« THURSDAY OCTOBER 20, 1927 THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS SUM M ONS FOB PUBLICATION TRAIN 8CHBDULI Working, the holders of eertltcate o( IN 3T03UDCL08UHE OF T a X L IE N Delinquency numbered 3131. rneued Borin git. IS Btega In the Circuit Court of the State ef on the fifteenth day of August, 1936, NorthhounU by the tax collector of the County 0« Oregon Lane County. No. 32 ______________ ...... 1: 33 P. M. Lane. State of Oregon, for the amount C. F Working and Lnlu M Working. M. Flag of ten and 76-100 Dollars, the same No. 16 4 27 A. Plaintiffs, va. Mary A. Perry, the being the amount then due and delin­ Southbound Unknown heirs of Mary A. Perry, quent for taxes for the year 1921, t o No, 18 -,.................— 9 33 P M Flag If deceased; Ira Vernon, Clara Ver­ gether with penalty, Interest and costa non, Charlea Drake, Jane Doe thereon upon the rem property aa- No 31 ... ....... ...................... N 6 «6 A. M. Drake, Joseph Boyd, Jane Doe »eased to Mary A. Perry, cf which Coach Hpedal for Klamath Falls Boyd, Stiver» Vernon, Jane Doe Mary A. Perry lx the owner of the and beyond, on flag at 2 01 P. M on Vernon, and all unknown owner« of legal title, aa appears of record, alto- Sunday, Tuesday and Friday. the property described herein, De­ ated In said county and state, and fendants. particularly described aa follows, to- TO: Mary A. Perry, The Unkonwn wit: L o h t U ow k e t i i o o k —Contained 915 | FOR RENT OR SALE NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION heirs of Mary A. Perry, If decea»ed; The north half of Lot 10 and the In ourrenoy nnd several dollars In For Hu'e or Rent: « room house and Ira Vernon, Clara Vernon, Charle» south half of Lot Eleven, Block 77. -a FOREST EXCHANGE change. Reward, l-etive nt News three acre» of land on Mill St. between Drake, Jane Doe Drake, Jo»eph Boyd. Gross Addition to Eugene, Lane No 01764« • X O. ami H. ISsttrle lights, water on Department of the Interior, United Jane Doe Boyd, Stivers Vernon, Jane County, Cw-gon. Doe Vernon, and all unkonwn owner» You are hereby further notified that porch. Bee I*. Conley 172« Franklin 8tatee Land Office, Roeeburg, Ore­ of the property described herein: De­ C. F. Working and Lulu M. Working HEMSTITCHING- Hix cents per yard Blv(j or,w. W Walker. 0.20-27 gon, September 22, 1927. fendants. have paid taxes on »aid premises for at UNO I’earl tit Eugene, Oregon. NOTICE Is hereby given that John IN THE NAME OF THE STATE j prior and or subsequent year», with 8 29: 0 6 13 20 27; LOST—le tte r addressed t o John Bteen, of Lebanon, Oregon, died appll OF OREGON: You are hereby noth | the rate of Interest on said amount« Crawford, Box 183. Lost between cation No. 01764«, under the Act of fled that C. F. Working and Lulu M. as follows: ___________________ FOR SALK—Carbon paper In large Poatoffice and 7th street. Contain March 20, 1882 ( 48_8tat., 4<>5) to ex ■bests, 26x39 Inchea. aultubln for , . ,, . . . , . o change the 8EI4, Sec. 9. Tp. 16 8.. Amount Rate of Int Tax Receipt No. Date Paid Year's Tax Ing Union book and badge. Return |lanj?,. 9 Weat w M w|, hln the 81ua. « 9.25 12 29224 making tracings The Newa Office Aug. 16, 1925 1822 to Poatoffice. O. 20 |aw National Forest, In exchange for 13 30 29235 12 Aug. 15, 1925 1923 — -• 't im b e r f r o m approximately 10.50 16779 13 10 12 Aug. 15, 1926 1924 TYPEWRITER RIBBONS— Assorted , All kinds of house painting; Kalso acres within the NW>4 SW '4. Section . , . . 25 84 2746 12 Apr 16. 