PAG H TWO THURSDAY OCTOBKR 27, 1M7. THE SPRINOFIWJ1 NEWS A u xiliary to M aat Savaral An» Injured HERE NOW’—OPPORTUNITY—FAITH IN U. S. i c f i c n / Pattern Tha American leg io n Auxiliary will THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS Write this on your tablets, and never rub It out. (htr j y r No. Charles Wetsel ot M a r c h wna bail 1169 niaal tomorrow at the homa of Mr«. PabUshad Bvwry Thursday at ly ahaken and brulaed Friday whan "Buy something sound In the United States, take ha fall off a bumper on a car whlla A II Van Valaah Plana will ba «hapml Springfield. Lana County. Orwgon. by can* of It for better, for worse, and It will take working fur the Ftahar Lumber com for the dlnuar to ba given by Ilia T H E W IL L A M E T T E PRESS care of you." Before the big war General Motors Auxiliary and l-eglon on ArailsUra pany. H. g. MAXEY, B d l t u r _______________________ stock sold for tSQ a ¿hare. There were 400.000 (In Octobar 30. W A, Koon», « r a ilin g shares outstanding. In 1916 the stock sold at S t a r e d aa second class matter. February 3«. 1303 at the $S50 a share. The company gave five shares for Ftecher millwright. auatalned a trac poatofOct*. Springfield. Oregon Iurad rib whan ha (all aernae a tint one. the new stock sold at $410. latter each share­ bar. holder got ten shares for one and had fifty shares. MAIL SUBSCRIPTION RATE A. H Oaarlaon of MarcoW w#i His original one share that had cost him $20 was 41.TS Three Months Advance____ One year U traatad hara Monday tor an Injurad worth $2100. 31 vO Single Copy •tx Month« hand. There was a slump. Pierre du Pont of the Du THURSDAY OCTOBER 37. 1337 Pont Company became chairman of the board, Specializing In Tonsils Mr. Sloan, president of the company. Common P e r k in . B u ild in g School WE SHOULD CARRY ON stock was reduced from 20,000,000 to 5,000,000 i George Parkin». Springfield con Springfield closed a week of Community revival shares. The original holder of one share that I Over Penney’s Store Irsclor. haa alarted work on tha con cost $20, without having toilet! or spun, simply , services that has stimulated much civic pride and , »traction of « new high »chonl build town spirit. Captain C. S. Nusbaum left us with by holding on. now has 37L, shares, at present | Ing •( M«pinton. to coat In the neigh g new vision of things after giving messages that prices worth $5.267. not a bad return on an in- | I borhood of 316.000 Mr l*erklna re Eugene Phone 356 touched most of his hearers’ hearts. But without vestment of $20. ; cently fini»h«l the naw Marcola But don’t gamble; make up your mind what Is we follow out these Ideas and ideals pictured to us •chool his visit will do little good. During the, week here good, buy what you can. hold It. Some see these Captain Nusbaum spoke to 14 different gather-| things in advance. During the war when the j legs and allowing for people who heard him more Stock Exchange was closed. Otto II. Kahn said DEPENDABLE EtJEQLASS SERVICE than once the ears of 1000 or 1200 people were to a newspaper man: "Buy yourself a couple jf probably reached Truly If this number of people | thousand shares of General Motors (it was selling nave a will to carrv on Springfield can accomplish then at $50 a share), keep It and you will have all most anything humanlv possible. the money you will ever need. The profit on that i We should not let ourselves drift as a com- transaction, which required no great investment, munity but all should be up and doing. Those would have been a little more than ten million OPTOnWTEIST—et|ESK«Hl 3PBCIALUT EUGENE who have ideas should come to the Chamber of dollars. . . . •7 « UXILinette St Phono 62b Jnsl o«« thirvQ---F>ut I do Ü t» make money out of our enemies as does Judge perky bow puted at the tide ot the today and begin with one of the now classes Monday, capital is more likely to come if the town is alive u ndsev V-neck to the »mart pointed Upline For full information about our courses, address gnd