Make Y o u r W a n t* K now n • U te the Classified Ads. THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS «PRJNOF1ELD. LANE COUNTY. OREGON, THURSDAY OCTOBER S7, 1927 TWENTY-FOURTH YEAR C III WILL SHAPE School District Financial Sche­ dule to Be Decided By Tax­ payers at Meeting Called For E i g h t O'Clock Tomorrow Night. SPRINGFIELD READY TO MEET HARRISBURG TEAM ON LOCAL FIELD FRIDAY ITeparalons for tackling another Membership Campaign On With auch team as that which brought de­ Roster Increased By feat laat Friday are being made thia Ten Names week by the Springfield high school . grldatera, who will meet the Harris- : Engaged In a membership drive burg footballera on Hrattaln field here which will be extended to the sue Friday afternoon at 3:16 o'c'ixk The local team waa handed a 26 to i . rounding farming districts, the Spring- 0 defeat by Cottage Grove laat Friday ' Held chamber of commerce at tomor As It happens, Harrisburg Is reported ' . row nlght'a meeting will hear reports to possess the same sort of a football I of Ihe success of the campaign In the team as Cottage Grove boast*- heavy ; illy and committees will be appointed and aggressive, according to Leonard to carry on the Activity. Ten new names were added to the Mayfield, coach Hprlngfleld'a spaed railed to ah»w to ' chamber roster during community ser­ advantage against the Grove aquad. vice week, aa the result of the actl- When the local boys hud the ball, I vlllea of a special membership com- they aeeined unable Io get things ' mlttee composed of Walter Gossler, started before the Grovers broke . 1)wight Kessey and W. C. Rebhan. The new members are: E. K Pyne. through and blocked the whole affair. J. H Harris. E K Frederick, W. W. On the other hand. Collage Grove I Walker, A. T. Gravos, D. Kessey, H. showed a surprising strength In die Q H a D M k , I- E Scoti. 11 L. W righ t. tense, showing up the defensive weak­ Herbert Moore. ness of the Hprlngfleldltes. Coach Friday night's meeting will begin at Mayfield discovered many defects In 8:00 o'clock. The npw president, F 11 Ihe course of (he slaughter, and this Hamlin, will be In the chair. A num- week has attempted to Iron them out. l>er of Important committees will be The boys appear to be In good spirits. I named. HprlugAeld's 192M budget will *ie rhaped by (he city vouavll end bul wilt- be Clark When ■ 1 - .........................W ton. A. J Morgan, George Perklna, W ('. Mdgignn nnd Hoy Carlton. GYPERS ARE GYPED IN School Vote Called Chamber Extends 8-Hour D ay Wish o f 4 -L M eeting Drive to Country GUESSING GRID SCORE C. E. RALLY HELD HERE On tomorrow night at 8 o'clock, S U N D A Y IS SUCCESS STATE-STANFORD TILT taxpayers of thia dlatrld will meet Success attended the county Chris- to art on the 1937.28 budget which The merits of the so-called "total lian Endeavor rittly conducted at the calls for an expenditure of *64.63* 5* The aeaelon will be held at the high score" pools by which local wooers of Springfield Chlrntlan church Sunday. latdy Chance have Been adding to the More than 160 delegates from many school. suapunne of awaiting football scores organisations In all parts of the An unusual thing In thia connection thia y»ur la the fact that the new are now to be described In the entire­ county attended for the sessions, budget keens within the limitation of ly different manners by the principal which lasted throughout the day. characters of thia story. a ft per cell I Increase over that of The Ftrst Christian church of Eu­ It seems that previous to the O. A. gene. senior society, was awarded the the previous year. The total to ho raised by tax thia year la *32,361.71; C -Ctanford gume In I’OrCand last cup awarded annuaMy on attendance Saturday a pool was made up. with nnd miles travel/l to the convention. that laal year, *30,782 72. A good attendance at the taxpayers many participants. Two young men The Intermediate aoclety of jthe Fair- meeting Friday night was urged hy went Into the affair In partnership, mount Christian church was given with