192« 1925 inaNea in black and blue In stock at* mining 32 per room and up. Roy 22, Township it 8 . Range 6 East, W. 23.59 12 1338 Apr. 21, 1926 1926 11.» News office. For the convent- Koch, Call 126-J. tf. M , within the Santlam National You are further notified that C. F. I premises for subsequent years, with i Forest, Oregon. ence of customers who have hither­ Working and Lulu M. Working have I the rate of interest on said amounts We specialise In awlas bradât watch The purposeof till« notice la 10 to not been able to get ribbons in repairing H o y t s 321 Main Street. U [ allow afl persona claiming the L e d , j municipal assessm ents upon said Mt follows: Hprlngdeld we have started this selected, or having bonn flde objec- Int Date Paid Amt. Total Rate of Int. Amount new line of rlhbona for Underwood.*, SEPTIC TANKS tlons to such application an oppor- July 26, 1926 12 «13.18 Remingtons. Royals, L. C. Smith, 1 tunlty to file their protest with the »7.02 July 26, 1926 »51.04 «54 08 12 Ready for you to Install 40.84 ..I I . a .. •«! ot the U. 8. I-and Office at: and other makes. tf For « family Mar 27. 1926 57.59 9 70 67.29 12 57.59 of five --------------------- «21 ll(,a’ burgt Oregon. 1 Aug. 2. 1927 12 24 57 For family of e ig h t ___________ «28 Aug. 2.1927 73.78 .56 74.34 Any such protests or objections 12 49 21 SUM M O NS at our plant Total .......... — «202.87 must be on file In this office within In the C ircu it Court of tha 8ta ta of thirty dc“» from the date of the first Sewer Pipe— Drain Tile This summons Is published by order Said Mary A. Perry, as the owner Oregon for Lana Clunty. publication of this notice, beginning Chimney Blocks of the legal title of the above des- of the Honorable C. P. Barnard, Judge September, 29, 1927. non-coal. Frank Griffin, Plaintiff, va. Ana A. ItOBERT E. CRAWFORD, Acting clrbcd property as the same appears of the County Court of the State of E U G E N E C O N C R E T E P IP E CO. Griffin, Defendant of record, and each of the other per­ Oregon for the County of Lane, for Register. tf. To Ana A. Griffin, Defendant: son» named above are hereby further the reason that Honorable G. F. Skip- S 29: O 6-13 20-27: IN TH E NAME OF THE STATE OF notified that C. F. Working and Lulu worth Judge of the Circuit Court of O R EG O N : You are hereby required M. Working will apply to the Circuit said County and State is absent front NOTICE OF SH ER IFFS SALE ON ! to upp> nr and answer the complaint Court of the County and State afore­ the State, and said order was mad« 6 U M M O N 8 EXECUTION filed ngaliiNt you In the above entitled said for a decree foreclosing the lien and dated this 31 day of August. 1927 Notice Is hereby given that by vlr- IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE against the propetry above described and the date of the first publlcatloa suit on or before four week« from date tue of an execution lasued out of the of the first publication of thia sum STATE OF OREGON FOR THE and mentioned In said certificate. And of this summons Is the 1st day of COUNTY OF LANE. 8UIT IN you are hkreby rummoned to appear Se-*ember, 1927. m i««, or for want thereof the plaintiff [ Circuit Court of the State of Orejwn __ ______ _ _ of _ ____ EQUITY within sixty days after the first pub- will take Judgment against you and for the County laine ___ on _________ the' 24th All process and papers In this pro­ Septem ber 1927? will upply to the court for the relief day of September, 1927, upon "a a Judg- Judg I , Mar,h“ M. Stas, Plaintiff, versus Clyde iicatlon of this summons, exclusive of ceedings may be served upon the un­ Rodehaver, Bruce Rodebaver, E. R. the day of the first publication and dersigned residing within the State prayed for In the compl-mt and for u ment rendered therein on the 23r_n’ ’ : r? i 5 . co“ P'".ln} fll^ 7 ° “ u n d M d d e m is e s '1 a b ^ e m ln U o n e d ^ Se. 1, 8, 15. 