bailey, her daughter, near u play oil Nove unb»r 11, "The EIop«* ! the pant two weeks. terest to the parents. Meats of prime quality as obtained In their ear». North Plains, last week. Mr Herrick meal of Ellen. at the high nchool The first Issue of Ihe "Siskiyou." from this m arket are rich in food elem ents growing children The Junior» and »enlora of the 1’lea t- I 1 building was a friend of Prenldent bincoln and Southern Oregon Normal achool publl need. ant Hilt high aehiud are atudylng i Mr» William i Rennie, who under- CHtlon. Is just off Ihe pre»« The pa­ knew him well In Illinois. newspaper work Including lead». head ! Salem has Ihe largest farmer tele­ operation nt I’m Irte per will be Issued every two week». i weal a m In«», editorial« I'laiia are under any ■ phone system of any city of Its tdze on ('hrl«tlan liospllal »ome time ago ha, Budg'-t for the Forest Grove «< hool to puhllah a school paper by uae of i recovered sufficiently to he removed the Pacific coast, according to C. Aller. ihe mimeograph machine. Malcolm ‘ la«t Thursday to the home of her «on, district ha« a 3 per cent lncreaae over district manager of the Paclflt 'fee ~ the budget of last year. The total la Fptey of the fn lveralty of Oregou. i Ennla, who lives In Eugene. phone A- Telegraph company. On Oc­ ,55.5X0. requiring a levy of 19 ipllla. reporter for the Sprlngtl»;ld New» ' 4th and Main Sts. Phone 63 tober 1 there were 8954 slationa with The Suiiduy school rally was held To Medford*« more than 20 mil«« of x daffy aggregate of 33.000 calls, or talked to the «indent« of Ihe high E. C. STUART PRATT HOLVERSON a< bool laat week on Journalism. lie told here luat Sunday. The aim * « » for paved alreeta will be added next year 66,000 users of the telephone. SO prex iit J uki at the d o se of Son how new» ta gathered both locally five more modern streets and 11 more Walnut growers of Polk county are and In other place» lyol how II la day achool the eightieth one CfPered will be graded und graveled at a coat harvesting their crops this week and amid much upp'uu«e. Professor written and prepared for the printer« of ,S3,000. unless there are some heavy frost» The young folka nf Ihe I’leaaanl Hill laindlea, who ha» organised an or- O. H Neals’ walnut drier near the work of gathering Ihe nuts will ' cheHtru here, gave sev era l number« Endeavor held a Hallowe'en party at Chase flardens. northeast of Eugene, drag along for at least ten days more the home of Mr and Mr«. Jed W heeler | on the program with the orchestra, was destroyed by fire Inst week Mr According to reports this year's crop ; i also a quartet from E II. U. gave ,i Huturday, October 28. Neals' entire crop, valued at ,1500. jf w-alnuts is lighter than that of la s t , ' number which wq» greatly appreci­ The ladle« of the Pleasant HI’t season, but the quality and slxe are was burned. Christian church met at the home if ated. A «hurt addre»« by Rev. Hoven I on "Preparation for Ihe UreMt Rally I The open season In Oregon for ang uniformly better. Mr« (’. I. William« laat week I have quit the paint business and have gone into real The Junior Endeavor of Ihe Plea» Ihty," »an given followed by a basket 1 nng for trout more than six Inches } Articles of Incorporation of one of ! estate exclusively. So bring in your listing if you have dinner. ' long will c* se November 30 this year i pOO!1 county’s pioneer organixatlons an Hill Chrmllan church held an anything to sell or trade and we will give it our full time. Mr. and Mrs Bert W eaver drove Instead of October 31. as previously were filed with the county clerk. Rob- i election '«al Friday, October 28 nt Our ojtice will be open front 8 until 6 o’clock at 312 Main ert Watson, recently. The «article« announced the home of Mr». i: E Kilpatrick and to Jutit-llon City last Sunday. street, next to th© Archway Pool hall. Mr and Mrs. McKtln and Mr. and Fire of unknown origin destroyed were of the Arago lodge. No. 28, I. O. I cho«e the following officers IBesIdent. Evelyn Phelps. vleepreslilenl. Lurella Mrs Madison from Bprlngfleld at- property In a block at-Oakridge and O. F„ formed almost exactly 50 year» | Boughman; Secretary, Mildred Mon tended the party at Roy Kdmistnn a seriously endangered Ihe entire town ago at Empire City, now known a n ; The damage was estimated to be more | Empire. The organization date wa» »on; Treasurer. Thai« Brook»; Pianist, last Friday evening. People m aking the first ten listings of property with us than ,25.000. i September 4. 1877. ~ Mildred Swift; CuorlsMr, Florence will receive free a toilet artirie wall rack. — — — — Rock» and stick were used by Min- < State conventions held biennially ' Jordan It *«« decided to hold En­ CARDEN WAY nle Suiste. 