the Intention of dividing up 60-50 second prise, and the Springfield budget commlaalonera. if either guessed nearest to the total junior society third. , score of the game. Inspirational addresses wdVe given THREE ARE NAMED FOR Along In the afternoon they called during the program, one by the state tyIGH SOHOOL HONORS a local radio fan and obtained the presldenL Donald Neison, and the score. It waa 13 to 0, and the fan other by Claude Neely, music director, The high school honor roll this limn added that “there are only a tew i Rev. S. E Childers was unable to be In a record, not for length, but for minutes yet to play." ! presenL due to the tact that he was brevity. Well, the guess of our two heroes on the hunt for Earl Pierce, lost Eu­ Grades for the flret six weeks of were far from 13. Rut a brilliant Idea gene boy. school show but three students whose occurred to one of them. He knew Viola Ogden, secretary of the state averages classify them for honors. the man that had guessed 13 exactly. , Christian Endeavor union, outlined They are Wlnlfrtd Tyson. Ijtwrsncs So they propositioned the supposed ' the plans fog (Winter activities of Roof and Audrey Schults. ly lucky Individual, tailing him . Christian Endeavors In thia region. Average grade of *0 or above fa nothing of the progress of the game required for honors. Ordinarily, the I but offering *6 each for his ticket. She urged cooperation on the part j of the lame Endeavnrers, both aa or­ high school roll run« well over Ihe He took them up. • ganisations and Individually. dnsen mark. Many students had Happily, they awaltec* the end of The afternoon waa dovoted to con­ honor grades In some subjacta, but the game. It came, but the Iota* score otbe^p brought their average down. I eras—well. harMy I I . In fact It was ferences. the delegates dividing Into groupe according to their individual 1 just twice that number—26. Interests. Leading these were Wil­ FORMER MARCOLA MAN Somebody else collected. liam Morse. Springfield; Walter DIES AT PORTLAND It appears an outand-out rase of Myers. Eugene; Kathryn Rice, Port­ , the "gypec getting gyped." said some- land; Jbsephine Bothas, Corvallis; Death came on Saturday Io James , body. and Mary Gulley, Eugene. P. Turner, formerly of Marcóla, who had been living at Portland for some WOODCRAFT WILL ELECT time. The funeral waa held on Tues­ HOME TALENT PLAY TO BE GIVEN AS BENEFIT day at the Walker chapel here, con­ OFFICERS NOVEMBER 9 ducted by Rev. E. V Stivers, pastor As a benefit for the American of the First Christian church. Eugene Election of officers will be conducted .Survivors are the father. J. 8 Turner. Legion post and the playground equip­ hy the Woodcraft lodge at the meeting Marróla; brother, George It of Ray­ ment at Brattaln achool, a home talent November 9. It -was announced at the mond, Washington; atsters, Mrs. play will be presented here In the near regular lodge session Hast evening. Hannah Harris. Conway, Missouri; , future under the direction of Mrs. Eleven names were balloted on at Mds Cora Gustin. Medford; Mrs. Rose ' Ora Read llomenway, according to last night's meeting and will be an­ Trunnell. Wilder. Idaho, and Mrs E. . announcement today. nounced when membership Is finally R. Johnson, Eugene. Mrs. Hsmenway Is now engaged in extended. Sixteen visitors were pre­ the selection of the play to be given. sent from Junction City, and four ; Dates for the performance will be an- from CresweK. Refreshments were MRS. EFFIE CURRIE IS served at the close of the evening. VICTIM OF SICKNESS : nouncod shortly. Mrs. Adrian to Entertain Victim of a few weeks sickness. Has Tonsils Removed—Alfred Calll- Mrs Effie Currie, 48, died at the son of Fall Creek underwent a tonsll- Mrs. W. H. Adrian will entertain the Goahen hospital on Saturday night. (.ctomy at a loca! surgeon's office Sat- Five Hundred club at her home Fri­ She was a resident of Oakridge. urady. day evening. J- Surviving are her husband, E. H. Currie, aon, Curtis, daughters, Virgie, Nellie and Bell, all of Oakridge. and