» PAGE SEVEN THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS THURSDAY OCTOBER 27, 1927 Thu Mat unbraakabla watrb crea­ FOR H A L B -F in e/N o rth Front full tala. Any shape or alaa linyl'a atora alae lot W llhuiAhe Heights. Hoad Sil Main Htraet. tf. rocked and g rn A w l prue $290 0t>. A. J. Morgan, iWmi- 121-M Blank Promissory nota* and ra O. 17: «alpia prlntad and In atoeh at U m HKMHTIT<ÍHING~-8¡ i rema per yard Mawa ottica at 1460 Pearl Ht. Eugene, Oregon. 8 21 O 6 13 20-27: All b in ila o f h o u s e p a in t in g ; Kala»- mining (2 par ruotu and up. liny F o lt HALE—Carbon paper In large Koch. Vail 136-J. tf. sheets, 26x31 Inches, suitable tor making tracings. The Newa Office. NOTICE F o lt PUBLICATION No. 01*624 TYPKWKI TER RIHIIONH— Assorted D apart ma nt of tha Intarlor, U. S. makes In black and blue in atoe* at Land Office at Roaaburg, Oragon, l i e News office For tha conveni­ Octobar 14, 1927. ence of ruatoipera who have hither­ NOTK'K la bvraby given tbal Elmar to not been able to get ribbons la C. Yaoman of Craawetl, Oregon, who. on November 16. 1122 miule Horn« Bprlnglle'.d we bare started this a Lead Entry, Harlal No. 01*624, for lx>l new line of rlhbona for Underwood». 6 of A ctio n 6. Towuablp It H, llangv Remingtons. Royals, L. C. Smith, 2 W, W illam ette Mrrldlan. baa (lied tf nolle* of Intention to make Final and other makes. Three-year I "roof, to ealabllab claim to the land above deacrlbed. before K, O. SUM M O NS Imniel. U. H Couimlaaloner, at bla of Ilea at Eugene, Oregon, on the 22nd In tha Circuit Court of tha State of Oregon for Lane Clunty. day of November. 1127. Frank Griffin. Plaintiff, va. Anu A. Claimant namea an wltneaaea: Griffin, Defendant William KUIolt, of Creawell, Oregon. Frank T lw y, of t'reaaell, Oregon. To Ana A Griffin, Defendant i Augual Pohll, of Eugene, Oregon, IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF Norrie Smith. of Creawell, Oregon ORPXItlN: You are hereby required Not coal land Io appear and answer the complaint HAMILL A CANADY. Register. filed against you In the above entitled O. 20-17 N S 10-17: ault on or before four wweka from date of the drat publication of thia sum NOTICE OF FINAL HBTTLKMENT mom, or for want thereof the plaintiff will lake Judgment against you and The underalgned, executor of the will upply to the court for the relief E a t a le of Charlea I Uorrle. deceased, prayed for In the complaint and for a baa died hla Fnal Account In the mat decree of abaolute divorce from you ter of aald eatale with the C o u n ty and annulknent of the marriage con­ Clark of la n e County. Oregon, and an tract between the parties In tha above order haa been made and entered of entitled ault. Thia summons la pubnaned ones record by the County Court of aald County, directing thia notice and ap each week for four ronsecuUve week« pointing Monday, the 21at day of In the Springfield New», a weekly November. 1127. at 10 o'clock A. M Newspaper published In Springfield, for the h g a r ln g of objections of aald l^sns County. Oregon, by order of the account »nil the settlem ent of aald Honorable O. F. Sklpworth. Judge of the above court, made October 4th. estate Dated at Eugene. Oregon, thia 20 112?. and this summons dated and flrst published October Slh, 1127. day of October, 1127 WHITTEN SWAFFORD, Attorney THOMAH C. OOHIHE. Executor of the Eatate of Charlea I. Oorrle, de­ for the Plaintiff Residence and post- office address. Eugene. Oregon. ceased O 6 1120-27: N 8: O. 36 27: N 2-10-17: FOR RENT OR SALE For Hale or Rent: 8 room house and three acres of land on Mill BI between O. and If. Electric lights, water on porch. Bee P. Conley 172« Franklin Blvd. or W. W Walker. 0.20-37 BCFTIC TANKS Ready for you to Install For family of live —— Ill For family of e l g k t ____________ 111 a t our plant Hewer Pipe—Drain T ils Chlmnay Blocks EU O C N K C O N C R E T E P IP E CO. tf. Sea Portland Gsms— F. B Flanery, Sidney Ward and Harry Stewart drove to Portland Saturday to see the Oregon S tate—Stanford football game. SUM M ONS FOR PUBLICATION Working, the holders of certificate gf TRAIN BCHKOULK Delinquency numbered 2121, issued IN FORECLOSURE OF TAX LIEN Springfield Stop* on the fifteenth day of August, 1934, In tha C irc u it Court of tha Stats of Northbound by the tax collector of the County a* Oregon for Lana County. ................................. 