22, 29: Oc. «. 13, 20. 27: hi the Springfield News, a weekly P*‘r *»r»r«tim from the 23rd day of Sept- ;,n ,he above entitled suit within four Newspaper publlahed In Springfield, ‘•mber, 1926, and the further sum of , ****“ fro™ the date of the first puh- Lane County Oregon, by order of the HO M coats and disbursements, which «cation of this summons in the Spring- NOTICE OF FINAL HEARING Blank Promissory note« and re­ Honorable o' F Sklpworth, Judg.- of Judgment was enrolled and docketed | "eld News which Is September 22, ceipts printed end In stock at the NOTICE IS HEREBY GGIVEN: That the above court, made October 4th. In the office of the Clerk cf aald Court , and you are hereby notified th a t,. 1927, and this summons dated and first i '» “ ld ™unty on the 23rd day of If you fall to appear and answer said the undersigned Alta King, adminis News office. published October 6th. 1927 September. 1925. and said execution , complaint within said 4 weeks, your ( trator of the estate of J. M Ritchey, WHITTBN SWAFFORD Attorney directed commanding me in the • default will be entered and the plain- deceased, has filed his final account S U M M O N 8 for the llsln tlff Resldenci'- and Dost name of the State of Oregon, to ! tiff will make application to the Court 1“ the County Court of Lane County, IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THB satisfy »aid Judgment, Interest ebsta fur the following relief to-wlt: That Oregon, and that October 22nd, 1927, office address. Eugene. Oregon. 8TATE OF OREGON FOR THB and disbursements, and the costs and 1 the mortgage for the sum of «400.00 j at ten (/clock in the forenoon thereof O 6 13-20-27: N 3: C O U N TY OF LANE. ----------- ■ , .. expenses of and upon this writ out Interest and attorney fees, executed at the Court House in Euegne, Lane AS. . • A 1 s a V.AA A » 4 L ,.^ » k f . .1 1 1 . a A lin fV P e o ffn n o t S o o n w czK V ss, of a "the personal property of said de- by A D Rodehaver and Mollie A Rode p County, Oregon, h has been G fixed by { Frank E. Maxey, Plaintiff, ys. Marjorie fondant or If sufficient could not be haver to Martha M Stas, dated Feb «aid Court as the time and place for I Neale Maxey, Defendant, found, then out of the real property K6. 1926, and recorded on page 26 of hearing aald account and settlement , To Marjorie Neal Maxey, Defendant: belonging to said Defendant In 1-a.ne 1 book 84 of the Lane County, Oregon. 1 thereof IN THE NAME OF THE STATU County. Oregon, and being unable to mortgage records, and covering the Date of first publication September OF OREGON: You are hereby re­ following described real estate In 22, 1927. find any personal property belonging A R C H A M B E A U ’8 quired to appear and answer the com­ ALTA KING, Administrator, to said Defendant or either of them Lane Cdunty. Oregon, to-wlt: Begin- plaint filed against yon In the above W O M E N S SH O P g 28-29: O 6-13-20: upon which to levy, I have levied upon nlng at NW corner of the NWU of the entitled suit on or before four weeks Specialty DresHuiaklng SEt» of Sec: 5. T. 17 8.. R 3 W. of , ------------------------------ the following described real property .. , .. , 1 from the date of first publication of Evening D resses— Hand Made In Lane County, Oregon, to-wlt m ,N THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE this summons, or for want thereof. I» t On- (1) block two (2, D. G. Me 1 L a * ‘. ¿ i ,2 STATE OF OREGON FOR THE the plaintiff will apply to the Court for Flower« — Hats and Coats Farlnnd» Third Aild-tlon to Cottage : rods to the place of beginning. 