another daughter, Mrs. Lillian Stock- ton, Kula. The funeral will be held at the Walker chapel here tomorrow after­ noon at 2 o'clock. Rev. C. H. Blom of the Baptist church will officiate, and the Inlermont will be at Laurel Hill cemetery. Looking For Property To Observe Day Francis Wlllnrd day will be obser­ ved at the Rrnttaln achool tomorrow by a general assembly, callfd for the morning at 9 o’clock. Appropriate exercises will follow. Kill Kare to Meet Mrs. Walter Stevens will be hostess to the Kill Kare club at a 1 o'clock luncheon today. She will entertain at the home of Mrs. Arthur Roberta. L IV E HOPE HELD BRIGHT FOR IMMEDIATE ACTION O N new S pringfield span NEW SPAPER IN A LIVE TOWN U. o f O. L ibrary Optimistic reports as to probable DUMBER 42 X — ARMISTICE 8 « TO BE DBSERVED HEBE local unit at a meeting Monday even­ ject. and will do so regardless of the Armistice day in Springfield will oe ing of this week. A. J. Cowart, dele­ outcome oL the effort to close Second gate, and W. D. Smith, 4-L field of­ street." declared the judge. "Action quiet, but not uneventful, according ficer, reported o n the convention will start as soon as the public s*-r to plans of various patriotic organise* tions announced this week. which was held at St. Helen's. vice commission decides on the clos­ Commemorating the close of the Important matters connected with ing. but It does not depend on that World War, business houses, bank« the relations of employers and em decision. and schoo ' b will be closed. Flags will ployes were discussed, having as their "Of course, the work for some time object Improvement In operation for will be largely done In the highway be displayed on down-town streets and on residences. the benefit of both groups. , commission offices. Finances will be The morning, so far as present Nine and ten hour working day arranged, plans drawn up, and work­ plans go. will be virtually free from piactlceg In Pacific Northwest non- ing operations decided upon. Every­ 6-L lumber operations were reported thing will be ready to go as so n as any scheduled events, and It is likely and much of the convention time was weather and other conditions allow that many local people will go to Eu­ gene, where a patriotic parade will devoted to consideration of ways and in the spring. be held. Although no arrangement! means of maintaining the eight hour "The highway commission Is very day in the industry, and of extending anxious to bring the McKenzie high­ have been made, it is possible the It Into the other lumber producing re­ way specifications up to those of a local national guard unit will march gions of the United States, 6-L terri­ stale highway. But fn order to do In the procession. One of the most important event* tory, which Is entirely In the Pacific t. st a special tax must be voted by of the day will start at noon when the Northwest. bfl ng the only lumber •br people." Ladies of the G. A. R. will given a manufacturing area In the country Judge Barnard reiterated his con­ 12 o'clock luncheon at the W. O. W. that Is on an eight hour Working day tention that Lane county Is contribu hall In honor of the veterans of the basis. ting much more to the highway fund civil war and visiting state depart Other resolutions and recommenda­ than It Is getting out of It. He de­ tions dealt with group disability and clared that this county has furnished j ment officers.' here on an Inspection trip. Numerous guests from Eugene life Insurance, employment and other upwards of *350,00' to the sta» ■ and all old soldiers In this vicinity provision for elderly workers, welfare hut that that returns have not been will be Invited. and social activities. commensurate with the contributions. Between the lunch hour and the The foregoing matters werp put Into hour of the' regular meeting, 2:8® shape to be referred for final action to o'clock, a program wtil be given under the |-L board of directors which meets SCOUTS TO HIKE INTO the direction of Mrs. Oran Metcalf. BIG TIMBER; WOODSMAN In its 18 semi-annual session