The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, November 03, 1927, Page 2, Image 2

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Marriage Lleeneea leauad
XXr ing (he past week m arriage lie
ggaes have been Issued by (he co intv
gjark to th e following
K arl R asm ussen. Fresno, California,
god Marie Klguard. E ugene; Frank
R egers and H asel Bell Knight. bo >i
Of W endling. Eugene Hood and Da. >
fis h e r. both of M arcóla; Cecil Rich
grdson and Muriel Alley, both of No..
C arl Sensenav. Springfield, and
.- a
Wood. E ugene; W ilia m Scott in I
E lla H orner, both oí C re sa e ll: W
Jlatn Goddard. Eugene, and Bell
R oberts. Fall C reek; Joseph S
and Sarah Shelley, both of Junction
Goes to P ortland— l'r Eugene K oa.
ter spent the week-end In Portland,
In from Jasp « r—Paul Radske. Jasp er
balking over new equipm ent (or his
»»» a business visitor here Tuesday.
office here.
Here From B e 'llo u ria ir— Mr it'd
Mrs George Rhodes of B ellfountain
w ere Sunday v isito rs at tno home , t
Mr. and Mrs Fred F rese of this city
A num ber n t o th er relatives and
friends sw elled the num ber around th*
table on Sunday aoon to IS a t the
F rese home
Golf» lnttt Colima
In from Noll— Mr. and M r, E E
Malinda of Noll w ere Springfield
visitors Saturday.
Drive to C orvallis— Mr and M r, F
It. FMnery drove to C orvallis Suteltty.
visiting relativ es there.
Go to W estfir—Jam es and Delbert
M itchell drove to W estfir for Saturday
and Sunday.
Drives to Ballsy Hill— Dr R P. i
M ortensen m ade a professional call
In the Bailey Hill d istrict Tuesduy. i
A case of diphtheria was placed
antler quarantine list* today by Hr.
W II Pollard, i lly health officer. Mrs.
Geiger, who Uvea on Herotld street,
has contracted the disease, he aalil
No oilier , •ntaglotia d 'se a ssa have
hem refo rted In the city this w eet,
Dr Pollaid said, and none Is under
quarantine Coni limed rum ors of in
funtib paralval« urn fa\»e. so l.n aa
offit-lal records show.
Move From Eugene — Albert K.
Wood and ftfliilly have moved from
Eugene to Springfield. T hey former- '
ly lived here.
Visit P h sttep lsee Home— Dr. anil '
Mi - Carl I'b ettep lere visited on Sun- |
day » n il his parents. Mr. and Mrs. II. i
E. P helleplace of T hurston
ltiim n N S - A«»ort»d
TV PI' W m I'l in 1iln. il ami blue in sin s” st
Fur It»» con»ani*
t l i New. i»l'.
etu »• of » »1 i -n, rs ali ' h iv» hlllicf-
to not <»•’» n able tu K< t ribbons In
Hpringrtriii wi lui ve sta rte d Ibis
new line ol t ribbon, fur 1 nderwood *,
1« C. HinUft.
and til her in
V isitor From Coquille— Mrs. Clinton
Hero From F lats—Jtvmos H art of A rchibald, of Coquille, was u visitor
C edar F lats was a Springfield visitor over the week end uf Hie home of Mr
; T uesday.
and Mr, W K Burnell of sprlnglleld.
E aston I* V isitor— W aller Easton of
Baby Son Born— A baby son was
' W alterville paid SprlngtieM a visit born S aturday m orning to Mr. amt
Mrs II. J Rogers at Ihe hom e of M r,.
Visit Anderson Home— Mr. ami M r,
A. R. Sneed w ere visitors Sunday at
the hunt Anderson home n ear here.
•Join the Y. M. C. A.’
TX. STurtnnn W Moody
/g le is t
: c i a l i s t
Eugene. Oregon,
Telephone 362
Lum ber News H ere— The 4-L L um ­
b er bulletin arriv ed yesterday and
was being d istrib u ted at the Booth-
Kelly mill by John King, secretary of
the local unit.