10 COUNTY OF LANK | the relief prayed for In the complaint. Cor. Muin and Second Streets. Grove, Oregon. j acres and also beginning ai a P*lin* Katy Beers. Plaintiff, vs. Frank J. , to-wit: For a decree dissolving the Phone 166 W Now, therefore. In the name of the ^<6 «‘balna S. of the NW corner of the . Defendant. , marriage contract now existing be- State of Oregon. In cpmpllance with -J» M o f / b e 8114 of Sec. S, T. 17 8„ | SUM M O NS • 'tw een plaintiff and defendant and for said execution, and In order to satisfy 1 R- 3 n of Willamette Meridian. •- an absolute divorce trem defendant. said Judgment, Interest, coots and dis- thence run E. 17.50 c hains; S. 14.26 To Frank J. Beers, the above named This summons is published once hursemeuts. and tha coats and ex l ph«*ns; W. 17.60 chains. N 14 25 Defendant: each week for four consecutive weeks pense» of and upon this wrIL I will on 'chains to the place of beginning. 36 i n THE NAME OF *THE STATE Saturday the 5th day of November, acres, be foreclosed and sold to pay , o p OREGON, you are hereby required In the Springfield News, a weekly newspaper published at Sorlngfleld. 1927, at the hour of one o'clock In the said mortgage. Interest, and attorney» , 0 alpear anj answer t the complain: Lane County, Oregon, by prder of the __ _ _______ afternoon of said day, a i the south- fees. An order made and dated Set>- jiiej against you in :he a above entitled Hon. C. P. Barnard, County Judge, , west front door of the County Court tember 21. 1927. by Hon C. P. Barnard, Court and cause on or before the 10th mede on the 16th day of September, ' House, in Eugene, Lane County, Ore­ County Judge of Lane County. Oregon. da>. of November. 1927. said date be- 71», that this be e n publish- . „ „ the d a te , ir e c t s th at U H . s summons um m on, h u h lls h - iu g ________ , han _ a|s week8 . from of flr8t puW|c a t|on Septem ber 228 Main SL Residence 136 C 8t gon. offer for sale and sell for cash, d directs ^j-st publication of th's sum. ' ' at public auction, subject to redemp- ed once each for 4 successive weeks-’n o| «8 J «2M 52nd. 1927. _ tlon as provided by law, all of the ( the S»prlngfleld News, and that you an mons and herein entered of record n Ro,nH Lun A«j»°r,s^L right, title and Interest 01 said de- »nd answer «»Id complaint with and If you fall so to appear and answer Full Auto Equipment fondant Lucy Hustead, or any other ; a L decr*e ; the 21st day of September. 1927. in a meet Circuit Court of the State of Oregon 8ult wh,,re,n Tbe ^ c n , . Savings & | ™ , SU M M O N S for Lane County, made and entered j,oan Agsor|atlon. a Washington cor Tha? thl" ®?mi ons ,L8 ser,ve? To W. H. Clark and _____ Clark In the Cause wherein Laura Walker DflratiO n nlalntiffs recovered ludc- you by Publication thereof In the DR. 8. RALPH DIPPEL was plaintiff and Harold Stelnhauer, n,en. against !he defendants Emma C Springfield N ew , pursuant to an order the above named defendants: ____ IN THE NAME OF THE STATB DENTIST 8r., Harold Stelnhauer, Jr N elso n X i Ople, Harry J. Ople, E. D. Lombard ° i ,be Honorable ( . P. Barnard Judge fnr Oie" of ,he tbe Coun,y County Court Court of of ,h the State of of I OF OREGON, you are hereby required Brooks, Elisabeth Elisabeth Brooks, Brooks, Alfred Alfred I 1 am a„d Tcathertne Catherine 1 orchard for the «nm sum of e Stn,<> Walker, Malcolm Walker, Grace j , , _ _ _ _» ,,, Oregon for the C ounty.of Lane duly | to appear and answer the complaint Phong 43 Walker. Malcolm Walker, Grace i . .