THURSDAY OCTOBER 20. 11*27 TH « SPRINGFIELD NEWS PAGE RIGHT N evata - *31*.diti SS In high schools. OLSON PLANS PROGRAM «chimi distrivi*. si aer. park liuprove FOR MEETING NOV. 11 , tucul, water. C o rra «p o n d an t* Oswald Olson has been placed In t'ortlamt. October SO: — Schools, Washlngion — *138,7**10 In Irriga highways, parka, water, sewer, electric tlon. water, water rerenue. slactrlc charge of plana for the program it the foreign war vetaraug get to ed het light «ml other projects In nine west tight and power. j era states are benefiting from the In- California- ,**.501 5X In unlon high scheduled Jor November II, according CARDEN WAY UPPER WILLAMETTE 1 vestment of state anil municipal secu­ achool. Improvement, water and road Io John Will. American Legion com Rlverslde. t'allfornla. ma niler. rities of a grand total o f tJ.676.MSXO . Improvement The affair, hejsatd. la for the Legion, Honoring her 17th birthday. Mra Mlsa Gertrude Haugann who la at , f“»«*» of the Neighbors of Wood Is (he location of thè **00,000 honte ot Mitchell gave her daughter a p easan t tending the unlveralty went Io Fort ' raf‘- »wordli»« to a bulletin Just Is the order on a «5 acre tract of valu the Auxlllafiy. and all veterans of foreign wars living In Springfield 11« surprise party Saturday night. October land over the week-end to attend the «»ed by Mrs. Minnie HlUer, as grand able Mnd. 16 Games were placed throughout the Oregond’allfornla football game. guardian, the supreme official of the The Neighbors of Woodcraft have urged that as many aa possible muke plans for reserving the date In their evening until refreshments w e r e Mrs. Margaret Pengra accompanied | ‘ order, which has its headquarters Just launched a campaign to Inc euse schedule. gB>inlalng a good time here. The bulletin registers the dis. , ’he membership of the order from up served at midnight Those present Mr. and Mrs. Henry Harlow to Port-, ; proxlmately 75.000 to 100.000. coin- were Isabel and Jenny bee Green of |and Saturday where they will be the , trlbutlon ss follows Sweet creatu rather 'than sour Is d a h o — *1.1X0.337 In highways. I cldental with completion of plans to Eugene. Mr and Mrs. Holstington of guests of thetr slstefi. Mrs. J. H now generally used for Oregon b u lle t probably ' • cl'°o * districts, funding, water works i Immediately erect a magnificent ad Pleasant HUI, Mr and Mrs. McPeck Zimmer. Mrs Pengra will making, reports the dairy specialists ; ministration building In thia city. and two daughters. Thelma and Nina, remain in Portland a week. The Hat- and street Improvements. of the experiment station, whereas Oregon — *»-.-.lS l.S j In paving, fund- Opal Moore. Prank Moor*. Floyd Lord, lows who have been visiting relatives a few yeara ago nearly all butter was Alvin. Emms, and Belle Olson. Cart suJ friends here for the past several wa U r and »»»« t water, school CITY RETIRES $2000 This improvement. ntunlclpa . IN BANDCROFT BONDS .Mirned from sour cream U n toa. Donald Kahler and Peggy Mc­ weeks will return to their home In districts. change calls for delivery of aweel electrical light, general obligation, re- Farmington. Washington Daniels. Two Bancroft bonds of ,1000 each cream by the dalrlea, an easy task If At the Pleasant Hill C hristian1 Warren Collingwood was U n ited in funding levee, and street and park improvement. were retired this week by the Town the right directions are followed church last Sunday Mrs Madden spoke to Margaret Chapman ot Wyoming— *S7».S32.75 In school dis­ of Springfield, assessm ents having "Once you get the habit of delivering on missionary work In Japan Santa clara at the hame th(, bride,s tricts. water, sew er and refunding been paid In sufficiently to make the aweel cream you will find It aa easy Mrs. T. F. Kahler, who was recently parents. Sunday afternoon. The cere- as the old sour cream habit," saya the Utah—*368,*»7.36 In school dis­ action poaatble. chosen superintendent of t*e pleasant performed by Rev. O. 8ykes tricts. roads, am ter. General financial condition of the report. Hill Sunday school, has started of SpringfleM In the presence ot about Montana—*>3t.686.<6 In refunding, city Is satisfactory, according Io Re cradle roll and Mrs. C. P. Williams fifty friends and relatives After the funding, achool districts and water corder I M Peterson General obit FOR SALE -Carbon paper In large chairman o f that department has been ceremony a dinner was served. Mr. Colorado — »219.0*0 30 In water gallon bonds will noi come due now sheets. 3