W itness Footbsll Game—C. K. Kt a
yon and Dwight K essey of the Com­
m ercial S tate hank drove to Corvnhls
Saturday, w here they w itnessed the
football game betw een Oregon S tate
(-allege and the W a sh in g to n S tate
"F or years I suffered with stcm ach
trouble Then, my wife got rue to lak e
Adlerlka. Today I feel tine and e a t
what I like
Wai upp
Adlerlka relieves stom ach gas and
Bournes, in TEN m inutes. Acting on
BOTH Upper ami lower bftwels, Il re-
moves eld w aste uuitter vnu -lever
thought w a, in your system Let Ad­
it rlka give your stom ach and bowels
a REAL cb attains and ace how Moo h
b etter you will fe.-l It «111 surprise
you! Flattery's Drug Store
Oldham (¿ sc h a /ito ls
j^ e m u ia e r s
And They Do
"W here's the best place to hold the
W orld's Fair, Phldepedea?"
"A round Uie waist. E rrotadee."
Sheet Iron Heaters, $2.50 to $5.00.
Our Praeht a l ra ttern
A full stock of Andirons, Fire Sets andtScreens.
J rp lü c k
o kl»dt*< i
" D o c to r
to n g ls fl*
T hop« (rlsn4< <4 J
(dmilif Ks*«
U nfair Question
•-------- F O fk .
Shim —"You drive awfully fa ,I, don't
H im —"W ell, I touched seventy y e s ­
"Did you kill ony of them ?"
Dippel Sees Game— Dr. S. R. Dlppel
w ent to Corvallis S atu rd ay to see the
Pollyanna Thought
C ougar Beaver football game He cam e
"T hey say th at poverty Is no d is .
back with faith th a t th e U niversity of
Oregon will a t least score ag ain st O.
"W ell, th u t's the only thing that
A. C.. d espite the victory Saturday.
Jum py Lika
can ge said in Its favor.”
N either O. A. C. nor W. 9. C. showed
“I «Imply can't atand the toot of
an exceptionally good brand cf b II, motor-horn."
G rrrrrrrr-r-r-r'
th e doctor told feRow grid fans her».
"W hy not?”
O. A. C. and O regon m eet In homecon -
"Som e guy ran aw ay with my wife
C orporal —’’Didn't you hear “About
; lng b attle at H ayw ard Held, Eugene, in a car anil everytim e I hear a horn
T urn?"
arm istice day.
I think he's bringing her buck."
Rookie— "No. w hat happened In
him ?"
Prices on these Heaters range from $18.00 to $30.00.
Montag All - Cast
$98.50 cash.
CALL AMIt RLE Dr. N. W. FnterV
nn price, on I'l.'ti • and other work tf.
R eturns From P ortland— Mrs Carl
Olson Is back from P ortland w here ,|p>
P latt In Town— George F latt of stayed for some time with her sou.
T h u rsto n was a Sprlngtlebt visitor RusselK
8 , by Son Born— A baby son w a,
Returns From Portlsnd— Mrs Elsie born to .Mr. and .Mrs Flattery of W est ,
L am bert returned fTom a visit to P o rt­ Sprlnglleld Monday m orning nt Ihe
Pacific C hristian hospital The n e s- |
land Sunday.
gonter weighed seven pounds.
Here From W endling—C h ar'es M e t
W ard s t C orvallis—Sidney Ward
of W endling was a Springfield visitor
Jo h n n ie G oodm an. It». t imaha.
w a, it C orvallis visitor Haturday,
N t h . o rp h a n , w ho w on the I r a n ,
when he w itnessed III,- 0 A. C, ■ W S
M i,«t«qq> i golf c h am p io n sh ip tin»
H ere From W inberry— Mrs Anna <1 C. game. He stayed at the Hlgtna Nu
year, 1« lo have a college cduca
b a k e r of W inbrrry w as a Springfield fratern ity , of which he Is a mem ber.
lio n O m a h a clu b m en have pledged
visitor this week
to a t hull th ro u g h and next vear
McLagan at W endling W. C Me
l o e n te r him in n a tio n a l play
H ere From P rineville—T. Griffith, Li-gan w as u visitor nt W endling
th in k he I, a n o th e r Bobby Jo n e s
Prineville, form erly a resident of Tuesday. He was accom panied by W
Springtiebl. is visiting h ere this week. K llurnell. m anager here, of the Moun oaGt
l>o you drive a wugou?"
•Ifo. sir."
V isits s t Collins Home— F ran k P a r­ tain S tates Power com pany They In
"T hen what Is your occupation?"
rish is staying for a few days at the spected properties of the company at
"I drive u h o rs e !”
home of Mr. and Mrs. E W. Collins. W endling
Our optical experience plus glasses means contented eyes.
Suite 831 M iner Bldg.
Phoebe Nelson here.