16. Of Butter creek, near nstead of annually, with district con- deavor al 4 o'clock Sunday afternoon 11 » We w ant a name for our real estate office. The one u n - _ _ _ _ Pendleton. In slaying two bobcats ventlons takln, place In alternate j subm itting the best name by November 10 will receive a Inatead of 6 The leader for last S t which attacked sheep she was herding years, will be put Into effect by the day October 30. was Evlyn I’help» beautiful oil painting of the T hree Sisters peaks; size 36 Mr and Mrs Mevlg of Eugene w ere’ Oregon Congress of Parents and near her home. inches long by 12 inches wide. Sunday guest» of the (X H. Ilaugann i FOR SALE Damage estimated at ,60.048 85 was Teacher», according to action taken I family W inter Apples 50c per box Bring caused by 26 fires In the city of Port­ at the closing sesalon of the 22d 8undttv ; your boxes. T J Maxwell IH m iles] The J- 11 >',"h land during September, according to annual state convention held In La west of h^rinvtleld on North »Id e o ^ with Mr and Mrs. J. P. Ashlon ol the monthly report of Edward Gren­ Grande laat week. N ., j Albany. The 1927 cranberry crop on the Pa river ----- i C. K. Bailey left for Cheshire Friday ! fell. fire marshal. 312 Main Street Springfield, Oregon ciflc coast la estimated at 56,000 bush­ Light rains the past few days have for a visit with relatives. els according to figures issued by the Mrs. L. W Zumalt and baby of Clear > delayed threshing operations In the Pacific Cranberry exchange, co-opera­ latke, accompanied by Miss Mlram i North Powder district Most of the tive of Astoria. The exchange has an­ Frink of Connecticut were guests nt grain has been placed In the stack. nounced Its opening price as ,15 a Ihe A. C Trsvlii home Tuesday. ! awaiting threshing. barrel or ,5 a box. This is bvSieved I Mrs Frank Ba'ley was hostess to I Elroy Haynes. 22. of Dayton, was Io be Ihe highest opening price for her seventh grade M. E. Sunday school I wounded In the face Inst Sunday after- late berries on record. etnss. Ten boys participated In a bon , noon by the accidental discharge of a j IL rbert Parker, rancher of the Buell fire, out door gntnes. and a welner revolver. The bullet entered his chin, district, northwest of Dallas, was | roast In an Ideal place on Ihe river ' destroying his left e y e, hank ThA«e who enjoyed Ihe pleas j Medford started work laat week in | ; killed accidentally with Ilia shotgun last week. He was driving along a i ir o g o n . ant event were Oeorge nniMleralrt al.,.ord w,th a decision of the chamber j Andrus. Ralph Gillette, Harold and j „» ..nmmerce director» to Improve the ' ' 11 untry road In a rock v a -. . v iih a ,, , , . . „. . , „ . comm'r> I i i i o u . i » r repeating eer his knees», penting shot-gun betw betweer Melvin Foao, Arion Shanlok Robert ,crB, air ,)ort | O meet the outlined r e -1" \ .. . ... N probably looking for birds. The wagon j Robert«. Mark Smith, llruee Squire», „ „in m eiits o f the govi rnmenL , , , . .. u , . Lloyd . , - Hchlpley 1 . 1 . 1 . . and . I ,e , . * I struck a chui«hole and the gun bound-, Ihe , > hostess. „ n «trt«red « » o r - , .. .. | , ,, . Because ,, they , w ire „ consider»it ex r j t hammer striking on th e, Ross Manning and family have hltnn,_ the Kla.nall. county court has J inovi-d Into Ihe Wylie house for Ihe rejected nil bids for the const ruction wagen tongue. The bureau of public roads and the winter. of an Isolation hospital The lowest W M. fu rry of The Dalle» 1» »pentl hid wn« 84000 over the court'» esti­ highway department have almost com- plet- »1 grading Ihe right of way on Ing the week with ehl» »later In-law. mate. Mount His'd from Governm nt Camp Mr» Frank Bailey. The national barred Plymouth Rock east for a distance of approximate-!;- J. It. Fish »hot a tirge dusky home'!» egg laying recur»! wa» returned to Ore­ half a mile, for Ihe racking of some H e re ! owl which ineitwured f»4 Inches from gon Agricultural college experiment 1200 ears, which. It is estimated, will lip to tip. And station at Corvaltla last week when ( be needed to take care of the winter you’ll b e hen No. 1596 laid her 334th egg In sports enthusiasts, amateurs and on­ NOTICE TO CREDITORS sure, too, lookers, who will take part in the IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE 363 day». of a bag STATE OF OREGON FOR LANE Hearing of the application of the activities tin the mountain. COUNTY. that is modish and Unton Railroad of Oregon to acquire A check signed by George Washing­ In the Muller of Ihe Estate c? ' ’•-arles convenient. A score and operate a line of railroad extend­ ton. authorising payment of 870 to Dr. E. Clark. Deceased. —alw ays lias. And now of »tunning models ing from Union to Union Junction. In The undersigned having been Ap­ James Cratke. has been entrusted to of plain and novel­ with a good radio set In pointed by the County Court of the eastern Oregon, will be held at Union the care of a Salem bank by Mr«., T. ty leathers assures the home, he ffrasts on State of Oregon for latne County xi! November 39, Gronke of that city. The check was you satisfactory se­ mlnlHtrntrlx of the estate of Charles good music to hiB h e a rt’s Vernon Worlated. 