doing. Nobody wants to make an investment Te„ a not to hear a iefture. see a cer- effect. And please notice how the to a g? V%yard " hi,e h! lh1ngv , People I11,91 tain show or read a racy book his curiosity will two pleat«, front and back, form a naturally like to live and spend their money in be aroused. Chances are that nine out EUGENE BUSINESS COLLEGE panel effect in themtelve«, with­ live places, Let’s liven up Springfield and com- of ten times he will do just the thing he is told little "It’s a Good School" out using up any extra material. »unity. A. E. ROBERTS. President 992 Willamette St. not to do In this regard AlmoM any »ilk, crepe or cotton Telephone 666 Eugene, Oregon waxh good» in either printed or «olid • • • ' FOR A STRONG HIGHWAY COMMITTEE color« would ba appropriate for thia ■H The fellow who said the automobile was ruin­ model. Linen, pongee or «port« »i'k Lane county should have a strong highway ing the younger generation, really meant—the would be cool and comfortable, with committee to push the completion of our state younger generation is ruining the automobile. banda, how and cuff« of u tin or groagram ribbon to match 9 roads, the McKenzie, Willamette. Roosevelt and Yeh. all of them. Uttle ladles* and May ba obtained In «i«e« 16 to 44 Coast highways. We are not getting our share • • • Jack Horner Children’« Stic 36 require« yard« of 4- Of the state money in Lane county. The pacific Shoes for Wool Hose inch material and 4(4 yard« of rib When Bill Hlnch told Sam Pudy's wife to shut boo. highway is the only state road completed In Lane Children No dreitmaking experience ti Special county and the license fund from our 13,000 her mouth and keep It Bhut, she did. Bill is a Beaded to make Peaign No. 1169 $2.45. $2.96. automobiles will soon have it paid for although dentist. Pattern« will be deli »»red to any ad- $3.25 49c • • • dreta upon receipt of 2Sc. in eath or the bonds run for many years yet. U. 5 Pottage Alwayi mention (iie Other counties have strong citizen delegations 609 Willamette Eug«ns, Ore. Stranger in town last week “did not choose to wanted Addre«». Practical Pat­ before the highway commission at every meeting. run’’ tern», 1178 Broadway. New York One less Republi while crossing the street, The result Is Lane county state roads are side­ City Always mention thia news­ paper. tracked for projects proposed by these men In can vote in 1928. • • • other counties. A strong road committee, appointed from the ; Well, since that London typist swam the Chambers of Commerce of every town in the English channel there Is at least one stenographer county, the grange and farmers union, should In the world with • • • be organized and a delegation should attend every highway meeting until we get what is due us. $1.48, $2.95, $3.95, $4.95 It has taken more than five years to prove it. (WAN IS CAPTAIN OF Lane county has spent more of her money for but the nation now knows that Harry Sinclair Ht& SOUL UNTIL H t roads than any other county, except Multnomah, MEN'S Winter Weight Cotton Union Suits 9 8 c . 1.29 WALKS T H F OANOFlANR. and proportionately when her taxable property has no Teapot Dome.• • • OF MEN’S Heavy Ribbed Part Wool Union Suits ---- $1.9 8 and auto and gasoline taxes are considered got­ COWWIf, ten less than any other. It now develops that most every tooth In the BOYS* Cotton Fleece-Lined Union Suits ................. 79c • • • prohibition law is "gold filled." • • • We were In Eugene Saturday and watched a BOYS Heavy Ribbed Cotton Union Suits 79c captain of the state traffic force park a state Levine’s enemies may say what they wish but BOYS’ DRESS SHIRTS, l-arge Assortment. 