The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, October 27, 1927, Page 3, Image 3

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    T hursday
OCTOHBK 27,1027
M ic h a e l
| Of the total amount received, 121,-1
$106.000 FROM U. S. 244.78 ha» "been act aside aa the state'» '
I^ane county thin weak received
9104,400.89 from the United Staton
government, representing the county'«
»Imre of the O. A C. land grant tax
for 11*26. The amount waa due October
1 from the government, but arrived
14 day» late.
H allow e’sn Parties Planned
■hare In case the ita te win» Its suit i The Eight grade at the Llncola
for a portion of the land grant mongy. school will have a Hallowe'en party
This leave» 1 4 5 . 0 8 1 . 1 8 f o r dis­ Friday night In the gymnasium. ag>
tribution In the county.
Roughly, cording to Principal Moffitt. Pupils
road districts will get 113,801.75; and their parents have been Invited,
school districts, 110,613.11; union high The party will be a masquerade,
districts, 91,494 31; Fort of Hluslaw,
A similar even Is to be held for the
seventh grade the following week.
P h illip s
iU w s k r w t l.a u
H e n r y J^jr Lee
OeyyviCsa Mtekael V. P h lllt C v i e .
X 4 m m 4 O vaV uitstssvs Auteoeater
T H I L 1 A D IN 0 C H A R A C T E R S —
I saw that he had the :
"Where did you get It, Pat?" he cent- wrong
Sdlsen Porbee, a young resident of asked, kissing the Ungers
boose whipped That while you were
fhottdals .with an Inherent craving
"Huckleberries," she smiled. I saw away you hadn't left him. And that j
for llquur. Is held for the death of a that what I was earning wouldn't he thought the world of you. I re­
wotnan who b ss been killed by a boot­ make It. Ho I arranged to do Mr. vised my opinion of you, Patsy. I
legging truck.
circum stantial evi­ Klnnane's work evenings. I've been had thought you a little simpleton,
dence points to Forbes and rather In the marshe» for three weeks. It without brains or character, moatly
than tell the truth of the episode | raaHy wasn't bad. I tra» e good ! because that's what I wanted to think
Hut that leaving him to fight liquor j
which would clear him but cast an­ picker.
. his own way was really a matter !
other friend In a had light, he elands
"It wasn't exactly necessary," ah«
trial and la sentenced to a long term went on. giving him time to recover. 1 stroke. It was the only thing that
in prison The governor of the stale, ! - n , , Klunane's would have loaned It would have cured him." She paused
an old friend o f Kddlc'a father, be- (o m„ They're the dearest people, I to smile whimsically.
llevea bln. InnooMt and pardons him »ddlgf They treated me like a duugh-
ahorUy after hla arrival at the Jail. , er. Hul j wanted to get It myself
The Judge
•eoeta Libb.y, a w orthless c ba roe I for an Instant be held her close, with
there w eren't any
ter. who has smashed hla n achlne in-1 „ tender violence that left her breath
to another car. killing Ita lone ocvu-11,,., though starry-eyed, Then they pieces to pick up—That kiss you saw |
was goodbye. "The ‘Come soon' I .
j .ant. a woman. Furbee' compam -n ' went back together.
threw la was Just pure cussednees.
end Llbbey quit the scene burrldly.
"Here's your money," said Eddie. Tha, ni„ , h(.B
N„_ you know, I
leaving the former alone to fees- a briefly, counting It out. There were a
mBndlnK 1)le. „ ,,ke Bny
constable who reasons thet Edille,
- ™
L m l- d ah«#,,h e Orne J O" ,,'r Wh' n
y° Ur
scent o.
of whiskey about him
must be connected In some way with
, '
.picking up pieces and making over
! )p, o a better model—Ho I'm going to
tbs accident. Accordingly, Forbes Is charged hla pipe.
nisrry------" And she moved her head
Patsy Jane, Eddie's pretty wife, aid. “Your place Is safe for a year backward again.
*-rn» glad. Nance."
agrees ftial public sentim ent runs too ) now. No one can take It away fbwn
' you
W eil fix up the papers tom or-1 -o h . I've undertaken
Job." the
high agalnut him
Accordingly they
hut I'll give you a receipt now girl went on with her astonishing
migrate up nerth to some lend that row..
has been In the family for years. ' I'm acting as his agent," he pointed frankness. "But the difficulty makes
with hts penholder towsrd the dark, |t „n ,he more fascinating Did you
Settled In their log cabin
scowling young man. "Just as 1 was know Eddie thrashed hint the other
lealh Ssalmen, a shifty neighbor who
for Mr. Brower." It was plain that flay»”
Is anxious to buy their land. Eddie
he did not share his principal's Ill-
“I'd heard something about II.”
