TH U R SD A Y NOVEMBER 3. l'J27 T H E SPRING Kl ELD NEWS Classified Ads (BUYING (Kt SELUWa1 Tim brut unhreakubt« watch Orys- tul». Any Mhupr or sise. llo y t's sto n i 313 M ain Street. illa u k Promissory not«« «od r* «••ip!« prlulnd and in stock at U>* Newg udire. All kinds of house painting; K u I ho mitilnir >2 per loom und up Hoy Koch. Cull 136 J. t f. C A L L A N D S E E Ur. N. W Emery on prices on plates and other work. tf. FOR HUNT 111 Bprlnffflold. House No. 807 on E K t, 6 room«, bath and garage for tw enty d o lo rs a month Me«. N. A llowe. N 3.10 S E P T IC T A N K S Ready for you to (natali «1 »28 We specialise in swlaa braciai watch i'or fu,,,lly of ***• repairing lloyt's 321 Muin Rtreet. tf For fam ily of eight T R A IN S C H E D U L E Springfield Stops Northbound No. 32 — ~O---- -----------------1:33 P. M. I No. 10 . , . 4:27 A. M F U < | H. H. HAS LOVE— Southbound Dear Mies F lo : — No. 16 .. 9:33 I*. M Flag I have been going w ith a wonderful No. »1 M i l f f i a M B'rl for almost two years. W h ile Coach 8 pedal for K lam ath Falla have often talked of m arriage, I have and beyond, on flag at 2:01 P M. on hesitated at an Im m ediate wedding, Munday, Tuesday and Friday. ConseqtMntly, she believes th a t I do not love her— th e t I am only playing IN T H E CIRC1 IT C O U R T O F T H E w ith her. The fact of the m a tter is, I S T A T E O F O RBO O N FOR T H E am not sure of myself. .1 am not sure CO UNTY OF LANE K a ty Beers. Plaintiff, vs. F rank J. th a t I can support a wife, because my salary Is quite small. W e have never Beers, Defendant. talked over the financial end of the SUM M O NS To Prank J Beers, the above named • ub-l®c t> »® 1 <*»"’» euppoee m y tw e e t D efendant: heart has the slightest idea of how IN T H E N A M E O F T H E S T A T E verY »mall my salary is. I have tried Oh O R EG O N , you arc hereby rsqulrw l , several time« to tell her, but some to appear and answer the complain! i how, my courage always fall« mo. .1 filed against you In the above entitled Court and cause on or before the 10th may be ra th e r sentim ental, but It day of November, 1927, «aid date be­ seems to me the question of money ing more than »lx weeks from the date should never enter into the question of (he first publication of thlg sum of love. Then, too, If she knows how mons and herein entered of record and If you fall ho I o appear and answer darn sm all my salary la, I am afraid for want thereof the plaintiff w ill she w ill w ant to break-off. She haa apply to the Court for the re lie f In a very good position, and w hile I do her com plaint demanded and prayed not know just w hat her salary Is, I do for to-w it: In Confidence.. g r results ; K i l l H A I.K Hmall e li» plush cout. Eirat class culndltlou. Coat new 176.00, w ill aulì for *10.00. Hee a' 63» II Mt. PAGE THREW ♦ ♦ By FLO BUT L IT T L E CASH a w ife at all, and not being able to support her tn the way she bas been accustomed to, are two d ifferent things I f you are unable to support her, you would be nothing leas than a cad to m a rry her. But If you are abla to support her, even though It be on a sm aller scale, I see no reason why you shouldn't m a rry her, telling har, of course, just how things stand. U she loves you, she may be w illin g to take a chance. To a sentim ental roraatic person It may be ra th e r a shock to be told that every g irl should know the amount of her husband"a pay check. Common sense and self-interest demand that a couple ta lk *ln term» of dollars before m arriage. It Is a great deal better fO talk money before m arriage than to learn a fte r m arriage that you cannot keep up a home. at our plant Sewer Pipo— Drain T ile T Y P E W R IT E R R H IIIO N M — Assorted . notice puhlication Chim ney Blocks makes In black and blue In aloe*' at No. 0141131 t i e News office. For the convent E U G E N E C O N C R E T E P IP E CO. O tparim ant of the In terio r, U, 8. once of customers who have h ith e r-' tf. Land Office at Roseburg, Oregon, October 14, 1927. to not been able to gut ribbons in N O T IC E Is hereby «Ivon that Elm er Hprlngtleld we have started this <’. Yeoman of Creswell, Oregon who. I am not advocating th a t a man new line of ribbons for Underwood,«, EUR H A L E — Carbon paper In large *t>n November 25. 