2:33 P. M No. 32 Lane. State of Oregon, for the amount F. Working and Lulu M Working, of ten and 76-100 Dollars, the same 4:37 A. M Flag C. Plaintiffs, No. 1« vs. Mary A. Perry, the being the amount then due and della- Southbound Unknown heirs of Mary A. Parry, qu>-nt for taxes for the year 1021, to­ 9:33 P M If deceased; Ira Vernon. Clara Ver gether with penalty, Interest and coat« No. 15 ... ......... non, Charles Drake, Jane Doe thereon upon the real property as­ No. 31 . ............................... N 6:46 Drake, Joseph Boyd, Jane Doe sessed to Mary A Perry, of which Coach Special for Klamath Boyd. Stivers Vernon. Jane Doe Mary A. Perry Is the owner of the and beyond, on flag at 2:01 P. M. Vernon, and all unknown owners of legal tlUe, as appears of record, situ­ the property described herein. De­ ated in said county and state, and Sunday, Tuesday and Friday. fendants. particularly described as follows. Co­ TO: Mary A. Perry, The Unkonwn wl t: AGRICULTURAL MEEETING of Mary A. Parry, If deceaaed: The north half of Lot 10 and tha PLANNED FOR FEBRUARY heirs Ira Vernon. Clara Vernon, Charles south half of Lot Eleven. Block 27. in Drake, Jane Doe Drake, Joseph Boyd. Gross Addition to Eugene, iAha An agricultural outlook conference Jane Doe Boyd, Stiver» Vernon, Jane County, Oaegon. You are hereby further notified that la to be held In Lane county In the Doe Vernon, and all unkonwn owner* middle of February, according to word of the property described herein: De­ C. F. Working and Lulu M Working have paid taxes on said premises for fendants. from the Oregon Agricultural college IN THE NAME OF THE 8TATE prior and or subsequent yearn, with Between now and then It la planned OF OREGON: You are hereby noti­ the rate of Interest on said amount* to Increase the number of persona fied that C. F. Working and Lulu M as follows: who are to report on crops, and an ef­ Rate of In* Amount Tax Receipt No. Date Paid sar'a Tax fective conference la expected to re­ 12 $ 9.25 29224 Aug. 15, 1925 1922 12 13 30 29235 sult. Aug. 15, 1925 1923 12 13.10 16779 Aug. 16, 1926 1924 In December It is planned to con­ 12 25.84 274« Apr 16, 1926 1925 duct an agricultural census. Each re­ 12 23.59 1338 Apr. 21. 1926 1926 porter will give data for his school You are further notified that C. F I premises for subsequent years, with district on crops during the past sea­ Working and Lulu M Working have the rate of intereet on aald amounts son. and the present outlook and pro­ paid municipal assessm ents upon aald 'a s follow s: bably production for next year. These Total lo t Amt. Date Paid Rate of In t Amount combined reports will be made up tor July 2«. 192« 12 813.18 87 02 the conference to be held later. 861 04 $54 02 July 26. 1926 12 40 84 87 29 9.70 57.59 Mar. 27. 192« 12 57 59 Aug. 2. 1927 12 24.57 74.34 5« 73 78 Aug. 2,1927 12 49.21 $202.67 Total .... STOMACH GAS DRIVES BED FRO M --------- "I bad gas so bad I had to get up Under anu oy virtue ot an Order of nights on account of the pressure on Sale and Decree of Foreclosure Issued my heart. 'I used Adlerlka and have out of the Circuit Court of the S u te | been entirely relieved."—R. F. Krue of Oregon and County of Lane on i September 27th, 1627, in a ault where K* ». Even the FIRST spoonful of Adler- In Commercial Slate Bank of Spring field, as plaintiff, recovered a Judg­ Ika relieves gas and often removes ment against Graut J. Cowling In the astonishing amount of old waste mat- sum of $260.00 and Interest thereon .. at the rate of 8% pe'r annum from September 22, 1826 until paid: the Joy your meals and sleep better. No further sum o f 835.00 attorney fees; matter what you have tried for your thè further sum of 8203.36 and the stomach and bowels, Adlerlka will sur­ sum of 124.32 costa of aald suit, and a decree of foreclosure against the aald prise you. Flanery'a Drug Store. defendant, which aald decree