„ P re*’in for ,he C ounty.of Lane duly Walker, Mildred Walker and Donald I " V 168/ ?? and interest thereon at the maj e anj entered of record on th? filed against you in the above entitled First Nat'l Bank Bldg. Springfield ¡W alker were defendants at a regular T?1®,,,— 10/ , P*L,anni”? ,r.7ln , M? [Ch 24,h day of September, 1927, ordering Court and cause on or before the 10th term of »aid Court on the 20th day of I 1R' 192J d’ and for,i5le ,fu,r hei i ,h ls ««rontons to be published once day of November, 1927, said date be­ 1 September, 1927. appointing the tin | *?,n of togetner w 1th In terest, each week for six consecutive weeks ing more than six weeks from the date derslgned, R R Wells, Referee with ' Jb*LeoI"lla tot? e1 JJl* :|n the Springfield News and that the of the first publication of this sum­ nn order to sell the following des f1,0“ J®1»’ 2«, 1827, M d for the further dat(> , hp publtcatlon W| U b„ mons and herein entered of record " ik j r . eH . t ? -t’ 8Um of *200-00 »* Attorneys fees, to- fh , 9th . , Sentemher 19’ 7 MAX STOVE WORKS I r^ ,''..wr''a aPLn?*, 7 b.el"n*in* I llether with costs' of sa.u suit in the “L the date of the last o X i'c n fo n and if you fail so to appear and answer plnlntlff and defendant« 4n fee «Intple 1 Rum of jjg go .w h ich Judgment was en- ,,, , fh lnth hinvemhor for want thereof the plaintiff will Buya, Sells, Repairs and and a« ten an t. In common. .Ituated ! ro|,ed and j 0( keted in the office of ? " 1- be the 10,h da> of Noyember' apply to the Court for the relief in Exchange« Its complaint against you demanded In Lane County, Oregon, to-wlt: the County Clerk of said County on the p o a v k a n p p t ip A tto m o v fnr Stoves, Runges and Heaters Beginning at the northeast corner of 20th dav o{ September, 1927. and salrf p??VA, i K A DE PVB' Attornp> for and prayed for to.wit: Residence, Springfield. Orc A Judgment against W. H. Clark for section 14, in township 18 south range . execution to the directed comm andingi Mitin near Mill St. the sum of 12959.00 and Interest there­ I 3 west of the W illamette Meridian In | n:e ln the name of the State of Ore- * , S. 29: O. 6. 13, 20, 27: N. 3. 10: on from the 30th day of November, I-ane County. Oregon, and run thence g<)ni |n order to satisfy said Judgment, 1926, at 8% per annum, and the south 13 chltln» more or less, to the interest, attorneys fees, costs of suit further sum of «110.54 taxes paid by middle of Berkshire slough, thence and at.cr„ |ng costs, to sell the follow NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. plaintiff together with Interest there­ southwesterly along the middle of • jna described real property, to-wlt: FOREST EXCHANGE on at 60r per annum from September said slough 6 50 chains more or less, | The w est fifty three (53)’ feet of Lot No. 017633 15th. 1927. until paid, and «350 as to a point 4.916 chains north of the 1 t-,„i. north line of the Washington L. Riggs I Sbt <6’ ,n B,ock Se'®n (7), of All kinds of gravel for con­ attorneys fees and the costs and dis­ Departm ent of the In te rio r, United crete or road work. We I don a tlon land claim No. 40. thence mount, an addition to the City of E u -: States Land Office, Roseburg, Ore­ bursements of the suit. A Decree foreclosing tBe mortgage gon. Septem ber 22, 1927. south 89* 33’ west parallel to the north j gene. Lane County, Oregon. make a specialty of crushed _________ ____ _ _ 41 ___________ I line of said claim No. 40. 