learns lliat the back taxes total over
humor over the turn affairs hud
"That was a forward step. That
e'ghl hundred dollars und must b„-
taken; markedly plain
young gentleman thought for awhile
twul In five months to avert forfeiture, j
Nance rose from her chair, saunter he was going to take your land away
Healman makes a «•»«">»• <>««
p , Uy j Bne. who Bl(M,d
with , fR>ro yott. He bought the lax title
which I. refused Eddie thinking the My, rtgd - y „ by her hui(bun<l
g be I
lhB Browcr.. you know. But I
land must have son..- value unknown
hpr arm thri)U<h
b„ „
h,m ,f you
to him to warrant his neighbor s In- There was a motion of aversion and tw() hadn't found the money. I’d have
terest. Things do not go well. Eddie resistance, but the sm ile on Nance s pu|d |, myself."
fulls to get work and succumbs to his wllfuX attractive face only deepened , "You’re good, Nance,” said Patsy,
old yearning by falling In with a
"Come on outside, Patsy." she com- gratefully,
bootlegger's gang, retting drunk and manded. When they were alone In
“Get out-" she scorned. “It's better
being shanghaied to Chicago. Upon the vestibule she placed both her fun to shoot straight. That's all."
hla return he discovers that Pat has hands on the other girl's shoulders,
Meanwhile the city stranger had
left him stxt will not return until he us she had on Eddie's that Sunday, 1 dra# n Eddie Into Wimple's private
has quit drinking This he determines ■ "Don't be a fool," she admonished, office. “Been waiting to see who'd get
to do. He secures work on a nearby j with a gentle shake. "You have a that quarter-section, so I could deal.”
ranch, run by Davwnant, and after husband's a real man, Pat, he began, briskly, -'Mr. Forbes. I'm
many temptations at last beats hla ( You've had a lot to do with making Malone, of the National Power. You
enemy. John Barleycorn. All thia him. But you're taking chances on know us. We furnish Mght and power
time he Is slowly earning money but »polling him now.
, for the Great Lakes states, manufac-
reallses that when the tax Is due he
"I suppose you believe with stupid turlng t h e , Juice from water power
can' t possibly have enough
Heal old Scottdale that 1 was with your ; wherever we ran. We're planning a
man renews his offer and Is again re- husband the night that woman was big dam five miles below your place
fused One day
killed?" Bhe paused for a reply, b u tto n Portage Creek. We need your
Nanos Encsll, his former sweetheart |
was none. "You couldn't un quarter-section,”
Light flooded a landscape long dark­
calls, finds hlin alone, offers to pay I derstand that a chap could be big
"Then Healman—" b e g a n )
the deficit but Is rebuffed. Then Nance "»ough and generous enough to keep ened.
kisses him—and Is seen by Patsy w h o, «"other's secret, even at considerable Eddie.
had called to attempt a reconciliation ! rUk 10
You ,hou|' ht ,herP
"Yes. Sealman!" The other spat
the name scornfully. "Maybe
with her husband. Pal leaves without ,
you're surprised we're out In the o p en .'
listening to his explanation. Broken­ ' conceal.
“That seemed so silly to me. know- and Seafinan's the answer. We tried
hearted, Eddie tried harder than ever
| Ing Eddie. You see I knew him bet- i to do It under cover, so we wouldn't
to earn the money and one morning
ter than you did." Patsy Jane made be held up. He was our agent. But
early while berry picking, notices
a movement to free herself but the j We found out he was taking about half
fresh tire marks on his property.
supple, alender hands held her. "He the options In his own name. He was
Eddie discovers that two men, one
was doing a big thing and a brave { to be his own holdup man.
of them the youth who deserted him
thing. I was about the only one that ; "Some of the land he had to buy
the night of the truck accident are
appreciated It. And I couldn't go to 1 outright.
He needed quite a wad of
carting away the soil from- a mound.
him and telb him hpw i admired him." ! money, quick, and he ran In a cargo
He slops them, whips the young row-
She tossed her head g<-xl humoredly. | of liquor to raise the wind. That was
ard and gets the address on a hag
“I didn’t care about the gossips, but his booxe the state police captured
th ey have used. At Ixtng Portage he
I knew If I were talking to him It ! to-day. So he fell down, and I’ve
learns there Is only three hundred and
would make the case worse. And— been over to the Jail and gotten r e-,
fifty dollars Instead of eight hundred
well. Pat, I was a little nasty, too. leases out of him.
for hla first year's taxea, which would
“Now, this quarter-section of yours,
You'd come in and taken him on the
enable him to pay. but at the bank he
wing. I felt som etim es as though I Forbes. , We've heen paying on an
a lio discovers that a check he gave wanted you both to suffer. That's all I average around sixty dollars an acre,
Healman for five dollars for a pig has the clinic stuff. Do you know w h o ! and that’s more than the stuff Is
been raised to five hundred, completo- was really with him that night 7”
worth. Yours—"
ly wiping him out. Then he tries to | ..y<m kno< , do„.t .. ret„ rned PlUfiy.
