CEDAR SWAMP (Continued from Pag»» S) yearn now for • »toady Income. I've : eel my heart on a royalty—say a cer­ tain percentage of the price of every bottXr »old.” W ell.” "It completely exornates me. I The Ftorbes family occupied the one Vraa convicted of manslaughter in large and comfortable chair in the your court because of that accident. cabin on Portage creek. It was night; •‘Ye»; the evidence— and outside the northern lights were "Wha moatly prejudice. I eras real putting on s show with half the sky ly convicted of taking a drink as their stage. Bars and pennons and CHILDREN S DISRESPECT— ITS ORIGIN Granted that may be In a measure lances of white radiance, the greatest seeing that mother ha* no consider»- true. What la your purpose in com of them in dimension like Lake Huron Osar Miss FIs ' tlon for father grow up having none tng to me? The press will publish set on end. biased from horlson to I am the father of two children— s , (ll 0,h«,r women teach their children thia, and you wiU be set right in the mid heaven. The air was crisp with The “know how” G ained by long practical •yea of the community. " coming frost, and wtney with the •lateen and eighteen years of ago. t„ atsrespect their fathers by always Eddie leaned forward. "Judge.' he tang of the pines and the aromatic Neither one of thorn hat ths alight».« crtUclklng them for being poor bust ra,,u for lacking In enterprise. experience gives you better service. •aid, "the newspapers published a wild growth of the barrens. The bit of re s p e c t or affection for mo. Yot statem ent from you after the gover­ cr e e i. swollen by autumn rains I have dons svsrythlnq within my f(jr ,wlng too easy—for being hlga- nor pardoned me You said his action splash and murmured beyond their powsr to msks*thorn happy and to ,emtH,rrd and hard Io gel along with give thsm advantages which I never —(or , h(, ar>(j that weakness, until was a ‘miscarriage of Justice' and a front door. Travesty.’ You did all you could to Bddie sat in the chair and Patsy had. They sssm not to appreciate In the child» mind Is embittered with ruin me. Now----- " sat in his lap. her knees well up to the least anything I do fo r thsm and the Idea that their father la Inferior Suits M l M iner Bldg. Kugsns, Oregon, Tslsphons 9*2 "1 did make such • statem ent.” her chin. His arms were about her; ars always asking fo r something to other men—amounts to nothing - agreed the Jurist “I was not trying her head on his shoulder. They were more. W ho In ybur opinion Is res and with »lily opinions that need not to ruin you But you were half­ engaged in that most delightful of oc­ ponsibls for thio state of a ffa ire —the be respected. And this Is unjust and u n fair-for drunk when the accident happened cupations—the building of air-castles father, mother, o r ths children thsm- ivb r i ijs iscount iamps you had liquor Illegally in your pos which hare a solid foundation of •alvesf I personally bellsvs th a t In father hood calls for Just as many And this Instance th s lr m other It to blams. sacrifices as raothrrh ourself with them as you would with nu tritio n , supply fuel. . » , . . h «» . He has told me— " ing to lick me over the bottle that duty of teaching the children to love a stranger You mint try to Impress their father. Rather— perhaps through your children with your ability, your “You sneak!" interrupted the dark squarehead got. W ell live hem—" young man, passionately, turning on L i!!. - "But the dam: Won't this be all carelessness and a lack of thought— wisdom, your up-to-datenesa as you (hey are apt to ktll the natural at would any man or woman with whom Eddie. “So you had to come and spill under water?” it that I was with you that night. I "They won't start construction un fection which la there, for the atti­ you are trying to d<> bualneaa. And you must begin making the was coming to te'l him myself. We til a year from next April. Malone tude of children toward their father is th e best rem edy to use In all cast's of w asting agreed. Nance and 1. It was the thing says we may have this house all next Is almost entirely determined by their effort while your child la »till In the ~ diseases. It provides m aterial for fuel and pro- do. And sou spoil—" f! duces Increased stre n g th and energy. summer, because I’m going to buy a mother—whether they look upon him cradle— then It will be natural for the • Randolph!" His father's hard voice ranch from them som ewhere near as a superior being to be adored and child Io love you and respect you as stopped him ‘‘Do you mean that you here. They have a lot of acreage worshiped or merely as a cash regls long as you deserve it—and believe Just the Thing for Throat and Lung Trouble* —you were Forbes’ companion—that they don't need above the new water ter to be used when they want money. m e—once you have convinced your Price — $1.25 you were on a drinking bout—” There are women who teach their children that you are worthy of their level." esteem It will take an awful lot to He paused to stare fixedly at his children to hate their father by mak­ "Isn't is wonderful?" sighed Patay son. whose attitude confessed guilt. Jane, in utter content. ing them fear him When the children make them change their opinion. When a child does not love Its Confused by his blunder. Randolph Hla arms tightened about her. “Not are bad they are threatened with what stood with head bovret, and a hangdog so wonderful as you. Pat." he father will do when he gets home. father It la a cruel thing to both child leek. Some women teach their children to and father, for It rc»bs them of ao whispered. “He told me nothing, sir.” resumed that they regard their fathers simply as money­ much Joy In each other the Jurist “He has protected you. as making machines that exist solely for miss. T H E EN D he protected you at the trial. He ac­ their own use and benefit What the cepted a prison sentence at my hands children want they must have at any FOR 8ALB—Carbon paper In large M arriage Licenses Issued I ■ .