66 chains I Now therefore In the name of the | NOTICE is hereby given that Calvin of the Plaintiff and ordering the real rock and rock sand. Bunk­ tri the past llni iif the Southern Pact-I s,n ,p of Oregon, In compliance with W. Yates, of a.tedd, Oregon, filed ap- property covered thereby sold by the ers at foot of Main on Mill l'i lt.'llrend Company's right of way. | 8R,d execution and order of ■-ale and i plication No. 017633, under the Act of sheriff of Lane County, Oregon, and Ih ttii' northwesterly along the east ' in order to satisfy said Judgment, in March 20, 1922 (42 Stat., 465) to ex- the proceeds of the sale he applied street. of N*4, Section 10, Tp in satisfaction of said Judgment and line of said right of way to the west terest, attorneys fees, costs of suit an.l change the HENRY W. CHASE. Prop. for anv deficiency which may remala lino of lot three of section 14. said accruing costs. I will on Saturday the 15 S., Range 9 W est, W. M„ rontain- township nnd range, thence north on 22nd t i t t y of October, 1927, at the hour ing 160 acres within the Siuslaw that the plaintiff have Judgment west line of said lot to a point 136 of one o'clock in the afternoon of said | National Forest In exchange for tlni- against the defendant W. H. Clark. That this summons Is served upou feet south of the northwest corner dav, at the Southwest front door of i her from the SW 1-* SW%, See 21. thereof, thence enst 600 feet, thence the County Court House In E ugeni, I Tp. ft 8., Range 6 East, Will Mer., you by publication thereof In the Springfield News pursuant to an order north 136 leet to the north line of said Lane County, Oregon, offer for sale within the Santlam National Forest of the Honorable C. P. Barnard Judge section 14. thence east on section ..nd spI| for (.„„h, af public auction, Oregon. JBWRLER The purpose of this notice is to of the County Court of the State of line to tho place of beginning, all . »uhject (o redemption as provided bv Repairing a Specialty I being In T,ane County, State of Oregon law, all of the right, title nnd interest allow all persons claiming the lands Oregon for the County of Lane duly I will sell the snlil land In one body, of the defendants Emma C. Ople and selected, or having bona flde objec­ made and entered of record on the Springfield, Oregon j or In lots or parrels of land to stilt Harry ,T. Ople. her husband, E. D tions to such application an oppor- 24ih dav of September, , j 27, ordering I oureh'isers, In the way to obtain the Lombard nnd Catherine Lombard, his , tunlty to file their protest with the this summons to be published onco In nt ' -'ce nt ruhlle auction, nt the wife Waltoi -Bushong Lumber Com Register of the U. S. Land Office at each week for six consecutive weeks In the Springfield N ews nnd that the Southw est fro” ’ door of the Cotirl puny, n corpratlon, and L. M. Travla. ! Roseburg. Oregon. M. G. HOGE date of the first publication will be Any I House In Eugene. Lnno County, Ore- In e . a corporation, and all persons . , such protests . or -, objections September 29th, 1927. and the date of [gon, nn Saturday, the 22nd day of claiming bv, through or tinder them Attorney-at-Law ’a on, fl p '? ’ ‘ s, ° m.r% ' Oetoher 1927, between t..e hours of or nny or