"Will cost you a hundred, but I
see Patsy, but leArns that she Is not at ' Nance tilted her head toward the reserve the mound above the water
! room they had Just quitted, and the line." "All right!"
A week slip , by and Jtjal b efo re, ofhpr Klpl>> eyes widened In surprise.
You’re certainly careless
the fatal day on which his property ,.N((t------.. gh#
with your language young fellow."
will be forfeited Eddie I. ..Y#g Hft (()ld h<j gQ J||gt th<> othgr
"But you have to have it. That's j
tai in the wholesale capture of all | day. He was a pfetty weak sister, j my price. It’s a little high, but It'll
the rum runners by the State police.
Pat. He let Eddie all but go to prison 1 compensate for some of the things
Somewhat encouraged at this turn of
because he didn’t have the moral | that crook agent of yours did to me.
affairs he drifts Into the tax office and courage to face his dad and the rest ' By the way, 1 reserve that mound on
there finds Nance Encell, the youth of Rcottdale. He hasn t much moral the southwest corner. It must be
he encountered on hts property be­ courage yet.
But I'm working on away above your proposed waterline."
fore, and another stranger. Nance him."
, The dark youth waited patiently In
congratulates him—but Eddie cannot
The color rose In Patsy's cheeks ■ the outer office. When Eddie and
She knew It was so. Many remarks Malone came out. he approached the
that Eddie had made, even while', former sulkily. “About that mound,
guarding closely him secret, fltted In ; Forbes—" ha began, hut Eddie cut
Saved I
And she bad distrusted and dlsbe. him short.
"I'll deal only with headquarters.
Ileved him. She had Joined In the un-
He started quickly at hts name, charlty of feeling toward Nance.
You know why."
called In those soft tones, and turned.
It seemed to Eddie that, as he
'i'm sorry, Nance," she said, sim ­
Patsy Jane stood In the doorway. ply.
read, Judge Randolph Perkins shifted
She was sm iling and beckoning. He
The hands on her shoulders ho-1 his thick white hand until It threw
w ent to her, wondering, and closed enme subtly caressing. ‘‘In a way a shndow on his face, making Its ex­
the door behind him.
you weren't to be blamed," she smiled. pression Impossible Tor Interpretation.
"I’ve been watching for you all "Now that's that off my chest, I'll tell But when he had quite finished, the
the afternoon," she said smiling. you som ething else. You know that Jurist's head went up and his big Jaw
was thrust out.
"You haven’t—any money?"
Sunday morning?
"This purports to be a confession
He shook his head bitterly. "Not
"I'd heen hearing things. I heard
that Eddie wns drinking hard and hy one Herman Llhbey that he was
“I know. Mr. Klnnnne Is attorney headed straight for the bowwows; driving the truck which collided with
for the hank. He knew about the that he was going to lose his proper­ a motor car on the River road last
raised check an warned me your ac­ ty; and that you had left him under summer, causing the death of Mrs.
fire, when he needed you the most. Marla Knowles,” he said, In measured
count would be held up. Here.”
She thrust a roll of hills Into his So I went there to find out for myself colorless tones.
“It Is a certified copy of the con­
Amazed to tho point of and to—to grab him If you had been
fession," Eddie corrected him, qulet-
speechlessneas, he took It automatic­ so foolish as to cut him adrift
"But I know Eddie pretty well— ir.
ally. He saw that the dear little face
The Judge bowed. "8o I see.
w as pale; that the warm llttlo Angers I've told yon that—and I found out
(Continued on Page 4)
that Dame Rumor was about 99 per
« e r e stained purple.
The cigarette preferred by
experienced smokers
In th e rem arkable grow in g
popularity of the cigarette many
brands have bid for favor, but
C am el c o n tin u e s to lead by
billions. Quality put it there;
quality keeps it there.
If all cigarettes were as good
as Camel you wouldn’t hear
anything about special treat­
ments to make cigarettes good
for the throat. Nothing takes
the place of choice tobaccos.
T . ___
i, N. C.
last Week!
Our big SPECIAL OFFER ends Saturday
Come in today if you want a
Westinghouse Automatic
Electric Range
Lowest Prices ever offered
on a Full Automatic
Gray Enameled Electric
The New Grey Enameled
Westinghouse Console
Now Only
Liberal Allow­
ance for your
Old Fuel Range
18 Months
M ountain S tates P ower C ompany