1922 ma,to Homo sheets, 28x3» Inches. suitable for should not m arry until he can support Remingtons. Royals, L. C. Smith, atead Entry, Mortal No. 014924. for I M For judgm ent and Decree . o f . ’ * * ’ ' * * / ' b“ y’ °* • of tb i tlon 6. Township 19 H. Range and other makes. wife In luxury. In fact, I th in k n tf I m aking «racings T h e News Ofllcc. 3 W . W illa m e tte Meridian, has (Fed Divorce, dissolving the bonds of m atrl- • v # ry *h ,n8- T herefore, I am quite few hard bumps w ill do a lot toward notice of Intern Ion to inako F in al mony n«»w and heretofore existing be- • ure 1 could not support her and bringing them closer together, it T h ree year Proof, to establish oluliu to I ween the K.“* 1' Beers and keep a home on my earnings. T h a t doesn't take a fortune for a coupln S U M M O N 8 SUM M ONS the land above described. before K. O In the C ircuit Court of the State of IN T H E C IR C U IT C O U R T O F T H E grounds the defendant Beer» o f m « F l rank nu~ in tiii, .''niiTl'e.i I'* * 1" 1 nl,>d hgalnst you In the ahoy«- s Prlngficld New pursuant to an order date is thought of. HAMILL A CANADY. Register. « ¿ l . - X l X four X h . ?r.,m < “ *» d " y" * ’«» "S <’• »’ «»•«>•"» Judge O 20 27: N 3 10 17: n f the Countv «Court of the State of of the first publication of thia »urn d a U of ,h * " f ,h l" »ummons W e lk H . H ., you do have your Class Is Entertained ¡Oregon for the County o f Lane duly nmns or for want thereof the p lain tiff upon y<’ "' lf "«w ed w ith in this county, NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT w ill take Judgment against you ami or lf » •r” d w ,lh ,n «"? « ‘ her county ' made and entered of record on the troubles. don’t you? and o f course. M rs. A. B. Van Valzah entertained to Uo- coini 'f.'r ih r , lu ’ k |n , h l * •I® 1«'- ’ hen w ithin tw enty days i *7 !h ,ll,y ° r September. 1927. ordering the only thlng^you can do is to talk .......... ..... ” '« " • '•«' ! " 1 h” ” 0» 7 ‘ thing» over with this wonderful girl. h er Sunday school c'oss at a delight­ T he undersigned, executor o f the w ill apply in the . omplaln ami or . Estate of Charles 1. (io trle . deceased, prayed for ful Hallow e'en party at her home last ha«,tiled hl« Fnal Arcounl In the omt- decree of a F riday night. T he H allow e’en motif ter of »alii estate with the County and annulhnent of the m arriage con Judgment i«-.'9liist you for the re lie f «late of the first publication w ill be and we hope fo r your sake she is, was carried out in decorations and Clerk of Lane 4'm m lv Oregon, and an t r a il between the pnrtlca In the above pran*«l for In com plaint. IVated this ion the 29th day of September. 1927. she w ill understand, and perhaps If other features of the party, and game« order bus been made and entered of entitled suit 28th «lav of October, 1927 This sum . land the date of the last publication she likes her position, she w ill w ant record bv the County Court of said were enjoyed. Thia summons la published once mons Is pulillabsd pursuant to an w ill be Ihe 10th dav of Novem ber. to continue w orking a fte r the wed­ Count»', directing till« notice and up eaeh week for four conaeeutlve Weeks order mail, by the Hon G. F. Skip- 1927. Mrs. V an Valzah teaches the young pointing Monday, Ilio S lat dav of 111 Ihe Springfield News, a weekly worth. Judge of suld Court, dated F R A N K A. DE P I E. Attorney" for ding, In o rder to hasten the happy people’s class in the M ethodist church. November, 1927. at H> o'clock A M Newspaper published In Springfield, Novem ber 1. 1927. and requiring the day. As for breaking off because of About tw elve attended. for the hearing of ohji-etlons of said l ane l ounly, Oregon, by order «if the summons herein to lw published once I ’lain tlff. R, sfih-nce. Springfield. Ore­ your sm all salary, if money means account and the sci Cement of said Honorable G. F Hklpw orth, juds» of a »«•« k for four weeks In "T he Spring gon. 8. 