PAGE SIX CEDAR SWAMP THURSDAY OCTOBER 20, 1 »27 THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS EUGENE MAN WOULD UNITE MISS SWEENEY TO TEACH AT UNIVERSITY H. S. CHAMBERS OF COMMERCE mainly of men who had dodged ser- vice in the great war. They »..I abundant courage. and would have shot It out with the trooper« Bui they knew nothing of gas. and they feared it with a panicky fear. Every hand clutched at the sky including the plump, tapering flgure of a rotund person with silky browu beard who stood In the foreground Every hand? Not quite A man on the wharf, protected in part by the trucks above raised his automatic with a desperate gesture and fired at the leader of the troopers. He missed But the sergeant who auswered It did not. The man on the dock clasped his arms about his stomach and fell into the shallow water. “Steady!" commanded the leader. "He's done. "Don't throw, men." Eddie Forbes ran from among the troopers, throwing ankle his gas mask as he came. "1'il get him out!" he cried For the runner who had fallen was too valuable to be drowned. It waa Scoots Ubbey. whose mishandl­ ing of a liquor truck months before bad started all his trouble. It was within a few minutea of five o'clock, closing time In the county offices, when Eddie mounted the steps of the new brick building wearily. A sense of responaibiMtey had kept him with the state police until the prisoners could be lodged in the county Jail For it had been his telephone call of the night before which had precipitated the most suc­ cessful liquor raid in the state's history. Fortunately, a troop of the state police, working on shore with motor­ cars and horses, and on the water with their fast motor cruisers, had been beating the north for rum-run­ ners. and were stationed only a few miles away. Orders from Lansing had started them during the night to the rendexvous he had selected The rain had helped them to establish them selves undetected in position to spring their coup. Now there was a letdow n, a des pairing sense of loss and failure. He was conscious that be had eaten only sketchily for two days, that he was not shaven, and that his misshapen, wrinkled ckithing had been wet by the rain, had dried upon him. and had been wet again to dry again. He wondered rather stupidly why he was going to the courthouse at all, he had no money to meet the taxes. Peter Whimple had company. Eddie found. There was the youth he had beaten up for trespass. He was sit­ ting on a straight-backed pine chair, and Nance Encell was beside him A keen young man In city clothes was tilted against the wainscoting of th- side w ai\ Eddie advanced a few steps and paused uncertainly. The stranger lowered the front 'egs of his chair and prepared to rise. His late adver­ sary scowled, but Nance smiled an said cheerily, "Hello, Eddie. Well. I see you made it, after all." Made it? He had made nothing but a mess of it. Why had he come here to be laughed at by Nance Encell and her companion, of all people? An; why was this other chap staring at him so curiously? (TO BE CONTINUED) (Continued from l“W i J) Miked lnaenaibly the atmoaphere be U Diversity of Oregon. Eugene. Oct A desire for Joint chamber of com­ u n ic lighter The mlat, tittle by little, — (Special) — Mlsa Thelma Kiuma merce directors meeting with a view Mrs. Odell In— Mrs. Joe thlell of S«weney, of Springfield, has I teen of carrying out a county wide develop­ Westfir Man In— Itoland Parker of began to di&eoSve. A cold wind came W alterville waa a visitor In Spring aelected front the school of education ment program Is expressed by J E. day. up and swept away the remnants. The Held Mouilay cloud« turned from a dreary dark of (he University of Oregon as n Shelton, newely elected president of Qo.a to Portland—Clara Jone» was gray to a lighter shade The became Ilia Returns to Jaspers—Mrs. o. W practice teacher In the University Kiigelie Chamber of Commerce a visitor in Portland ea r> this «reek Seecy patches of blue sky appeared. high school, |t Is announced by It U. 1 Idea would be to have the director* James and haby son have left for their The rain stopped. Fishes on Lake Crook— PM1 Phillips home at Jasper from the local home Moore, principal of the school of the Eugene, Springfield. Cottage "There she is!" several voices cried fished on Lake creek in the Sluslnw of Mrs. Phoebe Nelson A total of 36 seniors In the Univer­ Grove and Junction City, Chambers at once. Only a tew hundred yards country Sunday. sity are now doing practice leaching of Commerce meet collectively and at away, heading straight inshore, « a s a Burna Cuts Head—Dewey Burns I* Actual experience In teaching la ga|n regular times to work nut ways and Lorane People Hero— Mr and Mrs. reported recovered from Injuries to squat, broad beamed Ashing lug. She Frank Parrish of Lorane spent Sunday his head received In an accident last ed In this way, and graduates of the means of fuller development In loins was low in the a s te r , there was a school of education go forth to post county. In Springfield, visiting reMtlves bone in her teeth and spray dashed week at the Booth Kelly lumber mill tlons next year fully prepared for A similar orannlaatlon has