was en­ rolled and docketed In the office of su m m o n s NOTICE OF SH ER IFFS SALE ON EXECUTION IN FORECLOSURE MAN 8 a|d Mary A. Perry, as the owner of the legal title of the above des clrbed property as the same appears of record, and each of the other per­ sons named above are hereby further notlfled that C. F. Working and Lulu M. Working will apply to the Circuit Court of the County and State afore­ said for a decree foreclosing the lien against the propetry above described and mentioned In said certificate. And you are hereby i ummoned to appear the day of the first publication and defend thia action or pay the amount due as shown above, together with costa and accrued Interest, and in case of your failure to do so, a decree will be rendered foreclosing the lien of aald taxes and costa against the land and premises above mentioned. «N THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE «TATE OF ORBOON FOR LANE H ere From Ha I col a— Mrs. Henry said Court on September 27th, 1827. I , COUNTY Schwind and daughter of Marcola, am commanded to sell the following L®on® v»- V- W BrlW», De' were Springfield visitors Monday. described real property, to-wlt: rendant. Beginning at the Northwest corner ¡ To. ' t H FBNA m ' f DOFDT11E STATE of the following deacrlbed tract In ! „ *N 2 AM® OF TH> H ere From Mapleton— C. E. Archer Creswell. Lane County. Oregon, to-wlt: OF OREGON: You are hereby re- QUlred to appear and answer the com- came in from Mapleton Saturday to a*«'" « y°u ln above ^n Ä tMrei’n ¿y the Clerk of I ”“ a This summons Is published by order ot the Honorable C. P. Barnard. Judge of the County Court of the State ot Oregon for the County of Lane, for the reason that Honorable O. F. Skip- worth Judge of the Circuit Court o6 said County and State Is absent from the State, and said order was mad« and dated this 31 day of A ugust 1927 and the date of the first publlcatloi of this summons Is the 1st day o September, 1927. All process and papers In this pre ceedfngs may be served upon the un­ dersigned residing within the State of Oregon, at the address hereafter mentioned. 8. M. CALKIN», Attorney for the Plaintiff. Residence and postoflloe address, Eugene, Lane County, Oregu*. 8e. 1, 8. 16, 22, 29: Oc. 6. 13, 20, 27: Return From Fishing Trip—M. B. Huntly and John Henderer are back from a fishing trip at Mapleton. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION FOREST EXCHANGE No. 01764« Departm ent of the Interio r, United » E s ir w s s k ship Nineteen <181 South, Range from d"te of ,he flr8t Pub^tatlon <>* States Land Office, Roseburg, Ora­ Three (2) W est of the W illam ette, ‘his summons, or for want th ereof) _________ gon, Septem ber 22. 1927. Meridian, Oregon, and running thence ith e plaintiff will take Judgment ® W est 21 18 chains to the middle of the ! against you and will apply to the Mrs. Sam Richmond. Miss Helen NOTICE is hereby gtren that Joh* County Road, thence following along Court for the relief prayed for In , Richmond, Mrs. Mary Magill and Bon- Steen, of Lebanon, Oregon, filed appli­ the said County Road North 7*4 , the complaint and for decree of abso- n n Ie y y lg lte d SuD„a y w )th John cation No. 017646. under the Act of ARCHAMBEAU'8 March 20, 1922 (42 StaL, 465) to ex­ degrees East 11 25 chains, thence East >»/« divorceJro™ 7?“ Thomas of Coburg HEMSTITCHING change the S E U , See- 9. Tp. 15 S.. WOMENS SHOP 14.81 chains, thence South 23*4 of the minor child of the marriage. Range 9 W est, W. M , within the Sius- Sc a yard This summons Is published once : Specialty Dressmaking derees Hast 12.28 chains to the place law National Forest, In exchange for each week for four consecutivo weeks , N THE C1RCUIT COURT OF THE of beginning For a beginning point Evening D resses— Hand Made Mr». W K. HARN ELL timber f r o m approximately 10.50 In The Springfield News, a weekly : i 1 STATE OF OREGON FOR THE the tract hereby Intended to be c o n i - ---- Flowers — Hals and Coats 632 D Street. Phone 105 W acres within the NW*4 SW*4. Section veyed. thence East 212 feet, thence newspaper published at Springfield, COUNTY OF LANE - i n i n t v ( I r u