29: O. 6. IS. 20. 27: N 3. 10: estate th a t much to her, it would be the Ihe above court, made October 4tli. field New s" a newspaper printed and Reception Is Planned Dnied nt Eugene. Oregon, this 20 1927. anil this summons dated and first pubfshed at Springfield, fame County. wisest thing that could happen. A reception w ill be held a t the L in ­ day of October. 1927 published ilc tid a -r 8th, 1927. N O T IC E OF ROAD D IS T R IC T Oregon Til«, «late of the first ptlDli You know, H . H ., there Is no tellin g coln school F rid a y afternoon, given by T H O M A S c H u lt II IE. Executor of WHITTEN SWAFFORD. Attome. eat'on 's Novem ber 3. 1927 M E E T IN G what women w ill do. You thin k she the P arent-Teachers association in the Estate of Charles I, Gorrte, de­ for III«' I'la in tlff Residence and |a>s'- S M IT H A E V A N S . Attorney» for ceased. offleo address. Eugene, Oregon. hasn’t any Idea <,f how sm all your honor of new members of the or­ I'la in tlff. 434 6-9 M in e r ltldg . Eugene. 3o Whom It May Concern: O. 20 27: N 3 10 17! '„ U ,-.. 1» hereby given that t meet salary is. but I have a hunch th a t C O 6 132027: N 3: Oregon. ganization. Several new names re­ j Ir.g of the legal voters being resident N. 3 10.17 24: . taxpayers and owners 'of real pro- she has know n you fo r two years, she cently were added to the ro s te r of tne I i e rtv In Road District No. 2. In Lane knows a great deal more about your organization. C. tinty, Oregon w ill be held at the business affairs than you th in k she SUM M ONS hour of 2 P M on the 19th day of N a tu rally , she can't tell you IN T H E C IR C U IT C O U R T OF T H E Novem ber, A. D., 1927. at the Mc- does. Rrescott Is Visitor— Robert Prescott S T A T E O E O R EG O N FOR L A N E of Eugene was a visitor in Springfield tvcnxle Bridge Schoolhouace in said about It. T hat's your job. COUNTY. A R C H A M B E A U 'S Ron«t> D istrict, to determ ine whether In the first place, there's a world Monday. He Is one of the new owners H E M S T IT C H IN G le a s e Briggs. Vs. V. W Brigg», De­ i said road district shal' levy a special W O M E N S SHO P of difference between two o f your i of the RankiD-Fry building, and looked fendant. 5c a yard I lax of »615» 41 upon all the taxable Specialty Dressmaking To. V W Brigg» Defendant: property In «aid district for the pur , Not being able to support ¡o v e r the property while here. Mrs W. K U A R N K L L Evening D resses— Hund Mud«, IN T H E N A M E O F T H E S T A T E I». -,- «,[ prnvlding fun«Is for One m ill ‘ OF OREGON: You are hereby re- for maintenance on Foley Road. One i 633 D Stre. L Phone 105 W Flow ers — Huts and O m ia E S T IM A T E D B U D G E T FOR T H E T O W N OF S P R IN G F IE L D FOR 1928 qulred lo appear and answ er the com < O r leave orders at m ill for m aintenance on South Pork Cor. Muin and Second Street«. Springfield. Oregon, October 31st, 1927. plaint fiVd against you In the above Road. One m ill for maintenance on Farm ers Exchange Phon, ÍU9-W entitled suit on or before four weeks Budget Com m ittee M eeting was called to order by M ayor G. G. K ing road T w o m ills for eonstruc- Irom dal«, of the first pufi'ication of I lion 4 10 of m ile to Pox Farm . Bushman. Upon motion duly madie. seconded and carried. G. G. Bushman was elected Chairm an of the Budget Com m ittee and W . P. Tyson as Secretary. ; thia auminona, or for want thereof U P B A R N A R D . Countv Judge. the p lain tiff w ill take Judgment C L IN T O N H U R D . County C om . Street Im provem ent: agalnat you gnd w ill apply to the mission er. Lum ber ______ _______ ___________________ ________________ ___ » 50.00 SPRINGFIELD i Court for the re lie f prayed for in Ijih o r, Man and team 12 months .................... ..................................... 400.00 M H. A N D E R S O N , County Com SECOND HAND STORE the eomplnlnt and for decree of abso- miss loner. Crushed Roch ............................. .............. 9......................... ................. 