saisted over her square bows. V is it At Corvallis— Mr. and Mrs. A their work. In Marlon county with good results. Hamlin on Vacation— Postmaster F. A plume of steam rose from the C PwUicord and children were visitors H Hamlin Is taking bis aunual vain The school of education alao main The Idea to bring the Chambers of carft. and a single inquiring note of over the week-end at Corvallis. tains an appointment bureau, where Comnserce Into Joint and harmonious tlon. and left early thia week for her siren rolled over the water. One schools throughout the state can ap relationship m eets with favor In Koster At Marcóla— Dr Eugene Drew, Oregon. He la allowed 10 days of the men raised a long bamboo po'e ply for experienced teachers. Mur- Springfield and II Is believed will alao Kester made a professional call tb on which was a square of white cloth, Wisconsin Man Here For Winter— iliai^JOO teachers were placed by the get a good reception In other towns Marcóla Friday. and waved it vigorously It was the Joseph Boutin, father of Mrs. Harry bureau thia year If Mr Shelton decides Io go ahead "All clear signal." Here From McQlynn— Mrs, F F M Stewart, has arrived from his home with his plans , For everything was all clear, of Molenda of McGlynn. Oregon, was a at Bayfield. Wisconsin, to spend the M arriage Licenses laau.d course The runners avuld be un winter with Mr. and Mrs. Stewart. SprlngfleM visitor Monday. molested up here in this Jumping-off Daring the past week marriage lie- * place in the barrens The tug drove Mortensen at Pleasant Hill— Dr. It McLagan At Marshfield— W C Me- enses have been Issued by the county on. The canvas which swarthed her P Mortensen made a professional call Lagan went to Murshflekl early this clerk to the following William Allen sides to a height of ten feet was being at Pleasant Hill Saturday. week to attend to business of the I.use, and Dtona Doyle, both < stripped off. It could be sebn that the Mountain States Power compauy, of field; John Hacker. I*ortland, and Deban It Better—M. J Dehan. who deck was piled high with pine boxes Violet llaw iey. Cottage Grove: Roy which he is steam superintendent. has been In the Pacific Christian hot- of bandy size They were esses of Fellows and Kula Blakley, both of pitak is much Improved and has been Returns to California— Mrs. L. M Eugene; Drvl'le Clark and Ruth Canadian liquor, hundreds of them, re­ CRYSTAL WATERS PARK dismissed, accord I rig to his phyalciau Myers of Fontana, California, slater of tailing at current quotations st one Howard, both of Cottage Grove; Uton 8*30 o’rliM'k hundred, and twenty-flve dollars per Make Sunday Visit— Mr and Mrs. Mrs. W. H. Adrian, left yesterday >n Morton. Cottage Grove, and Jean Everybody Welcome Mrs. W a r d . Eugene; Ralph Hrlrkley, case The cargo was worth a fortune. Fred Frese were Sunday visitors at the return trip to her home Gents 76c I axiles Free The skiffs put out from the dock, the home of Mr and Mrs. Harry Chase Adrian took Mrs Myers to Portland by Springfield, and Olga Erickson. Ku automobile, and there she will laky rowed briskly by two men in each gene, Warren Collingwood, and Mary at Chase Gardens. boat for California. Her sm all son. Chapman, both of Kugene A man in the bow of the tug raised Visitors from Marshfield— Mr. and who has been In Mrs Adrian's care, his hand and shouted She had come Mrs. Edgar Collins of MarshfleM were was taken with her. Inshore as far as ii was safe and. visitors Sunday at the home of Mr with the reversal of her engines, the DEPENDABLE E1JEQLAS5 SERUICE C om Out Of City— II. J Cox, presi­ and Mrs E. W Collins. Springfield forward motion ceased. The crew dent of the Lorane Timber and Mill­ gathered at the rail, removing the Visitors From Westfir— Mr. and ing company, is finding his business final lashings As the skiffs came Mrs. Walter Griffin of Westfir were so demanding that he has been forced alongside and were made fast, they Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. to spend much of his time out of the handed down the cases. and Mrs. E. W Collins, PFTOmsrgtST-— FUESIQMt SPECIALIST city, either at the mill or elsewhere The small boats came back cau­ 87S '.. tl! IU i nello nelle SI St 820 EÜQENE j Phone A'JO tiously to the dock, laden to the Has Infected Foot—A. C. l’ottlcord Offices are sll'f maintained, however, Juri use Iking— bul I do d right water's edge The waiting group has been away from his work at the ; in the bank building on Fourth street. formed a chain The cases were pass­ Booth Kelly mill due to an Infected Rev. Sykes la Honored— Honoring Rev. Gabriel Sykes and Mrs Sykes, ed from hand to hand until they t»—- ................ . ......................................»...