TAGE EIGHT T IIU HS DA Y OCTOBER -'7, I »27 THE SPRINOFŒLD NEWS the girls' junior basketball team and Butter produced by the Lower Co­ Beatrice Baker caplulu of the Fresh­ Rotte Plane'» Tail lumbia Cooperative Dairy association, By Special men team. with headquarter* in Astoria, took two I The student* of Pleasant IllSf have Correspondente first prises and one second In the takeu an‘lntereel In football thia year. Twenty-first National IkUry Exposi­ The team has been picked with Ly- tion at Memphis. Tenn. called to the bedatde of her alato). 1 man Tinker as captain and a game H Brief Resume of Happenings of Newt Madden, prominent turkey I Mrs. J. 11. Zimmer, whu passed away scheduled fur Friday of Ibis week THURSTON I grower of the Hermiston region of October 17. Mrs. Zimmer formerly Basket hall practice will he held at the Week Collected for ! Umatilla county, waa elected perms 1 the high echoo» gymnasium every Lum Maya from Landax spent the resided here and was a slater of Mult | nent director of the turkey marketing Ion Harlow and IL C Harlow of Our Readers. Monday and Wednesday night. Basket weekend In Thurston _______ situation at a meeting attended by throwing will bo practised after M r ami Mrs A W Weaver drove| Farmington. W a s h i n g t o n Tue j about 60 growers last week brothers and slaters were In attetul- school hours averj day Snow plow, placed on the McKena.e remaluinil 0, First to Junction City last Saturday an* ance at the funeral. Answering a midnight call from Mr. and Mrt|. Arch Shough highway last week have ' ! National hank of Bandon have been Mr and Mra. Lester Cyr and daugb ' Swlsshome Monday night J A Phelps road of »now although ground along I transferred to the Coos Bay National daughter. Patricia, front Vida spent the week end w ith Mr and Mra. John ° ° r* *»•* Miss Maude Chase I hunted up a crew of men to go to the highway is still covered. Investment company and preparations }>ricg returned Mondqy night after a two- ! Swlsshome to help search for tha Velmo Sylvester. 13. of Clackamas. are now under way toward making U j||m am whh M|g weeks vacation. They went'to Fort Pierce boy who wae lost In Ihe moun­ die.) Sunday from injuries received the final dividend to creditors. James HUI last Thursday and worked land, (hence to Spokane and to St. tain*. By four 4 o'clock Mr. Phelps several days ago iu her home when had his men notified and at 7 about There were S3’ accidents reported qU{,ttn« for her They were unab'e Mary a. Idaho, where they visited an she fell over backwards in a chair. to the state Industrial accident com- fo Bnish , h# work „„ deckled to meet aunt and uncle, Mr and Mra. Charles flrteen men of Pleasant Hill who are Data compiled by County Assessor mission during the week ending Octo- j n|>st Thhrsdav -Afternoon to flnlsh It. ' Kingsley. On tlmlr return (hey vlsltej familiar with wood* left for Swiss Boley show the 1»17 assessed v a l u a __ her ___ SO. _________ according to a report Issued gnd ,n |wfl w,.ek!l mee, wlltl “ voualn. Mra Eunice Bean. home Mr. Phelps was raised tn Ihe tlon for Washington county as »-<■ i ,h(, state Industrial accident com A B Mathews all day. Wwlsshome country and la well ao- »64.010 compared with »24.610.540 for . mission. mlgg(on No No fatalities (atal|Ues were were reported. reported. , M(gg Ed nits ton gave a party __ _ _ _ _ _ _ qualnled will) (he country where the IBM. boy waa lost. Damage to the walnut crop of Yam al her home Hat Friday evening Vlncent Taylor 17, of ^Hacken­ I UPPER WILLAMETTE Immediate construction of telephone hill county Is being lessened by the sack, N. J , in helping an air-mail The high school la preparing a play pilot »traighten away a plan* for lines connecting Reedsport and the removal of scores of allver squirrels, to be given In the near future I .a it a night flight caught hl* hand in a Umpqua river coast guard station was accomplished by the forcea of Ira N Friday afternoon the students and Mr. and Mra. C. E Curts accom • trut and was laksu aloft on the authorized by Captain P. M. Clark last Gahrielson. leader In Oregon of rodent faculty worked In cleaning the school panted by Mr and Mrs Ferre Curts tail o> the plane whsrt he rods for FARM REMINDERS week. control for the United States biologi- ; ground They had two teams and amt four children of Idaho drove lo JO mites The pilot wae unaware e e e e e e e e e Mrs. Daniel Pearson. 