300.00 lute divorce from you and the custody Cement A lle y Crossings ____________ __________________ _______ 50.00 Buys, S v ili and Exchanges of the m inor child of the m arriage. C u tting Weeds ................................ ........... .............. ............................ .. 200.00 N O T IC E O F ROAD D IS T R IC T W. L U B K E . Prop. 129 5th St. This auminona la publlahed once Surveying Streets ______ ____ ____ ___________________ ___ ___ _ 75.00 M E E T IN G each week for four eonaeeutlve week» Cleaning Streets __ ___ ____________________ ____________ ______ 250.00 Equipm ent and Supplies ...... ...................................... .............................. 100.00 238 Main Mt. Residence 126 C Mt , In T he Springfield Newa, a weekly To W hom It May Concern: newspaper published at Springfield. Sew er Pipes __ _____________________________________________ __ 75.00 92 J 92M Phons 130 M Notice Is nereby given that a m eet­ Imne County, O regon; by o ra e r of the ing of the legal voters being resident 3 1500.00 Honorable G. F Sklpw orth. judge of Life, Automobile and Fire F u ll Auto 4iqtllpinenl the above court, made Octobor 25th. taxpayers and owners of real property Police and F ire Departm ent: Insurance C hief of Police and F ire Chief at *150.00 per m onth, 12 months, t 1800.00 Lady Assistant 1927, ami thia summons first published In Road D istrict No. 9. in Lane Coun­ ty. Oregon, w ill be held at the hour of 1 Police Officer and F irem an at *130.00 per month. 12 months .... 1560.00 October 27th. 2927 CARL A. W YMAN 1 N ig ht W atchm an a t *105.00 per month. 12 months. __________ 1260.00 W H IT T E N S W A F F O R D , Attorney 2 P. M on the 12th dav of Novem ber. Resident Agent A D.. 1927. at the \Y O. \V H a ll Supplies ______________________________________________________ 126.60 , for the I'la in tlff Residence and P«»st at Jasper. Oregon. In said Road D istrict 734 D Street, Springfield. Oregon 'office Address. Eug, im tin gon. 5 4746.60 to determ ine w hether said road dis- ; O. 27: N 3 19 17 24: trlc t shall levy a special tax of $3040 38 Recorder»» Salary: VASBY BROS. » 900.00 N O T IC E O F S H E R IF F S S A L E O N ! 2 Ï 7 2 " " ? , 1; J ’. T P„ 7 7 * ReCOrder' U m 0“ ,h8 Plano Moving .d is tric t for the purpose of providing i Treasurer's Salary: Res, Phone 160 E X E C U T IO N Painting & Decorating 180.00 funds for road Improvem ent W allace 1 T reasu rer. 12 months SPRINGFIELD TRANSFER Notice la hereby given th a t by v ir­ Creek "G" M % , H ill Creek "F" 2«',. Attorney's Fees: In all Ita branches W IL L ! » H ER TR C H , Prop. tue of an execution issued out of the L ittle F all Creek “I" 2 9 » . and L ittle I 240.00 1 A tto rn ey, 12 months ... Lights and W a te r: Circuit Court of the State of Oregon i F a ll Creek to Pengra "B " 22%. OFFICE AT SERVICE OARAGE 312 Main Street Lights: M ountain State Power Company. Lights for Streets for the County of loine on the 24th ! C. P B A R N A R D , County Judge, 633 M a li* Street 1850.00 and Public Buildings. 12 months ................................. ............. day of September. 1927, upon a ju«lg- C L IN T O N H l ’ RD, County Comm is Buccessor to Mutton Transfer W a te r: M ountain States Power Company, F ire H ydrants, tncnl rendered therein on (h r 23rd sloner. 4 S treet Sprinkling. D rin k in g Fountains. Public Building». M H A N D E R S O N , County Commis- day of September, 1925. tn fa to r of the DR. 8. RALPH DIPPEL 1150.00 p laintiff W illa m e tte Collection and sloner. O. 27: N. 3-10: Credit Service, a corporation, and ( D E N T IS T Olfilce Phone 43 Ros. Phone 3 * 3000.00 against tli«' iicfcn«laut Lucy llustead, Street Cleaning and Flushing: for the sum of *146.60. w ith interest ' Carl H. Phetteplace, M. D. N O T IC E OF RO AD D IS T R IC T Phone 43 Man and Team . 12 months at *115.00 per month * 13*0.00 thereon at th«< rate of six p«»r cent I M E E T IN G General Practice, Special A ttention Town H a ll Supplies: F irst M st’l Bank Bldg., Springfield p.