Íio » v 5 i ì
Fast and Snappy
Judge—"H ow old are you?"
Blank Prom issory notes and re
,'iald—"W ell, e r—e r."
"Iion’t h esitate; e v e r y
minute celp'.a printed and tn stock at th*
News office.
mu ken It w orse!"
I .......
.. . _
A piomise
. I
T each er- You naughty boy. I only-
wish th at I could be your m other for
a w ees. '
Young te r—"T hat ought to be easy.
You see m other's gone uwuv for u
month to visit her relatives. l'!l «peak
to dad about it tonight."
S a v e W it h S a fe ty
* ' Ju st Ailing Like
‘‘I want some flowers for a s irs
fro nil "
"H ere are some for fifty dollars ig
"G oodness; she's not aa sick u-
th a t!"
A“| ^HE first prehistoric man to become a
[ X manufacturer owned his own tools —
gh instruments of flint made with his own
As industry developed and crude tools gave
to m ore costly and more com plex
machinery, men separated themselves into
groups,—owners of tools and users of tools.
O ut of this separation grew industrial prob­
lems, and in their solution, the trend has been
toward a wider ownership of the tools of
indu stry by those who use them.
Industry’s most useful tool in America, the
telephone, is owned by those it serves. Bell
System seogrities are distributed among
800,000 investors, nearly all of whom are
telephone users. The stock of the American
Tel. & Tel. Co. is held by more than 420,000
owners, and no individual owns as much as
1%. In this nationwide ownership of nation­
wide facilities, the tool owner and tool user
are identical.
On« Policy - One S y ite m - U m vertal Service
a t a Hpecial price till» month a $2.Of) Maxi­
mum liDt W ater Bottle or Fountain Syringe
a' $1.4 9
Fire W hen Ready
Robber—“Oet ready to die. I'm go­
ing to shoot you."
‘T've always said, I'd shoot anyone
who looked Hke me.”
"Do I look Hke you?"’
T he P acific T elephone A nd T elegraph C ompany
T h at Kind of a Girl
W ise—"Do you care for sports?"
Gal—“ Yes, when I find a real one."
S to re
D ressed for th e P arty
T he soft little rap e collar, the
dashing ribbon bows and the p rac­
tical m atching bloom ers make this
dainty sleeveless frock an ideal
party dress for the little tot. I t’s a
d r e s the little gvef will love to
It would be delightfully
dainty, m ad- up in all white, p sirg
a soft -ilk crepe or in any shade of
rose, blue o r maize, with the bows
at neck and pockets of satin rib­
bon to match.
H ow ever, for every day wear, a
printed wash m aterial in any color
could be com bined with ribbon to
m atch to form a practical as well
a , p retty play frock.
May be obtained in sizes 2 to 6.
Size 4 requires 2% yards of 40 inch
m aterial and 2j4 y ards ribbon for
trim m ijtg. No dressm aking experi­
ence is needed to make Design
No. 1I1S if you use these patterns
P attern s will be delivered to any
address upon receipt of 25c in rash
o r U. S. Postage. A d d tsss this
new spaper.
Now We Aek You?
R elative— “ Now, now, Sonny You
m ustn’t say 'I a in ’t going,' You must
say, 'I am not going,' 'H e Is not going.'
‘We are not going,* 'T h ey a re not
going.' "
Tomm y—"Aw—a in ’t nobody going?"
25c Orange Bloasom and NarclHHe Talcum at
25c Marvia Talcum and 50c Marvla Face Powder,
both for ..........................................
60c Djerklsu Face Powtjer Free with the purchase of
$2.00 bottle of DJerklHH Perfume. Both for
Positive At Last
The prosecuting atto rn o y was hav- ;
lng a difficult tim e with the ‘I’e r wit- i
ness for the defense. His answ ers
were evasive and, not to the point.
The judge finally cautioned him to
give m ore precise answ ers. "W e don't
w ant your opinions of this e lse , Just
answ er questions put to you, th a t's
’’You say you drive a wagon?" ask« d
th e prosecutor.
“No, sir, I did not,” cam e the posi­
tive answ er.
“B ut didn’t you tellm e Just a
m om ent ago th a t you did?”
"No sir, I did not.”
"G racious! I put It to you on your
$1.00 Puretest Mineral Oil a t .......................
8 9 C
Aspirin Tablets
at 69c
6 B ars of 15c Rexall Toilet
121/2 oz. Pure Imported Olive Oil at
One I*lnt o f Pureteat Rubbing Alcohol