79c. 1.19 automobile on a yellow comer line close up to the they can’t say he double-crossed the Atlantic. cross walk on a busy street He seemed to act Fat, Enou, ■ BOY’ SUITS. All Colors, All Sizes $ 8 .9 5 to $ 1 4 .5 0 as though it were his privilege to park anywhere Teacher—and now. chlXlren. give he chose. We believe that officers whose sworn BOYS’ SCHOOL SHOES. Black and Brown .... $ 2 .3 9 me the definition of a husband. Comment duty it is to enforce thelaws should obey the Tommy—It's something no respect­ GIRLS’ PLAID SPORT HOSE <*9c laws as well and set an example for other people. able famlb -houlrt be without. S P E N D IN G IS T H E FU N Bam Kozer should weed this sort of men out of Director» of St. Helena' chamber of commerce recently GIRLS’ SILK HOSE. Light Colors ......... . 49c his force they haven't the stuff to make good of­ indicated their choice of chamber committee mon>ber»hlp R ght In Hit Line GIRLS’ SCHOOL OXFORDS. Black. Tan 2.98 to 4 .5 0 ficers—they’re lacking in the sense of right and There were fourteen requests for membership on public Medico's Wife— "And do you really wrong. GIRLS' and CHILDREN’S Hl-Top School Shoes. $ 2 .3 9 improvement committee, seven desired place on merch­ tb.nk I swallowed that silly alibi you • • • ant's committee. Industrial department was chosen by gave me last night?" Whether or not it is mentioned In their plat­ four, while only three expressed a willingness to sit Art Ticking, per yd. .. 45c Cotton Blankets $2.85 forms, almost every politician is particularly in­ on city affairs committee. Spending, improving, beautify­ "I don’t know, my dear Hut I can have you X-rayed.” Pillow Tubing 29c Wool Blanket« $3.95, $4.39 terested in forestry. The log-rolling department, ing appeals to aggressive, Impatient men. It attracts their at least. attention. Administration of city affairs Is apt to be tedlou». Boys’ Wool Hoae 39c Cotton Sheet Blanket« 1.85 Tramp Efficiency Dr, Geo. A. Simon Dr. Roi]dl Q ick JUST RECD BIB SHIPMENT Of Men's and Boy's Hats Plica I Editorial Inasmuch as there is nothing to interfere, why doesn’t the King of Italy go over and play with the little King of Roumania? ) w 4 a t ó ! OM apt to require study and analysis. It Is lack of wlHingness on part of business men to pull on the tug straps of city Tramp: ‘ I've »»kS■ the alphabet and I have not co n e to 'W '.’’ C o u l T) ^ o u L ie . -A M 1 * T ? o c t f ' M I n T >| S o u l ? S .E l / f - T o <$L E -E --p> - u. Oh, That’s Different Dad—"Why don’t you dance with young Thompson?" Co-ed—"Why, I wouldn't dance rlth him If he were worth a million." "Well, he la ” •'Good heavens. Introduce quick." Decoyed -- — 1: '<> 315 t t T i T'»V' 'i t . i GUT SI! M A W ¿ol "4 AS Tt-|oU6t|T OF A W o n 3)&1? v u l IDEA \ T o r oi3e.8E_'Tbi,<ó //? ------------ V-- O •- "Goodness, have you been In an accid en t?” I "Do you remember that p5ay o( mine that was produced the other night?" I "Yes." “Well, they called (or the author at the end and unfortunately I didn't realize bow much they wanted him.’ The Door—The Door Graduate— "Have you ail opening for a college tralnel m an ?’ Manager—"Yes, It’s right behind you, and would you mind closing It as you go out?” Please Count "I’ve never had a chance." said the man with the l^yiig-dog expression. "No matter what I do my unlucky number pops up and gets me Into trouble." ■'How come? What Is you unlucky number?" "Thirteen. Twelve Jurors and one Judge.” 14635770 for hallowe ’ eh supplies Jack o’ lanterns, colored candles and special boxes that express the spirit of Hallowe'en. You’ll enjoy 11 aa much as the youngatera If you partake of what we have to offer on thia joyful occaalon. Eggimann’a alwaya haa something a little different. Come in and explalu further. EGGIMANN’S ///M ’ s ANO, ORtCONi O c T .2 9 w N o v $10 0 ,0 0 0 in Premiums • 17th A nnual E x p o IlH w i combines D airy Product« Show, world-renowned Horne Show, N atio n al W o o l Show, Northweat Fox Show, Manufacturer«* and L a n d P rod uct« Show , Boy«* and G irl« ’ C lu b W o rk . C o ve n lOacra«, exhibiting Am erica’« prize Pure Bred lire f and I M r v C aW t., tlo rw « , Shew». Hn»», ( mm UW I' a v . . . I « r « . o Prem ,lum ium l.ii I IH . n r i 4 . r U , Pnr„d. O r n o a . O<>. Z -I.N o v . , . H w I ucm I f a m a I railroad.