M a k e Y o u r W a n t» K n o w n • U se the Classified Ad». THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS Taxpnyara To P h »« On Schedule November 24; School Budget la Adopted Without Opposi­ tion At Mooting; School In­ debtedness Being Cut. A LIVE Trie» Atlantic S tu d e n ts B a rred 7 7 0 C hildren o f From School H ere School A g e H ere infantile Paralysis at Hayden Annual Census Taken; Girls Bridge Causes Emergency Shown to Outnumber Measure By Board | Boys. NUMBER 43 Hi» Lati friend -« • - a NEW SPAPER IN A LIVE TOW N rtPHINGKIKIJ). LANE COUNTY, ORBOON, THURSDAY NOVEMBER 3. 1027 TW K NTY-FO UHTII YKAH C M BUDGET FOB NEXT TEAR $31,362 "Th» People’s Paper" . -j -, Hr t CITY HEAR TO PLAN Town Must Aid In Financing Project If It Goe9 Though At All Says C. E. Kenyon; Fourth Street And O t h e r Sites Talked. At a hastily called m eeting he'evpi-al i m other, who wa» III. City officials said Mr. Neal, who said th a t th is was Springfield's receipt» for O ctober v'eberans n re buck for th is y ear's : th a t th e ullbl was a tr ite one, and de­ p rrtia lly ocvered by insurance. Mr». William Vanby, Mr». A rth u r ward field. Eugene, arm istice day. were $1236 18, according to figures at» m anded th at D ever pay his fine. T he O, 8. C.-W. S. C. gam e 'nt Cor­ games. P engra and Mary Ellen Cook, O rigin of the fire Is undeterm ined. nounced by City R ecorder I. M. vallis '«»1 week was w itnessed by The (Irving of the nuts would have j Peterson. sev eral local fans, anxious to learn S. P. PEDESTRIANS been com pleted in a few days. He itemized the receipts as follow«; Just what stren g th the sta te rs will BRIDGE IS MOVED show ngahiKt the Eugene liiHtltutlon Oenefia, fund, $382; Im provem ent POSTAL RECEIPTS ARE 'sin k in g . $47.71; im provem ent in terest. n ext week. -■’he foot sidew alk bridge nn Seventh STILL AHEAD OF 1026 $37.22; sidew alks, $229.49; sew er, The result of th eir o bservations '.a s tre e t from Ihe end of the cem ent 1 ■ $13.49; N orth Second street. $251.27; th a t O regon should lie abb- to score sliliw a ’ik lo the depot was moved by ' D espite a decrease revealed lir Octo- real estate, $275. cared for. Upon regaining conscious­ ag ain st the Agglea, but as to a victory (lusting light nn the m ysterious the Bouthern Pacific yesterday and F ines brought the city $335 during ness, the aviator told how, on the j her figures, postal receipts for the for the E ugeneans, th a t rem ains to lined up with the sidewalk. ■ circu m stan ces surrounding th e m ishap day previous, he had been w inging his year to d ate still show* a su b stan tial the m onth, and licenses $32.50. be seen. U sers of this S treet thl« year will j L ast S atu rd ay 's ganw>, they said, to Vernon R nokwalter, derby aviator, way over the Ixiwell country as a Increase over 1926. according to P ost­ find It possible lo reach the depot m aster F. B. Ham lin. “HIS UNCLE’S NIECE” wa« won largely on break» by the Mrs. Anna O. B aker of W inberry re p a rtic ip a n t In the a ir derby.j and the mill w ithout Ihe n ecessity of Local receipts for O ctober totaled He felt his plane begin tq drop, he C orvallis grid-men, nnd few believe lated on a v isit to Springfield th is IS PLAY TO BE GIVEN wading during the w et season as In th eir stren g th to be a» far su p erio r to week detn lls of B ookw u'ter's ap p ear­ a d d , and looked at h is w atch. It w-as $531 30; for O ctober, 1926, $542.30. years past. It appears. The new side­ All but th ree m onths of the year "H is U ncle's N iece” is the title ot ance nt h er home In a daxed condi­ 9.32 a. m. The plane tum bled Into the th e O regon team aa la st year. walk has been com pleted, and a new H owever, It Is also pointed out by tion 24 hours a fter his plane tum bled top cf a fir tree, and B ookw alter fell have shown Increases over correspond- the play, to be given the first week la board, bridge placed acrosa the d ra in ­ D ecem ber by the A m erican Legion. Ihe local fans, CorvaHIa h as Maple, out of the a ir Into the top of a fir to the ground, stunned. He lay there | Ing periods of 1926. age ditch a t the en d s of the