p u n ' h v r t r n o r <»r t n p ' 22. Township 9 8.. Range 6 East. W. Cor. Main and Second Streets. Or leave orders at South’ 420 feel, thence West 271 feet ' I u n o C County. Oregon; by oroer of the to Ihe center of said County Road. Honorable G. F Sklpworth. Judge of Katy. Beers, Plaintiff, vs, Frank J. M., within the Santlam N ation« Phone 166 W Farmers Exchange Beers, Defendant. Forest, Oregon. thence Northerly along the center of the above court, made October 25th. SUM M O NS said County Road 425 feet, more or . I»” ” *'8 »unnnons flrst published The purposeof this notice Is to I October 27th. 2827. To Frank J. Beers, the above named allow all persons claiming the land» less, to the place of beginning. I selected, or having bona fide objec­ Notice le hereby given that on Sat- J WHITTEN SWAFFORD. Attorney Defendant: LUBKE SECOND HAND urday. the 29th day of October. 1827. »h« »nalntifT Residence and Post tions to such application an oppor­ IN THE NAME OF THE STATE office Address. Eugene. Oregon. STORE OF OHEOON, you are hereby required tunity to file their protest with the day. at the front door of the Lane N 1-10-17-24: to appear and answer the com^plaint Register of th e.U . S. Land Office at 128 6th Street County Courthouse In Eugene. Oregon, filed against you in the above entitled Roseburg, Oregon. N O T IC E OF RO AD D IS T R IC T Why go to Eugene When you can Court and cause on or before the 10th Any Buch protests or objections M E E T IN G sale and decree of foreclosure, sell at day of November, 1927, said date be­ must be on file In this office within Buy It Cheaper In Springfield? public auction, the above described To Whom It May Concern: ing more than six weeks from the date thirty days from the date of the first 22$ Muln 8L Rsaldanc* 125 c St -----------------------W ---------------------- real property, or so much thereof as Notice is nereby given that a m eet­ of the first publication of this sum ­ <3 J IJM may he necessary to satisfy plaintiff's ing of the legal voters being resident mons and herein entered of record r-uhl,cs**on d this notice, beginning Phone ISO M "1.' non-coal. Judgment with Intereet thereon and taxpayers and owners of real property and if you fail so to appear and answer September, 29, 1927 RC'BFRT E. CRAWFORD. Acting Life, Automobile and Pira Full Auto ■qalpaaut-t* coats to the highest and best bidder In Road District No. 9. in Lane Coun for want thereof the plaintiff will for cash In Qold Coin of the United ty. Oregon, will be held at the hour of apply to the Court for the relief in Register. Inaurane* I^dy Aaalatant S 29: O 6-13-20-27: States, said sale being subject to re­ 2 P M. on the 12th dav of November. I her complaint demanded and prayed CARL A. WYMAN demption as by taw provided. A D.. 1927. at the W O. W. H all) for to-w it: Reaident Agent 1 FRANK E. TAYLOR. Sheriff of i at Jasper, Oregon, in said Road District j p or judgment and Decree of IN T I T CIRCUIT COURT OF THE I^ine County. Oregon. ' to determine whether said road dis- Divorce, dissolving the bonds of matri- STATE OF OREGON F °R THE 734 D S tr e e t 8prlngfleld. Oregon 8 29: O 6-13 20 27: ______________ I trlct shall levy a special lax of 23040.38 naony now and heretofore existing be- COUNTY O f LANR VASBY BROS. l upon all the taxable property in said , tween the flaintiff. Katv Beers and NOTICE OF SHERIFF’ S SALE ON ■ district for the purpose of providing the defendant Frank J. Beers on the The First National Bank of Spring- field, Oregon, Plaintiff, vs., W. H. Res. Phone 160 Plano Moving EXFX UTION : funds for road Improvement Wal’nce grounds or cruel and inhuman treat- Painting & Decorating Clark and .......... Clark, his wife, Notlce Is hereby given that by v ir -1 Creek "G" 26rr, Hill Creek "F" 28%. m ent and that the Plaintiff be award- L. Timmons and R. F. Timmons, SPRINGFIELD TRANSFER In all its branches tue 6f un execution Issued out of the : Little Fall Creek “I” 2fir'( . and Little t^e care and custody of the «minor her husband. Sam Sorenson and L. WILLIS HBRT8CH. Prop. child Ollvelle Beers and for such Circuit Court of the State of Otugon i ’’>aB