72 years old. cal survey. lions fern scale Insect* *re con- mowers working also. Portland Saturday to visit Vudette of the boy's plight. - —— - ■. — ................[ trolled by frequent application* of was probably fatally burned at North Mr. and Mrs Harry Harblt and son. Curts the «nail daughter of Mr and 1 ■ „, ------- Fifteen persona were killed and 38 laundry soap, says the Ore- Powder last week when gasoline she Injured In motor vehicle accidents In Wayne, from Coburg spent last Sat- Mrs C. K Curts, who Is tn the hospl- 5 In* the Infantile paralysis nt ihe j was using in cleaning a comfort ex­ Oregon In September, according to a utday with relutlves here. tai thence they drove them to Goshen hospital has been taken to her 1 any, situated at Bedding. California, plckanlnny he carried In his armak, {«mgtqii neighbor whose Ignorance Elmer Antln. 18. student at the and 1s spending a week's vacation In | Monday night at John 'Price's. Curtis Knappa-Svenson Union high school terest In the sixth annual Umatilla Hla Identity kept the atuoents guest and carelessness niaku him an unsafe • east of Astoria, was instantly killed I county potato show hejd at Weston took a government examination on Oregon. Refreshments In fallow bowman In inerkvling and die E E. Kilpatrick principal of the j Ing a long time Forestry tn Eugene on Tuesday, re­ when a water tank exploded In the ; 1*31 week. Exhibits were larger and Pleasant Hill highschool Issued a ca ll. eluding fresh cider were rraatT en­ ease control. turning tto Corvall'« 'n the afternoon school yard. I better than at any previous show. Miss Heersattt spent Sunday at Sum for basketball tryouts Monday night., joyed after the program which was Fire, sweeping from the proscenium More space was devoted to single farm It lakes more than 100 pounds of Twenty two aspirants turned out. | as follows: Welcome lo the Freshmen, Caruther's. at the top of the stage to the balcony. I displays than ever before. Mrs. Jeanette Clark who taught by Carl Linton; Response, Floyd Man lima to supply tha naeda of a cow Cecil Harblt. who la attend'ng The tentative budget of Coquille city practically destroyed the Whiteside business college iu Eugeue spent school at Ptensant Hill last year. Is nlng; Rules for Freshmen. Thelma giving 10 thousand pound* of m' k * theater In Corvallis, with an estimated expenditures for 1928. as drawn up Sunday at his home here. now principal of the Riverview school j McPeck; Dialogue, Ludl'e Walker, yaar and raising a calf, aftd the ha*t by the budget committee, calls for loss of »50.000. Kenneth McKensle. Douglas Kahler, way to provtda It In wastarn Dragon Mr amt Mrs. Ray Baugh and family and aays there are 60 In the school More than »20.000,000 was spent last »1364.16 more than was budgeted In and Mr. and Mrs. John Edmlston and Owing to the Infantile paralysis Marlon Litton, and Albert Methews; la by faatllng lagumea, say the li»a- year to run the city of Portland The 1927. or a total budget for the year of sons. Loren and James motored to scare, the Hallowe'en program lo have Recitation. Douglas Kahler; Plano stock specialists of tha atata college. department of commerce says so In »21.685 84. of which amount »18,965.84 Junction City and attendeo a reunion been given by (he Peaaant Hill public solo. Luelle Walker; I’rophwy, LucDe Twalva pounds go Into lha milk, 35 a compilation of financial statistics la to be raised by taxation. Into tha body of tha animat and the school this coming Saturday has been Larimer. of the Calvert family last Sunday All commercial chicken yards were for municipalities. Nina Dilley was elected captain of lamalnder la undlgastad In tha food. Mrs. Wills Rlxxl spent last week- j Indefinitely postponed The child hav- An Issue of »46.000 in Bend school banished from Medford last week. end In Portland. ! notes, bearing 516 per cent Interest, when the city council passed an ordl- Mrs Pitney sad daughters. Madena. was sold last week to the Central Ore- nance limiting any citizen from keep- fn>m j uni.t|on CTttr. Mary, who Is | gon bank of Bend at par with a pre­ teaching In Harrisburg, and Beulah.' DON’T FAIL TO VISIT THE PIECE GOODS DEPT. — MANY NEW PATTERNS tng that all chicken bens must be at from Port'and.. spent Sunday with Mr. ( mium of »191.80. least 30 feet from neighboring prop­ and Mrs. A. W. Weaver. Lester McAnlah. 