in Port­ Several Interesting features are plan* land, Oregon. November 14, to legis­ TO GIVE INSTRUCTION ned, the scheduled program following: late for the whole 4-L organisation, ■Old time Addling, John Bryan, motor which covers the fir and pine produc­ Springfield Boy Scouts are to learn route 1, accompanied by Mrs. ing sections of Oregon, Washington the rudiments of forest lore during Metcalf. and the Inland Empire. the course of a hike Into the heavy Violin s o lo .................. Harlan Duncatt. After the meeting, a short program timber near Coburg bridge to be held Reading ----------- . . ------ Mrs. Yarnell was given. It consisted of selections Saturday afternoon, according to R eading---------- --- ----- Innis YarnelL by Palmer's orchestra of E>gene; 8cout Commissioner W. P. Tyson. Vocal solo ........ Mrs. C. F. Egglmann. Charles Nadvornik on the violin, and Elmer Lee. experienced woodsman, Plano Solo ____________ Jane Berg Wlnifrld Tyson at the piano. Mrs. will give the boys pointers on the law» Selections__________ __ John Bryan. John Ketels gave a reading. At 2:30 o’clock the annual Inspee- of the forests. Recent tragedies ' thought to have grown out of Inability tlon will start. Officiating will M LARGE ATTENDANCE AT of persons to, find their way out of Mrs. Rosa B. Stewart. Portland. de­ partment president; Mrs. Laura Vag SCOUT COURT OF HONOR the forests have led the scout leaders Valkenburg, department inspector. to the decision to teach the boys Committees In charge are: lunch« fb e largest attendance In the his­ the laws which will avoid such difll eon. Mrs. Bert Doane, chairman, and cult lea. tory of local scouting greeted Boy Mrs. Walter Laxtna and Mrs. Mary Scouts and their leaders in the honor Such simple rules as that which court held Tuesday night. It waa the has to do with the moss growing on Platt; program. Mrs. Metcalf; decorat­ first time that parents end other the north side of a tree will be Im­ ing. Mrs. C. F. Eggimann. One of the biggest social events of visitors outnumbered the scouts, and pressed vividly on the boys’ minds by the year Is planned by the American a successful demonstration of scouting Mr. Lee, who has spent his life in the Legion and Auxiliary In the shape of methods waa given. woods, Mr. Tyson said. a dinner to be held about 6:30 o'clock With Peyton Oderklrk In charge, a The scouts will gather in the front In the chamber of commerce room*. demonstration of first aid was given, of The News office at 1 o'clock Sat­ Under the direction of Mra. A. fl. and George Mason and Ralph Hughes urday afternoon, and transportation to Van Valxah. the auxiliary member* displayed knot-tying methoda. the timber will be furnished. An In­ will serve the dinner. Peyton Oderklrk was awarded a vitation has been extended to Eugene Following, a program will be given. merit badge In Aremanship. Earl scouts. Oswald Olson and W. P. Tyson art Wheeler received flremanshlp and making plans for the program. cooking awards and Carol Adams MRS. V. JACOBSON IS Further plans for the Legion event awards In public health, personal DEAD AT LOS ANGELES are to be announced following meet« health, pioneering and swimming. Ings of the organisations Friday night. Four trnderfeet passed tests. They Funeral services will be held here Armistice day will not go unobser­ were Frank Frost, Lyle Zachary and Friday at the Walker chapel for Mra. ved In the schools. At the Brattaln Morris Stewart of troop 11 and E. I V. Jacobson, who died at Los Angeles school, patriotic programs will be held Thurman of troop 12. i on October 22, Mrs. Jacobson, who ts shortly before the holidays, according 175 years old, resided with her son, to Mrs. Ora Read Heroenway. princi­ DR. POLLARD BACK FROM 8. Jacobson of Springfield until April, pal Similar observances are plan« KITSON SPRINGS STAY when she went to Los Angeles. Sur­ ned by the other elementary grade*. viving are her husband, V. Jacobson; Football fans and former student* Dr. W. H. Pollard returns late this six sons. T. B. of Marshfield