either of them ln and to thirty days from he date of the fhrst the last publication tvlll he the 10th Practise U. S. and State j nine o'clock A M. and four o'clock snlil prem ises publication of this notice, beginning day of November, 1927. FRANK A. DE PUE, Attorney for , 1'. M of said day, to-wlt, nt one I , ™ X , « : : ^ * Courts OR' 8hertff ° f 8 “& b^ 1 ’cRAWFORD," Act'ing Plaintiff. Residence Springfield. Ore- ' o'clock P. M. Terms ensh In hand. Eugene. Oregon jg o n R. R. WELLS Referee 8 22-29:0 6.13-20: R* 8 29 : 0 M3-20-27: xb, 3t>, 2’. . N. 3, iO; 8. 39. u . 8 22-29: O 6-13-20: 6TT RESULTS) The beat unhreakublu watch cry»- UI«. Any ■ha|»' or »Ui, lloyt » Htnre 313 Main Hi reet. tí. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Nolle« la hereby given thM the un dcrslgttetl Althu E Mellon him been up. pointed Ail» InUtratrtx of the Minto nf Bit M Helloit, deceased, by the County t'nu.i of I .mu. County, Oregon. ■ ml nil person» having claml» agaln»t uiilil onlnte will present Hmm. duly verified a . by law required at the luw office of Whitten ttwafford. SIR Tif­ fany Bldg, Eugene. Oregon, on or be­ fore alx mouth« from rirat publics lion of thia nollre Holed nnd Drat published Hcpt 22nd 1927 ALTHA E HKLIXIN, Admlnlalrn trig WHITTEN SWAFFORD, Ally. 8. 322« O 6-13-86 NOTICK FOR PCRI.ICATION, FOREST EXCHANGE No 017« 34 Department of tho Interior, United State Land Office, Roeeburg, Ore- , gon, September 16. 1«27. NOTICE la hereby given that Walter E. Yatee, of Rrownavllle, Ore gon. filed Application No OI7«34, un der the Act of Marrh 20, 1922 (42 Slat , 4851 I o egebunge the Sty NK'4, NH SEt». Sec. 22, Tp If. 8 , R unge a W , Will Mer. containing l«0 acrea within the Klualaw National Forest, In exchange for timber trom th<> NW>„ HW'-i. Section 22 Townahlp 9 8 , Range 6 East, Will Mer , contain­ ing 40 acrea, within the Santlam National Forest. The purpose of thia notice la to allow all persons d .ilm iiig the landa selected, or having bona flde objec­ tions to such application an opportun­ ity to die their proteat wlih the R eg ta ter Of Hi" U H I.und Office at Roseburg, Oregon Any such protest or objections muxt he died In thia office within thirty daya from the date o f the drat publi­ cation of thia notice, beginning aep- tember 32. 1927. Non coal. ROBERT E CRAWFORD, Acting Regtater. 8 22 29: O «13-20: a B U S IN E S S D IR E C T O R Y HEMSTITCHING 5c a yard 533 Mrs W K BARNKLL D Street, Phone 106-W Or leave orders at Farmers Exchange LUBKE SECOND HAND STORE 129 5th Street Why go to Eugene When you can Buy It Cheaper In Springfield? Phone 130M L ife , Automobils and Fire Insurance CARL A. WYMAN Resident Agent 714 D Street. Springfield, Oregon Res. Phone 160 Plano Moving SPRINGFIELD TRANSFER WILLIS BERT8CH, Prop. OFFICE AT SERVICE GARAGE 633 Main Street Successor to Sutton Transfer Offlice Phone 43 Res. Phone 3 -Carl H. Phetteplac«, M. D. Qeneral Practice, 8peclal Attention to Obetetrlce and Diseases of chil­ dren. First National Bank Building Springfield, Oregon WM. G. HUGHES F IR * ANO AUTO INSURANCB NOTARY PUBLIC Office at FIRST NATIONAL BANK •prlngfleld, Oregon ■---------------------- ------------- ;-------------- DR. N. W. EMERY OKNTfBT Sutton Bldg. Phons 20-J Raaldence Phone 153 M Springfield, Oregon Oeueral Law Practice Attorney-at-Law City Hall Building Springfield, Ore. FRANK A. DE PUE . A TTO R N E Y AT LAW NOTARY PUBLIC Mutton Building W. F. Walker Funeral Director SPRINGFIELD 6RAVEL CO, D. W. Roof I. M. PETERSON Springfield, Oregon. PAGE SEVEN n a a aa