31. was killed last Mr and Mrs Roy Edmlston are en week east of Allcel. when a shotgun erty 966-968 966-968 OPPOSITE REX THEATRE Oregon City will soon have a new tertalnlng their friends at their new charge penetrated hla chest as he was bus line operating between the down­ home next Friday evening with a crawling through brush near a river, Willame«« W iliam *«* town bnslnesa section to the Mountain J hallowe'en party. tn quest of ducks. Street View district. It was announced by Street Franklin F Korell. republican, was City Manager J. L. Franzen, who Is j Eugene elected representative for the third Kugene preparing a franchise A. Rlnkes of ' GARDEN WAY congraaeiooat district of Oregon. In a Willamette Is to establish the lln* by Phon« 2233 special election held in Multnomah Phon« 2233 November 1. county last week. Mr. and Mra. Marvin Bailey nt Waldport's last “better road” elec­ Wendllng visited with the Frank W J Bowren Jr.. lakeside rancher WHERE QUALITY MEETS CONFIDENCE LARAWAY BLDG. LARAWAY BLDG. tion. which carried by more than two Bailey family Sunday. on Ten Mile lake, brought In four male to one. will have to be repeated, ow­ Mrs. Frank Pattlaon was hostess coyote hides to the county clerk at ing to an error tn the manner the to a committee of the Just-a-Mero- Coquille last week, receiving »72 boun election was called and conducted. Chib. Friday afternoon. The ladles ty from Coos county. Little doubt la held locally hot that met to formulate plans for a Hallow­ Clark Richardson. 76. Maupin ranch It will carry again along with the new e'en party which the club will give er. was killed and his brother George, propoged 'c^ e'r; , for members and their husbands at of Portland was injured when their ; Nearly 1000 head of fat steers were the home Mrs Wayne Yocum of anto upset on the Ochoco highway 20 shipped In one day recently from Sen- Refreshments were served miles east of Prineville. sea. on the high plain of Grant c6unty. gnd the fo„ ow|M were present: Mra. The power and light plant owned ( g which a few years ago was one j Wa_ _ Yocum and son. Donald and operated by the Peoples W est | j,|eakeat_ coldest and most iso- Wayne. Mrs Robert Rldgley and Coast Hydro-Blectrlc corporation at lated In the United States, says Sey­ daughters. Lestelle and Colleen. Florence will be moved to Cushman. mour Jones, state market agent. In Excellent coaching on our part—telling the Out of town people were well re­ three miles distant, soon his weekly bulletin. presented at the very Interesting com One hundred three-year-old holly iitaker« Junt how theae Rultn should be made— Six of the 'biggest timber* ever mnnlty meeting sponsored by the trees have been presented to the uni brought to the c|ty of Cotlage Grove Clv|c Societles of Springfield. Friday ' ▼erslty of Oregon at Eugene to form arrived over the Oregon Pacific t evening. Talks on community spirit | bring« to you the greatest value« of the «eanon. a memorial hedge to the late presi­ Eastern railway for use as stringers | an^ co-operation by Captain C. S dent, Prince L. Campbell. In the construction of a bridge at the Nusbau-rn and representatives of the The plant of the Oregon City Foun Anderson & Middleton mill, Latham various clubs, splendid music and de­ dry company, one of the oldest Indus­ The »ticks are 90 feet In length and lightful refreshments made It well trie* in the city, waa destroyed by splendidly proportioned, worth while and helped to promote fire of undetermined origin last week.. Petitions have been filed with the the much desired friendly feeling be­ Loss was placed at »55 000. Lane county district boundary board tween townspeople and the surround­ Final figures on enrollment on the for the consolidation of a number of ing communities. campus of the University of Oregon