13. son of L. G. drawn on the United States Federal lection. The c o lo n E. Clark, deceased and having quail- content, hearing famed fled, notice Is u ro b y given to Ihe Worlsted, a merchant of Yoder, acci­ bank, and was In payment for medi­ will match your tall song birds of the nation creditor» of. and nl, persona having dentally’»hot and fatally wounded hla cal services. The bank on which the costume! claims against »aid deceased, fo pre w ithout having te gfVe up sent then», as required by Inw, within twin brother George Inal Sunday, with check was drawn waa owned by Alex­ the com forts of his pipe six month» after the first publication a shotgun The boys hnd found the ander Hamilton and was one of the and easy slippers. of thia notice to the said N elli» J. gun In a warehouse and loaded It. famous early day financial institutions. Clark at 434 Miner BuUdlng, Eugene. Every home should have Determination to »»-cure authorisa­ Use of flares similar to those used Oregon Date of flrst publication here­ a ratlio. It keeps the whole tion and adoption of the Umatilla by railroads is being advocated by Ed­ of, the 3rd day of November, 1927. NELLIE J. CLARK, Administratrix Rnplgl» project at the next session of ward Ostrander, publlr service com­ family abreast of all th a t Is of the Estate of Charles E. Clark. congress was voted at the annual missioner, In connection with the op­ going on In the world—so dcii'ilHi’d, diversified are the pro­ SMITH A EVANS. Attorneys for meeting of the Umatilla Rapids asso­ eration of for hire busses In this gram s every fifteen hours Administratrix, 434-5-6 Miner Bldg., ciation In Pendleton last Thursday state. Mr. Ostrander said the use of Eugene, Oregon. of the day. A huge slide of rocks nnd earth cov­ flares would reduce materially the N. 3, 10, 17, 24: ered the Roosevelt highway and the accident hazard at night, and at the ATW ATER KENT, Southern Pacific track at llarvlew. be­ same time Improve the service of the NOTICE OF ROAD DISTRICT Under Mr. Ostrander'» tween Garibaldi and Rockaway, last bus lines. Z E N IT H , CROSLEY MEETING week, and truffle on both highway proposal these flares would be set To Whom It May Concern: Radio sets. Standard Notice Is hereby given that a meet­ and rail line was tied up for several out when busses are detained at any ing of the legal voters being resident parts at lowest prices- if point along the highways. taxpnyer» nnd owners of real property days. you wish to build your own ^he Pacific Cooperative, Wool Grow­ Petro Morin, fisherman at W inches­ In Roiul District No. 19, In lame set. j County, Oregon, well be held at the ter liny, has caught eight so-cnlled man ers have Jnst sent out checks totaling hour of 1:30 P. M. on the 19th day of eating sharks tn hl» nets. The sharks. nearly 2250,000 to members of the as- Step in—Listen ln. November, A. D., 1927-, a t the Oak. , ridge High School Rulhllng In said although of small slxe, are ferocious , soclatlon. More than 1000 growers Rond District, to determine whether and did considerable damage to the participated In the distribution, which ! »aid mail district shall levy a «pedal nets before they were captured and covers the sale of nearly 650,000 | tax of $10, 258.13 upon all the taxable kill«). ponnda of wool. i property In »aid district for the ptir- The state board of vocational educa­ James Whitford? beloved resident of i pose nf prov'dlng funds for mninten- - nnee of existing roads and construc­ th« Ms«o»lc and Knstern Star home tion lies confirmed Ihe appointment tion of new road«. at Cottage Grove, celelirated his 100th of C. D. Adams as slats director of vo­ C P BARNARD, County Judge. birthday leet Ratwdsy. A cake meas­ cational »duration and supervisor of CLINTON HURD, County Commis­ uring flv« and onehalf feet aero»» trades and Industries. He succeed» sioner. B. B Elliott, who resigned recently M II. ANDERSON, County Commis­ held the eaaal«« representing an «van Phone 11-J 414 Main St. beeaus« e( ill health. •aatury. sioner. 4 N 3-10-17- I Community News OREGON STATE NEWS OF GENERAL INTEREST WE ARE EVER STRIVING TO PLEASE INDEPENDENT MEAT CO. L is tin g s W a n t e d FREE WILLIAM VASBY, R eal E state 25th Anniversary 1 You’ll Have Money Left To Put In Dad Likes M usic Y our N ew H an d b ag If You Buy It 98c to 4.9i Springfield Garage You^urc always certain of liqht food wrfK- JC rescent - the Double A ctin g BakJng Powder