-«v.tssasaed loot. / who have been returned to the local were piled up on the nearest truck. ¡I Visiting at Marshfield— Mr and Mrs , Methodist pastorate by the annual con­ In a few minutes the skiffs were E W. C olin s left early this week for ference, a reception was held at the empty, and were rowed to the tug Marshfield, where they will spend a parsonage late last week. A prosram again. A Eugene Bunlnesfi College training will give you the week visiting their son. E. W. Collona, of welcoming talks, response, and Two motorboats shot out from a foundation on which to build a aucceniiful career. Enroll music featured the event. Jr., and family. notch in the shoreline. Just above the today and begin with one of the new claHsen Monday. cove. High banks on either side of For full Information about our couraea. address Visitors From Noti— Visiting at the the shelter and thick, overhanging To breed ew es to lamb before they Sam Montgomery home Sunday were vegitation had effectually concealed Mr. and Mrs. R. Lowe of Noti. and are two years old la poor practice, ce- them before. The boats »’ere long, Mr. and Mrs. "Doc" Montgomery, d ares the O. A. C. extension special ■*It‘B a Good School” high in the bow and equipped with 1st in animal husbandry. Only the mother of Sam Montgomery. A. E. ROBERTS, President 992 Willamette 8t. roaring engines that sent them flying healthy, active ewes are e ,1 Telephone 666 Eugene, Oregon through the water at racing speed breeders. Listless unthrifty ewes Orval Eaton Overcome By Heat— Each was manned by a half dozen Orval Eaton, while working for the seldom produce good Iambs yonng men, in the forest-green uni­ Lorane Timber and Milling company form of the Michigan state police. late last week, was overcome by heat Every man was armed, and a machine and taken to the Pacific Christian hos­ gun thrust a ominous snout forward pital. He has completely recovered. from the bow All hands went up pn the tug and Speak At Baptist Church—Kenneth the skiffs. There was no hope. The Tobáis and Mr. Martin of the Ameri­ tug was too slow to run away and her can Sunday school union spoke Sun­ erew could not hope to stand off this day evening at the Baptist church on superior armament. The complete­ the work of their organization. ness of the surprise made the thought of organizing resistance out of the Here On Bend Trip— Mr and Mrs. question. Ray Baker and Dr. and Mrs. Saver of The crowd on the shore looked on Wendling were here Sunday en rout« the flying craft W 'h horrified amaze­ I to Bend for a few days visit. ment. The Jig was up-up most em­ phatically It wag every man for him- Mias Brattain Operated On— Miss se'f The trucks furnished them with I Ruth Brattain underwent an opera- a means of escape and they turned ! tlon at the Pacific Christian hospital frantical’y to the waiting vehicles. Monday morning. She is reported re- CARD OF THANKS They faced a skirmish line of forest i covering satisfactorily. We wish to express our thanks to green. More troopers had arisen from Returns From Springs— Mrs W. H. among the sand dunes. These were our many friends and neighbors for armed with rifles and automatica. And the beautiful flowers and the kindness Pollard returned Saturday from Kit each held a dark metal object, about ’ shown during the illness and deatn of son Springs, where she spent a week with Dr. Poüard. who Is attempting the size and shape of a gix>se-egg, in our loved one. to recover his voice during a rest at Mrs. Norval Powers. his right hand. The line was a fear­ i that resort. She reported little Im- Mr. and Mrs. Harry Powers. some one Over each head was drawn Mr. and Mrs. Harold Powers and provement In Dr. Pollard’s throat as a dull cloth bag that fitted tightly yet family. around the neck and ended in front in a sort of elephant's trunji Two e- • • staring glass disks were turn -I for­ ward like merci'vss eyes Only one man was n -t so equipped, but his mask rested < n his head, ready for adjustm< n’ He stepped for­ ward toward the huddled, doubtful booze-runners. “Gas-bombs, boys," he announced quietly, holding up his own goose-e-glg ‘‘No false moves, or—’’ He 942 Willamette St., Eug ene, Oregon. drew back his arm slightly, "And it’» a painful way to die.” The truck crews were made up Comfort and S atisfaction Are your glasses giving the comfort, and Satisfac­ tion they formerly did? If not, your eyes should be examined and g l a s s e s made according to the new perscription. Our complete examina­ tion will reveal whether your old glasses are still suited to your eyes. Your eyesight Is priceless—De­ lays are dangerous. Have your eyes examined today. Dr, Ella G. Meade O ptom etrist WATTS OPTICAL CO. No. 14 8 Ave. West Eugene, Oregon Q LD T IM E D A N C E S A T . N IC H T Dr. Rotjdl Q ick L TRAINED YOU SUCCEED EUGENE BUSINESS COLLEGE ONLY TWO WEEKS LEFT Before the Close Horsehide Vests Horae Front Leather Our Feature Value E xtra full cut and well­ shaped, 27 inches long. Of the best tanned front quarter horsehide, with a spe­ cial process finish for lasting appear- nee and wear. M ade fro m h o rse fr o n t le a th e r w h ich is five lim e s s tro n g e r ( h a i l b u t t l e a t h ­ er. O u r A n n iv e rs a ry l ea tu re I.o w P rice — $8.90 Boys' Hors.hidn Vests <— Same q u a lity m en's a t— as $G .S O the •i> w u I J i» i > L jL J tú Westinghouse Automatic Electric Range O ver 3 0 0 if Ranges have been installed; not many left! Balance in 18 monthly payments. Com­ pletely Installed in your home. No ad­ ditional charges. A liberal allowance for your old fuel range. you, too, want the best buy ever offered ACT today. M o u n i ^ un S tates P ower C ompany 4