school districts In Lane county. Davis Mr. and Mrs. Sanborn of Pendleton When It conies to keeping at Eugene, and at the medical school and Thurston seek to become One dis­ B. C. have arrived at the B. Waite In Portland, total 3069, it is announced trict, and Union, Liberty and Laurel home. Mrs. Sanborn Is a sister of within the restrictions of by Earl M Palletl, registrar. Home. In the Junction City section, Mrs. Waite. The Sanborns are on your clothing budget two- their way to Taft, California, where Oregon’s deer hunting season, which are asking to be united. started September 10, officially came Oregon's prune crop has sufficient­ they will spend the winter with a son trouser suits certainly an­ to a close last week. Officials at the ly distinct demand from that of Cali­ and daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Bailey and son. state game commission characterized fornia, and the crop here Is so short swer that apparently difficult the season as the most successful in this year that packers are already pro­ Alfred, of Schuyler, Nebraska, arrived history. rating their orders for certain sizes, ' Wednesday and are visiting at the J. problem. Ours surely do, tor The Til Taylor statue will be com and It is predicted that the Oregon j R. Fish home. They left Oregon about here are quality suits In the pleted by July 1 of next year and will crop will be sold before the 1928 crop a year ago but have returned with s | the Intention of making Oregon their be unveiled at the Pendleton Round-up comes on, packers reported. newest modes and pattern*, home. In September, according to an an The board of regents of state nor­ Melville Pattison was one of the nouncement made recently by Chas mal schools authorized the building popularly priced. committee to proceed with the land­ volunteer searchers who aided In the H. Marsh. search for Earl Pierce. With the re-olling of a short section scaping of the grounds for the Eastern Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Young and fam­ of state highway between Echo and Oregon normal school In L« Grande. Pendleton finished, all re-olling work Nothing was said at the meeting In ily of Sherwood. Oregon, spent the this year in the La Grande division ts Salem recently as to when actual Week-end at the J. R. Meek home. Mrs. completed, according to state highway building operations would get under Meek and Mrs. Young were class- way mates at O. A. C. department officials. Mr. J. R. Meek, who drives a gravel Disposition of the remainder of the More than 75 per cent of the stu truck at Waldport, spent the week-end dents of the University of Oregon are money received by Douglas county with his family. members of some church, or have a from the government as Its share of Forest Anderson was removed from church preference, It was announced the Oregon and California land grant the Pacific Christian Hospital to his I tax refund was made at Roseburg by In Eugene by Rev. H. W. Davis, direc The «ea»on’H newest In patterns home Saturday. He will be confined tor of United Christian work on the the county court. Of the sum orig­ to his bed for some time. and the season'« finest In silks are inally received, »460,000 in round fig­ campus. presented In this generous offering The Sunshine club will hold their Huge masses of Jellyfish have been ures was apportioned to various school at prices that maku a visit here next meeting at the home of Mrs. washed upon the north beach of the and road funds some time ago, leaving Imperative. Clarence Chase, Thursday November Umpqua river within the past week a balance of »1,022,147 unexpended. 8. The meeting Is a very Important The mass of Jellyfish Is 20 feet In The court has gone on record as one and all members are urged to be wtdth and about 2 feet In depth and stressing the need of a new courthouse present. «stands several yards along the ocean and jail and now appropriates »200,000 Mrs Margaret. Pengra returned from for their construction. frontage. Portland Monday where she had been OREGON STATE NEWS OF GENERAL INTEREST Community News The Goal of Value T w o -T r o u ser Suits These Suits Mean Economy $1975 to $3975 VALUES! T IE S 49c to $1.49