sidewalk C ast and exact date of the perform ­ while Oregon hns little to boast of n tree th ree m iles from the B aker home. th a t day, and the following night, and sidew alk bridge. Girls To Hear of China ance have not been selected by Mr«. Tho ev en ts w ere re c a l’wl by Mrs. gaining stren g th eventually to begin the wny of hacks. Robinson hns been Miss C atherine T lnkham , teac h er In O ra Read Hem enw ay, who Is planning out of th e gam e a large p a rt of Ihe B aker In telling of B ookw alter's a r ­ his Journey tow ard ctvi’ilzatlon. It P riscilla Club Meets lim e, hut If he Is able to stick In the rival In th e W inberry d istrict Friday took him liouts to cover the th ree the high school, will address the G irls th e play. "H is U n c le s N iece" is a sparkling T he ITIsclIln d u b m et F riday a fte r, A rm istice day gam e O regon may I to salvage his airplane. Mrs. B aker m iles betw een the scene of the ac­ League of the local school th is a fte r­ noon, h er topic being “A T rip »o convedy, and plenty of laughs ar« noon a t the home of Mrs. W. H. show n b e tte r form In Us backfield said th at he rem oved nt lenst p art of cident nnd the B aker residence. g tearm er. The room s w ere decorated than heretofore. It Is thought. M em bers of the B aker fam ily saw C hina." Miss T lnkham was In th e I prom ised those who patronize th« th e m achine, which was badly w reck­ attractiv ely with d ah lias and H a’low- ' Sidney W ard. Dwight Kessey, H arry ed In the fall Into the virgin forest to It th a t the aviator reached Eugene, O rient for sev eral years, and will give | event, which is a benefit for the L«- e'en trifles. and from the point he boarded a bus first-hand Inform ation as to life and ! irton and the B rattain school equip- S tew art, Dr. Ralph Dlppel nnd nthors of Ihe W inberry d istrict. C onversation and needlew ork were from here saw the game. It was on the day a fte r Bookwnlter'< to Portlnnd. Book-waiter refused to custom s th ere. The m eeting Is sche­ I m ent. * j enjoyed. A two course lunch was accident, sh e said, that m em bers of talk to new spaperm en nt Eugene, bat duled for 1 o’clock a t the high school served. M em bers p resen t w ere Mrs. h er fam ily happened to look out of the In P ortland he told rep o rters th a t he building. Needlecraft Meets Today Honor Court Scheduled N. L. H oward, Mra. I. H. L a rim e r,' window and see a man stag g erin g out had been followed by a cougar during R egular m eeting of the N eedlecraft C ourt of H onor Is scheduled for Pollard at Office Mrs. John Seavey. Mra Ja c k I.araon, I of the woods tow ard the house. Somo Ihe night. The rep o rt resulted In a club Is scheduled for this afternoon Springfield Boy Scouts for N ovem ber Dr. W. H. Pollard resum ed his prac­ Mr». L. E. Bnsford, Mrs. W illiam one rem ark ed th a t "th ere com es an g reat controversy by w oodsm en nnd a t the hom e of Mra. W. Dawson, with C urtis. Mr». Blley Snodgrass, Mrs. T. 29. Several scouts of both troops will Injured h u n ter" nnd w ent out to assist others throughout the n o rth w est ns to tice here th is week a fte r being out of Mrs. H arry S tew art as Jpint hostes«. V. H enderson, Mrs. John Tom seth, be read y for tho session It was said. the man to the house. w hether a congar will actually follow the city for some tim e to gain a need­ ed re st. Dr. Pollard was a t K itson Mrs. A. J. McKy, nnd Ibe ho»te»R. H ardly had the help reached Book- and sta lk a man. Al Perkin* Here—A1 P erkins wa« The next m eeting will be on Nov- 1 Tonalle Removed—F ra n k P a t.ls h w aller, and he had nsked to be taken Mrs. Bnker, In relatin g details of the Springs. H is throat, which h as been h ere last night on his way to P ortland causing him considerable trouble. Is em ber 17 w ith Mrs. H enderson as und erw en t a tonsil operation a t a In, before ho fainted aw ay com pletely, event to C. B. Kenyon of SpringfleM. som ew hat Improved, he said today. from Bend. hostess. local physician's office today. and was carried Into the house and said nothing of the cougar story. D erby F lyers M ishap is Told B y W inberry W om an J