J. E. of of the University of Oregon living week to resume hla practice after a Cushman, J. W. of Spokane. Washing­ ; here will And much attraction to th* few weeks spent at Kitson Springs 1n ton, C. W. of Los Angeles, Oscor of | Eugene campus armistice day. Th* North Dakota, and S. of SpringAeld' alumni luncheon and alumni meeting* an effort to regain hla voice. While the city health officer’s voice two daughters. Mrs. Nellie Edlund, ' will take place in the morning and at is somewhat improved, the condition Waverly, Minnesota, and Mrs. G. M. noon. In the afternoon, the annual gridiron battle of Oregon and Oregon of his throat Is not yet altogether Myrha, Davenport, N. D. satisfactory. It was reported today. Rev. Fred Hornshuh of the Light­ State win be featured on Hayward house Temple will conduct the service Aeld. at the Walker chapel tomorrow. In­ terment will be at Laurel Hill ceme­ tery. RLACKSHEEP! JLX J Xk, Meredith Nicholson C O P Y R IG H T CHARLES 9CR1BNER3 SONS - A Report* of Meeting Are Given ! progress on the Springfield bridge pro­ At Session of Local I ject were brought back from the state Unit Monday Patriotic Organizations P l a n highway commission at Portland Events; G. A. R. to Have In« Reports of the 16th semi-annual con­ Tuesday by County Judge C. P. Bar spection; Legion and Auxill« vention of West Oregon locals of the nard. ary Meet at Dinner; Stores Loyal Legion of Loggers and Lumber­ “The highway commission Is r?ady to Be Closed. men were beard by members of the to go ahead immediately on the pro­ STARTING N E X T WEEK Ira Poole, atockmnn of Drew, who recently disposed of hla property there. Is a Springfield visitor this week and la looking for new property to buy. He accompanied Postmaster F. B. Hamlin to this city following the latter'a vacation at Drew. Postmaster Hamlin visited at Drew with hla mother, Mrs. John Hamlin, and brother, Edward. "Ths People'« Paper" THRU ¿PUBLISHED? AUTOCASTER SERVICE A dramatic, gripping story by this famous writer, run or action and Interest that will hold your attention throughout every chapter. Start with the first Installment and you will be sure to read the story to the end. MYSTERY AND ADVENTURE TOLD IN A MASTERFUL WAY W e Take Our Own ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED AT PARTY ON TUESDAY Tuesday evening at their home, Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Huntly were hosts at a party ronorlng Miss Billie Berg of this city and Charles E. Jordan of Portland, who are engaged to Be married In the near future. The an­ nouncement was made by means of Cupid place cards, upon which was written the announcement The party was In the form of a miscellaneous Rhower, and many beau- tlful presents were received by the bride and groom to be. An elaborate bride’s cake, made by Mr. Huntly, was cut and with other refreshments served to the guests at about 12 o'clock. Guests Included Miss Berg, Mr. Jordan, Marte Braseal, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Pugh, Mr. and Mrs. O. F. Thatcher, Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Pyne, A1 Pohl, Mr. and Mrs. William Roden- baugh, Mrs. Alma Cowden. Herbert Jurdan, Junior Pohl, and Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Huntly. The couple will live at Portland p| after the wedding. Medicine We preach the doctorine of adver­ tising continuously. Sometimes when we And a merchant who is doubtful of the returns from his advertising we wonder If It Is ths merchant or the newspaper that Is to blame. But we have always had faith1 In our own m edicine- newspaper advertising. Just to try It out In lest week’s issue we Inserted a bargain day advertisement on subsclrptions to The SpringAeld News. We sold 40 yearly subscriptions on Saturn day. It was the Arst time we have ever seen people line up to sub­ scribe to any newspaper. The Arst man called on us at the breakfast table and others followed all day. DOES AD VER TISIN G PAY? WE 3 T IL L BAY, IT DOES! ESPECI­ A LLY W H E N YOU HAVE SOME­ T H IN G TO SELL T H E PEOPLE W ANT.