•I» «•»»• «* while he spared my son.” He turned sheets, 2«x39 inches, auitabla tor During the past week marriage lie- ( cost to father, ana mother will nag making tracings The News Office. to Eddie: enses have been issued by the county him until they get It The children “Mr. Forbes, I hare reconsidered. I clerk to the following: Ambrose Den — • — — — shall publish a statem ent making nis and Lillian Wallace both of Eu­ amends to you. And I shall say in it gene; Edwin Alberkaon, Salem, and that my son was with you that night." Eula Cothrell. Eugene; Earl Mathis, “Dad!" implored Randolph. Eugene, and Emma Hodson, Marsh­ "Be silent!" commanded his father. field; Ernest Liska, and Elsie Isaac­ “Hold on. Judge," interpolated Ed­ son. both of Veneta; Raymond Peter­ die. "I asked Ran to go with me. I son and Ruth Hibbard, both of Eu­ bought the liquor. He wasn't as much gene; R. S. Mct'taflin, Portland, and to blame, by a long way, as I was. Lois Parker, Eugene. That's why I kept stiS.” "He shall learn to bear the respon­ County Gets Share Buss Faes sibility of his own acts." replied the The county treasurer has received Judge, implaciably. ‘‘If he hadn’t from the Public Service commission been a coward and run away, he 1939 45 In fees collected on seating j wouldn't hare put me In this—this space under the motor transportation humiliating position.” act covering motor vehicles for hire. “As a favor to me. Judge, please Under the law the county gets one- j don't mention him— ” fourth and the highway department The Judge raised his hand. "You three-fourths of the fee» collected. said there was another matter you Although thia law was passed In 1925 came to see one about, Mr. Forbes." this la the first allotment that has “Yes. I've had the sour earth from been made to the counties. that mound on my place analyzed too, Judge. It's precisely the same com­ Visits Whitney Home— Aileen Nor­ position as your supply in Texas, i ton of Southerlin, neice of Mr. and which is about exhausted.” Mrs Whitney of thia city, visited the This is your last opportunity to get local and world news at a bargain. “Do you mean to tell me that the Whitney home Sunday from O. A. C., mound which Randolph discovered where she la attending school. , HERE IS THE CLUBBING OFFER for Mail Subscriptions: near Long Portage is on your prop­ erty?” The Judge’s surprise was ob­ BOTH 1 YEAR MORNING OREGONIAN viously genuine. "It certaloly it. Ran left a sack TH E SPRINGFIELD NEWS ..... when he came to get samples a few weeks ago. The name 'Mineral Medi­ save cine Corporation, Acs? n. Texas,' was TOTAL ................................ printed on It. I found out that your mound not far from Austin Is about exhausted. That the 'ore' in your DAILY AND SUNDAY BOTH 1 YEAR mound, known as sour earth by the i OREGONIAN ............................ Indians and settlers. Is a sandy ma- ! terial containing salts of calcium, j THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS magnesium, sodium and Iron and free save acid. That it was overlaid by a, solid TOTAL ................................... rein of rock salt—a sort of cap. “I discovered that. It has a tremen­ dous sale when reduced to solution by THE PORTLAND TELEGRAM ..... 1 BOTH 1 YEAR boiling to free the medical salts, and I that it is bottled and soln under the J TH E SPRINGFIELD N E W S ........... trade name 'Mineral Magic.' I know ''S ' that hundreds of thousands of people save regard it as a paneca for rheumatism TOTAL ....................... ....... and indigestion and things like that. • I -■ "You’ve been cobbing the country These Bargain Offers End October 31 and your chance for a saving from$2.25 to $2.75 is gone. for another supply, especially where geologic conditions were somewhat similar. You became, a couple of years ago, principal stockholder in the Mineral Medicine Corporation by the * W-- % - death of yotir uncle. When the anal­ ysis of my stuff proved up— well, I thought you might, want to see me.' ♦ The Judge permitted him self a grim and appreciative sm ile. "That was considerate. Because, when Ran­ dolph made his report. I should cer­ tainly have had to look you up. Ap­ With each subscription to the Portland Telegram a $10,000 one-year ac- parently we are to be rather closely • cldent insurance policy can be had for $1.00 extra. ..This is a wonderful associated, Mr. Forbes. Had you offer seldom before made. thought of any basis of doing busi­ ness; say a sale of this mound out­ right to ns?” “Not an outright sale, Judge. I'm getting some money to play with. I Q i S6trtnan W Bloody W&G ■ j «0.7/. G D S The Fires of Life HI Cod Liver Oil Ketels’ Drug Store Your Last C hance Clubbing Offer of the Springfield New, Oregonian and Telegram , Expires Monday, October 31st $6.0 0 $ 1 .7 5 ' •¿W*’ Von never J Crescent- the Double Acting Baking Powder For $5.50 $ 7 .7 5 ) $2.2 5 $ 8 .0 0 ) $ 1 .7 5 \ $9.7 5 ) $9.75 For $7.30 $ $ 5 5 .0 .0 0 0 .7 5 5 $ $ 1 1 .7 $ 2 .4 5 For $4.00 $ 2 .7 5 Old or New Subcriptiona Taken at thia Price. If You are Now Paid in Advance Have Your Subcription Extended. $10,000.00 Accident Insurance Policy aj