-r annum from the 23rd day of Sept­ 45.00 Fuel, 12 months __________ _______ ___ __________ to Obstetrics and Diseases of clill ember, 1926, and the fu rtn e r sum of To Whom It May Concern: H ealth Officer: *10.50 costs and disbursement», which ' Notice Is hereby given that a m eet­ Iren. 50.00 M edlcnl-Services and Official Supervision .............. Judgment • was enrolled and docketed ing of the legal voters being resident First National Bank Building In Hi«' office of the Clerk < f said Court taxpayer» and owner» of real property Advertising O fficial Advertising, 12 months ................................... 100.00 8prlngflelil, Oregon In said county on the 23rd day of ■In Rond District No. 10, in Lane Coun­ MAX STOVE WORKS Town L ib ra ry : Heptcmher, 1925. and «aid execution ty. Oregon, w ill he held at th hour of » 570.00 Services, Rent, Wood, Supplies and Expenses ..... Buys, Sells, Repairs and to tne d lr.^ te d commanding me In the 2 I ’ . M on the 12th dav of Novem ber, name of the Slat«' of Oregon, to A. D., 1927. at the I ’li asnnt H il’ Grad«' Care of Poor, Aiding Destitute: Exchangi's ' 10.00 WM. G. HUGHES 12 months .............................................................................. satisfy said Judgment. Interest, co»!» Schoolhouse In said Road D istrict, Stoves, Ranges and II« aters 125.00 Annual Cleanup .................................................................. fire ano auto in su r a n c e and d lsh iirs'-pviils, and the costs an.! to determ ine w hether si^d rond dis­ expanses of and upon this w rit out tric t shall V v y n »peclnl la x of *1766.49 Interest on Bonded Indebtedness: N O T A R Y P U B L IC M ain near M ill Hl. 2100.00 G eneral Im provem ent, F irs t Issue, *35000.00 of tin 1 personal property of Raid dp upon nil the taxable properly In said General Improvem ent. Second Issue. *35,000.00 ................................. 2100.00 Office at f« ndant or If sufficient could not he ills trlct for tli«' purpose of providing 2450.00 41« fund Bonds, due 1932. *35,000.00 found, then mil of 111 • real property fund« for general rond purposes. FIRST NATIONAL BANK Refunding Bonds due 1944. *50,000.00 .................................................. 3000.00 belonging to »«Id Def, ndant In Lane l C. F. B A R N A R D , County Judge Sprlnpfleld, * Oregon 54.00 Sew er Bonds. *900.00 County, Oregon, and being unnlde tn , C L IN T O N H U R D , County Cotnmls- 568.88 Im provem ent Bonds, 1926 Issue, *94S1.00 find any personal property belonging aloner. - 543.04 Im provem ent Bonds. 1927 Issue, *9050.56 to »al«l rk'fendnnt or eith er of them, M H A N D E R S O N . C o uii.y Cotnmis All kinds of gravel for con­ Bond Sinking F u n d ............ ..............................................................- .....— TOoQ.llO DR. N. W. EMERY upon which to leyy, I have levied upon sinner, nm B U S IN E S S D IR E C T O R Y W. F. Walker Funeral Director SPRINGFIELD GRAVEL CO. D E N T IS T 'Sutton bldg. Phone 20 J Residence Phone 159-M Springfield, Oregon crete or rond work. We make a npOcialty of crushed rock and rock sand. Bunk- era at foot of Main on Mill street. HEN R Y W. CHASE, Prop. General Law Practloa I. M. PETERSON Attnrney-st-Law Ctty Hall Rnlldlng Springfield, Ora. FRANK A. DE PUE ATTORNEY AT LAW NOTARY PUBLIC Springfield, ■wilding D. W . R oof JEW ELER Repairing a Specialty Springfield, Oregon M. O. HOCE Attorn ey-it-Law Practise U, 8. and State Court* Eugene, Oregon the following described real property I in Lane County, Oregon, to-w lt: Lot On ■ (1) block Iw o (2 . D. O. Me F arland r T h ird Addition to Cottage ' Grove, Oregon. Now. therefore. In the name o f4 h e j State of Oregon, in compliance with said execution, and in order to satisfy i »aid Judgment, Interest, costs and dis bursements, and the costs and ex- penaes of and upon tlilH w rit. I w ill on Saturday the 6th day of November, i 1927, nt the hour o f one o'clock In the | afternoon of said day, ay the south­ west fro nt door of the County Court House, In Eugene, Lane County, Ore­ gon, offer for sale and sell for cash, at public auction, subject to redem p­ tion ns provided by law , all of the right, title and Interest ot said